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Chapter 372: Clearly this is a big opportunity

"So, what exactly did they encounter?" Shen Fei looked at Maki and asked.

Because the incident happened suddenly, he was notified in advance before the information was compiled.

Therefore, Shen Fei only knows that danger occurs at night.

Maki's expression was also quite serious.

"The specific situation is not clear. Most of the people who were sacrificed died without any response, and their memories were also damaged. It seems to be related to the missing part of the soul. However, the deceased citizens all have a The commonality - the ability to hide oneself is weaker."

"Hide yourself?" Shen Fei nodded slightly.

Even though this group of citizens are all at level 14, it doesn't mean that they are all the same in strength.

At this level, the abilities of the subjects themselves can no longer be judged simply by their level.

Not to mention anything else, after more than a year of accelerated research, some of the extraordinary technologies of the citizens in the institute building have reached a very advanced level.

Especially in the field of reconnaissance, Shen Fei has always attached great importance to intelligence capabilities.

He remembered that the most powerful "skill" in the field of psychic reconnaissance today is a psychic technology called "Dimension Fusion".

This technology allows citizens who have mastered relevant characteristics to integrate themselves into different dimensions.

If this "dimension" is really what Shen Fei understands, then the upper limit of this skill is extremely high, and it may even cross the world barrier.

However, the institute only provides knowledge and teaching, but does not include learning skills.

Not to mention, this skill has only just reached level one, and the number of citizens in the territory who have mastered this skill is not very high.

It seems that there are only two or three.

But Shen Fei already understood what Maki meant.

"It seems that something is hunting some prey that cannot hide itself at night." Shen Fei thought of the stone houses of the native humans again, and his heart suddenly became clear.

He was a little strange at first. Although the world was already full of dangers, no matter what, areas where extraordinary power was relatively weak were relatively safe.

The group of native humans even concentrated on hunting.

Now I understand, I'm afraid, that kind of stone house still has the ability to protect them in the dark.

The hunting not long ago was probably to store food and survive the night.

"Didn't the survivors find anything?" Shen Fei asked again.

"Shadow Blade also feels danger, but it is not everywhere." Maki has been holding her communicator in her other hand. It is obvious that she is receiving the latest information simultaneously. "According to Shadow Blade's description, the location where the danger appears, The time and duration are completely random, and there are safe areas and places where true god-level beings are stationed, so there is no danger other than true gods."

"Danger Sense" is not a psychic technology exclusive to the reconnaissance force, but is universal, but it is most commonly used by the reconnaissance force.

Now the seventh level of knowledge has been pointed out.

And Shadow Blade is the only one among the people in the territory who has mastered the sixth level of "danger perception".

To a certain extent, the research needs of this technology completely depend on the progress of Shadow Blade. When she masters the seventh level, that is when she clicks on the eighth level research project.

Therefore, Shen Fei still has considerable trust in Shadow Blade's perception.

"The location, timing, and duration are all completely random?" Shen Fei repeated this sentence, his brows already furrowed, "It sounds like teleportation."

"That's right." Maki's expression suddenly changed, "Your Majesty, the think tank's preliminary analysis report has been submitted."

Without saying anything, Shen Fei directly opened his personal terminal and called up the report.

Although he doesn't mind groping and guessing on his own, since he has cultivated a group of "think tanks", it will naturally play a role.

This preliminary analysis report put forward many speculations. However, Shen Fei just glanced at them and directly passed over those speculations that were obviously put forward to improve the possibilities, and directly focused on the highlighted ones. On the most likely scenarios.

One of these situations immediately attracted his attention.

——This is an attack from across space dimensions. Darkness will cause the space barrier to weaken.

"Dimensions of space."

The reason why Shen Fei pays the most attention to this speculation is not for other reasons, but simply because he is the best at the spatial dimension.

That's right, even though Shen Fei has learned and mastered many powers now, the first thing he started to learn and train through training buildings was space power. Now, his space power has completely surpassed his first mentor. Even the second instructor had nothing to teach him, and he is now studying with the third instructor.

If this third mentor becomes a hero, he will at least be at the level of myth.

The reason why Shen Fei was able to reach such a point in terms of spatial dimensions was naturally because of his unique advantages.

——Every time the small world opens a space door, it is essentially a connection between two different high-latitude spaces.

This ability that he could use when he was just a mortal was actually of a terrifyingly high level.

Even his third mentor would find it difficult to encounter this level of space crossing, but Shen Fei could open and comprehend it anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, he has enough confidence in this aspect.

The only problem is that his strength is too weak now, and rash research may cause problems.

Everything seems to have returned to the issue of strength.

But this is not the starting point. At least, he already has a solution.

"In the current situation, it is not easy to transfer people back at will. Let all the reconnaissance personnel protect themselves with all their strength. If they are in trouble, they must mainly send back information. In addition, Shadow Blade will continue to be responsible for reconnaissance information. As long as it is valuable enough, it can Take appropriate risks." Shen Fei continued to order.

This order is actually a bit cruel to investigators.

The Nether Palace is not omnipotent. It is okay if the body is destroyed, but the damage to the soul is a painful experience no less than real death for any existence. What's more, even if the Nether Palace can repair the soul and restore itself, but Strictly speaking, this recovery is by no means 100%.

Once you enter the netherworld, you have died once no matter what.

However, this is the mission of the people.

As the saying goes, kindness does not lead to troops. Shen Fei will not be too entangled in this kind of place. This is not kindness, but disrespect for the people he leads.

The order was quickly passed on, and all the scouts began their biggest challenge since their birth. However, as Shen Fei believed, this was an honor for the extraordinary interstellar humans who were born to be warriors. , a kind of expectation.

Shadow Blade even felt that his soul was getting excited.


This was the first time she was able to perform to her fullest.

In fact, after becoming an innate witch body, she was able to feel her own power. That power did not come from the Taishi Mother River, but from the genes and soul itself, and even more from the lord.

The concept of innate witchcraft only allowed her to truly grasp this power.

Therefore, she has long wanted to prove herself in a real challenge.

"Although those true god-level beings have not completely hidden themselves, they are also carefully restraining their aura, as if they are trapping!" Shadow Blade quickly calculated various information and parameters in his mind, and became more and more sure of his guess.

"Even those native humans can build that kind of stone house. There is no reason why these true god-level strong men can't build it. But in this dark night, they are not only prey, but also hunters. What about me?"

The last sentence of self-questioning, coupled with the lord's instruction of "you can take appropriate risks", seemed to give Shadow Blade instant guidance.

The best way to understand the enemy is not to observe it, but to capture it! Or even kill it!

However, Shadow Blade did not act rashly, nor was she prepared to act in person. She continued to explore among the true gods, and finally found an existence with a weak aura and a weak sense of danger for her. Then she approached cautiously, and then carefully hid it.


Her psychic abilities have been brought into full play.

The whole person, together with the tall armor, blended into a leaf, a pebble, or even a wisp of dust.

Then, completely hide yourself in a place where you can observe the "hunting" battlefield.

Two days later, finally, a lightning-fast counter-hunt appeared in her perception.

It was a sudden dangerous aura that happened to appear not far away. The moment it appeared, it was instantly strangled by the true god who had hidden his aura and looked like a spider.

Everything happens in less than tenths of a second.

However, this tenth of a second is as long as a day to Shadow Blade.

She finally saw clearly what those "hunters" suddenly emerged from the darkness.

A dark creature that has no physical body but is purely an energy body!

The appearance looks like a twisted black shadow, perfectly integrated into the dark night. There is no breath at all, as if the body is not in this dimension at all, so even the Shadow Blade cannot notice it at all.

Yes, but at the moment of being strangled, the majestic and pure power could not be concealed at all. Even if it was swallowed by the spider-like true god in the next moment, it was enough for Shadow Blade to clearly feel it.

In terms of quality, it is no less energy than fairy spiritual energy, divine crystals and the like.

There is an indescribable mystery to it.

Although it was dilapidated and chaotic, it was very close to the feeling it gave her on those stone houses.

Shadow Blade didn't move at all, but his heart became excited little by little.

She finally discovered the key information.

Just like that, he carefully withdrew and came to the safe area, and then immediately passed the news back to the small world.

This time, Shen Fei also got the news immediately.

"This sounds like an innate god." Shen Fei murmured to himself.

"Innate gods?" Maki came to report the news and was a little touched.

As a goddess of magic in her previous life, although she became a god the day after tomorrow, the world she lives in is too special. The feeling of being completely integrated into the rules and erasing herself is actually similar to the situation of innate laws.

Then, she saw the lord reaching out and making a move.

The next moment, a "ball of light" suddenly appeared in his hand.

The momentary touch made Maki feel a little pale, and she couldn't help but say: "Fifteenth level true god?"

"In terms of quality and concept, it is indeed level fifteen, but the energy level is far different." Shen Fei gently touched the light group with his other hand, and everyone could feel the intimacy coming from the light group. Emotions.

This light group, or the embodiment of extraordinary laws, has its own consciousness and has met the standards of a "living being".

There is no doubt that this is the innate spirit.

It is produced in Taishi Mu River.

Taishi Mu River is the only high-quality mythological-level building in the territory, second only to the Netherworld Palace, which is the top-level mythical-level building. Its main functions are three--birthing innate gods, watering innate plants, and cultivating innate witch bodies.

Shen Fei has already tested these three abilities one by one.

The two abilities of cultivating the innate witch body and watering the innate plants are of greatest help to the territory.

Because these two abilities help lead people, extraordinary plants, and even pet beasts to break the shackles of race.

It can intuitively improve the strength of the territory.

As for the innate gods, they are the light group in front of us. Although the starting quality is the fifteenth level of true god level, they need to be cultivated bit by bit from a weak child.

Shen Fei originally wanted to integrate him into the rules of the small world and appoint him as the "sub-administrator" of the small world to help him develop and manage the increasingly larger small world.

However, Shen Fei himself has not yet reached the true god level, and the extraordinary rules of the small world have therefore not reached the basic "world extraordinary rules" level. The rules are not yet in the initial stage of chaos, let alone canonizing lower-level gods.

Therefore, after obtaining the Taishi Mother River for such a long time, Shen Fei has only obtained this one among the innate gods.

After observing carefully for a moment, he was finally able to confirm that those "black shadows" that attacked the people from the outside world and were hunted down by true god-level beings were in essence innate gods.

"Innate gods are the embodiment of extraordinary rules. This kind of embodiment still relies on extraordinary power to exist, and the extraordinary power that can be used as its manifestation carrier must be of extremely high level. It can only be like fairy spiritual energy, divine power. The power of human beings, and most importantly - swallowing the innate gods is equivalent to violently breaking the extraordinary rules, which is of great benefit to understanding the rules." Shen Fei's eyes became brighter and brighter, "What kind of big crisis is this? It's clear It’s a great opportunity! An opportunity to become a god!”

At Shen Fei's current level, he has naturally understood the most essential difference between level 15 true gods and level 14.

It is the amount and depth of mastering the extraordinary rules.

It's like giving two people some explosive raw materials. The person who doesn't know anything can only use it to hit people, but the person who has mastered the method of making explosives can make a powerful bomb.

That's why Yan Tiancheng was able to exert power comparable to that of a true god with the extraordinary level of fourteenth level, but Lu Jian and others could not.

After all, Yan Tiancheng retains a complete understanding of extraordinary rules. What he lacks is the accumulation of extraordinary power. There is no essential difference between him and the True God.

(End of chapter)

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