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Chapter 101 Golden Cone (12)

As the twelfth lunar month entered the last ten days, Zhang Xingzi, Qin Er, and Fan Liu joined forces to merge with the Immortal Cave and became the master of the cave. Then they immediately started to stir up the new atmosphere of the twelfth lunar month.

Calling it a toss, he just took out the remaining gold, silver and silk in the cave and generously distributed them to the practitioners and capable bandit leaders to win people's hearts; then he took out the food, but only divided it into three or four portions.

Let the idle men in the cave take their own portions of porridge to drink...and then speak out in public the words of his gang to make a fortune, and let these people spread it on their own.

Sure enough, just one night later, in Mangdang Mountain, which was filled with a lifeless and imminent atmosphere, two shocking news immediately came out, one good and one bad:

The good news is that the fleet that is about to arrive will not only have food from the seven counties in Jiangdong, but also millions of coins and silk from the eight families in Jiangdong who paid tribute to the imperial court to repair the golden pillars!

The bad news is that Yi Tianjian, the leader of the Jinyi Dog guarding the fleet, has noticed the movements of Mangdang Mountain and Jishan Mountain, so he transferred the more portable gold, silver and silk from the fleet and set off overland to the west side of Huan River.

Went... The huge fleet has become a cover.

When the two pieces of news came out, huge waves immediately arose in Mangdang Mountain. The entire stagnant water was muddied up, and everyone was talking about it. Compared with these two pieces of news, Zhang Laoshan was captured by Zhang Laosan, and the Immortal Cave changed its owner.

It doesn't look like news.

There is nothing we can do. Although there are many people on the mountain, they are clearly divided into layers. Everyone gets what they need... The idle men below are cannon fodder, but they also have something to ask for. What they want is to survive, and what they need to survive is food; and

At the same time, the cultivators above were obviously seeking wealth. After seeking wealth through the lives of idle men, they flew away to Hebei, hid in the east, and burrowed into the rivers of Jianghuai. How could the great master still come?


The most interesting thing is the people caught in the middle, especially the long-standing gangsters who have gathered in Mangdang Mountain in the early years. They are both gangsters and organized, and they are actually quite energetic... They can talk to each other,

Now that I can touch those idle men, my thoughts are inevitably complicated, and I naturally become more anxious at this time.

Of course, everyone knows that for this kind of thing, the people below can only writhe and exert their strength, but the bosses are the ones who really make the decision...

Even Zhang Xing knew that the fire attack on the Immortal Cave and the spread of the news were just necessary foreshadowing and preparation. The real test for him must be a drama in Weihu Mountain.

Sure enough, it was only the afternoon of the second day after the success of the fire union. He had just returned from meeting Boss Wang from the nearest mountain. Someone immediately came to replace the eldest Boss Zhou and posted a message, inviting Mr. Zhang to visit the main peak of Dangshan Mountain.

Visit Juyi Hall? The original saying is, you bosses want to weigh Mr. Zhang to see if it is solid or hollow. How can you be so bold and become Mr. Zhang?

Zhang Xingqing knew the importance of this trip and knew that there could be no delay at this time. However, regardless of the fact that Qin Bao had not found Du Po Zhen yet, he picked up his knife and went boldly with a few elites in the cave.

When we walked out of the cave, the sky had already become gloomy that day. When we turned to Dangshan Mountain, we didn't see much scenery at first. But when we got to the end, we saw two cliffs standing between each other. A brick and wooden hall rose into the sky, but there were several

The momentum of this bandit den in the Central Plains.

Zhang Xing walked to the door, stopped for a moment, and looked around. He wanted to check the terrain and find a place to jump off the cliff to escape in case of leaks. But when he was condescending, he held his knife and looked down, only to go down the cliff.

Looking to the west, I saw a vast expanse of sky and earth, an endless scenery. However, the sun was still there in the afternoon, shining down through the clouds, with black and yellow mosaic, black and white chaos, and the clouds were blown by the winter wind, changing constantly.

Stop, it actually looks a bit like a hidden dragon.

But it was a bit crazy to see it in public.

However, before others urged him, a gust of wind blew in the air, and the big flag in front of the Juyi Hall waved and made a sound. This finally made Zhang Sanlang wake up to himself. He looked up at the lobby, then turned around and lowered his head to go in.

As soon as he entered, someone yelled at him from a distance: "The person who killed my brother dares to come in? Take it down!"

Immediately, the sound of swords and weapons was heard, and many people came forward to meet him. The people behind Zhang Xing were so shocked that they stumbled back, and then only one of the former soldiers managed to stand still.

On the other side, Zhang Xing raised his head and saw that those people had already drawn their swords, but they were moving neatly and slowly. He knew that they were trying to scare him, but instead of retreating, he advanced forward, faced them boldly, and cursed through the gap between the swords:

"Master Zhang is right here. Anyone who dares to take my life can just come over here. Why put on such an air and make a real man laugh?!"

"Whoever kills his own brother is a real hero?!" Boss Wang, whom he had just met in the morning, immediately stood up and scolded him sternly.

Zhang Xing was not afraid at all, but retorted from a distance: "I brought a lot of wealth and wealth to give to you bosses, but you bosses came to greet you with swords and weapons... This is called politeness versus rudeness; seven or eight of you bosses are here, and I just

One person, but he still behaves arrogantly, letting his subordinates form a formation with swords, and although I am facing the sword, I will not even draw the sword for the sake of the overall situation. This is called bravery versus lack of courage... Who is the real hero and who is the fake hero?

, do you think the brothers in Juyi Hall are blind?!"

"Zhang San, you are really eloquent." Boss Wang actually laughed.

"Boss Wang, my eloquence is still behind me?" Zhang Xing also laughed. "I'm afraid you don't dare to listen... What? Do you dare to withdraw the sword formation and let me come to the court to say something about it? If you don't say it,

Okay, Boss Wang no longer needs to call people to form a formation, I will kill myself in this hall and let the world see the blood stains on me, a loser who only knows how to talk!"

Boss Wang finally turned back to look at the leader: "Master Zhou, Zhang San is a passionate and stubborn person... There are reasons and unreasonable reasons. You might as well listen to it, and don't be so humiliated that you can't even speak."

The majestic boss Zhou also laughed: "It's time to test your courage. Put it up and listen to the words."

As soon as he said this, the sword formation in front withdrew. Zhang Xing nodded to the soldier who had not lost his composure, and then went up to the Juyi Hall. However, he found that there were many empty seats except for the seven or eight people in the hall.

Without any scruples, he directly passed Boss Wang and sat on one of them.

As soon as he sat down, the big man named Zhou in the leader couldn't help but snorted, obviously displeased.

Immediately, a boss next to Zhang Xing also stood up and scolded: "You guy, did Master Zhou let you sit down?"

"Everyone." Zhang Xing didn't get up, just everyone in the audience cupped their hands. "Today I'm here to give you a big fortune... I really can't bear this... But since you have rules, I am willing to obey them. Just now

When they asked me to come, they said they wanted to weigh. The so-called weighing, the one in front of the door is called weighing the courage, and the next step is to weigh the true and false... So, why bother, let's just be a Beidi and help!"

"What does it mean to join forces in the North?"

"The rules in our mountain village are that I, who is going up the mountain, want to have a seat, so I sit on it directly. Then the leaders come over to join hands with me and talk. While talking, they use their Qi to consume each other..."

"What kind of country rules are these? They are neither civil nor military..."

"Such a rule has three advantages..."

Zhang Xing continued to respond calmly.

"From my point of view, I have to use my true energy while distracting myself from answering everyone. If there are any flaws, they will be easily exposed. If you don't have the ability, you will be picked up. This is one of them;

"From what you can tell, if you think I can get along with my brother, you can use less force and cross-examine less. On the other hand, if you think I can't, you can use more energy to suppress me and ask tricky questions.

Come and consume me. The so-called good and bad are all determined by your thoughts, but others don't notice. This is the second reason;

"And after all the brothers have finished asking, I don't have much energy anymore, so it's equivalent to coming to see the last big leader openly and letting the big leader who can make the decision do whatever he wants... This is the third one."

At this point, Zhang Xingfu came to see the leader named Zhou who was sitting at the head of the table: "How about it, Boss Zhou, are you willing to give me a chance to come and see you honestly?"

The leader surnamed Zhou pinched his beard and thought for a while, then looked at the other fat man on his left: "What do you think, Boss Lou?"

"I think it's quite interesting." The man immediately nodded with a smile, causing Zhang Xing to take another look.

But after just one glance, Zhang Xing immediately sat down in his seat, and then stretched out a hand: "Boss Wang, we are like brothers, let me lend you a hand to start a situation."

Boss Wang, whom he had met in the morning, laughed and stepped forward, holding Zhang Xing's hand. Then all the bosses leaned forward to look curiously. Sure enough, they saw the cold air coming out of the intersection of their hands. They were really using their true energy.

Mutual consumption.

At this time, Mr. Wang also spoke:

"Mr. Zhang, our brothers have already spoken this morning. We know your origin and end, so we won't ask any more questions. Please tell us your purpose of coming here again in public."

"What's the harm?" Zhang Xing answered calmly while slowly conveying the ice energy, but he actually told the two news that had already been circulated. "...That's how it is, and I am here.

The meaning of Fan is actually simple... Now that I know the inside story of Jing'antai and the date of the journey, I have given up the benefits of Gongmen and come here just to find you bosses to make a fortune together!"

"Although the words are simple, how can we strive for such wealth?" The boss Wang said calmly, asking what he had heard in the morning, but he secretly exerted his strength, and his true energy suddenly became stronger.

Zhang Xing was frightened and angry. While increasing his energy, he took advantage of the situation and gnashed his teeth:

"Why can't we fight? We took it by surprise, left the women and children behind, gathered four to five thousand elites, and headed directly to the opposite side of the Huan River. We also swarmed up. As long as we can eat a little, we will have wealth that we will never see in ten lifetimes..."

At this point, Mr. Wang suddenly slowed down his hands again. Zhang Xing also took advantage of the situation to slow down and spoke calmly again:

"When the time comes, I don't even need copper coins, I only take gold beads, and run to the east. Who can catch me? If I really can't do it, can I go to Dongyi? When I get there, I can buy two of the popular and sweet drinks, even the dancers of Dongyi

If you put ten of them at home... wouldn't they be happier than in the mountains?"

After hearing this, Boss Wang just let go of his hand, spread his arms towards the others, then went back and sat down.

But at this time, the man who had scolded Zhang Xing for sitting down immediately came up, shook hands directly, but directly exerted his strength to release the Lihuo Qi, which caused the water in the hall to fill up, and then sneered on the spot: "Zhang San, my surname must be Zhao

, has nothing to do with Boss Zhang, but he has always been loyal... I just ask you, you come to the mountain to do business, why do you want to annex other people? "

"Boss Zhao is asking this..." Zhang Xing's expression remained unchanged. Although his words were interrupted by the impact of his true energy, he spoke clearly. "Why do you think I set Boss Zhang on fire? It's naturally because he delayed our business... Wanli

I only seek wealth! Boss Wang has already explained to you that I have been to Luolongtan. I am a man with tens of thousands of heroes, who can condense elixirs and connect meridians. It is over just like that... After what happened

, I came to the conclusion that if a person wants to live, he must change his way of living, eat, drink, have fun, and enjoy the world to the fullest! My brothers in the Immortal Cave can clearly see what Boss Zhang looked like that day, and you will know if you just ask...

…Not only did he take away my horse, he was also unwilling to do this big business. If he didn’t do business, he would be blocking our financial path, and he would be a life-and-death enemy. Why can’t we kill him?!"

At the end of his words, Zhang Xing suddenly exerted his strength, and the ice energy surged in with all his strength. He actually made the opponent stagger, so much so that he gave up on his own initiative.

But this man dropped his hands and didn't say anything. Instead, he sat down directly.

But immediately, another boss came over to shake hands, but this boss named Han was obviously just perfunctory and just came to ask about things: "But according to what Brother Zhang said, the people above us robbed the money and ran away.

Well, the idle men below have lost their lives in vain, but they can’t get food. Instead, they have to be chased by the court. Isn’t it unloyal to them?”

"Boss Han is thinking too much..." Zhang Xing gasped and smiled. "Even if we don't care about Jinzhu and just follow the previous plan to rob the high-end grain of the seven counties in Jiangdong, the imperial court will not send troops to quell this in the spring."

Mangdang Mountain? Wasn’t our previous strategy to use these people as ashes? Let me tell you, if you really care about your conscience and loyalty, come to the big event as soon as possible. When we gather together, we will be a ball of fire, and when we disperse, we will be filled with stars...

After robbing the money, let these idle men grab a handful of copper coins and run to the market towns in the east. This is the only way to show true loyalty to these idle men!"

Boss Han thought for a moment, sighed, and stopped talking.

By this time, Zhang Xing had passed the hands of three bosses in succession. After Boss Han asked this question and Zhang Xing answered, the seven or eight bosses in the Juyi Hall were actually thinking, and there was no one there for a while.

Come up again.

After waiting for a while, the fat and white man Lou suddenly stood up, walked over directly, and held Zhang Xing's hand. Although he didn't exert any force yet, it attracted the whole hall to look at him, and almost everyone became serious.

"Is the news about the Zun family accurate?" Boss Lou still didn't make any effort, and then asked a common question.

"Brother Lou, don't you think it's not enough for me to leave the public business as a guarantee?" Zhang Xing also worked hard and was careful. "Besides, it's because I didn't have accurate information, so I missed the point.

There’s no time to lose and we can turn to the fleet, right? The fleet must not be able to escape!”

As soon as these words came out, several people, including Boss Zhou, almost nodded together.

"That's not what I meant." Boss Lou smiled slightly, and finally slowly released his true energy, causing Zhang Xing to cautiously confront him. "I mean, since your Excellency is from a noble family, it will inevitably make people suspicious. How do you know that you are not a spy?"

But where are the real subordinates of Mr. Zuo?"

"Of course you can go check it out!" Zhang Xing was not afraid. "I don't believe that you bosses don't have access to the Huanshui River... The key is that since you have access, please be sure to ask the people from Dongdu and ask them.

Are there any rumors about building a big golden pillar?

"Ask the people from Jiangdong, are there any rumors that the eight members of Jiangdong's family were coerced by Jin Yi Gou to conduct inspections?

"Ask the brothers on the Huanshui River. On the seventeenth and eighteenth days of the twelfth lunar month, when I was determined to make this fortune, were there any dogs in golden clothes who secretly transported goods from the fleet to the land?

"You can even ask again, have any of the county officials in the fleet gotten into trouble with Jinyi Gou over this matter?"

With each question, the bosses around him became more and more excited. But at this time, Zhang Xing smiled and faced the person in front of him:

"Boss Lou, it's ridiculous for you to doubt me. I just want to ask you, if you have all of the following... I am a person who has no such thing. Will it delay us from getting rich?! Money is real! You care about me

What’s the origin?!”

Boss Lou was startled and wanted to speak. Boss Zhou finally spoke: "Brother Lou... That's enough. We are here to make a fortune, not to really become the master of a mountain. Please get up. I have two

Let’s ask him the key.”

Boss Lou could only get out of the way, but Boss Zhou became serious and did not come forward to help. He directly pinched his beard and asked: "Brother Zhang, your previous reasoning is reasonable. Now that it has happened, I personally believe it."

Yours, but there are two things that I don’t know if you know... The first one is that you have seen the Yitian Sword in front of the fleet. Do you dare to ask where the Yitian Sword is guarding? The second one is, do you know?

There is a military camp on Longgang on the other side of the Huan River, with three thousand soldiers in it?"

Zhang Xing finally stood up, but he staggered before standing firmly and holding his hands: "I have something to say about both things, otherwise I won't come!"

Boss Zhou was excited for a moment: "Tell me."

"Yitianjian stayed in the fleet, and only let a black-sanded man named Hu quietly travel northwest... There are two reasons. One is that she knows that her tree is big and attracts the wind, and she cannot be used as bait if she is not in the fleet; the other is that she also knows that Longgang

I have an army of soldiers and horses, so I am willing to gamble." Zhang Xing was not confused at all.

Boss Zhou also nodded repeatedly.

"But what do the Longgang soldiers and horses say?" Boss Lou suddenly turned around from behind, his face ashen.

"I don't know what to say." Zhang Xing smiled bitterly, but in front of the other party, he carefully took out a slightly odd-shaped golden awl from his arms, and then held the golden awl high and faced him from all sides. "I only know

, my uncle Zuo suddenly gave me this thing and asked me to come to the mountain to do this business... He also said that the matter was urgent and critical, but he did not dare to leave any words or writing, so he could only ask me to show this thing to all the bosses.

Naturally, the knowledgeable boss knows what I mean and will be my protector in Longgang... Anyway, the Longgang army will only come after we finish the robbery."

The seven or eight leaders looked at this thing and were silent for a while, but a few of them obviously thought it was ridiculous, and they were joking and mocking, but they were just trying to be the first to take the lead because the situation was not good.

But at this moment, after a moment of silence, three people present suddenly said in unison: "I will be your guarantee."

Like everyone else, Zhang Xing looked around in surprise, but saw that besides Boss Lou, Boss Zhou at the top and Boss Han at the bottom actually spoke out together. What was even more interesting was that when Boss Lou saw these two people, he actually

He was also a little stunned, and then he could only laugh.

PS: It’s New Year’s Eve, and I wish you all a happy New Year. I wish you all a prosperous Year of the Tiger, and everyone will make a fortune! We will provide you with the fastest update to Depose the Dragon, Chapter 101 The Journey of the Golden Cone (12), free to read.:


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