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Chapter 28 Production and Production Center

Chapter 28 Production and Production Center

"Among my characteristics as a territorial citizen, I have excellent research capabilities. We have very good basic conditions in this regard. However, let's not talk about the lack of personnel in the early stage and the outstanding importance of force. Let's just talk about it. How to find and tap research-oriented talents is a big problem - there is no detailed information such as wisdom or physical strength on the leaders, there is only an overall score." Shen Fei said.

This is indeed something he is more worried about.

Even in modern society, how to discover a person's talent is still a difficult problem.

Especially now that we are already short of manpower.

Obviously, it is not possible to use the method of "all employees learn and then screen". It would waste too much energy and time, and is not practical in today's time of shortage of manpower.

But then, Li Tingyu gave Shen Fei a surprise.

"Leave this to me." Li Tingyu was very confident, even raising her chin slightly, "In my world, the corresponding spells have already been constructed, and it can even be determined when the child is born. The talent is accurate in more than a dozen directions. After I took power, I optimized the number and types of such spells. Even if there is a lack of corresponding magic weapons, it is enough to make preliminary identifications."

He is indeed a legendary internal affairs hero!

While Shen Fei was overjoyed, he also felt more and more that choosing the internal affairs type as his first hero was indeed the right choice.

She also sighed a little in her heart.

"Then we really need to take a look first." Li Tingyu nodded slightly, "The workshop is a new building, so being the first to use it is likely to affect the level of the next building."

It is required to reach toughness level three or above.

At least there are no more weird names.

"These are weapons and equipment?" Shen Fei was indeed a little surprised.

This time, the things that popped up were much more normal.

Then click on the "Judgment Tombstone" at the back, which directly requires "Level 4 Masonry". In addition, there is also a pre-research requirement of "Level 3 Alchemy".

Even the materials required are only "ordinary large stones" and first-level "basic stone tools" research.

The epic workshop building was also completed at this time.

They are "common", "advanced", "rare" and "epic".

Judging from the introduction, the ordinary stone sword seems to be just an ordinary stone sword.

It is very similar to the current style of the institute.

Shen Fei had not been here before, and there was nothing at that time, but now he saw that there were indeed several more options.

With his status as the Lord of the World coupled with his ability and character, Li Tingyu even felt that she and others might be the luckiest among all the heroes in this lord system.

——Territory Creation.

But without industry, how can we match the rapidly increasing population and rapidly developing territories?

But in the end, it looks like some equipment.

"Workshop, workshop" Shen Fei muttered these two words silently, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, "I understand, let's go to the workshop!"

But there are only things like "ordinary stone swords" and "ordinary stone manuscripts".

The highest level is obviously the research institute level.

Although he did not think that anyone would be able to obtain a legendary research institute before him, but even if he did, there was no need to worry about someone being able to produce a legendary creation in a short period of time.

It is necessary to study and study "Level 3 Masonry".

For example, "Dern's Amulet", "Judgment Tombstone", "Gladiator's Breastplate"...

In an instant, it was like a flash of light flashing through Shen Fei's mind.

She can definitely confirm her position in the heart of the Lord before the next domestic hero appears!

"By the way, there is also extraordinary technology. You should also grasp it. I am actually inclined to order meditation next." Shen Fei continued, "But next, I still have to go to the 'Territorial Creation' room. What's inside The things should be related to the workshop."

Shen Fei has no idea what this is now, and can only guess that it is a follow-up research option for the stone category.

The first is research needs.

Shen Fei came to the end, and some names appeared that were quite special at first sight.

Shen Fei thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

She and Shen Fei came to the second room of the institute together.

It is precisely because he has founded a company that he can understand how important strategic talents are.

There is also full energy in the depth of his eyes.

"Yeah, there's no hope for the epic level." Shen Fei suddenly felt a headache.

"I will definitely not disappoint my lord." Li Tingyu smiled sweetly.

That requires efficiency and industry!

Building an industry from scratch is a hell-level difficulty for any lord.

Suddenly many lists popped up.

"In this case, in the future, you will be responsible for establishing the territory's own scientific research institution." Shen Fei decisively delegated power, "As for the research selection of the institute, I will also look at your opinion first."

"The ones listed above should be epic territorial creations related to the stone category." Li Tingyu seemed to have understood the meaning of these options. She chuckled, "My Lord, this is not actually a Bad news, since we can’t even choose the option of epic territory creation, then even if someone can obtain a legendary research institute, I’m afraid they won’t be able to build these things.”

He simply clicked on the "normal" level.

The lord's caution is actually the luck of these heroes and the people.

"Epic Stone Sword", "Epic Stone Shield", "Epic Stone Draft", "Epic Stone Armor".

These are just the basics.

Don't underestimate these decisions that may not yield much results in a short period of time.

Yes, a lot!

Coming from modern times, he should understand that even if the production of some things seems very simple or even crude, when the demand is large enough, even simple things cannot be simply mass-produced.

In addition, special stones are required for production.

Over time, the accumulation of these details will evolve into huge advantages.

If the lord makes a hasty decision, it may affect the acquisition of new buildings.

Then I clicked on the "Epic Stone Sword", and the conditions required for research and study clearly popped up.

It is also an unfamiliar word.

At first, he thought that territorial creations referred to defensive towers and the like.

Shen Fei directly clicked on the epic.

"If it's really just ordinary, then what's the purpose of this thing?" Shen Fei frowned slightly.

This is a very simple-looking stone house.

"Maybe it's a large enough amount?" Li Tingyu put forward her own opinion.

Shen Fei took a look at the building information.

【Grade 1】


[The workshop building is the production and production center of the territory and is crucial to the development of the territory.]

(End of chapter)

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