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Chapter 361: The Lord’s Mansion is finally upgraded to level nine

Although it has been known for a long time that this kind of altar has received "special care" from the other party, so it is difficult to destroy.

But always give it a try.

Moreover, such a building can better tell the other party's level.

Destroying a building that the other party allows to be destroyed is nothing at all, but being able to destroy a building that the other party does not allow to be destroyed can truly give you confidence.

But now, they have almost exhausted all their efforts, but they can't even do anything to build more than 200 buildings in just one day.

Not to mention it was damaged, there wasn't even any damage after one attack!

"What kind of power is this?"

Even the demigods who had to implement the path of courage in order to become gods felt fear in their hearts at this moment.

If it's difficult to destroy even one building, let alone deal with the opponent.

Even if the best-case scenario is true and everyone gathers the most powerful force to ambush the other party, if they temporarily build such a building and then hide in it, wouldn't they be helpless?

But the actual situation is far more terrifying than this.

Even if they can easily create something like this that they cannot destroy, who would have the courage to face it head-on?

The courage to face death is not seeking death!

"Try again!" Che Anwei seemed a little unwilling. He no longer even bothered to hide himself, but rushed directly to the altar and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to feel the power of the altar.

As a result, it naturally has no effect.

It looks like just ordinary bronze and does not feel any power, but it cannot be destroyed no matter what.

It seems as if there is an incomprehensible power blessing it.

Is this the true God?

Che Anwei's mood suddenly felt a little sarcastic, and he could even feel some mocking eyes on him and others.

Yes, he could feel that an unknown powerful existence was watching them.

But so what?


Even the many ancestors who relied on their courage to become true gods 2,400 years ago had never encountered such an enemy.

"It seems that Maki won the bet this time." Shen Fei was indeed watching this scene.

He already knew it from the time the outer wall of this alliance city was destroyed.

It has to be said that this time, Maki completely used the few cards in her hand to achieve victory.

Everything is just to attract the attention of these demigods to the trump card in her hand, while hiding the other bad cards well.

The Snow Queen is this tool to divert attention.

This plan, of course, has risks, because she can't do much. If these demigods are not attracted to the attention and try their best, it will completely fail.

But now, Shen Fei clearly saw despair and fear in these demigods.

It doesn't take long, at most a month or two, and what they fear and despair will become a real reality.

"Not bad." Shen Fei gave an evaluation, "We should give Maki some reward. Well, let's give her a fifth-grade earth-level elixir. That elixir doesn't seem to have a name yet? It's better to call it the Ascension Pill."

Today's territory is no longer what it was at the beginning, and the top resources can also be mass-produced.

Now there are some top-level resources that are quite precious and cannot be mass-produced.

These resources are basically special elixirs produced by using high-end medicinal materials that are difficult to replicate through the elixir of medicine, coupled with a large amount of derivation from the elixir furnace.

For example, the Ascension Pill, newly named by Shen Fei, has only one function, which is to use it to break through.

It is a breakthrough from level 13 to level 14, and it may even be able to increase the level of breakthrough from level 14 to level 15.

You know, level fifteen is the level of gods and immortals.

At this level, even these territorial citizens and heroes can no longer guarantee an absolute breakthrough.

There will be people of considerable levels who are stuck at the thirteenth or fourteenth level.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you must either rely on large-scale resources or rely on your own talent.

For example, for those heroes and citizens who passed through the Taishi Mother River and transformed into innate witch bodies, the difficulty of breakthrough will definitely be greatly reduced. The limits of these innate witch bodies cannot even be estimated by Shen Fei, otherwise they would not be worthy of his "myth" "Leading People" evaluation.

Therefore, the real competitive pressure between the leaders and heroes only begins when all members are at level 13.

Every resource is extremely valuable.

Although Maki, who is only at the twelfth level now, cannot use this elixir, it is already considered a heavy reward.

Obviously, after the other newly recruited legendary heroes know about it, they will feel the pressure and work harder at the same time.

"As long as you can't roll to death, roll to death." Shen Fei thought of this sentence and couldn't help but shook his head slightly, but with a smile on his face.

Being a lord and being a boss still have some similarities.

He withdrew his gaze.

There is no need for the demigods to worry for the time being. The seeds of fear have been sown and the matter is basically settled. Next, Maki will fool around with it and delay it for a month or two.

The past two months are just enough time for the territory and the Kingdom of Dark Night to undergo a comprehensive reform.

No, it should be said that leapfrog development is more important.

In fact, there have not been any drastic changes in the Kingdom of Dark Night, but the "Holy City" in Shen Fei's territory has already begun to change.

It was a violent collision between different civilizations.

The scientists who were still migrating in were amazed and curious after learning that this was a kingdom of gods. Then they quickly discovered the low level of civilization of these servants of the kingdom of gods.

I also learned what the original world of these servants was like.

Primitive and backward, apart from being remarkable in art, other aspects cannot be compared with their cities.

Yes, that's the truth.

Therefore, in the process of integration and collision, a sense of superiority inevitably emerges.

In turn, the wizards from the world of Talent No. 2 are also amazed by the technology, ideas, and cognition of these "researchers" from the new world.

Nowadays, living in the same city, apart from the rules set by God that we dare not violate, other conflicts, shocks, and blends can be seen everywhere.

In just a few days, Shen Fei even saw some wizards taking off their simple wizard robes, putting on simple clothes, and even using advanced personal terminals, frantically absorbing knowledge.

"These are only the main bodies of two or three civilizations." Shen Fei murmured to himself.

Obviously, this collision of culture, technology, and cognition will become more and more intense in the Holy City, and then gradually form the Holy City's own unique culture, and then continue to swallow up outsiders one after another.

To a certain extent, this is in line with Shen Fei's expectations for the "Holy City".

More importantly, everything that happens here will become a forerunner and a microcosm of the entire Dark Night Kingdom, which can solve many problems for him.

For example, now he has seen some people suddenly facing these advanced and extraordinary technologies.

Be curious, study, or stay away.

Shen Fei thought for a while and called over Li Tingyu who was busy at the research center.

"We may be able to provide some guidance." He said to Li Tingyu, "In the future, there will definitely be more and more types of civilizations in the Holy City. It is not a problem to completely allow them to mingle with each other."

"I already have an idea in this regard." Li Tingyu said with a smile, "It mainly depends on two points, the bottom line and freedom."

"Elaborate." Shen Fei became interested.

"The bottom line is the Lord's rules. For example, business, disputes, contradictions, conflicts and other matters must be carried out in accordance with the Lord's rules. Above this, there are no taboos, and the potential of different cultures can be released to the maximum extent, allowing Saints to Everyone in the city is able to adapt to the charms, as well as the shortcomings, of other cultures.”

Li Tingyu told a lot, and it was obvious that she already had a plan in mind.

But the report hasn't been written yet.

But just what he said now made Shen Fei's eyes light up.

From time to time, I also put forward some suggestions for modification.

"It is certain that public facilities cannot be damaged, but the punishment can be more severe and the apparent chaos must be completely cut off."

"A duel arena for dealing with disputes can be arranged, but can it also be arranged in a relatively chaotic area? Let those who want to make profits through some rough means, or those who are good at such means, have a space to display."

"No, I am the owner of this city, but I will not be the actual manager. I will break away from the rules themselves and will not let the rules constrain myself."

"The factory can be divided into two parts, the part that is completely under our control, and the relatively free commercial part."

"The small world is getting bigger and bigger now, don't forget the area outside the Holy City"

With the continuous discussion with Li Tingyu, the prototype of the entire city seemed to be taking shape bit by bit in front of Shen Fei's eyes.

Let him look forward to it more and more.

In fact, even now, the Holy City is already undergoing drastic changes.

Every moment, old buildings are being torn down, and new buildings are being built. There is even a steady stream of materials and equipment being shipped in, and many production lines have been started.

Even some of the ever-changing buildings in the inner city have begun to deform and reshape in a trend that is more in line with the current style of the Holy City.

Shen Fei even saw some extraordinary interstellar humans visiting the outer city of the Holy City in their spare time.

Obviously, they will also be influenced by the culture of the Holy City.

However, in this regard, the status of the holy angels seems to be higher. All the holy angels seem to be uninterested in everything except Shen Fei, the "lord". So far, there is still no holy angel himself. Appearing in the outer city, even if they appeared, it was to complete the instructions of Shen Fei or Li Tingyu.

If this continues, maybe holy angels will really become "god envoys", and interstellar extraordinary humans will become god's warriors?

Shen Fei didn't know, but he enjoyed the feeling of witnessing changes and looked forward to the future.

At the same time, after obtaining two hundred gold treasure chests and eight diamond treasure chests, the upgrade of the territory can finally be further accelerated.

Shen Fei estimated that the strength of the people in his territory might not be much weaker than that of other kings' territories in the Dark Night Kingdom, but the building level would definitely not be as good.

I suffered a lot in this regard.

So, it's better to speed up the upgrade a little bit.

Therefore, he was cruel and directly replaced all the two hundred gold treasure boxes this time with time acceleration props.

This is undoubtedly the most generous move so far, and it has also brought huge results. The lord's mansion was originally expected to take a month to upgrade, but with sufficient time and the help of acceleration props, it only took about ten days to reach the level of upgrade. It’s time to upgrade.

"Nine-level Lord's Mansion." Shen Fei didn't sigh much and directly chose to upgrade.

In an instant, the diameter of the territory doubled again.

It has to be said that this kind of increase in territory area is extremely terrifying. If the area continues to quadruple with each level up, it won't take too long for the area of ​​the territory to be larger than some planets.

This is especially true for a company like Shen Fei whose starting area is very large.

Fortunately, the growth rate of Small World is not satisfactory either.

Today's small world has reached a diameter of 1,600 kilometers, maintaining a growth rate of 12 kilometers per day. This is not only an increase in area, but also a height increase. In Shen Fei, he obtained the title of Taixu Star Dragon. After gaining strength, a large amount of star power is being drawn from the border and the birth process of the world every moment to open up the sky.

Now at night, a gorgeous galaxy has appeared in the sky.

The number of stars no longer increases. What begins to increase is brightness and power. The reason why it seems to remain unchanged is because as it grows, the distance between it and the ground is also constantly widening.

Shen Fei has discovered that it is easier to grow in the void space than to grow on the earth.

The small world is indeed developing in the direction of a "small universe".

Maybe it won't be long before Shen Fei can be promoted from the Lord of the World to the "Lord of the Dimension".

Under such circumstances, the territory's growth to this extent seems to be too slow.

However, Shen Fei didn't have any good ideas. Although he could cheat in some aspects, in many aspects, he could only abide by the rules of the lord system.

"Speaking of which, I haven't even started looking for the world of the eighth-level Zhutian Mall, and it will be upgraded to the ninth level." Shen Fei's eyes saw the Zhutian Mall.

Ever since the World of Talent No. 2 was developed, Zhutian Mall has not opened up a new world.

After all, the world of Talent No. 2 is indeed very big.

That infinite sea area and endless islands have only been developed more than half until now.

Shen Fei had a large number of tokens in his hands.

However, after upgrading, it would not be a loss to use more tokens to find a more powerful world, so Shen Fei didn't care. Even the relevant authority had been handed over to Li Tingyu. When she thought it was time, she would ask him again. Just report it.

After all, today's Menghong world is obviously more suitable for development.

(End of chapter)

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