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Chapter 366: The first generation of psychic armor

However, Yan Tiancheng just chuckled and said with a hint of fun: "Who told you that I have returned to the level of a true god?"

These words were like thunder, exploding in the ears of all the demigods.

So much so that their expressions were completely stunned.

Even the Qing Emperor is no exception.

He hasn't returned to the level of a true god yet? Isn't he just a demigod?

But this kind of oppression, this kind of self-confidence that is so powerful that no information is concealed, is it really something that a demigod can have?

However, they did not feel the true god-like aura in the person in front of them, only the true god-like aura!

"No matter what, we have no way out." Huo Linshen was the first to react.

That's right, the fact that the opponent has not yet recovered to the level of a true god is not good news, but is extremely bad news, because it means that the opponent's strength, means, and trump cards are completely beyond their knowledge.

However, even so, this is still a battle with no retreat.

The aura on Huo Linshen's body has even been activated to the extreme, almost shaking the entire world. Even the barrier belonging to the true god seems to be constantly trembling.

The other demigods looked at each other, and in an instant, several powerful auras followed, and they were already full of firepower!

"When it comes to fighting, it's not who looks fierce who has the greater advantage." Yan Tiancheng looked quite disappointed.

The next moment, his body appeared behind a demigod in an instant, without any movement. With just a slight pat, the demigod suddenly lost all its strength and aura, just like a mortal.

Falling straight down from the sky.

The momentum that seemed to destroy the world just now, compared with the situation at this moment, even gave people a sense of tearing comedy.

In the end what happened?

Qing Emperor raised his hand, and a giant seal in his hand grew larger in an instant, like a sky, even covering the sun.

This is the treasure left to him by his ancestor, a true god.

It’s unclear what its real name is, but the current Qing Emperor calls it “Imperial Power”!

"I've said it all, what's the use of being loud." Yan Tiancheng still looked indifferent, raised his hand and touched it lightly. Even so, there was no momentum emerging from him, just like an ordinary person.

old man making movements casually.

However, reflected in Qingdi's eyes, the whole world seemed to be torn apart!

Only this finger continued to enlarge in his pupils.

Before I even touched it, I felt the sharp pain coming from my soul.

He couldn't help but scream, and he fell directly from the sky just like the demigod before.

This scene made the other demigods show indescribable fear.

You know, this is the Qing Emperor who has an "artifact" in hand, and his strength has reached the peak of demigods, and may even be the strongest among them demigods!

Not even the enemy of Yihe?

After losing the Qing Emperor as its controller, the "Imperial Power Seal" seemed to have dissipated all its power, returned to its original size, and was directly held by Yan Tiancheng in his hands.

"It can barely be regarded as a true god-level weapon. Unfortunately, what's the use of making the light bigger?" Yan Tiancheng shook it up and down as if holding a toy. His voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to

In the ears of every demigod, "So far, I have not used any power stronger than yours. I can only say that your control of power is too immature."

At this moment, Shen Fei, who was also looking at the battlefield, couldn't help but look a little weird when he heard these words.

These demigods couldn't see clearly, but he could see them very clearly.

None of the methods used by Yan Tiancheng were far beyond the fifteenth level of a true god.

No, perhaps it should be called "supernatural power" more appropriately.

Especially that finger, it has an obvious "rules" aura.

Or call it "Tao Yun".

And it doesn't just come with a little rule power, its understanding and perception of the relevant extraordinary rules has reached an extremely deep level.

Using this method to deal with these demigods, Shen Fei could only use the word "bully" to describe it.

But Yan Tiancheng still looked like "you guys are too good".

"Why didn't I notice at first that this old guy likes to pretend so much?" Shen Fei couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But then again, the effect is amazing.

The remaining demigods were even desperate.

too strong!

Incomparably powerful!

And this kind of power does not rely on crushing force or external force such as powerful weapons.

——This is entirely due to its own strength!

"Master, this is definitely not an ordinary true god!" Che Anwei's voice sounded in Huo Linshen's ears, even with the slightest trembling.

Huo Linshen could only remain silent.

Everyone can see it.

Although they don't know what level there is beyond the True God, they do know some information about the True God, and the performance of the person in front of them has far exceeded that of their True God ancestors.

"Is this the power of an entire divine system?" Huo Linshen thought of the information he had received from the Snow Queen before, and finally realized the innocence and childishness of himself and others.

Even if he has just woken up from his deep sleep, even if his strength has not yet returned to the level of a true god, God is God! This is not a force that a group of mortals like them can resist.

"It's boring, so you have no fighting spirit?" Yan Tiancheng shook his head as if he was quite dissatisfied, then put his hands behind his back and sighed softly, "That's it, that's it for now. You should be glad that you still have a little bit of it. the value of."

The moment the words fell, all the demigods' expressions changed, but before they could escape, they discovered that chain-like patterns were constantly appearing on their bodies, and their strength was rapidly declining, leaving no chance for them to struggle at all. They fell from the sky one after another.

Every demigod was horrified and filled with despair.

The power of resistance previously imagined was so ridiculous.

As long as the other party thinks about it, he can control them all with just one thought, and he can't even escape.

"This old guy." Shen Fei felt like he had learned something again.

Because he could see very clearly that when Yan Tiancheng said those words, he seemed to have done nothing, but in fact he had already driven a special magic spell into the void, and then while those demigods were shocked When they arrived, they were all around them silently.

In other words, he could indeed easily defeat these dozen demigods, but it was definitely not as easy as he showed.

In "pretending to be one", this guy is a master.

Shaking his head, Shen Fei stopped paying attention because everything was already under control.

Leaving the lives of these dozen demigods has greater benefits for the territory. If nothing else, with their cooperation, he wants to absorb and digest the human power in this plane, especially Scientific research and production capabilities can be much more efficient.

Then, the next step is to officially start relocating the residents.

Develop this world first, then explore the larger world, and have a good encounter with those veteran lords.

"Tingyu, please announce the news." Shen Fei turned around and said.

"Yes." Li Tingyu had already been prepared.

As a result, messages were released directly in the name of Li Tingyu to everyone in the kingdom network, including the lord channel, striving to deliver the message to the most people in the shortest time.

There is only one message content.

[The local rulers of the small plane have all been controlled and subdued. Everyone in the kingdom is ready to enter the new world on a large scale! 】

After this news was spread, it suddenly became the most lively topic among the lords and their subjects.

Because now there is not only the lord channel, but also the kingdom network, so the number of people participating in the discussion is not just the tens of thousands before.

Directly up to hundreds of millions!

Under every topic, you can see the participation of many territorial residents and even indigenous people!

However, compared to the wanton lords, the subjects and heroes are much more restrained.

"Ready to fight to the death for His Majesty the King and the Lord."

"It's already ready."

"Everything is subject to His Majesty's command."

"I will make every effort to prepare!"


Looking at the many similar voices on the Internet, Shen Fei couldn't help but smile lightly.

Forget about the heroes, but most of these citizens are only "born" for a year and seem to be very innocent.

He doesn't even know how to play jokes.

I just hope they won't be led astray by those lords.

However, internal preparations are only personnel preparation and basic training, and the real focus is external.

Because the alliance cities in this world will have a style and feature that the previous alliance cities did not have, that is, "extraordinary technology."

Buildings taller than the city wall can be built at will. There are various shuttles and projections everywhere on the streets. Even the facilities on the road look simple, grand and full of advanced feeling.

For the people and lords, it was like suddenly entering the future world from the primitive feudal society.

I'm afraid it requires strong adaptability to adapt to this new environment.

However, Shen Fei was not worried.

Because this kind of adaptability is a characteristic that must be mastered as a kingdom of heavens.

"Give them some time." Shen Fei stretched, "Even I have to get used to it."

"My Lord." Li Tingyu suddenly said at this time, "If there is nothing else for the time being, the research center has some very good news."

"Oh?" Shen Fei raised his eyebrows.

Being able to be told by Li Tingyu in this way really made him look forward to it.

Li Tingyu didn't give in. She directly raised the terminal in her hand and passed a document that seemed to have just arrived to Shen Fei.

The big characters on it immediately caught Shen Fei's attention.

"The First Generation of Interstellar Psychic Warframe"

"It was actually made?" Shen Fei took a breath. There was no one else here, so he didn't hide his surprise at all.

Psychic armor!

The only equipment that can be linked to the word "psionic energy" is the exclusive equipment of interstellar extraordinary humans!

Ever since he first obtained interstellar extraordinary humans, Shen Fei understood that there was an important turning point in this legendary race of leaders, and that was its corresponding extraordinary technological equipment!

Can an interstellar extraordinary human without a battle armor still be considered a true interstellar extraordinary human?

So far, they have been fighting with their own psychic powers, and they are not complete at all!

This is also an important reason why the gap between them and the Holy Angels seems to be getting bigger and bigger - the Holy Angels can easily achieve leapfrog combat by relying on the Holy Link, while interstellar extraordinary humans are still in their primitive stage!

"Let's go and have a look!" Shen Fei suddenly became a little eager.

He knows that this is not just because of the recent completion of the basic technology trees of some extraordinary technologies, but also the reflection of the long-term achievements of the institute!

You know, from the beginning, he has been using a portion of the time acceleration area for the institute for a long time!

In the past, this huge investment has never received a qualitative return.

But now, it’s time to reap a qualitative change!

Shen Fei took Li Tingyu and walked quickly towards the research center.

Naturally, it is the research center of the inner city. It is composed of recruited research heroes and ever-changing buildings. It is the core research place of the territory and even the entire Dark Night Kingdom.

When he reached the door, Shen Fei's originally somewhat eager pace involuntarily slowed down a bit.

He is enjoying and enjoying the process of harvest.

Moreover, he had already seen the Pandaren Xunzhen waiting at the door.

This legendary hero is now the general director of the research center. This place, where new knowledge is born every moment, is like a holy place to him.

"Xunzhen." Shen Fei patted his plump belly affectionately and said with a smile, "Looking at your honest smile, I know you won't let me down this time."

"Lord." Xunzhen indeed smiled happily, but his expression was also a little surprised, "It was not so fast originally. There are too many technical details required for a real psychic armor, and the research institute We also need to consider other needs, especially the Holy Angel. Fortunately, we finally completed the last part. This is definitely the most powerful technology I have ever seen!"

"Not bad." Shen Fei looked forward to it more and more.

However, he also looked at the two "people" following Xun Zhen.

To be more precise, it's a person and a silver ball.

The man who still had a human form was filled with magic power. It was obvious that he was a legal being, and looking at his arcane wisdom shining with light, Shen Fei knew that he was a research-based magician. Department of talents.

"My Lord." Li Tingyu stood up at this time and introduced, "This is the legendary hero, Arcanist Constantinos Flanagan. He is a powerful arcane construction master who is good at The legal system structure, and the other one is the legendary hero, Lena, she is a Star Abyss mechanical demigod, who comes from a very powerful world and a very great civilization."

(End of chapter)

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