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The 139th chapter sea of ??suffering (6)

It is reasonable for Zhang Xing to be hesitant.

But then, it was not his turn to hesitate at all, because an unexpected but equally reasonable thing happened - the next night, Deputy Changjian finally completed the Chongmai after a calm meditation.

The last breakthrough of the positive meridian.

There were no unusual movements in the sky, no blessings from the Supreme, not even twin moons or dark clouds passing by. There was no movement at all, just as naturally as most people completing the Great Perfection of the Right Meridian.

It's just that when one channel is opened, the mind is refreshed, and the body and mind can't help but be refreshed - the saying of exercising and refining Qi is indeed accurate.

Now that the last righteous meridian has been opened, the overall physical fitness and Qi induction have been greatly improved. Coupled with the previous incident of Zuo Youxian, Zhang Xing truly realized the shortcomings of the actual application of the Qi movement veins, and naturally he couldn't wait to think of that.

The "Yi Jin Jing" was originally published more than half a year earlier... After all, according to Li Ding's assisted explanation, one of the main auxiliary functions of the "Yi Jin Jing" should be to make the true energy break through the traditional meridians, and to make the true energy movement break through the shackles.

In addition, it also has other auxiliary functions of clearing the inside and strengthening the outside.

It should be an excellent auxiliary exercise for the post-breakthrough stage of the Zhengmai.

So, from that day on, Zhang Xing stayed in the Daxing Imperial City on Longshou Plain all day long, practicing the tricks day and night... Not to mention, this kind of auxiliary effect was really effective, or the progress was really obvious.

It should be noted that in the positive pulse stage, although the progress can be seen every day, it is progressing slowly. As it accumulates over time, you will naturally feel lazy. On the other hand, Zhang Xing followed the instructions of Li Ding in the "Yi Jin Jing" and only used specific methods.

Even though he made specific pulse pulse movements, he could actually clearly feel the broadening, continuation and opening of the circulation channel of the true energy.

Progress is clearly visible every day.

For a moment, even Zhang Xing himself was not sure whether his condition improved as a result of coming to Longshouyuan to change Feng Shui, or whether the "Yi Jin Jing" was just so easy to learn.

Of course, there are no years in the mountains, and there are thousands of years in the world.

Zhang Xing only lived in the imperial city on Longshou Plain for half a month, but the outside world was already turned upside down. The fate of many people, whether Zhang Heishou knew him or not, had undergone drastic changes in this half month.


First of all, Duke Mu took his whole family to leave and went to Beihuang to see the waves and the sea. It is said that before leaving, he went to see his eldest cousin. He burst into tears and knelt down to thank her, saying that she was afraid that she would never see her again in this life...

...This is necessary. If it weren't for the help of the cousin at the critical moment, the whole family's head might not be there.

Secondly, it was the temporary loss of power of Sima Xianggong and Duan Shangshu.

The reason why I say temporarily is because the saint obviously expressed his dissatisfaction with their "protective" performance in the Mu Guogong case, or their "cautious" performance... The two of them basically dare not speak now.

However, considering that their identity, status, family, and qualifications are all extraordinary, as well as the absurdity of Duke Mu himself in this case, and the ignorance of the two of them, it may not necessarily be a disaster.

Then, Wang Daiji finally got what he wanted. He was not promoted at first. He still "specialized" in the case of Mu Guogong as a member of the Ministry of War with the approval document from Nanya Xianggong.

After his official death, his "franchise" reached heaven and earth.

Because he is directly responsible to the saint.

And, extremely diligent.

Moreover, he is really smart and really knows the saint's thoughts.

It was precisely because of his diligence and intelligence that the military and political officials in Guanzhong were in bad luck.

Not to mention that Duke Mu was gone, Wang Dai actively pursued the "evil ways of the witch clan" and chased all the general managers in Guanzhong... In just a few days, all five general managers were dismissed, and the corresponding general managers also disappeared.

Countless established nobles in Guanzhong were dismissed, demoted, and reprimanded... It is said that the residence of Mu Guogong in Chongrenfang, where Wang Daiji and other important officials of the Ministry of War temporarily lived, is now full of people, all based on connections.

However, a few "evil witches" made all the five chief managers in Guanzhong fall from power. Half of the nobles in Daxing City were unlucky. Master Yin Chang who was left behind in Xidu was completely untouched, but he didn't know how to do it.


Maybe those "evil shamans" also know that Duke Yin, who stays in Xidu, is the eyes and ears of the saint?

In this way, finally, by the beginning of July, Guanzhong was completely settled - Wang Daiji closed the case cleanly. After this case, the Guanzhong area, except for Longxi and the poisonous desert border area in the north, the so-called core area of ​​the Guanzhong Plain

, there is no longer a governor-general.

The maps all look much fresher.

Just as someone said, the nobles of Guanzhong have not heard about government affairs for more than ten years and dare not say that Wen Tian and Wu are playful, but they have reached a certain level. Facing the saints like Mount Tai and Duke Mu, people are speechless.

Finally, he was completely defeated and left to his own devices.

As for Wang Daiji, he was officially granted the title of Fenyang Palace Envoy due to his great achievements and took office immediately.

This appointment is very, very interesting.

First of all, although Fenyang Palace is located at the source of Fenshui River and northwest of Taiyuan, it is relatively remote. But in fact, this palace has a very historical origin and military and political status, because after the Southern Tang Dynasty Yiguan crossed south, he successfully achieved the final victory in the north.

The situation was dominated by the Jin Dynasty, the predecessor of the Wei Dynasty, and the Jin Dynasty emerged from the border areas of the Bitter Sea and established its business at the source of the Fen River.

Later, including the Wei Dynasty, all the northern regimes inherited the military and political culture from the Jin Dynasty, and they all had special military and political arrangements for this place.

Considering the smoothness of this inspection tour and the fact that Dongdu itself is still repairing various things, as soon as this appointment came out, everyone knew that the saint was probably going to cross the river when he went back to take a look at Hedong and Geng

On the border of the Bitter Sea in the north, we may also take the opportunity to summon the military and political personnel of the Northern Wilderness and the people of the Wu tribe on both sides of the Bitter Sea.

This is the proper meaning of the title.

Secondly, for Wang Daiji himself, this appointment is also of great significance.

As I just said, Fenyang Palace has a special status. It not only has a palace, but also because it is close to the border and has the practical need to intimidate the Northern Wilderness and the Wu clan, so it also has an arsenal and thousands of troops. Therefore, such an appointment

This is by no means a false position, but rather a small manager with a strong grasp on the military, political and economic affairs.

Considering that this position has also reached the point where he can enter the palace of the fifth rank, and can continue to directly serve the saint in the next few months, it can be said that Wang Daiji is about to achieve great success.

In other words, they have already achieved great success.

In early July, Wang Daiji left Daxing in a hurry to take office. He didn't even have time to invite Zhang Xing and Li Ding for a drink, which was a worry for the king. It was at this time that Zhang Xing began to consider again whether to take time to go to Taibai Peak.

As a result, just when I was thinking about it, within two days, maybe because I felt that Daxing was too similar to Dongdu, or maybe it was too hot, the saint suddenly issued an order to go directly to the northwest, to Longxi, where he had accepted the surrender of the Western Witch Tribe.

He patrolled the city and met with the surrendered leaders of the Wu clan again.

Everyone was stunned. Longxi, especially the city where the saint surrendered to the Wu clan in the past, is basically on the edge of the Poison Desert and the North Sea. It is thousands of miles away from Daxing... You saint can naturally be happy sitting in the Fengxing Hall, even

We can still take the opportunity to escape the heat, but what about the other 70,000 to 80,000 people?

How about you go to Fenyang Palace? At least it will be closer when you return to Dongdu.

To put it bluntly, if you die, you can be buried on a familiar ground.

However, at this time, the saints successively defeated Nanya in Dongdu and swept away the nobles in Guanzhong. It was the unstoppable moment. Who could resist?

As a result, the 70,000 to 80,000-strong western patrol team had no choice but to abandon the comfortable city of Daxing and the sacred land of Guanzhong, and began to brave the scorching sun and heat and head northwest along the Weishui River.

There was no need for Zhang Xing to worry about Taibai Peak anymore, and he immediately resumed walking.

And this time, Zhang Sanlang became even more popular on the side of the Western Inspection Team - which is ridiculous, because the weather had become too hot at this time, and the terrain in Guanzhong was flat, so the Western Inspection Team every day

Although the journey was very easy, everyone was exhausted to death. The nobles and officials above naturally had ice drinks at all times, but the palace servants, attendants, and soldiers below suffered from heat stroke in countless numbers.

Among them, Zhang Sanlang is almost the only mid-level practitioner who is willing to put down his dignity and make iced drinks for the lower-level palace officials, eunuchs, and soldiers unconditionally.

What is timely rain?

What does it mean to provide help in times of need?

What is the Valley of Desolation?

Literally speaking, Zhang Sanlang is this kind of person who delivers ice on a hot day!

For a time, Zhang Sanlang was even more at home. From the palace servants to the Jinwu Guards, from the top five soldiers to the lower-level officials, almost everyone was grateful, and his network of contacts expanded to an unimaginable extent. Every night, from the moment the team stopped and set up camp, everyone

Someone took the initiative to bring a vat of drinking water to Deputy Zhang's side, and until the second watch, there was an endless stream of people coming to get ice from the large vat next to him.

"There are rumors again in private." The last few people dispersed, and under the moonlight, Qin Bao suddenly spoke casually. "But this time it is not so ridiculous. This time it is said that the flood will rise and block the dragon road... and there is no

People dare to preach too much."

"Do you hope that a flood will prevent the saint from traveling westward?" Zhang Xing was slightly speechless.

"That should be the meaning." Qin Bao shook his head and smiled bitterly. "But the saint probably won't care..."

"Why?" Zhang Xing answered at a loss.

"Because as early as the Daxing period, the king was actively investigating cases, and there were countless prophecies and rumors... They were all about peaches and plums growing in grass fields, white jade for halls, bows shooting at the sun, and so on." Qin Bao added a little. "I guess.

The saints are tired of hearing this."

"I guess I'm not tired, but want to laugh." Zhang Xing came to his senses and laughed directly. "These people have lost military power and political power, and have lost a lot of titles, but they can only use this method. They are simply at their wits' end...

…And he’s openly framed the three top wealthy families, the Bai family, the Li family, and the Zhang family… But if nothing else, whoever succeeds among these three families will probably have to fight on their own first.”

"Yes." Qin Bao nodded. "But what does it mean that the former donkey has no skills?"

"Beidi joke." Zhang Xing opened his mouth. "It's like driving a donkey back and forth. The person behind whips the donkey in front. When the donkey in front gets angry, there's nothing you can do except barking and kicking."

"It's more about the image." Qin Bao sighed for a while and finally changed the subject. "But to be honest, when I was in the East, never did I think that one day I would come to the Poisonous Desert?"

"It can be regarded as reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles." Zhang Xing saw it openly. "To be honest, as long as no man-made disasters are caused, this kind of life is a good thing for me to gain experience."

Qin Bao nodded slightly and shook his head again: "I don't know how my mother is. It's difficult to communicate here, and Yueniang is also at home alone."

Zhang Xing didn't respond, and the two of them were silent for a moment. Zhang Sanlang thought about it for a moment, and then asked seriously: "Is the Poison Desert really poisonous?"

"Poisonous." Li Ding didn't know when he turned around and sat down directly next to the cold tank. "Not only is the poisonous desert poisonous, but the sea of ​​bitterness is also really bitter... You are a northerner, but you live in the east.

, you should have heard it, but you don’t believe it?”

Zhang Xing shook his head in reply, not bothering to explain at all, but his thoughts became misty again.

You must know that the poisonous desert and bitter sea are powerful evidence of the existence of the Supreme Being. They are similar to the Hongshan River, the Han River, and the fifty states of Dongyi. They are powerful geographical changes that are different from Zhang Xing's world - in fact, Zhang Xing was

Just after being promoted to Bai Shou, I checked the relevant period information in the name of Bai Yousi because I was curious about this huge geographical difference.

The poisonous desert is very simple. It is a desert in the northwest of Zhang Xing's original world. It looks like the northwest of the first half of the river. It stretches for thousands of miles, and the sand in it is obviously slightly poisonous to the human race.

, so that it is difficult for humans to persist in it for a long time, forming a natural boundary that only a few specific passages can pass through.

The Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is simpler. It is to the north of Yanmen County, to the north of Shanxi in Zhang Xing's knowledge, and to the west of the Yanshan Mountains. Suddenly there is a long strait that is two to three hundred miles wide, and then runs north to south, all the way to the North Sea.


Haixi of the Bitter Sea is the territory of the Wu Clan, and Haidong is the Northern Wilderness.

As for the background storyline that produced this huge geographical change, it is surprisingly simple and royal.

The Black Emperor rose from the Northern Wilderness as a human race, and the Red Emperor Empress rose from the south as a demon princess. At the same time, there was also a great sage from the Witch Clan who rose from the hometown of the Witch Clan in the northwest. The three families started to spread their power at the same time.

, gradually broke the coexistence of hundreds of races during the Qing Emperor's period, and finally formed a situation in which three races of humans, lich, and witches stood side by side.

In the early days when the three clans flourished together, all three clans had obvious achievements in establishing civilization. The Black Emperor's work of destroying demons and harms, the Red Emperor's work of cutting mountains and reclaiming seas, and the Wu clan's animal husbandry and domestication all laid the foundation for the future development of civilization.

Made a huge contribution.

However, when the forces of the three families came together and the struggle for hegemony between the three clans was about to break out, the leader of the Wu clan was surprised by the power of the Black Emperor and the Red Emperor, so he did an earth-shattering thing - and the Red Emperor.

On the contrary to the optimization of geography by the Emperor, he actually tried to use his supreme cultivation to create poisonous deserts and open up bitter seas in an attempt to isolate the northwest.

The purpose is self-evident. It is because they are worried that if the struggle for hegemony fails, the Wu clan will lose its foundation, so make preparations first.

But the final result is known to everyone. The three supreme heroes who created a new era. Although the two of them had their intestines pierced out and had no dignity at all, their achievements in laying out civilization and transforming the world are indelible. In the end, they all succeeded together.

However, after the Sea of ​​Misery was opened, the Great Sage of the Witch Clan ascended to the throne directly on the sea and transformed into an indescribable rotting sinful dragon. Then he could only be trapped in the sea of ​​misery he created all year round.

It can only be said that the sea of ​​suffering and the poisonous desert are put together to clearly demonstrate to all intelligent beings in the world how powerful a being who has the hope of being promoted to the supreme can be.

It also clearly demonstrates what is meant by providence or heaven's will - in a word, in this world, it is sinful to dare to destroy the living environment of intelligent life, and the sin is unpardonable.

So you can only transform it for the better, not the other way around.

Correspondingly, it is said that the fifty states of Dongyi and the two islands of the Yao clan were the result of the Qing Emperor and the Red Emperor empress realizing that the great rise of the human race was unstoppable.

Reserved backup space.

"After going to the Poison Desert, you should go to the Sea of ​​Bitterness, right?" Zhang Xing came back to his senses, thoughtfully.

"It's hard to say." Li Dingyi said. "I can only say that I will probably go to Fenyang Palace... Moreover, if I stay in Fenyang City for too long during this trip, I may not even go to Fenyang Palace. This tour is essentially

We are waiting for Tianshu and Tongtian Tower in Dongdu..."

"That's true." Zhang Xing raised his head and sighed. "Li Silang, you are familiar with geography. When do you think we can arrive at Shoujiang City?"

"At this speed, we will definitely be able to arrive before the end of next month, or even late next month." Li Ding analyzed carefully. "The main reason is that there are military warehouses along the way, so you don't have to worry about logistical supplements..."

Zhang Xing nodded and asked no more questions.

Sure enough, in late July, the Western Inspection Team had successfully arrived in Weiyuan and was halfway through the journey.

At this time, two major events suddenly happened in the team.

First of all, seven or eight leaders of the Wu clan received the previous notice from Tianshu and came to the border to inquire. At this time, they heard that the Emperor of Wei Dynasty was patrolling the west, so they hurriedly came to greet them, and they met here. You must know that the purpose of this trip was to

The saint's authority was demonstrated by the past incident of the surrender of the witch clan. Although there were very few witch clans, the saint was still overjoyed and rewarded him generously. At the same time, he held a banquet in hospitality.

However, just when the saint was more determined to go westward, the eldest princess suddenly fell ill again.

And in the next few days, I became sicker and sicker day by day, and finally I couldn't move.

The eldest princess had special political merits in the establishment of the Wei Dynasty. She was the only direct relative of the sage after he killed four of his brothers, so she had an outstanding status.

Therefore, when the eldest princess fell ill, the western patrol team of 70,000 to 80,000 people stopped directly in Weizhou.

For a moment, the people in the Western Inspection Team were panic-stricken. Even Zhang Xing felt a little numb, fearing that if something bad happened to the eldest princess, she would remove the last layer of shackles from the saint and directly cause a new political turmoil.

PS: Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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