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Chapter 14 Square Lane (2)

"Is this Zhang Shangshu's bicycle frame?"

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Xingcai, slightly tipsy, came to ask Brother Liu, the owner of Liufang.

Brother Liu, who was usually smart, watched the carriage enter the depths of the workshop, and then he seemed to have come back to his senses and shook his head: "Who else could it be if it weren't Zhang Shangshu? The Eastern Capital has only been built twenty years ago, and most of the high-ranking officials are from famous families.

They are all mansions given by saints, and they are all located in Luoyang County opposite Luoshui... On the contrary, some of the great families like Zhang Shangshu, who entered the dynasty later and became more powerful, are here along the Luoshui or

The Fangshi Dazhi Industrial Mansion on Tianjie...it has been twelve years since the Zhang family moved here."

"It's also a good thing." Zhang Xing replied casually. "The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment lives here, and those who commit crimes would not dare to come to our house."

Brother Liu smiled when he heard this. He seemed to want to complain, but he was obviously worried about the crowd and swallowed it hard. Then he turned around and mentioned a serious matter:

"Captain Zhang, some friend of yours suddenly came to see you in the afternoon. Seeing that you were not there, he said he would come back in the evening before the gate closed."

Zhang Xing was slightly startled, and then asked: "But a person who is about the same age as me, has a local accent, but is dressed as a patrolman in brocade?"

Brother Liu nodded immediately.

Zhang Xingqing knew who it was, so he thanked him again, then turned back to his residence, washed up for a while, and started reading the book again.

And when it was about half an hour before the square gate closed, the man arrived as promised, and it was none other than Qin Bao and Qin Erlang.

Now that Qin Bao is here, he doesn't say anything and just sits in the courtyard. Zhang Xing, as the owner of this place, ignores him and just continues to read with his head down.

Finally, it was Brother Liu's daughter who broke the silence. She came to knock on the door and gave Zhang Xing a jar of sour soup to sober up his hangover.

"Are you wronged?"

Zhang Xing thanked Qin Bao profusely and came back, setting out two bowls and sharing them with Qin Bao. He took a few sips before asking.

"It's not a grievance." Qin Bao answered angrily while holding a bowl. "Everyone in the capital is slippery and shows no skill at all. It's hard to tell anyone who bullied you..."

"But they still vaguely exclude you and are hostile to you. Not only do they not regard you as one of their own, but they also remind you from time to time that you are a countryman, which makes you feel uncomfortable?"

"Not bad." Qin Bao felt a little sad for a moment.

"What is there to be depressed about? It will be over if you endure it." Zhang Xing became more and more disdainful. "Who has not experienced this? When I went to your village that day, wasn't it also rejected by you on guard? Everywhere in the world, xenophobia exists.

It’s inevitable.”

Qin Bao stopped talking and just lowered his head to finish the bowl of sour soup.

"Can't bear it?" Zhang Xing glanced at the other party, still slightly tipsy.

"I can't bear it, especially when there is a young white-belted boy named Li who is very angry all day long and makes it hard for him and others to get close to me." Qin Bao asked while breathing heavily. "Brother Zhang, I know you are a

You are a brave and resourceful person, so I came here to ask you if you have any ideas."

"There are so many ways." Zhang Xing rarely showed a smile. "If your family is as rich as Xu Dalang's family in Caozhou, it would be simple. Let's invite them to drink the latest sour plum wine together today, and go shopping together at Wenwenfang tomorrow.

I will go to Nan City to buy new tea as a gift for the newlyweds when they meet each other. Give money to anyone who needs money, and give horses to anyone who needs horses... In a few days, you will be recognized as the Timely Rain Qin Erlang of the East."

Qin Bao listened patiently and asked coldly: "What if I don't have money?"

"If you don't have money, it doesn't matter if you have advanced cultivation or are famous, or you have a good family background. Anyway, you need some capital. Use these capital to help whoever is in trouble..."

"My cultivation level is about the same as yours. You have accessed four of the twelve main meridians, and I have accessed five. Is that considered a master? My family only has dozens of acres of farmland, just to make ends meet. As for reputation...one village and one town.

What's the use of your name? It's not as good as Brother Zhang, who has carried your body for hundreds of miles and made people sad."

"Then kill someone!" Zhang Xing spread his hands. "The one named Li is the meanest, right? Kill him secretly..."

"Do you think the twenty-eight red ribbons of the three major towns and cities in Jing'an are just decorations?"

"Then give him a beating!"

"Don't be joking..."

"It's not just a joke." Zhang Xing drank the second bowl of sour soup and responded seriously. "These rejections are normal things. If you want to be faster, it is nothing more than showing kindness and establishing power... And giving kindness depends on capital, and standing up.

Prestige depends on ruthlessness. If you can't do it, you can only endure for a while, rely on your ability and character to gradually win people over, or you can cultivate yourself, get an official position, and have personal capital."

Qin Bao was silent for a while and suddenly asked: "Brother Zhang, where are you? When we came to Dongdu, I accepted your righteous deed. But when we arrived in Dongdu, I directly joined the Jinyi patrol of Fusi in Zhongzhen. You

But he came to be a street cleaner with no future... a street patrol captain... don't you feel resentful in your heart?"

Blame the devil!

Zhang Xing secretly complained in his heart... Not to mention that the entire army on the front line was wiped out and the court deliberately covered it up, so that people like him could not show off too early. He only said that he faked amnesia, which was enough to make Bai Yousi's thoughtful girl skinny.

I'm suspicious. I don't even have a Dongdu household registration. Isn't it natural for someone to give me an inspection period?

Even the Jingjiehu, who has degenerated to the point of being like a gang, knows to give a seven-day inspection period, let alone a truly rigorous patrol in Jinyi?!

This is a mid-level civil servant at the feet of the emperor!

If you think about your time, let alone the probation period or the inspection period, you might be involved in the battle royale game.

It is said that a programmer with an annual salary of one million is not as good as a civil servant with an annual salary of 50,000... In Zhang Xinglai's world, this was a joke for people like him who were key to politics and history, but these days, I'm afraid that is really the case.

Of course, this is what Zhang Xing feels in his heart, but Zhang Xing doesn't show it at all on his face, and he is too noble in his words: "No, if you can borrow books from the Marquis of Ji'an Mansion or Langya Pavilion in Jing'an Terrace for me, I would prefer it.

This kind of life now, with a basket of food, a ladle of drink, a book, being in a back alley, and being overwhelmed with worries, I won't change my joy... isn't it beautiful?"

Qin Bao was startled for a moment, obviously respectful, but after a moment, he hesitated and continued to ask: "Brother Zhang... tell me the truth, you really didn't think about revenge for your partner's family or anything.


"I'm thinking about it." Zhang Xing raised his eyes to look at the other party. He spoke clearly and clearly, as if he suddenly sobered up. "I'm really thinking about it! But at least I know that if you don't reach the master level, you shouldn't have the slightest thought... And not only

I was thinking about Hongshan, and I was also thinking about Luolongtan. But by the same token, if I didn’t become a minister or a marquis, I wouldn’t go to the court to find excuses... A man should strengthen himself and be strong.

Only then are you qualified to think about something. Do you have anything else to ask?"

Qin Bao shook his head.

"I have something to ask you." Zhang Xing suddenly smiled.

"Brother Zhang, just ask." Qin Bao was also calm and composed.

"Your family only has a few dozen acres of land, but you are willing to let you practice martial arts and buy horses from you? You are a hero in the village, and you are so well-educated. When you have the opportunity to come to the capital, you don't hesitate for a moment...

Is it just because Inspector Bai is pretty?" Zhang Xing asked jokingly.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from Brother Zhang." Qin Bao's expression didn't change much this time, and he seemed to have really expected it. "But it's not deliberately concealing it, but it's not important, or it would be a hindrance to say it... My great-grandfather

During the heyday of the Eastern Qi Dynasty, he was the governor of one of the 120 counties in the Eastern Qi Dynasty. His grandfather was also a recorder of the ruling prince of the Qi State and joined the army. He was more or less an official... But in the Wei Dynasty, you should also know.


Of course Zhang Xing knows that. He has been reading books these days. Although many of the descriptions are obviously foggy, for him who has experienced the information explosion, other things can be regarded as clear at a glance.

For example, the Eastern Qi Dynasty actually existed as early as the Great Zhou Dynasty, the predecessor of the Great Wei Dynasty. It once occupied the eastern border, Hebei and Huaidong, and dominated four to five points of the world. The Great Zhou Dynasty and the Great Wei Dynasty, plus the previous

This dynasty is obviously an internal change of the same ruling group. They are all based on Guanlong and control the warlords of Bashu to change their positions... In this case, the two countries have been at war for hundreds of years.

The ruling class of Qi, as the main military and political opponents of Wei and Zhou, would naturally be severely suppressed after the destruction of the country.

In fact, not only the hometown of the Eastern Qi Dynasty, but also the Jiangdong area in the south where Daliang was previously located, and the Northern Wasteland area that had always obeyed the Central Plains but was never included in effective rule for some reasons, all had serious political gaps with the imperial court.

And this not only explains why Qin Bao wants to get ahead, but also explains why Xu Dalang mocks Qin Bao, and why Xiong Bonan and Xu Dalang, two heroes from the East, want to save Li Shu?

It even explains why the rebellion of Yang Shen and Li Shu had such a serious impact? Why were the great nobles in the DPRK so sensitive to this rebellion that they temporarily ignored such a huge defeat on the front line?

You must know that although the Wei Dynasty today dominates the world and has great prestige, it has only been passed down for two generations. And the founding emperor, who had extremely high achievements and overwhelmed the world, first came to power as the Shangzhu Kingdom, and then held the power.

military power, and then take advantage of the mistrust of the young master to make an administrative coup and easily seize the country.

Of course, this is too far off the mark.

Seeing Zhang Xing nod, Qin Bao calmed down: "I'm not saying that I have to be rich and powerful, but my father and brother died early, and I raised me alone. I have always said something to me. As a son, I have to earn some merit and go back."

, let her calm down... Originally, I was thinking that it would be okay to join the army and go to Dongyi to work hard. Today, I came to Dongdu because of an opportunity, how can I still be angry over such a trivial matter? "

"So you figured it out?" Zhang Xing wiped his mouth and asked back.

"I understand, all I can do now is to improve myself as a man like you, Brother Zhang! Practice martial arts with your heart, study hard, be a good person and do things with your heart, and sooner or later you will accumulate your own capital, so that no one will look down on you." Qin Bao shouted.

He took a breath. "Among these, the one I am most confident about is martial arts training. I want to practice seriously and not mess around with people named Li."

Zhang Xing nodded, finished the last bit of soup in the bowl, and said without urging: "That's good, I won't charge you this time... People used to charge me for asking questions in private... Go back early

Well, by the way, tell Inspector Bai that I have finished reading these books and ask her to help find some history books or literary classics, otherwise there will be another shortage of books."

Qin Bao looked at the other party blankly, put down the bowl, wiped his mouth, and went directly.

After Qin Erlang left, Zhang Xing put a few copper coins into the earthen jar and returned it, then returned to the courtyard to finish reading the last half of the history book of the previous dynasty, then went out to fill his stomach, then turned back to the courtyard to start his work.

Simple exercises such as push-ups were used to prepare for meditating and unblocking the meridians before going to bed... And just as he was sweating profusely, Brother Liu suddenly knocked on the courtyard door again:

"Colonel Zhang, is Colonel Zhang here? Your partner who patrols the streets suddenly comes to see you."

Zhang Xing felt strange in his heart, but he responded immediately. When he went out, he saw Xiao Zhao waiting for him.

"Brother Zhang." Xiao Zhao stood in front of the square gate with his knife in hand, without any scruples. "Let's go to Water Street... The flag owner just said something. He is afraid that you will not have enough capital when you come back, so he will give you two months as a rule.

settle down."

Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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