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Chapter 368: Another cheating idea

After Shen Fei finished looking at the psychic armor, he thought it was a rare trip to the research center, so he checked out other projects.

Today, the total number of research projects in research centers reaches thousands.

Among them, there are pure experiments on the integration of technologies from different worlds or extraordinary means, and there are also pure conquering of certain technologies, as well as the digestion and organization of knowledge from other worlds, and the study of research knowledge from the institute. and absorption.

It can be said that there are countless.

However, not all projects are unique, and a few of them do not have much value in Shen Fei's opinion.

It's purely for research resources.

Shen Fei looked at the heroes without any trace and found that their loyalty was not high, only about ninety, and one of them even only had eighty-five loyalty.

He was drinking a small amount of wine, obviously wanting to goof off.

However, Shen Fei did not have an attack on the spot.

Because such people are only a minority among heroes. Generally speaking, even epic heroes have their own pride.

However, after leaving the research center, Shen Fei deliberately brought this matter up and said to Li Tingyu: "As the size of the territory continues to increase, some problems will also arise. Some problems are helpless, or there are problems. As for other benefits, it doesn’t matter, but there are some problems that must be dealt with when they first appear.”

"My lord." Li Tingyu naturally understood what Shen Fei meant, but after a moment of pause, she still said, "In fact, I have noticed those heroes, but they are not entirely a matter of loyalty or quality. More , I’m still heartbroken.”

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows.

This situation does exist. Among the heroes he received before, few were happy and happy.

After all, most people would not be willing to be someone else's subordinate unless they were unwilling to do so.

However, he only thought about it briefly before shaking his head and saying: "The potential of the territory is foreseeable. Even I can't estimate my future. In the endless world of heavens, there are endless possibilities. I can only These people still lack some courage. In short, I will leave this matter to you. Whether it is punishment or persuasion, I don't want to see such a 'black spot' in the territory."

This is definitely a high requirement. After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. However, Shen Fei can tolerate some things, but there are also some things that he cannot tolerate.

As he said himself, even he himself cannot predict the future of the territory. It is just getting started now, and it is necessary to lay a solid foundation.

"Yes." Li Tingyu said nothing this time. It was obvious that she already had a plan.

"The essence of the psychic armor comes from the power of the research institute." Shen Fei did not let this little thing affect his mood. He was still in a very good mood. "Although it is very powerful, it is actually nothing like the buildings in the territory." There is a huge difference, but if we can truly fully absorb and digest this technology, and even develop something outside of the institute, it will be a complete reflection of our own strength."

"It won't be long." Li Tingyu said with a smile, "This time the world has filled in the foundation we are missing. From now on, we can continue to develop based on the foundation, and the speed will be very fast."

"This is the superiority of the forces of the heavens." Shen Fei nodded slightly, "Let's speed up next. While absorbing and digesting technology, start building a maritime city, and at the same time capture wild monsters in the wild and develop resources."

"Yes." Li Tingyu responded again.

Although the outer planet is just a small plane in this big world of "Menghong", it does not mean that it is without value.

On the contrary, although it cannot be compared with the much larger wilderness world in terms of "quantity", it far exceeds it in terms of "quality".

After all, it is a world where true gods can be born.

Even if the change in heaven and earth lasted only two thousand and four hundred years, it was still enough to give birth to some rare and powerful treasures.

Even if the minerals and species resources are not as good as expected, those alien species that are spread all over the world can become the material for the growth of the lord.

So, after all the demigods surrendered, the lords came across the border with their subjects.

Only then did people in this world realize what had happened. Voices such as "sleeping gods" and "protected gods" resounded throughout the world in a short period of time.

Whether it is those in power at the top or the poor who are sinking at the bottom, they are all aware of the great changes in the world.

But unlike the great changes of their 2,400 predecessors, this time's changes were a crisis for them, but they also seemed to be full of benefits.

Senior executives can get a glimpse of greater power.

Especially those demigods.

After being easily defeated, they easily succumbed to the simple stick and carrot method. In the face of the future, their temporary dignity was worthless, and those in power were able to gradually reveal their traces. In the Kingdom of Dark Night, we can see more wealth and greater power. Even those at the bottom can see a better future on the magnificent city walls.

Therefore, the process of the lords developing this world was extremely smooth.

It went so smoothly that the lords who were originally prepared for a battle were a little surprised.

The dark night network is full of words such as "lay down to win", "taken away", "His Majesty the Great King", etc. It is obvious that although Shen Fei has the greatest benefit, no one can refuse the easy gain. benefit.

So, in this atmosphere, major cleaning and construction began.

All factories started working at an accelerated pace, and massive amounts of materials were transported to new cities. The lords and subjects used brand-new equipment to wage war against the alien species near the city, even if they were as powerful as demigods. He could only fall under the powerful power of Shen Fei's people. The land and resources of this world began to belong to the dark night in large tracts.

The same is true even in the more dangerous sea.

The construction of cities on the sea is relatively troublesome, because if you don't want to build the city on the seabed, you need to build some bases first. However, the base technology that was born out of the floating city in the main world has now been very perfect. By simply stacking them up, you can mass-produce bases that are strong enough to withstand the impact of the ocean floor. Coupled with the alliance cities built on the bases, even the powerful alien species in the sea have no choice but to retreat and fall one after another.

Time flies by in this rapid development.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

For Shen Fei, this time is not long, because as his strength increases, his sensitivity to time also changes. Sometimes he can spend ten days in one breath just by immersing himself in a cultivation problem. A few days.

No sleep, no food, no fatigue, no feeling.

This is also a normal phenomenon. After all, his life level at this moment has already been completely different. The biological system of mortals who work at sunrise and rest at sunset has completely ceased to exist. This will inevitably directly affect the living conditions.

However, Shen Fei was very open-minded about this and adapted quickly.

He also took advantage of the situation and adjusted the frequency of "Chao Ming" to once a month. If there was nothing important, most of the time he would just simply look at the report and have a basic understanding of the level of development.

Moreover, Shen Fei also discovered that in the kingdom rankings, there were three or four kingdoms at the top that suddenly suffered heavy losses, and their points dropped significantly.

This also made him alert.

"These kingdoms should have rashly left the initial plane and entered a more dangerous world. Then they encountered enemies far beyond their own strength, so they had no choice but to return to the initial plane."

This is the analysis result of the think tank, and Shen Fei follows the good example.

He has noticed that compared with those kingdoms whose overall rating is higher than the Kingdom of Dark Night, their biggest advantage is that they develop very quickly. During these three months of steady development, the overall rating of the Kingdom of Dark Night has gone from 28th to 28th. , jumped to 23rd place.

Although it seems that there is not much growth in the rankings, in terms of the increase in ratings alone, they deserve to be the first.

Even more than double the second place.

There are two reasons for this advantage.

One is Shen Fei's personal heritage. He believes that even those top lords who may have become lords decades before him may not have his heritage. This heritage is not only the many buildings, but also the small world itself. Advantage.

The vast breeding ground, the powerful time distortion, and the ability to span many small worlds.

These cheating-like advantages are enough to bring cheating-like development speed to him and the entire kingdom.

Of course, the disadvantage of the Kingdom of Dark Night is also obvious, and that is time.

Comparing these veteran lords who don’t know how many years they have been lords or established kingdoms, Shen Fei and Dark Night Kingdom have only been lords for less than two and a half years. It is a fact that their current overall rating is not as good as others.

Therefore, after discovering that the rating growth rate of other lord kingdoms had slowed down, Shen Fei was no longer eager to leave this initial plane.

Both he and the Kingdom of Dark Night need to seize the time to develop.

On this day, Shen Fei also ushered in an important moment.

"It's finally done." He exhaled slowly, feeling the hundreds of "stars" shining in his soul.

Every star represents a kind of power that belongs to him.

Not only from many pet beasts, but also from his own research.

And these stars, together formed his "trunk".

The reason why this step is important is because after the tree trunk is completely formed, it can truly perform the most important function of the mythical technique - establishing Taoism.

Yes, although Shen Fei is currently exposed to only this copy of the mythical skills in his hand, he still believes that this is the most basic function of the mythical skills that belong exclusively to the lord.

Because this ability can bring the lord's identity to the extreme.

"Let's try it." Shen Fei looked at the ten people who were ready in front of him, raised his hand, and with a tap, ten seeds like stars entered the bodies of these ten people.

At the moment of fusion, he could clearly feel that the power and souls of these ten people were gathering rapidly, just like the golden elixir condensed in the world of immortals, slowly forming around the star. A mysterious and vast sea of ​​stars.

In this sea of ​​stars, apart from the star given by Shen Fei that shines like the sun, there are three other stars slowly surrounding it.

"The physical body, spiritual energy, and its own unique characteristics." Shen Fei saw what these three stars represented with just one glance.

He then looked at one of the subjects with an innate witch body. As expected, he had one more star, which represented the innate witch body!

Is this the crystallization of power?

No, it's just a concept.

It is the concept of all the powers that reach the extraordinary level in the people of the country, which are embodied and formed under the influence of his star seed.

Shen Fei could feel that the connection between the trunk and branches had been formed.

They draw strength from themselves, strengthen their own "stars", and also feed back strength.

Within Shen Fei's "trunk", four faint stars that looked a little insignificant compared to the previous ones were already formed.

That is exactly the power that belongs to the ten people in front of you, including the innate witch body.

"It embodies the concept of all powers, and then uses the concept to strengthen the feedback reality. It is indeed a top-notch mythical skill." Shen Fei finally understood the power of this skill.

As long as he can bear it, the more "branches" he has, the faster he will become stronger.

Even, it can gain the power of the people.

No, perhaps the people who become "branches" should be separated from the title of "subjects", because they can not only be his subjects, but also his heroes, his servants, and all his "subjects". The favored one".

"The Favored One, this is a good name, it can also be called the Familia." Shen Fei thought in his heart, this is the Familia that truly belongs to me.

However, he suddenly frowned.

Because he discovered that although he could gain new power, he also needed to contribute a lot.

And with his current level 14 strength, it seems a bit difficult to support his powerful subjects.

Judging from the situation of the ten subjects in front of him, he can only have at most a hundred ordinary thirteenth-level subjects as his dependents.

If all were to be replaced by level 14 innate witch bodies, this number might even be reduced to single digits.

Too little and too slow.

Although Shen Fei knew very well that this was the normal process of cultivation, and there was no possibility of mastering even the top mythical skills overnight.

However, he does not ask for instant success, nor does he want to be like everyone else.

He already has an idea about this.

That's another cheating idea.

"I have always been unable to use the power of the small world directly to strengthen myself or the people in my territory, but now, it seems that I have a way."

(End of chapter)

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