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The 141st chapter sea of ??hardships (8)

On August 15th, the bones of the eldest princess were cold.

The Fulong Seal was not activated after all... As expected, the Mao Ren Sage did not pursue Sima and his son again. It was obvious that Sima Changying had matured in his old age, and was forced into a desperate situation. He performed well and diverted the disaster to the east with one move, and successfully escaped.

Of course, the main reason is that the Ma family and his son seem to be more in line with the dream than the Sima family and his son.

Ma Rui's family itself is also a Guanlong clan that is not inferior to the Sima family. His father has been the general manager of Youzhou for more than ten years, monitoring Hebei and Beihuang. He has strong connections there. Ma Rui himself is now a stay-at-home in Taiyuan, and his son married

The princess has a bright future, and there is also countless wealth left by the eldest princess...and this is a shining horse, not a Sima.

Of course, Zhang Xing suspected that there was also a huge psychological blind spot of the Mao Ren saint, which was perfectly grasped by Sima Changying - that is, this saint was arrogant and arrogant in his bones. He acted arrogantly every day and did not believe that he could

If he falls into that fate in the short term, this land supreme is more willing to believe that this will happen in the future.

From this perspective, Sima Xianggong is too old, while Ma Rui and his son have infinite possibilities.

Therefore, this saint is more willing to believe that it is the Ma family and his son who match his dream.

But again, what if you believe it?

The corpse of the eldest princess is cold.

The Mao Ren Sage obviously hesitated, and waved his hand to reject everyone.

Sima father and son helped each other and left. Sima Changying could not help but shed tears until now. Bai Yousi, who was opposite him, disappeared into the palace in a flash. Zhang Xing followed Niu Du Gong with Fulongwei.

came out.

"Don't tell anyone what happened today." Niu Duong sent Fulongwei out the same way and warned him sternly.

"Understood." Zhang Xing responded sincerely. "I was not asked away by the Governor at all. Fulongwei went back to continue to watch the night, and I continued to hold the coffin. Nothing happened tonight."

Duke Niu nodded, but hesitated to speak, but could only sigh, then clasped his hands and turned back.

After a while, Zhang Xing returned to the coffin of the eldest princess and continued to make ice. Ma Rui looked at it curiously, but in the end he had no words. Naturally, Deputy Changjian Zhang did not dare to say anything nonsense in this palace.

Things seemed to be ending like this.

However, next, subtle but rapid changes occurred in the Western Tour team.

Early on the next morning, as soon as Zhang Xing came out of his shift, the sage issued an edict that there was no need to build a large pontoon bridge, but that the Guanfengxing Hall should be opened directly, and the carts should be dispersed across several small bridges to cross the Qishui River.

There was no need to carry out a big project, so everyone was naturally grateful, so that few people noticed that the carriage across the river was not completely closed, and that the eldest princess's coffin and several cars were put together to form a small mobile hall.

I have noticed it, and I am afraid that most people can understand it, but it is impossible to think that such a thrilling thing happened that night.

Next, Zhang Xing was still on duty as a refrigerator, pretending that nothing happened... No way, what happened that night also made Zhang Xing feel guilty and scared. The scene was so creepy that he was not sure if it would happen again.

thing, and I’m not sure if I dare to think about that thought again, which later turned out to be a bit over-stressed.

The only thing he can be sure of is that he is determined not to endure this kind of political environment anymore - after the Western Tour, he will run away! He will run away without waiting for the second line of the governor, and will take out all the gold in the family for bribes.

Yu Changji, go and change the local officials.

The more this happened, the more he had to calm down. At a certain moment, he even inexplicably thought of the couple who died in his own hands.

After passing the Lianshui River, the sage did not go down the Wei River, but suddenly ordered the team to turn north, saying that they were going to Qiyang Palace in Yong County. But when the team arrived in Yong County, the sage was not willing to go... and instead ordered to go eastward.

Qishan... However, just as the team set out again, another order came, saying that they were going to the Renshou Palace in the north of Qishan.

In three days, the original route was changed three times, and there was also a high-status corpse in the team, which made everyone more and more panicked. People like Zhang Xing, who had experienced that night, naturally made things worse, and went to grandma's house.

Sure enough, on the night he arrived at Renshou Palace, Zhang Xing saw with his own eyes Ma Rui, the leader of the Shangzhu Kingdom who was left behind in Taiyuan, being summoned while on duty. When he came back, he was in a state of despair, his face turned pale, and he said nothing.

Early on the next morning, the team stopped at the Renshou Palace. Just as Zhang Xing caught up on his sleep, news came out that Ma Rui and his son had received further rewards and that their official positions could no longer be granted, so an additional three thousand households were added.

... At this time, it may be that the entire Western Inspection Team wanted to take a rest in Renshou Palace, so a new rumor spread, saying that the saint was planning to wait here for the opening of the tomb of the previous emperor, and then send the eldest princess directly there.


This can only be said to be a rumor, but not a rumor, because the tombs of several emperors from the previous dynasties are located east of Qishan Mountain and around the north of the Wei River, not far from Renshou Palace.

But Zhang Xing had already noticed something, and knew that something might happen again, but he was determined to find someone to ask for advice. However, at this time, he did not dare to discuss the core position of the palace with Bai Yousi, let alone

After discussing this issue with Qin Bao, he simply went to Li Ding.

The weather was hot and gloomy. After Zhang Xing found Li Ding, he dragged him to a remote area and explained what happened one by one, omitting his own impulsive thoughts.

"Is there such a thing?" Li Ding was stunned for a moment, but suddenly realized. "But it makes sense."

"How do you say it? What does a saint mean?" Zhang Xing sincerely asked for advice. This kind of thing is likely to involve temporary aristocratic customs. In other words, he really doesn't understand the specific political rules of the game for the nobles at this time.

"The saint obviously wants Ma Rui to commit suicide." Li Ding sighed, and tried to lower his voice regardless of the fact that he was outside the palace. "Don't make it difficult for him, and don't let him bear the burden of himself even though the body of the eldest princess is not recovered.

In the end, the reputation of blood relatives... maybe I want Ma Rui to die in the name of excessive worry and be buried together... That must be the case... But I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

Zhang Xing rarely felt a little dazed, and sure enough, the Mao Ren Sage did not disappoint him.

However, Zhang Sanlang soon discovered that although Li Ding answered correctly, he was also obviously out of sorts... This kind of situation is rare, just like the dark circles under the other person's eyes are rarely as light as now.

"What didn't you expect?" Zhang Xing, who was slightly moved by the thought, asked on the spot.

"I didn't expect that a saint would be so cool..." Li Ding, who stood with his hands tied, let out a long breath. "I didn't expect that Sima Xianggong would also..."

"Why do you think a saint wouldn't be so cold as this?" Zhang Xing asked in turn. "All four brothers were killed... Why should my sister be an exception? Anyone who gets in the way of his dominance and blessings will be punished.

It’s a good thing, but what would he care about? What’s more, it’s a dead sister?”

Li Ding almost panicked and sat down on the grass.

Zhang Xing then sat down and spoke firmly:

"As for Sima Xianggong, I can understand him. If he doesn't divert the trouble, his whole family will die. If it were you and me in his situation, what can we do? I'm afraid we can only kill him at the provocation... This is not to say

We have the conscience not to harm others, but we don’t have Sima Xianggong’s quick wit and understanding of the saint’s mentality.”

Li Ding said nothing and his face became increasingly pale.

"You can't resist, having no way out is the most terrifying thing." Zhang Xing looked around and lowered his voice in response. "After this incident, I feel more and more that if the saint is alive, there will be no future for Wei..."

"Don't... don't instigate." Li Ding seemed to realize something and sat there waving his hands repeatedly.

"I instigated?" Zhang Xing sneered for a moment. "Why don't you go to the official? You still instigated... What did I instigate? Which of the words I said was not the truth?"

"The worst thing is to find someone else." Li Ding sighed.

"Whatever." Zhang Xing said disapprovingly. "Anyway, if you are a saint for a day, you may not be able to fulfill your ambition."

"Don't talk about it yet." Li Ding held his forehead and continued to wave his hands. "I don't know if I can succeed in this life. Anyway, you are going to die...hurry up and find a way not to keep vigil."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xing was startled, and then quickly recalled that he was here for help, not to instigate Gong Huo.

"You..." Li Ding hesitated. "My mouth is very dry. Get me a glass of water first."

Zhang Xing was speechless and quickly handed over the water bag behind his waist.

Li Ding took two sips, then looked at Zhang Xing seriously and said: "It's a good thing you came to me, otherwise I'm afraid something bad would really happen... It's not that you will definitely die, after all, Bai Sanniang is here, and she still holds the Fulong Seal...

…Oh my God! I won’t know who will die then!”

"Hurry up and say it!" Zhang Xing couldn't hurry up. "You mean the saint will silence him? Afterwards?"

"This is a possibility." Li Ding shook his head. "But the probability is extremely small... Only if Ma Rui really commits suicide will you and the ten Fulong Guards be punished... But since Ma Rui did not commit suicide, he is greedy for life.

, and it is unlikely that he will commit suicide again.”

Zhang Xing broke out in cold sweat on his vest. How dare he think that Ma Rui committed suicide yesterday, so he would also be dead?

But after all, he had experienced a lot of life and death. He quickly suppressed this uneasiness and analyzed the other party seriously: "But since the saint has this intention, how can it be possible according to his temper that he would rather turn the world upside down than make himself happy?

Not killing in the end?"

"Yes." Li Ding also shook his head. "If Ma Rui committed suicide at that time, his child would not be able to change his name and survive. The eldest princess's last bit of kindness also worked... But he didn't want to die, and in the end

It will only make the whole clan unlucky!"

Zhang Xing nodded and did not make any comments on Ma Rui's behavior... He had just met this man and knew nothing about him.

Maybe I was naive and thought that if I put it off until my mother-in-law was buried, things would turn around;

He may also be a ruthless person with ulterior motives. He knows the fate of his family but does not want to die. He is planning to delay it and find a way to escape back to Taiyuan to rebel:

But the most likely thing is human nature, purely greedy for life and not wanting to die, and then luck and ruthlessness coexist in the mind to struggle.

"You mean, Ma Rui will die sooner or later, and I will be silenced sooner or later?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

"No." Li Ding responded with a wry smile, and his tone became gloomy. "When it comes time to deal with the Ma family in a big way, why would a saint want to silence you? How many days did the eldest princess die? You were silenced, and only Ma Rui was silenced.

I suddenly woke up and was ready to die, but the possibility of this was too small. I mean Sima Xianggong..."

"What?" Zhang Xing didn't seem to understand.

"I mean Sima Xianggong." Li Ding sat on the ground and sighed. "Didn't you educate me in return just now? Why are you so stupid now? Sima Xianggong may have been forced to take this path at that time. But

Now that we have taken this step, in order to protect the family, we can only do our best... Let me ask you, although the saint wants to get rid of Ma Rui and his son, but what about Sima Xianggong's family? Aren't they even more impatient?"

Zhang Xingling was on the spot and slowly squatted down.

"Moreover, don't they want to protect their reputation?" Li Ding continued. "Don't Sima Xianggong know that the saint is already murderous and only needs someone to give him a push? If I were Sima Xianggong, no matter what, I would just be there

In the past two days, go to the coffin and report to the saint immediately, saying that Ma Rui was whispering to you officers who were guarding the body, intending to rebel... or more cruelly, saying that Ma Rui pulled him and wanted Sima to follow him.

Let’s fight against Ma together!”

Zhang Xing looked up to the sky and sighed, but saw dark clouds rolling above his head, and then smiled bitterly: "At this time, I should have scolded Grandpa Sima Erlong for being shameless, but I couldn't get angry... You think, if another saint were in power, this Sima

Can my husband be a loyal minister and good general?"

"No." Li Ding took a few deep breaths and replied seriously. "Don't talk about changing it to a better one. Even if you think that the late emperor with harsh administration was still alive, Sima and his son would not be able to be loyal ministers and good generals... Su Gong,

Mr. Niu and Mr. Zhang are both there!"

Zhang Xing shook his head and stood up: "No matter what, I will go to Chang Jian first and tell her clearly, and then we will go to Niu Du Gong to ask for leave openly and hide away for a while... Niu Du Gong is a well-organized person.

, I may not have guessed Sima Xianggong’s methods, but nine times out of ten I will agree.”

Li Ding was about to speak but stopped.

"What?" Zhang Xing turned around and was surprised.

"It's nothing..." Li Ding shook his head. "I originally thought that the saint could be the reincarnation of the last faint masters of Dong Qi and Nanchen to take revenge. After thinking about it, I realized that when the saint was born, these two were not dead yet."

Zhang Xing smiled, clasped his hands and left.

About an hour later, he and the expressionless Bai Yousi appeared in front of Mr. Niu.

Du Nionghe is not inside the Renshou Palace, but in the Guanfengxing Hall outside the palace. The living ropes and vines sprout and grow easily under his hands as if they are alive, and then hook up the vehicles. When the ropes are finished, this

Then he clapped his hands and looked at the visitor: "Deputy Inspector Zhang wants to take leave? Why?"

"My cultivation level is insufficient. I just passed the Zhengmai on the westward patrol. For several days in a row, I couldn't convey my true energy to my heart." Zhang Xing's words were impeccable.

Duke Niu nodded and clapped his hands: "In that case, let's rest for two days...be it the Fulong Guards or the Ice Qi master who is guarding the coffin...I won't miss you, I'll find another one."

This person is indeed appropriate.

Zhang Xing nodded, turned around and wanted to leave, but after taking two steps, he turned back:


"What?" Niu Dugong, who had lowered his head and continued to braid the rope, was surprised for a moment.

"It's always hard not to say some things..." Zhang Xing gritted his teeth under Bai Yousi's gaze. "In fact, there is no need to keep so many palace people and father-in-law at the eldest princess' place."

Duke Niu was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Bai Yousi, half-smiling but not smiling: "You say this is your think tank?"

"He is a wise man, a best friend, and a confidant." Bai Yousi responded proudly. "What do you think, Governor?"

"Very good." The top expert in Beiya nodded, and then looked at Zhang Xing. "I'm not smart, so I just want to ask, why not let there be two fewer officers on duty... instead of fewer palace men and eunuchs?


"First of all, of course, it's because everyone only has one life." Zhang Xing said with a slight sweat on his forehead. "If there are fewer officers on duty, the most reasonable solution I can think of is to lose two, the palace man and the father-in-law.

It can be less than a dozen; secondly, Mr. Niu is the governor of Beiya. When talking about palace people and the father-in-law, the governor is more likely to agree... It's as simple as that."

Duke Niu nodded and looked at Zhang Xing again: "I understand... take a good rest these days..."

Zhang Xing felt relieved and saluted immediately.

And Niu Hefu went to see Bai Yousi again: "Bai Changjian has a good sense... It's just that people have different backgrounds and fortunes. Some people might as well take care of them... Of course, Bai Changjian is already very courageous, which seems to be

My words are superfluous."

Saying that, he continued to lower his head to braid the rope.

Bai Yousi was silent for a moment, then turned and left with Zhang Xing.

In tacit understanding, they walked to the other side of the palace away from Duke Niu. The two stopped together and stood looking at each other. For a moment, Zhang Xing felt that he had thousands of words to say, but he didn't know where to start. In the end, he just said

Sigh: "I didn't expect there to be such a conscientious person in this world, and he was in the palace. That day on Tian Street, he and I were only shocked..."

"The worse the world is, the less you can collude, the less you can bully the weak, and the less you can kill innocent people indiscriminately." Bai Yousi looked serious.

"But we should cherish good people more." Zhang Xing lowered his voice to persuade. "We should talk about strategies... Chang Jian, I know you are as shocked as I am, but the more you are at this time, the more you need to know how to keep yourself useful. In this way

Only in the future can earth-shaking changes be possible... At this point, do you still expect that person to change his temperament? And if he doesn't change his temperament, how can you bring the world back? Whether it goes well or goes against it, do you have to do something big?


Bai Yousi wanted to speak but stopped.

"Then I'll tell you the truth." Zhang Xing responded seriously. "I won't allow you to fall into danger easily in this ridiculous internal strife among the powerful... You have the Fulong Seal. Once you say something that goes too far, a saint cannot be careless.

But after being cautious, you will have to clean up your whole family and our subordinates! Just think of it as being for me, there is no need for us to wander in the quagmire! When the western tour is over, you can also find a foreign minister, okay?"

Bai Yousi looked at the other party blankly, nodded slowly while holding the long sword, and then said with difficulty: "Okay, I promise you, when you return from this inspection, you first go to the foreign minister. I have been waiting for a year.

Also go find foreign ministers."

Raindrops fell from the sky, and Zhang Xing felt much relieved for a moment.

Almost at the same time, outside Renshou Palace, Sima Changying and his son were sitting in the outer camp looking at each other, with heavy hearts.

"It would be great if it was Ah Zheng." Sima Huada lowered his head and held his forehead, wiping away a drop of rainwater falling on it.

"Remember what happened today." Sima Changying suddenly raised his head from his horse and spoke. His face was expressionless, but his gray beard was trembling.

"What?" Sima Huada was puzzled for a moment.

"I said, don't rely on the second child for everything!" Sima Changying's tone became sharp. "You will be a waste in your life! If you come to hold me back first, you will also hold back the second child in the future! Ah Zheng wants to

You are certified as a dragon! You have to stand up for yourself!"

The dignified general of the First Guard, Nuonuo dared not speak at this time.

"Remember what happened that day, but also what happened today... Do you understand?" Sima Changying's tone became more restrained, but it became difficult again. At the same time, the raindrops above her head began to gather gradually.

"Yes! My son has remembered it!" Sima Huada nodded heavily, then knelt down on one knee and tried to help him up. "Dad, it's raining, let's go in and talk."

"It's raining just in time." Sima Changying looked at the sky. "God's will is unpredictable, God's will is unpredictable, God's will is a bastard... A good person can only be satisfied if he has to watch you wrestling in the rain and being in a state of embarrassment... People are always in trouble

Should there be a choice? Why should we only give one bad path? Why should everyone in the world see Sima's ugliness?"

Speaking of this, Sima Changying, who had been on several battlefields and was famous for his versatility, dexterity and quick wit, actually shed tears in the rain on the spot.

Sima Huada was finally completely frightened and quickly knelt down on his knees.

Sima Changying finally helped his son to stand up, but then told him: "Don't move here! Just remember what happened today... I'll pay homage to the eldest princess and then come back... You have to hurry up."

, otherwise it will be even more embarrassing when Su Wei, Zhang Shizhao and the others come!"

During the heavy rain, Li Ding found shelter in a tent beside the road. He stared blankly at Sima Xianggong, who was covered in mud and water, passing by on the road in front of his tent. His face was almost expressionless, and he just watched him go to the palace.

In mid-August, one afternoon, Sima Changying, one of the prime ministers of Nanya Palace in Renshou Palace, suddenly appeared. As a ruler, he reported that Ma Rui, the left-behind man in Taiyuan, was blocking him in the mourning hall of the eldest princess. His words were strange and he was suspected of being crazy.

...The saint was furious and immediately sent Ma Rui to prison and handed him over to Yu Changji for interrogation!

Yu Changji interrogated him that night and replied that Ma Rui was not crazy, but intended to win over the prime minister, imprison the army, and kidnap the saint. The intention of treason was clearly revealed.

The saint replied and ordered him to be executed immediately to save his family.

Taiyuan stayed behind, and Shangzhu Guoma Rui died inexplicably in front of the emperor, which shocked the entire western patrol team.

At this time, the corpse of the eldest princess was cold.

PS: Thank you Mr. Xiao Guo for being so cute... I just saw it... I was really dizzy.

This chapter has been completed!
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