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Chapter 363: Choose one of two dead ends

Whether it is a territory or a kingdom, all systems must keep changing. This is also the most important job of the current officials, otherwise they will not be able to keep up with the terrifying development speed of the lords.

Obviously, now is the period of reform for the management of the small world’s territorial citizens.

Prior to this, the vast majority of the people in the territory adopted a non-discriminatory approach to training resources. As long as they were willing to enter the training tower for training, they could apply for source crystals and training resources. Only some relatively rare top-level resources would only

Available to specific lists.

The reason why this system can exist is, on the one hand, the high loyalty of the subjects, and on the other hand, because the characteristics and talents of the subjects are actually very similar.

Resources are never wasted no matter who they give them to.

But now, the gap between the people is clearly highlighted.

The future will continue to change.

Because there will be a steady stream of subjects transforming their qualifications through various methods, such as those transforming through the Taishi Mother River, and those transforming through the Netherworld Palace, or other mythical treasures.

Not only are there huge differences in qualifications between these people, but it is also impossible to judge their strengths and weaknesses without comparison.

Therefore, preparations must be made for the improvement of relevant systems.

This is also an inevitable stage after the territory has passed the novice stage.

However, although Shen Fei attached great importance to it, he still handed over the main work to Li Tingyu and others, and he himself needed to take care of it at the end.

As the most important buildings continue to be upgraded at an accelerated pace, the combat power in the territory is also growing visibly to the naked eye.

Even if you don't take into account the huge number of defense towers, the legendary force-type buildings alone are now enough to threaten the existence of level 14 demigods if luck breaks out.

At this point, there is actually no need to fear the siege from the demigods outside.

However, the advantages cannot be said to be overwhelming.

Shen Fei's attitude towards these local forces has always been clear, which is to obtain maximum benefits at the minimum cost.

When the advantage of force is huge, use force directly to control. When the difference is not big, it is best to use other means.

After all, in Shen Fei's eyes, whether it is the people in the city or these demigods, they will sooner or later belong to the wealth of the Kingdom of Dark Night.

It would be a pity to be destroyed by war.

Therefore, he still decided to start accelerated training.

Unlike the last time, this time's accelerated training did not force the full quota, but a new system was adopted tentatively, allowing all territorial citizens to make their own choices after paying a certain price.

Because the price was not high, the result was not beyond Shen Fei's expectations - except for those with missions, almost everyone applied.

"The people's desire for strength is completely linked to their loyalty to me." When Shen Fei heard this result, he didn't know whether he should be happy or feel sorry for the resources.

But in the end, he could only comfort himself that converting resources into strength was not a loss in any case.

At the same time, the proportion of "war taxes" was increased.

Because he did not want to affect the development of the kingdom too much, Shen Fei was actually quite polite in collecting wealth.

It is completely driven by a "big trumpet with trumpet" model to drive the development of the kingdom.

Therefore, there is actually a lot of room for squeeze.

However, this kind of thing, which is tantamount to killing a goose to lay eggs, can only be used once in a while and cannot be carried out for a long time. Shen Fei is still very rational in this regard.

Therefore, this time the "war tax" is still very restrained, and a large amount of the content is in the form of "trade".

Those high-tech products and technologies obtained from the New World also took this opportunity to be distributed to the entire territory.

The biggest change lies in the "network".

Yes, after traveling across the world and becoming lords for a year and two months, the lords finally returned to the information age.

Although the signal transmission buildings in Shen Fei's territory and the small world space gate are still used to connect all the lords' personal terminals, this is after all a network that can carry complex information.

Lords can finally be freed from the extremely restrictive, monotonous and simple Lord Channel.

In a short period of time, important components of the network such as "Tieba", "Social Networking", "Online Shopping", "Games", etc. were built by enthusiastic lords.

He even disliked the small number of people and hoped that all the citizens, servants, dependents, etc. could join in.

In this regard, Shen Fei also put forward his own opinions.

"Information management must be done well, especially the authority classification system." He thought for a while and said simply, "Integrate the magic spirit into it and act as the top administrator of the network to conduct comprehensive monitoring and management. In short, the information cannot be messy."

As the intelligent center of the legendary building on the magic side, the Demon Spirit has now become a half-magical, half-tech artificial intelligence-like existence under the operation and research of a group of talented researchers from various worlds in the research center.

Its essence even has a faint tendency to exceed the legendary level.

Therefore, Mo Ling is fully qualified to serve as the core manager of the network.

After doing all this, Shen Fei also started to look forward to it.

"This is a network that connects all realms."

Although the current structure does not seem to be very big, with the continuous development of the three main entities of the small world, the territory, and the Kingdom of Dark Night, Shen Fei is confident that it will evolve into an existence similar to the "Devil Network of All Heavens".

However, if it can really achieve that level, it won't be much different than the lord system.

All I can say is that there is a long road ahead and we still need to work hard.

And just when Shen Fei was taking drastic measures and taking a series of measures with the help of this upgrade of the Lord's Mansion, the demigods in the outside world were still suffering great torture.

After the overwhelming blow from the Bronze Hall, they successively received a lot of information from the Snow Queen.

Every piece of information is a brand new blow.

At a certain point, when the demigods gathered together again, some finally couldn't bear it.

"This is not an enemy that courage can face at all. This is a real abyss, a hopeless despair! Even the great changes in the world 2,400 years ago cannot be compared with now!"

This is a relatively younger demigod, younger than Che Anwei, so his character makes it difficult for him to bear this kind of pressure.

However, with this introduction, the fears of many other demigods were also lured out.

"Yes, the enemies our ancestors faced were only powerful, not invincible."

"If this continues, let alone becoming a god, I can't see any possibility other than falling."

"The spirit behind Xue Ling is simply teasing us, and she has no cover."

"Everyone, there is no need to be so pessimistic. Xue Ling made it very clear that the gods regard our world, including us, as their own wealth, so they will not destroy us directly."

"Yes, but they are destroying our confidence and courage bit by bit. They are cutting off our path to becoming gods!"

"Not necessarily. By taking refuge in them, we might be able to become gods in other ways."

"I think so too. Have you forgotten the pill that Xue Ling showed us? That kind of thing is completely beyond our knowledge. Who said that courage is the only way to become a god?"

"Don't talk about the only way, don't forget, guesses about courage are just guesses."


In this increasingly heated and even emotional discussion, only a handful of demigods remained silent, looking beyond their emotions to look at the situation in front of them.

Huo Linshen is one of them.

He knew very clearly that this was the other party's purpose, to use Xue Ling to suppress their courage and confidence little by little, cut off their path to becoming gods independently, and then completely control them.

But knowing this, what can we do?

As a demigod said before, the other party did not hide this at all.

Just don't give them a third option besides death.

So, what can they do?

Concentrate all your strength and try your best. If you don't become a god, you will die?

But even if you really become a god, will you definitely survive?

Huo Linshen wanted to muster up the courage, but his advanced barrier that gradually calmed down and began to return to the indestructible state it had been for hundreds of years seemed to have confirmed his inner feelings.

Yes, he was starting to get scared.

This is not a path to becoming a god at all, but a path to despair!

Huo Linshen closed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, a demigod suddenly spoke.

"Everyone, we have another option."

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of all the demigods.

The one who spoke was "Qingdi".

The city he rules is one of the very few cities that is managed according to the "dynasty" model. Although it also has various extraordinary technologies, it is completely under the rule of the emperor and does not hide it. Even in order to ensure the imperial power, this young man

The emperor once personally killed a demigod seed in his city.

It can be said that he is extremely self-centered among demigods.

However, even so, it cannot change his power.

At this moment, facing the gazes of all the demigods, the emperor in imperial robes smiled slightly.

"Don't forget, we are not actually the most powerful existence in this world, and there are forbidden areas."

"." All the demigods narrowed their eyes slightly.

"I know that there may be alien true gods in the Forbidden Land, but they should not be more powerful than the gods behind Winter Castle. In that case, why don't we pick a soft persimmon?" Qingdi emphasized his tone slightly, "Either win over them.

Forbidden land, or become an enemy of the forbidden land and seek the courage to become a god!"


Still silent.

Forbidden land, for demigods, is also a word full of heavy pressure.

In fact, this world does not entirely belong to humans. What was strengthened during the great change of heaven and earth 2,400 years ago is not only humans, but also many creatures that also live on this land.

Among them, there is also the true God.

The forbidden area is the residence of the alien true god.

In fact, when the true gods of mankind suddenly left collectively, there was a great panic among mankind. They were worried that the alien true gods would destroy mankind.

However, this did not happen.

Later, they speculated that the true god of the alien species also left this world.

So, nine hundred years ago, four demigods teamed up to explore deeply.

Those four demigods all died.

No one knows what happened in the forbidden area, but from that moment on, the forbidden area truly became a forbidden area for humans. Only demigods who feel that their end is approaching, or who want to sprint to become gods, will venture to the forbidden area.

But none of the demigods who went there returned successfully.

Over the past few hundred years, nine demigods have perished in the forbidden land.

This is why the demigods have never thought about going to the forbidden place again - courage is not seeking death.

But now, the new crisis they discovered seems to be as much a dead end as the forbidden land.

But even so, do they really have to choose between two dead ends?

Some demigods are silent and some are struggling.

Everyone seemed to be able to feel the shaking of the invisible barrier.

It seems to be testing their hearts to see if they have true courage.

Until Huo Linshen spoke.

He looked at Qing Emperor and asked softly: "You are the only demigod in your dynasty. If you fall, the dynasty will inevitably perish. How will you face your ancestors?"

"Perish, then perish." Qingdi just said afterward.

This surprised many demigods.

After all, in their understanding, Qing Emperor has an extreme desire for power, otherwise he would not have committed the act of killing the demigod seeds in his own city.

But now, he doesn't seem to care that much?

Only Huo Linshen seemed to have seen through the Qing Emperor, and said slowly: "As expected, I am going forward with determination. If I want to say who among us is most likely to become a god, I am afraid it is only you."

"This is the way it is." Qingdi laughed, "Why would you regret dying?"

"Indeed." Huo Linshen nodded and looked at Che Anwei, "If you still recognize me as your master, then join me."

Che Anwei's breath was stagnant, he did not expect Huo Linshen to say this.

But he also reacted.

Joining together means not leaving any retreat for yourself or even your city!

No wonder, no wonder Qingdi would do that kind of thing.

He just wants to tie the life and death of the entire city to himself, and use this pressure to temper himself!

The other demigods almost all reacted.

Looking at Qingdi and Huo Linshen, his eyes gradually became complicated.

Courage is such a simple word, but it is easier said than done. Even the eight ancestors who became true gods were forced by that era to carry out their courage to the end and ascend to the throne of God!

At this thought, a demigod gritted his teeth and said, "Fight!"

There was also a demigod who smiled freely: "Except for becoming a god, nothing else is important."

"Since both roads are dead ends, you have to choose one."

"The ancestors were the same at the beginning and had no choice."

"In that case, let's give it a try."


It has to be said that courage is a contagious emotion after all.

There are a total of fourteen demigods, and ten of them are willing to go to the forbidden land.

Some of the remaining four were young, and some were hoping that the gods behind Winterhold would give them different paths.

But no matter what, when they made this decision, they had actually lost their courage.

(End of chapter)

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