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Chapter 296: Focus on cultivating the subjects

Shadow Blade's mood was slightly disturbed.

There is tension, excitement, and the desire to win or lose.

Even she understood that it was not that the Lord did not pay attention to the field of perception, but that there was no need to study projects in the field of perception before, so it was better to give priority to other related fields.

Extraordinary technology, combat spiritual skills, etc.

But now, such an extremely hidden enemy has appeared, which means that the Lord's attention to the Perception Lord will inevitably increase.

Shadow Blade carefully looked at the trace he had captured.

I found that it was an ordinary underground spider.

That's right, it's an extremely common kind. Maybe it's not even a ferocious beast. It's almost everywhere underground.

The size is also small, only about half the size of a basin.

"No." Shadow Blade thought in his heart, "This is not the original body."

She soon discovered that what this spider possessed was not the power that was conventionally recognized.

The reason why it feels so weak and powerful is because its body is originally covered with some weak but high-density extraordinary power.

In other words, this is very likely to be an existence similar to a clone.

Its body is somewhere else!

The enemy we faced this time could be said to be extremely cunning.

Shadow Blade recorded all the information, including the fluctuations of this unique extraordinary power, and stored it in her brain biochip in detail. After returning, she only needed to use the power of the spiritual system to

It is read out and then shared with all interstellar extraordinary citizens.

In fact, the current territorial citizen research project has not yet been thoroughly studied.

Otherwise, she would be able to upload information through the instrument at this moment.

After all, interstellar extraordinary humans cannot do without relevant equipment.

But it will take a long time to develop to that level.

At this moment, Shadow Blade could only write down the information, and then withdraw it quietly.

Relevant information was quickly transmitted to the combat conference room.

After hearing the information, the atmosphere in the conference room obviously changed slightly.

This situation is not helpless for the heroes, but it can also be considered unexpected. After all, this method has never been found in this world before, and the relevant information has never been obtained.

Shen Fei even realized that there are still many unknown situations in this world.

But he didn't speak at this time.

Instead, he looked around.

Finally, it settled on Li San.

He is the overall commander of this battle.

Li San was obviously thinking, and after noticing Shen Fei's gaze, he said directly: "Your Majesty, in this case, we must first find the specific location of the commander behind the scenes, and before that, we can't know anything about it."

There are no measures at the enemy's command location that can be easily discovered so as not to alert the enemy."

"Is there any way to find the behind-the-scenes commander who can clone himself?" Shen Fei asked.

Even he can see that this is the crux of the problem.

"Your Majesty, there are many ways." Li San did not disappoint Shen Fei. "In terms of magic, we have obtained the enemy's extraordinary power fluctuations. We can carry out blanket scanning or conduct corresponding searches. I think,

Chief Sheng should be able to give it a try."

"I can indeed give it a try." Sheng Xin nodded immediately.

As the head of the Intelligence Department and the Dark Night Secret Pavilion, she naturally has more than just management abilities.

This is an extraordinary world after all.

Therefore, she has already obtained the method of cultivating immortality that suits her from Li Tingyu, and has embarked on the path of cultivation. She also specializes in calculating heavenly secrets, and her current strength has reached level eight.

The problem is that the enemy's strength is obviously much greater than hers.

Therefore, Sheng Xin could only say to give it a try.

If the opponent does not have the corresponding means or magical powers, there is a high probability that he can find them, and at least he can narrow down a rough range.

And this is not the only way.

Li San continued: "If we cannot succeed at the level of magic, we can only use strategy. We can conduct a certain degree of testing, calculation, and monitoring. Overall, we still have a great advantage."

Obviously, even an accident of this magnitude was still firmly within Li San's control.

Therefore, they were surprised but not panicked.

In addition to the abilities of the respective heroes, what is more important is the heritage of the territory.

So many buildings, elixirs, equipment, research projects... are not accumulated in vain.

When Shen Fei saw this, he felt confident, and then began to pay attention to the accident itself.

He looked at Li Tingyu and said: "Obviously, this accident shows that our understanding of the world is still very basic, and the level of human civilization in this world is not high."

"That's true." Li Tingyu, who was sitting in a standard posture, nodded lightly at this moment and said, "However, based on what we know so far, the relationship between the various races is very scattered, there is basically no exchange of information, and they maintain a high degree of vigilance against each other. They are even hostile. Therefore, it is very difficult to collect intelligence information from other races. I have communicated with Sheng Xin on this aspect."

"It's very difficult, but not impossible." Shen Fei frowned slightly and said in a slightly more serious tone, "I don't like situations where things are out of control, especially when the time for the arrival of other kingdoms is approaching, so , even if more investment is needed, we must pay attention to this aspect - it is impossible to estimate where other kingdoms will come."

"Yes!" Li Tingyu said no more, but immediately agreed.

Regardless of Shen Fei, the king, his management of the kingdom, including his abilities during battles, are not as good as these heroes.

But he is a king after all, the lord of many heroes.

As long as he made a request and determined the key points, even if he couldn't do it, he would try his best to achieve it.

This is not harsh, this is exactly Shen Fei's rights and status as a king and a lord.

In this regard, Shen Fei had already realized during the process of establishing the company that he must show his will at the appropriate time.

What's more, this time there was indeed an unexpected new situation. It was reasonable for him to make requests and express dissatisfaction.

After the meeting dispersed, Li Tingyu directly found Sheng Xin.

"The next focus of intelligence collection must be on some non-human races and civilizations." Li Tingyu and Sheng Xin had a good personal relationship, but at this time they were talking about business matters, and they used the tone of talking about business matters, "My Lord, You have heard what I said, if you have any needs, I will fully cooperate."

"The main demand is still for manpower, especially strong manpower." Sheng Xin was not polite, "It is best to concentrate some resources and give priority to cultivating some powerful enough sentient personnel. Holy Angels also need to participate. They Able to unleash massive psychic powers through sacred links."

"In that case..." Li Tingyu thought for a moment and then said, "I will apply to use a nine-turn spiritual elixir on Shadow Blade."

"Shadow Blade?" Sheng Xin was a little surprised.

"There is indeed a hero in the kingdom who is suitable for frontline intelligence investigation. He is called Qianbianmo. However, his loyalty has not yet reached the standard, while Shadow Blade's loyalty has reached ninety-nine, and his performance has always been, The potential is very good, I believe the Lord will agree." Li Tingyu said with a smile.

"If this is the case, Shadow Blade's strength will soon be raised to level nine, or even level ten." Sheng Xin nodded slightly after hearing this.

For ordinary lords, heroes are undoubtedly more worthy of training than their subjects.

After all, heroes come with a wealth of experience.

As long as the strength is improved, the ability will soon be improved accordingly.

But the people still need to grow and experience.

However, this is for ordinary lords. For Shen Fei, even if legendary level subjects are temporarily inferior to heroes, their potential is definitely not weaker than epic level heroes.

What's more, it's just a nine-turn spiritual elixir. Although it is precious, it is nothing to the territory.

The benefits of improving the strength of Shadow Blade are also obvious.

In fact, just as Li Tingyu said, when her application report was submitted, Shen Fei only hesitated slightly before agreeing.

The worst case scenario is to upgrade the Level 4 Nine-Transformation Spiritual Pill Seal Card to Level 5, so that you can get at least two more.

He even added another sentence in his reply letter: "Make a list of key citizens to be trained, allocate resources, and cultivate top citizens."

Prior to this, the treatment of the subjects was the same.

Even people like Shen Yi, Heart Blade, and Shadow Blade did not receive any preferential treatment.

Their basic benefits are the same, and any extra benefits are rewards for their respective contributions.

But now, as soon as this reply letter is sent out, it is obviously different.

Not to mention that its strength and growth rate will be raised to the same level as the four legendary warriors who need strength most, but at least it will not have less resources than Li Tingyu, Li San and others.

This change can be said to have further elevated the status of the people on this list to the level of no less than heroes.

If other talents can keep up, it won't be long before he may truly become a member of the kingdom's top brass.

Obviously, all the citizens who got the relevant information were very excited.

Especially Shadow Blade.

The moment she got the precious Nine Transformation Spirit Pill, what emerged in her heart was not gratitude to the lord, or joy that her strength could grow rapidly, but the joy that she could finally serve the lord. The excitement of doing more is born.

Actually it's not just her.

For a long time, watching each and every powerful hero become the Lord's most trusted and most effective subordinate, most interstellar extraordinary humans hold their breath in their hearts.

After all, in their eyes, they are the real people who were born directly into the Lord's world.

This chapter has been completed!
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