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Chapter 357: The shock caused by the construction of the city

This is normal. After all, Maki was able to get this position purely because she was recruited earlier.

And within a few months after recruiting her, the territory recruited thirty legendary heroes at once, including internal affairs management types. In this case, the "work experience" of a few without major incidents is not enough. So that Maki can secure this position.

Especially her temperament is so lazy.

Under such circumstances, if I still find no way to make some achievements or win over some supporters, it is very possible that I will be suddenly replaced by Shen Fei one day.

Maki naturally won't let this day happen.

However, the Snow Queen obviously could not fully understand the situation. She was just reciprocating the favor, and also hoped to get closer to the "god" in her eyes with the help of the "big man" in front of her.

Obviously, the Snow Queen at this time has also realized that joining this pantheon is a crisis for her and Winterfort, but it is also a huge opportunity.

A city that can teleport over long distances!

"Since the teleportation array can only be built in new cities, we must first build a city at the critical point of Winterfort." She immediately suggested.

However, Maki shook her head.

"We already have a plan for building the city. There are still certain requirements for the placement of the teleportation array. What's more, we can't make it too easy for you cities, so I will build the first city at this location. "As soon as Maki raised her hand, an area was marked directly on the virtual projection.

It's about five hundred miles from Winterhold.

For the people in Winterfort, this location is definitely not as safe as the adjacent one, but it is still within an acceptable range. At least it is not too difficult to ensure the safety of transportation in this area and open up a trade route.

The Snow Queen opened her mouth, but in the end, she could only nod.

She knew she was not qualified to give advice.

"The construction of the first city has already begun." Maki threw out another important piece of information, "In about three hours, you can lead a team to check it out. Remember, this city officially belongs to you. But in fact, you and your subordinates need to understand who built it."

".I don't have any subordinates." The Snow Queen seemed to be telling a fact that everyone knew, and then smiled, "They are all servants of the Lord."

"That's right." The corner of Maki's mouth raised. "The construction of the city is also left to you. Don't forget to contact Imazawa."

"Yes." The Snow Queen seemed to be looking forward to what the new city would look like.

However, when she actually saw the new city, she was completely stunned.

The scale of the eighth-level city is indeed beyond the understanding of this world. The size of the city wall alone is much larger than the huge barrier monuments they built. Coupled with the majestic energy surging on it, it is enough to As a demigod, the Snow Queen realized that the city wall itself was an extremely tough defense.

Maybe they can't resist the power of demigods, but how can their barrier resist it?

This is the power of the great spirit!

The Snow Queen once again realized deeply that if she could always gain the attention of the Lord, then a new era for mankind would be right in front of her!

In fact, not only her, but also her few remaining trustworthy subordinates were also excited.

I can’t wait to live in this city right away.

However, there are many things to do next.

Design city drawings, speed up construction, lay out barriers, and clear trade routes.

But before this series of events, she had to meet the lord of this city.

Yes, she already knew that the Lord sent a god by name to become the lord of the city here.

Although this god's strength has only been restored to level ten, he has the status of a "noble" in the Lord's Kingdom of God, and is even allowed to own a small piece of the Kingdom of God as his territory - a person like this may have the right to

, the status is not as good as that of Maki and others, but he is honored.

So Xue Ling doesn't have the aura of a queen at all.

Fortunately for her, this noble god named "Hua Jiwen" was very gentle and appointed a subordinate with outstanding ability to take charge of her affairs. He no longer interfered at will and was only responsible for supervision and review.


"Even nobles only have shortcomings in ability, but not in character." The Ice and Snow Queen can naturally feel the unique arrogance in the other party, but this level is already much better, even with those of hers

There are many subordinates who are in high positions and have a lot of losers.

It can only be said that everything in the Kingdom of God makes her novel and amazed.

In any case, when she took the information about this new city and went to contact other small and medium-sized cities, the whole world was shocked.

"Can a city like this be built in half a day?"

"A bronze formation that can teleport on a large scale?"

"This is definitely not a power that you can control! This kind of power belongs to mortals, let alone demigods! It can only belong to true gods!"

"Your Majesty, have you found and surrendered to a true God?"

"Please allow us to join it. As long as such a city can be built near us, we can discuss any requirements."

"We should build an alliance, and the eight major cities will no longer be able to squeeze us!"

"Yes, build an alliance!"


The controllers of these small and medium-sized cities responded extremely strongly.

They can naturally see endless benefits and a whole new era in it.

Of course, there are also some people who only have ambition and desire without any intention of alliance. Even in this very short period of time, some people have already eagerly shared the information with the eight cities.

However, these don't matter.

The reason why the Kingdom of Dark Night did not come directly to all living beings as the Kingdom of God, but used Winterfortress as a transit, was just to spend the next transition period stably and without waste.

If we speed up the construction of the city, it will only take about a month for Shen Fei's Lord's Mansion to be upgraded to level nine. At the same time, the territory's resources will be upgraded again, which is enough for more territorial citizens who are stuck at the peak of level 12 to successfully break through.

To level thirteen.

At that time, there is no need to take care of anyone or any force in this world.

As for now.

In accordance with Maki's request, the Ice Queen neither explained the city in detail nor how this simple and extremely powerful teleportation array was built, nor did she refute some speculation that "there is a true god behind it". She just talked about cooperation and alliances.

, carry out the charm between reality and reality to the end.

This naturally makes the eight major cities and even many small and medium-sized cities extremely fearful.

But no matter how they reacted, cities began to be built rapidly.

Five days, ten cities!

This speed really scares many people.

After all, the wilderness of this world is an extremely dangerous area for most cities. As long as they remain demigod, no one can stop the expansion of these huge cities.

And the demigods don't dare to take action at will - they can't see through it.

Under such circumstances, more and more cities are arriving crazily.

On the tenth day, among the twenty cities, four were already close to four small cities, and all four small cities had completely joined the Winterhold camp. Not only had they cleaned up the interior, but they were also eager to start cleaning up the interior. With the construction of the new city, of course, the people in charge of these four small cities received special attention from Maki and knew the "truth" of the "god system".

Naturally, they were not qualified to witness Shen Fei's existence with their own eyes, but Maki's divine power with the help of the divine crystal was enough to completely control their hearts.

After all, as a small city, they are also at the lowest level among the high-level people in this world. Who can refuse the control of a god?

Of course, these people keep their secrets closely.

For people who don't know the truth, they can only see that these four small cities directly abandoned everything, even the control of their own cities, and all were merged into Winterfort in a manner that seemed to be swallowed up. .

This undoubtedly scared a lot of people again.

After all, there were actually private meetings within these small and medium-sized cities before - they hoped to unite and obtain greater benefits in Winterfort, at least it was an "alliance" rather than "belonging".

But the result is a complete annexation!

So, are these four cities controlled and threatened?

Some people thought so at first.

But as time went on, after the fifth, sixth, seventh small cities, and even the first medium-sized city made the same choice, everyone began to realize that these people did not join because they were threatened. , entirely because they have realized the completely unequal status between themselves and Winterhold.

What does this mean?

A terrifying suspicion began to appear in the minds of everyone who knew about it.

——True God!

At this moment, the senior leaders of Tianlong City held a meeting again.

This time, both seats on the main seat were filled with people!

In addition to the demigod Che Anwei who presided over the meeting before, his master, the demigod who had truly ruled Tianlong City for nearly a thousand years, Huo Linshen, was also sitting here.

He already looks very old.

The whole person is extremely thin, and his eyes seem to be a little turbid. If it weren't for the extremely powerful aura faintly emerging from his body, everyone would regard him as an old man whose end is approaching.

But in fact, just sitting here, he made everyone in the meeting hold their breath.

Because the last time this demigod, who was older than everyone in the city, sat at a meeting, it was hundreds of years ago when he announced to them the news of Che Anwei's promotion to demigod.

For many people present, this was even their first time seeing the body of this demigod.

"Let's begin." Huo Linshen said slowly, his voice already extremely hoarse and even old, which made many people who had seen this ancestor couldn't help but be shocked.

(End of chapter)

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