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The 125th chapter on the forest line (4)

"Are you thinking the same as me?"

Li Ding, who was helping with the mud, brought a jar of mud mixed with straw. After putting it down, he looked at Zhang Xing and asked.

"What's the same?" Zhang Xing, who was about to apply mud with a tile knife and bricks, asked in confusion. Then he suddenly saw Yueniang coming with a basket of eggs, and asked Yueniang again. "What are you doing with the eggs?"


"It's very strong when hit in the mud..." Yueniang said confidently.

"Take it back...it's not like building a city wall." Zhang Xing was speechless while holding the masonry knife. "How about after the wall is built, let Fourth Master Li use an awl to push it into the city wall? If you can't push it in, kill me."

If he has the time, he can make some egg custard for us."

Yueniang curled her lips and could only go back to the kitchen with the eggs.

“I don’t know who I learned it from, it’s a prodigal thing.” Zhang Xing complained as he began to formally build the wall. “Since we are hiding gold, we must keep it simple and tattered. Who can show us such a hard chicken coop?


"I guess I thought of it." Li Ding looked back at the kitchen. "The little girl is very studious. The books and pens and paper you bought for her were not wasted. She came to me to ask me about my words last time."

Zhang Xing shook his head, but then he remembered the topic at the beginning: "What did you just say? What do you think?"

"Ma Du Gong's case." Li Ding said seriously. "The case itself is not worth mentioning. It doesn't matter if you kill a spy because of love or vendetta, but I am afraid that Ma Du Gong is a confidant of the saint's old residence. This incident has attracted the saint's attention again.

It was moved to Dongyi..."

"Three expeditions against Dongyi?" Zhang Xing sighed. "Is this saint so desperate for his face?"

"This matter must be made by the saint, but it is definitely not his alone." Li Ding hesitated. "From the perspective of the Ministry of War, the army actually maintains a certain enthusiasm for the conquest of Dongyi, and everyone feels that it is right and wrong.

The crime of war, and there are many officials below Nanya who think that conquering Dongyi is right... Even I think that conquering Dongyi is okay."

"Of course there is no problem in conquering Dongyi, it is even necessary." Zhang Xing thought for a moment, knocked a brick in half, and simply answered. "The world is so big, and it is absolutely not possible to leave only a small corner of the country to be disunified.

Anyone with a little bit of ambition and ideas will agree with the Conquest of Dongyi... But the question is, should we be so anxious after losing twice in three years? And how did we lose the first two times? Have we learned any lessons?

If you fail in vain for the third time, you won’t dare to conquer next time, right?”

"You definitely can't be in a hurry...but it doesn't matter what we said about this matter." Li Ding looked at the other party and asked, the dark circles under his eyes were particularly obvious in the sun. "As for the lesson, what do you think it is?"

"The failure of the first expedition was obviously because our saint was overjoyed with his achievements, but he was not the only one. He went too far...I have seen Lai Zhan'er Lai Gong, who is not incompetent, but actually did the same with the saint.

I also believed in the Dongyi people's false surrender and lost their master and humiliated the country." Zhang Xing kept building the wall and kept talking. "The second time I personally participated, what I thought about the most... One was that the Dongyi people became more powerful.

Yes, dare to fight and dare to fight; secondly, internal worries appeared. The clans and clans only served their own purposes, the local powerful were disloyal, and the people were taxed heavily. This made Yang Shen misjudge and set off a rebellion. Therefore, if you are not at home, how can you fight against the outside world?

?Three things... God’s will is unpredictable!”

"I understand the first two...what is the unpredictable nature of God's will?"

"Let me ask you, are the customs and customs of the Northern Wilderness more different from those of the Central Plains, or are the customs and customs of Dongyi more different from those of the Central Plains?" Zhang Xing, who was busy laying bricks, suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"Beihuang." Li Ding hesitated for a moment, but still gave a sincere answer.

This is the truth.

Not to mention Li Ding, even Zhang Xing, a fake Northern Wilderness, knew after reading a few books that the counties in Northern Wilderness existed in name only. In fact, they implemented the demon guard system and the hereditary system of military aristocrats, which was a bit

It was like the transition from tribe to military feudalism, and then mixed with the struggle between theocracy and imperial power at the same time. Anyway, it made a mess, and there would be some troubles from time to time. It was extremely different from the folk customs system of the Central Plains.

In sharp contrast, Dongyi. Due to its geographical location and the development of navigation technology, starting from the death of the protagonist of "The Legend of Li Yue", people have been going there from the East, Jianghuai, and Jiangdong for thousands of years.

Fleeing, migrating, and communicating with each other have not stopped, so the customs, races, and culture there are almost the same as those in the Central Plains.

As for the political systems, although they are very different, it is actually because the Dongyi people adopted some old systems from the south when the north and south were in conflict, plus a little of their own political traditions.

"It is indeed Beihuang." Zhang Xing asked without raising his head. "But why does everyone think that no matter how poor or backward Beihuang is, they are still members of their own family. Although Beihuang has always been against the Central Committee,

Why are they always willing to consider themselves part of the Central Plains Dynasty during major festivals? On the contrary, Dongyi is stubborn and has always been hostile to the Wei Dynasty, even going to war with each other?"

"Of course it's because no matter how backward the customs of the Northern Wilderness are, that's where the Black Emperor was born and started, and no matter how close the Dongyi are, it's also the west of the city, one of the remaining divisions of the Monster Clan, and a place where the Central Plains Dynasty of the Human Race has never been." Li

Ding was silent for a long time before giving this answer. At the same time, he also understood what Zhang Xing meant, so his words became more cautious. "You want to say that this matter is related to the unification of the world, and Dongyi's climb up is also

The remnants of the demon clan are likely to involve several Supremes, so the True Dragon Immortal and even the Supremes themselves will take action to interfere in the survival of Dongyi? What exactly did you see that day? Could it be that the True Dragon Immortal dared to go to the battlefield in person to slaughter mortals?"

"I didn't see it with my own eyes... but I saw that when they retreated, the two monarchs seemed to be fighting directly." Zhang Xingyi said. "So, the real dragon god can't touch mortals directly?"

"It's not that you can't touch it, but those who touched it were basically skinned and cramped by the Black Emperor and the White Emperor." Li Ding breathed a sigh of relief. "I believe that there are lessons from the past, even if it is the real dragon that protects the country, it will not

He will directly interfere in the battle, and at most he will raise the water, cause an earthquake, etc. according to his own ability. Even so, I guess there will be a huge price... As for the supreme level, to put it bluntly,

The Red Emperor Empress failed to protect Dong Chu, so how could she protect Dong Sheng? The Qing Emperor and the Red Emperor Empress had some ideas and gestures, but didn't they also have the Black Emperor and the White Emperor? What's more, above the Supreme,

There is still a vague will of God that cannot be violated."

Zhang Xing seemed to feel that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, the logic seemed to be smooth, so he nodded again: "That makes sense... In fact, I discussed some things with Sima Zheng the night before yesterday, and we both felt that it was man-made and not God's will.

Absolutely human, otherwise it cannot be called God’s will.”

"That's the truth." Li Ding nodded. "However, what you said may not be wrong. It's just that it may not be reflected on the battlefield, but somewhere else..."

"Are you talking about the attitude of the Supremes towards Wei?" Zhang Xing came to his senses.

"I have been thinking, why do you oppose your majesty to build the big golden pillar?" Li Ding said sincerely. "I'm afraid this matter of fixing the center of heaven and earth is a bit overstepped... The four supremes check and balance each other, but on this matter,

So what?"

"I don't think the Supreme Beings are so stingy... It's more like the princes know in their hearts that a certain saint in a certain court has insufficient virtue and cannot stand up as the center of heaven and earth. On the contrary, some people are used to being self-centered. Although they understand in their hearts

But they didn’t want to believe what the gentlemen meant, and they had to work hard to prove it.” Zhang Xing finally put down the masonry knife and sneered. “You said, if this is really the case, the big golden pillar or the Babel Tower will collapse every time it rises.

Come on, if the wind blows and the grass changes, it won't stand up anyway, and then the people of the world will be dispersed."

"A tower is formed because of the situation, and the situation is determined by the situation. Some things are complementary to each other." Li Ding thought thoughtfully. "So, is it because the people's hearts are lost and the situation is lost that the tower cannot stand, or the tower cannot stand."

It’s even more distracting, and the cause and effect inside is not easy to explain.”

Zhang Xing nodded perfunctorily and went straight to sawing the wood, with no intention of in-depth debate.

In fact, this is his and Li Ding's daily life. When the two of them are together, nine times out of ten, they are having fun with each other. From the Supreme to the Saint, no one can escape the two of them complaining, but the person's oral pleasure is basically based on guessing.

, not many are reliable.

"I see."

Zhang Xing had just sawed off a piece of wood with the help of the other party, but he suddenly woke up, then raised his head and stared at the person in front of him.

"What?" Li Ding, who was still pressing the wooden board, was surprised for a moment.

"I understand why I care about these things but don't care about them at the same time." Zhang Xing suddenly understood. "Actually, the things themselves are small things, but I can't stand that saint who can turn any small thing into a big thing, and it's the great Wei.

He is also a man who is strong on the outside but hard on the inside. He is new and old but cannot withstand the tossing of big things..."

"That's it." Li Ding also smiled. "Ma Du Gong's case involves Dongyi, and then it may be three conquests of Dongyi; the imperial examination is essentially a matter of the arbitrary power of the clan, and then it may be Yang Shen.

Old things are happening again; as for the dispute between Nanya and His Majesty, it is an ongoing major matter. Once the golden pillar is repaired, it will inevitably consume a lot of manpower and material resources, shaking the country's foundation... In fact, if you ask me, you have been promoted.

As a result, he became Fulongwei's actual dispatcher. His powers and responsibilities were both greater and closer to the inner circle, so he became a little timid about ordinary things. He was afraid that an accidental incident would spread from him and he would be responsible for nothing.


"It's simply ridiculous." Zhang Xing shook his head repeatedly. "If the matter I handled turned into a major event, it would have been the result of the saint's own actions. Is it wrong for me to do my own thing? Why should I be asked?

Are you here to be worried? He himself is not worried about the world of Wei, but I am worried about a ghost?"

Li Ding also shook his head, feeling ridiculous: "Just figure out what's going on. The cause and effect of the matter is really not with you."

"So, how will Ma Du Gong's case be solved?" Zhang Xing began to hastily put up the roof of the chicken coop. "Does Li Silang have an explanation?"

"If you can escape so easily, you must have support." Li Ding thought for a while and handed over the hammer. "But Dongdu is so big, even if there is support, it is difficult to find..."

"Speaking of escorts, how did she, a concubine favored by the governor, who was usually pampered, get information about the escort?" Zhang Xing began to nail it. "So, there must be a contact channel, or there must be some accident before.

, an unexpected incident made her aware of the existence of the target...but it was earlier and was ignored by the investigators."

"Or maybe someone didn't think much about it when they helped deliver the news. As a result, when Ma Duong died, he knew that something big was going on, so he didn't dare to speak." Li Ding added a little.

"We still have to go to Ma Du Gong's house to interrogate the people who are close to this concubine." Zhang Xing raised his hammer high and wanted to make the final decision, but he happened to see Yueniang coming out with two large bowls of egg custard, but she simply decided

I threw away the hammer, went straight to wash my hands, and came over to eat soup. Xiao

"Don't you old criminals know this truth?" Zhang Xing picked up the spoon and scooped out a spoonful of egg custard, but then he felt something was wrong.

"I know, I know, but first of all, the matter was too urgent and the escape was too quick. I should have looked for the person first, and then came back to interrogate him if he couldn't find him. Secondly, what kind of status is Ma Du Gong? He is a smart person, and

How can you be willing to come out and cause trouble? Are you not afraid of asking for unnecessary secrets?" Li Ding laughed again and again. "Do you think everyone is as unafraid of trouble as you do when inspecting your home? It's you, who just figured it out before

, aren’t you also looking forward and backward?”

Zhang Xing finally nodded and put down the egg custard.

"What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?" Yueniang asked seriously.

"No," Zhang Xing gestured to the chicken coop in the distance. "It's a bit small. There's too much gold in it, so I'm afraid it might be stuffed with too much stuff... But our yard is so big, it's not appropriate to raise too many chickens."

Yueniang also became uneasy.

"Forget it." Zhang Xingfu picked up the bowl again. "Eat quickly. After eating, go and hand over the case first, and then think of something else."

Just like that, without further ado, let’s just say that in the evening of that day, Zhang Xing waited for about an hour in Ma Du Gong’s luxurious residence and finally got an accurate reply: “Beishi Silk and Satin Shop?”

"Yes." Qin Bao responded solemnly. "We questioned one by one, and the time was delayed until March. One of the maids said that around the end of the year, the Dongyi woman went to visit the North City. After she came back, there was suddenly a guard.

I got a reward of five taels of silver. Then I found the guard. The guard said that he just helped deliver the silk he bought that day. After delivering it, he got five taels of silver for no reason, saying that he liked the silk from this house.

, I want the goods from this store to be sent directly to her villa as soon as they arrive. Only after asking other people will I know that from then on, this noble lady from Dongyi often bought the silk and satin from this store, and bought a lot of it... This

It is the most obvious and repeated internal and external traffic issue in recent times."

"Detain the silk shop owner immediately." Zhang Xing crossed over to Bai Yousi, who was holding a sword, and turned back without hesitation to look at the Fulong Guards behind him. "Investigate clearly."

Several Fulong Guards glanced at Bai Yousi and left in a hurry.

Immediately, Zhang Xing and Bai Yousi continued to wait at Ma Du Gong's house, but they waited until late at night, but only waited until a piece of bad news was taken out of bed. The merchant who was sent here was a native of Dongdu, with an innocent fortune, and a silk and satin businessman.

The origin is from the Southwest rather than Dongyi, and there is not a single Dongyi person in the whole store, and the store owner claims he knows nothing about it.

Things came to a standstill again, and under two months, everyone just came together to see Deputy Inspector Zhang.

Zhang Xing thought for a long time and suddenly realized: "Go and check the driver or the delivery person! Ask the maid, the guard, the store owner, is the delivery vehicle his own vehicle or is it hired by a horse and carriage dealer in Bei City? Is it a specific driver?"

Come to see her off? Is there any chance to meet that Dongyi woman?"

Everyone was suddenly enlightened and immediately turned around to do it. But this time, only a moment later, the news was confirmed.

"The driver from Dunhuafang has an accent from the East. He claims to be from Dengzhou, but his actual place of origin is unknown. He has been working in Tai'an Vehicle Company for three years. He usually pulls goods in Bei City. Starting after the Chinese New Year this year, he specializes in delivering silk and other delicate goods.

Eighty percent of the silk that this silk shop delivers to Ma Du Gong's residence is delivered by him, and the guards, upon receiving orders, always ask this person to carry the silk directly to the backyard without any delay or obstruction." Qin Bao came to report again.

"I used a Dengzhou accent with the silk shop owner, and he said it didn't seem to be the same... This is his home address in Dunhuafang."

With that said, Qin Bao handed over a piece of paper.

Zhang Xing took it and turned to look at Bai Yousi.

Bai Yousi was silent for a moment and did not take the paper. Instead, he looked up at the moonlight and ordered without hesitation: "Go and arrest the person! I'll go first, and Zhang Xing will arrange the follow-up."

As he said that, he jumped up and disappeared into the night sky.

Of course Zhang Xing had nothing to say, and immediately sent people to pick up Bai Yousi, clean up the place along the way, and sit in for witnesses to testify.

And at daybreak, the so-called Dongyi noble girl was captured and brought to justice, and she confessed that she was unhappy with being a concubine to the eunuch, and she was dissatisfied. After accidentally meeting a fellow villager, she even thought of killing someone, hiding and running away to return home.

, and implemented it in a poisonous way, but he didn't want to be easily arrested.

So far, the case has been closed only three days after it happened.

The next morning, the saint happened to know the news about Ma Du Gong from the eldest princess, and came to inquire about it personally. While feeling emotional, he quickly executed the two Dongyi suspects in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and did not start the story again like someone was worrying unfoundedly.


It is said that the only superfluous action the saint took at that time was to scold Duke Gao, thinking that it was unkind for him to spread false rumors about his colleagues.

It can only be said that after this case, Bai Yousi and Zhang Xing established themselves in the willow forest of Xiyuan. On the contrary, Gao Dugong got carried away and suffered a loss.

However, as time goes by, the development of things is always unexpected.

"How to say?"

Three days later, only three days later, summer had not yet arrived. Zhang Xingbian, who was building a fish pond at home, received another public visit from Bai Yousi.

"Didn't His Majesty want to build the central golden pillar before?" Bai Yousi answered expressionlessly. "My father officially entered the palace today to meet the Holy Spirit and wrote a letter saying that the Babel Tower is extremely critical and the Ministry of Industry can only do so, so it is not appropriate to build a new one.

Start a big project..."

"Isn't this expected? There were several pulls." Zhang Xing responded calmly. "Then what? Your Majesty is furious?"

"Your Majesty is not angry, but extremely dissatisfied." Bai Yousi remained expressionless. "Then at this moment, Gao Jiang, the governor of Beiya on the side, suddenly stood up and asked to use Beiya's engineering department to supervise the construction of the central government.

Zhu... His Majesty was very happy and said that since Duke Gao was so loyal, he might as well let Bei Ya start from the preparations and come up with a strategy to try... Zhong Cheng has just entered Ziwei Palace, let's see if he can stop the saint.


Zhang Xing hesitated to speak, but had nothing to say, so he calmly lowered his head to build a fish pond.

PS: Thank you to the new leader, I'm so grateful... I'm very grateful! Good afternoon everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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