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Chapter 290: Use of building upgrade coupons

Finally, with a quick click, the Baiyang rice harvested this time is enough to sustain every meal for all the subjects of the kingdom for about three days.

This is an extraordinary plant!

And this is only the first piece of land. There will be a second and third piece of land later. Shen Fei did a rough calculation. According to the current planting area in the small world, plus the production efficiency after comprehensively increasing the growth rate, If it were really liberalized and supplied, it would be barely enough to ensure that the entire kingdom would use this extraordinary food as normal food.

This undoubtedly has a huge influence on the growth of the kingdom's strength.

And it can be maintained forever.

Even though the number of territorial citizens will increase, the area of ​​the small world will also continue to grow, and it will grow faster and faster.

The current diameter of the small world has exceeded ninety kilometers, and the daily diameter growth has reached 1.9 kilometers.

This means that in a few days, the diameter of the small world will exceed one hundred kilometers.

And the land utilization rate is extremely high.

More than 70% of the area is used to grow various extraordinary plants.

After all, the growth of extraordinary plants is also beneficial to the small world itself. This is not a unilateral absorption, but a growth system that grows together and benefits together.

However, after thinking for a moment, Shen Fei also felt that he could not provide too much at once.

Output is one thing, but providing too much at once will seriously affect the economic balance.

You can put more Baiyang Spirit Rice into the Ten Thousand Medicine Spirit Pond to exchange it for more efficient and powerful Ten Thousand Medicine Spirit Water, and then start to prioritize the supply of the people in the small world, and then gradually increase the supply in the kingdom market. Reduce prices and increase the strength of other lords in the kingdom at a slower pace.

"Just tell Li Tingyu what you mean, she should make arrangements." Shen Fei finally became the hands-off shopkeeper again.

In fact, as the kingdom gradually grows, there are more and more things going on. Even if Shen Fei only maintains basic attention, just looking at the reporting documents piled up from all aspects is already a considerable workload.

That is to say, as his level and strength continue to increase, his brain power and efficiency will also increase accordingly. Otherwise, he would not be able to relax at all.

But this is also normal.

There are two different things between turning away from a shopkeeper and not understanding anything.

And when word of this good harvest reached Li Tingyu, this serious Prime Minister was even happier than Shen Fei.

He even took time out of his busy schedule to return to the small world and report in person.

"My Lord, among the heroes recruited this time, there is an alchemy master named Renesi Kaplan." Li Tingyu stood in Shen Fei's study, her brows seemed to be filled with joy, "This knowledge is coming soon After arriving in the world of the heavens, there will actually be some shortcomings, so I didn't introduce it to the master before, but there is still no problem in designing some relatively simple and efficient potions. I have asked him to work with another elixir master. Yaohe cooperates with Baiyang rice and Wanyao Lingshui to design a drug that can accelerate the improvement of strength using materials such as Baiyang rice and Wanyao Lingshui. As soon as the first-generation finished product is released, it can be immediately put into industrial refining, and then into the kingdom’s market.”

"Has the shortage of manpower in the kingdom become so urgent?" Shen Fei saw something different in the joy shown by Li Tingyu.

Li Tingyu's smile seemed to be stunned for a moment.

A hint of helplessness soon appeared on that flawless face.

"It's more serious than what was stated in the last report, because the current development situation in various cities is worse than expected." She said softly.

This was quickly followed by a more detailed explanation.

Five days have passed since the city was built.

In the past five days, many territorial residents have been arranged to the newly built city one after another, and then began to explore the resource points outside.

Resource points not only include various mineral resources, but also include "wild monster" resources, extraordinary plants, and extraordinary treasure resources.

And this requires large-scale exploration.

But I don't know if it's a coincidence or a matter of luck. Among the sixteen newly built cities this time, ten of them are surrounded by difficult enemies.

Maybe it's a dense collection of ferocious beasts, maybe it's a powerful demonic beast, maybe it's a race like rat men.

Of course, it's just difficult, but not very powerful.

However, the kingdom's subjects are scattered among these thirty-six cities, and the number of subjects in each city, including its strength, is limited.

If you encounter a strong enemy, you can still concentrate your forces to clear it out. However, the situation in these cities is that they are not strong, but they are numerous.

"In this case, there are two considerations. One is that we have left the original remote area of ​​the desert and entered an area with a higher extraordinary level and richer materials. The second consideration is that we have been secretly plotted by some 'enemies'

Targeting, maybe to interfere with our development speed, maybe just to test our methods and deepen our understanding." Li Tingyu said at the end.

She is indeed very good in internal affairs management.

In such a short period of time, it was possible to manage such a rapidly expanding kingdom in an orderly manner, and even maximize development efficiency.

The departments with clear division of labor, including the lords who are rapidly growing and becoming mature, are all manifestations of Li Tingyu's ability.

However, even a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

The strength of the kingdom lies here.

Faced with such a situation, Li Tingyu had no good solution.

"Even if the development progress of these sixteen cities is hindered, relying solely on the resources around other cities will be enough to exploit them for a while." Shen Fei frowned slightly.

"Indeed, just considering the transportation cost, mining nearby can improve efficiency." Li Tingyu explained.

"So if we can develop resource points near the new city, we should do our best to do so." Shen Fei understood, but after thinking for a moment, he smiled casually, "In that case, just develop it normally. If there is really an enemy behind this

If we use other methods, it will not be as simple as that. Our current development policy is to properly demonstrate our strength without going too far."

"I understand." Li Tingyu also smiled and nodded.

With Shen Fei's words, she knew what to choose.

Although large-scale wars can lead to a one-time bumper harvest, there is currently no shortage of wild monster resources, and even Shen Fei can maintain a certain extraction efficiency.

And too fierce a war will also cause sacrifices.

In previous wars of this magnitude, although the kingdom had achieved a complete victory, a very small number of lords still died on the battlefield. This was also an inevitable risk in pursuing greater interests.

Therefore, as long as development can still maintain a high speed, development should still be the main focus.

"In addition, you haven't given any suggestions on the use of that legendary upgrade coupon yet?" Shen Fei suddenly remembered this matter again.

The previous use of the legendary building upgrade coupon made Shen Fei somewhat hesitant, so he posed this question to the "cabinet" members.

But until now, an accurate reply has not been given.

"We did discuss it for a while, but we just didn't have a unified answer." Li Tingyu's expression was slightly strange.

"Oh?" Shen Fei suddenly became interested.

This seems to be the first time.

Generally speaking, the opinions of cabinet members are highly unified.

After all, the current development of the kingdom seems to be huge, but to these people, it is still nothing.

It's like asking a group of "prime ministers" who manage a big country to suddenly manage a small county. Basically, they can see clearly.

"Because we have different divisions of labor." Li Tingyu pursed her lips and explained to Shen Fei, "For example, I focus more on upgrading the nine-layer refinement tower. An extra training building can speed up the growth of the citizens. A-22 focuses on upgrading magic crystal mines, adding a legendary experience pool, which can also speed up the growth of the master's strength. As for Kuang Tianzhi, he focuses on upgrading military-type buildings, that is, automated floating cannons. He now frequently The ground used aerial cannons to show a 'miracle' in Industrial World No. 1."

"So, Sheng Xin probably wants to upgrade the exploration base building." Shen Fei suddenly understood and couldn't help but laugh, "This is an oversight on my part."

In fact, no matter which one you upgrade, it has certain significance for the territory.

But the significance is not so great that it is absolutely necessary.

In this case, it is reasonable for heroes to focus on choosing buildings that are more beneficial to their work or that follow their own hearts.

For example, as the steward of A-22, Shen Fei must be given priority.

Faced with the pressure that the kingdom currently lacks enough strong men, Li Tingyu would consider training buildings, which is normal.

"In this case, let me make the decision and upgrade the aerodynamic cannon. No need to worry." Shen Fei made a decisive decision.

"Yes." Li Tingyu smiled and nodded.

There is really no need to worry.

The reason why Shen Fei decided to raise the aerial cannon was also very simple - there was not yet a legendary offensive special building in his current territory.

Since the aerial cannon is used more frequently, choose this one for upgrade.

At the moment, with nothing else to do, Shen Fei directly took out the upgrade coupon and chose to use it on the aerostatic cannon.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he used an upgrade coupon on a special building found in a treasure chest.

I don't know if it will be the same as I expected.

If the upgraded building is a completely unrelated building, it must be used with caution.

Now, after completing the upgrade source crystals between the fifth-level legendary building and the epic building, blue light wraps the base of this floating turret.

The upgrade speed is very fast.

Only ten minutes later, a huge building that was about ten times larger than before appeared in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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