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Chapter 282: Deterrence in the small world

Not being able to reach the ground is the worst situation for the rat people.

Because although it is relatively safe underground and there are not many enemies such as ferocious beasts and monsters, there is also a lack of enough food underground.

At least not enough to feed such a huge tribe of ratmen!

Skaven usually forage for food on the ground.

And now, they can't even reach the ground!

Not to mention attacking that strange city that suddenly appeared, there wasn't even enough food!

"Send all the tribesmen out!" The rat-man tribe leader already felt some kind of fear of the unknown, and even the orders he gave were somewhat out of place.

Sending out all the Rat Men is a very dangerous act.

This means that as long as the troops are concentrated, there is a chance to disperse and eliminate a large number of ratmen.

And Xiao Yu did so unceremoniously.

Although the king's order is to subdue the rat people, it is not a gentle way, but a military conquest. After the conquest, he will also have the status of a slave. This means that it is not that he cannot be killed, but he must kill so hard that the rat people are afraid!

Xiao Yu can naturally control the speed.

He gathered a large number of underground citizens and lurked outside a large formation somewhere. When some rat men came to investigate, he directly used the large formation as a barrier to launch a surprise attack.

The battle underground is even more brutal than on the ground.

Because all the ratmen could only huddle in the narrow passage, facing the raids and ambush that the territorial citizens had prepared for, and they did not even have a chance to hide.

And the "Mountain God", a territorial citizen, played an even greater role.

Just by controlling the earth, the tunnel can be easily collapsed, and with the power of the entire earth, large swaths of rat-men can be squeezed into pulp.

He couldn't even scream.

Then go to the next place immediately.

Not long after, the exploratory force he sent out was attacked by a surprise attack, and news of the heavy losses reached the Ratmen chief.

And this most powerful among the rat men, even though he didn't care about this level of sacrifice, he still felt great fear.

Because this means that this sudden huge power is indeed someone targeting them!

What frightened him even more was that all the exploration results showed that their entire rat tribe had been completely sealed in an area about a hundred kilometers in diameter. No matter which direction they went, they could not break through at all.


"This is going to trap us to death!"

No matter how timid the Ratman clan leader is, he understands at this moment that he must try hard.

He did not choose the location where he was attacked, but chose a safe area.

Take action yourself!

For a ninth-level ratman, it only takes about ten minutes to reach dozens of kilometers underground, but for safety, he brought all the strong men in the tribe with him.

Such unabashed movement was naturally felt by Xiao Yu.

"Everyone, prepare for the impact of the Rat King!" His notice spread far away in the communication channel.

Xiao Wang and others also heard it.

Kong Xin and other lords were even more focused one by one.

Until, they felt that the whole earth seemed to roar!

Then... there is no more.

After a while, the lords who were looking at each other couldn't help but make a sound.

"That's it?"

A ninth-level rat king, coupled with the vigorous counterattack of a group of rat-human warriors, is that all?

Not to mention the lords, the Owl King was also silent at this moment.

He could feel that the strength of this Rat King must be stronger than him!

This time, the impact was not just on the Rat King, but on the entire tribe’s strong men!

However, it still cannot shake this huge force underground.

You must know that the Dark Night Kingdom is only a group of disciples of the third or fourth generation. Except for the family member named Xun Zhen, there is probably not even one person with the same strength as him!

But it is this group of people who are able to mobilize and control such a huge force.

Xiao Wang didn't know what formation was, but he was deeply shocked by it!

However, the real shocker was the Rat Man.

It is true that he cannot fight against the entire huge force, but just this thin blockade in front of him cannot break through?

"Attack, attack with all your strength!" The Rat King ordered while launching an attack frantically.

The rat tribe is not a monster. Strictly speaking, like humans, they are a race that was born with wisdom as a whole, but they do not have the powerful characteristics of the monster that can control ferocious beasts.

However, the rat people embarked on the path of spiritual practice before humans did.

They lived underground for a long time. After a long time, a powerful extraordinary force was naturally born in their bodies.

This power not only strengthens their bodies, but also brings them closer to the earth, and their power underground can also be enhanced to a certain extent.

Although they have not reached the level of "supernatural powers" like monsters, the rat people also arrogantly believe that the earth is their world.

Until now.

They were completely blocked in their "world" by a seemingly thin barrier.

Boom boom boom!

There were continuous beeping sounds.

The Rat King and all the Rat Men were attacking frantically.

Their knowledge is naturally not enough for them to understand what "formation" is and what "formation eye" is.

Behind this seemingly thin barrier is the power of the entire formation!

The so-called restraint formation is exactly what it is.

Therefore, after testing the Rat Man's attack limit, everyone understood that the outcome of this war was already clear.

The Ratmen had already been completely defeated before they even took the initiative to launch an attack.

This is the role of foundation.

King Xiao observed the various formations for three full days. During these three days, he did not drink a sip of water, eat a sip of food, or take a break. It was obvious that he was doing something.

A difficult decision.

Three days later, the decision was finally made.

He took Si Qingyu with him and took the initiative to find Xunzhen.

"I wish to have an audience with your king."

At this moment, the Xiao Wang was very down-to-earth, both in his words and in his demeanor.

Not as strong as the second generation disciples at all.

Because he has completely understood the power of the Kingdom of Dark Night and its endless and incredible methods.

"It seems that you have made a decision." Xunzhen also laughed, "In my opinion, your decision is naturally very correct, but this kind of thing still has to be decided by yourself."

"I only have a few decades to live." King Xiao shook his head.

"That's not necessarily the case." Xunzhen said casually, "It's difficult for you to improve your strength, but for us, it's very simple. Whether it's a more powerful practice technique or a treasure that can quickly improve your strength, as long as it's

If you can pay the corresponding value, you will have a chance to get it - your status is different from these rat people. This is the preferential treatment given by His Majesty because you are both a human race and relatively simple, so you must cherish it."

"..." King Xiao did not speak, but his eyes were a little lost in thought.

And his application for an audience with Shen Fei quickly reached Shen Fei.

However, Shen Fei was not in a hurry to meet.

Even if the sooner we get these five million people, the better it will be for the development of the territory, but at this time, there is no need to rush.

He probably delayed it for about three days.

In the past three days, the Ratmen have tried all kinds of methods, including dispersing all the Ratmen to different places and launching attacks at the same time. This is indeed an effective way to face the large formation, but unfortunately, The rat people lacked sufficiently precise timing tools, which directly reduced the effectiveness of this seemingly good method. Xiao Yu led the lords to easily control it.

Even during the rest period, another raid was launched, causing the ratmen to suffer heavy losses at once.

This is a complete massacre without any mercy.

This also gave King Xiao a deeper understanding of the Dark Night Kingdom's operating style.

But this is not a bad thing.

At least in his opinion, this shows that the Kingdom of Dark Night has enough courage to face its enemies.

As a person in power, only with such courage can we truly protect the people.

Therefore, when he was actually summoned by Shen Fei, this second-generation disciple with a very high status among the human race was actually a little excited.

In his heart, Shen Fei's status was still not comparable to that of his master, but this king's influence on human destiny even exceeded that of Martial Ancestor!

The King Xiao showed great respect.

Even before the formal summons, I had already showered and changed clothes.

Until a certain moment, a dazzling and sacred light shone in front of him. Two extremely beautiful angels with wings of light emerged in the light. The King Owl was extremely shocked. Comparing the strength of the two angels, this difficult The described sacred feeling was the first time he felt it!

This is a power that transcends language, transcends cognition, but seems to be above everything. Even animals without any sense will subconsciously rise to worship and obey!

And under such power, all preparations of the Xiao King seemed to have disappeared.

Because he suddenly realized a possibility that had been ignored before.

——The strength of the King of Dark Night may not be what he expected.

Until now, no one has truly seen the power of the King of Dark Night. The only chance to witness his powerful methods was the terrifying power of destroying the entire army of flying beasts in one breath. But in just that one performance, the King of Dark Night Will his strength really be what he guessed?

That is a level that even Martial Ancestor cannot achieve!

But at this moment, there was no time for Xiao Wang to continue thinking. In the palms of the two angels, ripples appeared in the air, and a space door suddenly appeared in front of him.

The King Xiao exhaled slowly.

Step by step, I entered.

After passing through the ripples, his eyes suddenly opened up, and what appeared in front of him was a "palace" covered with vines.

That's right, it's a palace.

Layers of green vines covered most of the places in sight, and many areas were completely surrounded by vines. It seemed that some taller and more mysterious buildings could be seen in farther places, but the King Xiao's eyes were completely captivated by the sight. This beautiful, simple, yet luxurious "palace" completely attracted me.

Yes, he could naturally see that this "palace" was still under construction.

However, what he could feel was that there were layers of powerful forces in the air that were circling and rotating around this "palace" in a certain pattern. This force was so powerful that it was even stronger than what he had seen before. The power seen in City Six that easily restrained the rat tribe is even more powerful!

This kind of power is even unprecedented.

In the eyes of Xiao Wang at this moment, this place seems to be the center of the entire world!


Even with the determination of Xiao Wang who has lived for hundreds of years, he swallowed his saliva subconsciously at this time, because the scene in front of him completely exceeded his expectations!

However, he still had to take steps.

Until, just as he entered the courtyard of this "palace", he saw the man sitting on the main seat.

At the moment of witnessing it, King Xiao felt as if he had received a huge shock!

Powerful, so powerful!

The King Xiao even suspected that what he saw was not a man, let alone a human being, but the world itself!

He could even clearly feel that the extremely huge power was surrounding this "person" like a docile and well-behaved pet. This power even made it impossible for him to look directly at him. When he didn't even react, he Already lowered his head.

He can guarantee it.

As long as this power leaks even slightly, he will not only lower his head, but even kneel on the ground in an instant! ωωw..net

Who said that this king had only just embarked on three months of spiritual practice?

If this is the level that can be reached in three months, then the entire world has already fallen into the hands of His Majesty the King!

Sweat was even breaking out on King Xiao's forehead.

All plans, all intentions, all came to nothing because of the terrifying strength of His Majesty the King.

He couldn't even speak a word.

As for Shen Fei, who was sitting in the main seat, looking at Xiao Wang's reaction, he understood that this time the "shock plan" was successful.

That's right, he naturally deliberately introduced Xiao Wang into the small world to meet him.

Within the small world, no matter whether you are level nine, ten, ten or higher, as long as you are not able to fight against the entire small world, you cannot be Shen Fei's opponent.

Because here, Shen Fei's strength cannot be described by just one level at all - he is the only master of this world!

There is no place more suitable for intimidation than a small world.

"I already know your purpose of coming." Shen Fei's words sounded at this moment, directly carrying great power and penetrating into the heart of Xiao Wang, "But I will not agree, nor will I allow, the current treatment of all human beings, This is my greatest kindness."

Yes, the reason why King Xiao wanted to meet with Shen Fei was not only to express his surrender and join, but also to discuss the conditions.

This chapter has been completed!
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