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Chapter 293: Second Level War State

Protagonist treatment is no joke.

Sheng Xin had submitted a detailed report the day before the meeting.

It speculated on the strength of this "enemy".

She believed that its strength would not exceed level ten.

Because if you exceed the tenth level and reach the eleventh level, you can definitely have a more efficient way of testing.

For example, destroy a city in one go.

In that emergency situation, Shen Fei would have to forcefully cheat to transfer some important lords, and the territory and kingdom would inevitably suffer certain losses.

Although this risk is still within the tolerable range, it is naturally best if it does not happen.

But precisely because it didn't happen, Shen Fei thought this was a good "activity" opportunity.

At this moment, Li San was the first to speak out.

"Lord, before the war, intelligence comes first. I think we can carry out certain disguises, such as concentrating on clearing out some of the enemies used for interference to paralyze the opponent, and at the same time concentrating the reconnaissance department to conduct detailed reconnaissance of this 'command'. Once the number and strength of the enemy can be determined, the rest will be much simpler, such as using a large formation to secretly encircle..."

Li San seldom talks so much, but this time he did explain it in more detail.

Maybe it's because Shen Fei's military quality is only average, or maybe it's because there are many outstanding generals present.

But no matter what, Shen Fei understood what he meant.

In a word, don't rush and dig the hole slowly.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Fei said:

"There are two main purposes. First, to give a stronger warning to the people behind it. Second, to restore the efficiency of resource collection as soon as possible. The first requires high efficiency and a big victory. The second requires efficiency. Between the two You can measure the balance yourself, and Shadow, Lu Jian, and Fina can all cooperate, but I request that it is best to compress the time within seven days."

"Yes!" Li San accepted the order.

In the following meeting, Shen Fei did not speak again.

But he didn't leave either.

Instead, he chose to listen.

Obviously, although some things may seem simple to say, they are not simple at all to do.

Even though the current situation is still unclear, preparations alone require cooperation from multiple departments and fields.

For example, the reconnaissance of those "interfering forces", the mobilization of lords and people, and even the mobilization of logistical resources.

This is also a symbol of the gradual formalization of the entire kingdom.

And Shen Fei really didn't know much about this aspect.

So at this moment, he stayed with a learning mentality.

The entire meeting ended up lasting several hours, and this was done while ensuring efficiency and basically no nonsense.

After the meeting ended, Shen Fei faced Li Tingyu, who was the last one left, and couldn't help but rub his eyebrows, showing a rare bitter look.

"This is just a kingdom with a population of less than 40 million, and it is already so complicated. I really don't know what it will look like when it reaches hundreds of millions or billions in the future."

He would rarely show such a posture in front of heroes. After all, this is not something that leaders should complain about to their subordinates.

But in front of Li Tingyu, Shen Fei became more and more casual.

Not just because of loyalty, but also because of his mutual understanding of Li Tingyu.

True recognition is more trustworthy and reliable than loyalty, something that can only be known with the help of the system.

Li Tingyu did not say anything to comfort her at this time. Instead, she became more serious and said, "But you are the real king of the kingdom."

Shen Fei was stunned and looked at Li Tingyu's expression, seemingly thoughtful.

But before he could speak, Li Tingyu took the initiative and said: "The king does not need to be involved in these trivial matters, but he must not understand it completely, otherwise he will not be able to truly participate in the growth of the kingdom, and gradually he will understand the current situation of the kingdom. , the ownership of the kingdom is confused... In the previous world, my brother gradually became afraid because of this."

"That makes sense." Shen Fei nodded slightly, looking at Li Tingyu's serious look, he couldn't help but smile, "Well, I'm not a lazy king. In this way, you let people change the kingdom's system, rules, and the policies of various departments. For division of labor and main responsible persons, make a detailed table... no, make an electronic dynamic table. Every change and improvement will be updated simultaneously, and I will pay attention to it regularly."

"Yes." Li Tingyu smiled slightly.

She was just a little nervous because of what happened in her previous life, but now she realized that as the lord of the world, as a king, and even as a lord, her lord was good enough and serious.

Rather, there are many shortcomings in the other side of the king - the high quality of life brought about by his lofty status.

Although two personal maids have been arranged, they are still not used to being served.

Maybe this is what really needs to be worried about.

"Go to work."

Shen Fei couldn't tell what Li Tingyu was thinking at this time. He was just thinking about one more thing in the future.

Although I said I enjoyed it, it turned out that just a few months was not enough to get used to it.

take it easy.

Shen Fei is the type who values ​​results more than process, but now, facing an unprecedentedly grand future, he has to learn to enjoy the process.

Li Tingyu turned and left, and Shen Fei continued to do his own business.

However, the impact of this high-level meeting is spreading rapidly downwards.

The first is the restriction on free teams.

Nowadays, resource collection and monster spawning battles in the kingdom are mainly divided into two types.

The first is to do it collectively in the name of the kingdom.

They are the Kingdom Legion, the Kingdom Collection Department, and the Kingdom Construction Department.

This one is safer and more stable.

The other type is in the form of a free group, allowing the lords to form teams freely.

Of course, certain conditions must be met, such as how much strength and how much harvest a lord has achieved, to be qualified to build such a team, and every lord, leader, and even the local human strongman who joins the team must be Responsible.

The advantage of this form is that there is no need to pay a high proportion to the kingdom.

They can hunt in designated locations, and after paying basic taxes, the profits can be distributed freely, even in resource collection. If they are lucky enough to obtain high-quality treasures, or kill powerful "wild monsters" , the income is quite considerable.

And the disadvantages are also very obvious.

The first is risk.

The second is instability.

Compared with the legion's organized raids, they will face a variety of situations, some of which are quite dangerous, and the benefits are also not guaranteed.

However, there are always some people who advocate adventure, and some people prefer stability, which is why this system is set up.

However, it has now entered a "second level war state".

Under this state, the entire kingdom, including these free groups, must be subject to strict control and unified dispatch.

But after this order was issued, the lords immediately understood that another war was about to begin.

Moreover, it is not just one city that has entered this state, but all cities!

All of a sudden, the lords who were temporarily restricted from traveling and had no assigned tasks were all bored. They gathered together in twos and threes and started chatting quite enthusiastically.

"This is the first time that we have entered the second stage of war."

"Fortunately, it's only Level 2. If it's Level 1, you'd have to be ready for a full retreat."

"Didn't you say there are special grades?"

"It's crazy, but I do feel that the ferocious beasts around me seem to have increased in number and become stronger. When I went to a relatively safe resource collection place to collect resources, I was attacked by level seven ferocious beasts.

We would have suffered a big loss that time if we hadn't had a level seven force hero in our group."

"It turns out I'm not the only one who feels this way."

"If you ask me, the kingdom department is still safe. We were attacked before. What happened? Direct fire in mid-air. The power of the laser cannon can kill an eighth-level ferocious beast in one blow!"

"Your collection troops are still collecting."

"That's very safe!"

"Oh, even the eighth-level ferocious beasts seem to be everywhere, so be careful."

"How can there be so many at Level 8? If they were to be so dense, those small local human towns would have been wiped out countless times. This is obviously being targeted."

"Is there still a chance to join the Kingdom Legion now? You can still make enough money by fighting!"

"It's enough to make enough money, but it's hard to say if you get killed."

"Hey, if you want to get rich, how can you not take risks? There was an unlucky guy who was killed while collecting. I heard that the group leader was punished and the entire group was disbanded. I would say, this is a bit strict."

"Strictness is nothing. Only when you are alive can you have a future. I finally hugged His Majesty the King's lap. I still want to fly with His Majesty in the future."

"That's right. When His Majesty becomes the Emperor, even if we are gatekeepers at Nantianmen, we will still be true gods!"


Basically now, the attitude of these lords towards the war is one of expectation and nervousness.

The reason for the expectation is naturally that in every battle, someone will always counterattack and the ranking will increase by leaps and bounds.

Naturally, the reason for the tension is that as the kingdom becomes stronger and stronger, these lords become more and more reluctant to live.

As some people say, as a member of the First Kingdom, basically as long as you live, you will have a future that was unimaginable in the past.

Two seemingly contradictory, but actually not contradictory thoughts filled the hearts of most lords.

Which one will take advantage and play a role will naturally depend on the guidance of the kingdom's senior officials.

For example, right now.

Just one day later, the order was passed to these lords.

"With their respective teams as the basic units, they follow the unified dispatch of the general commander of the cleaning force and are responsible for cleaning up all scattered enemy units near the resource points that have fled under the attack of the army. All harvests will be distributed according to the "Second Edition of the Free Group Regulations and Rules"!


This chapter has been completed!
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