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The one hundred and fortieth chapter of the sea of ??hardships (11)

The night he arrived in Taiyuan, Zhang Xing had a dream. He dreamed that he had returned to his hometown. It was not only the previous world, but also the hometown of the previous world, a typical agricultural town surrounded by farmland on the great plains, a rapidly developing country.

, but it is a place destined to be eliminated.

He dreamed that he was wrapped in a quilt as clothing and walked out of the house without hesitation.

He walked across the grass, and green vines clung to the quilt, but they grew rapidly as if they were nourished by the vitality of immortality.

Weaving it into living ropes, transforming the quilt into clothing for him, and binding it tightly to his body.

He walked through a strange field, which seemed to be harvesting, but also seemed to be declining. Halfway through, he realized that it was a field of sunflowers all upside down.

He walked to the only cross street in the town. In the dusty atmosphere, it seemed that he should turn left to go to school, but the shuttle bus to the county on the right was about to leave. But at this time, he was not hungry, but he chose to do it.

, ordered a bowl of oil tea from my hometown.

Then, before the oil tea was poured out, he woke up.

This made Zhang Xing a little suspicious.

It's not his fault. He hasn't dreamed about the previous world for a long time, let alone his hometown in the previous world. Moreover, there are currently no ghosts in this world, but there are indeed gods.

Didn’t you see, after the saint had a dream, he killed his only sister and his whole family... Not to mention whether it was cool or not, the key is that no one ignored his dream.

Everyone believed that the dream was a foreboding, but they just interpreted it in different directions.

So, in the middle of the night, Zhang Xing immediately decided to go to Li Ding to interpret his dream... regardless of whether he would collapse or not...

But as soon as he got up and before he could use his true energy to illuminate, he heard movement on the roof.

"Check often." Zhang Xing sighed from below and asked seriously. "Can I not sleep when I reach the realm of becoming an elixir?"

"Zhenqi itself can make people active for a long time without getting tired, and can be replenished through meditation." Bai Yousi replied on the rooftop. "But in general, it is better for the body to have a good rest, otherwise it will make you old.

I have to pay it back eventually... But I haven't reached that point yet. The main thing is that the things you talked about today are very interesting. If there were no immortal dragons, people would have to be monkeys for millions of years before they could reach the Qing Emperor.

A situation where hundreds of races coexist... Do you think there are really such unlucky people?"

"I had a dream." Zhang Xing ignored those unanswerable topics, thought for a while, turned around and lay back on the kang, and then confessed in the dark night. "It's a little strange... I dreamed of a place,

The countryside should be my hometown."

The man on the roof obviously paused for a moment before asking, "What's all there?"

"I just came out of home, but I had no nostalgia for home... In the end, I didn't get on the donkey cart to the county seat. I sat at the intersection and ordered a bowl of Beidi bone stick soup... Then I woke up without drinking the soup." Zhang

This is a rough description, with just a slight change in background factors.

"Are you dissatisfied with the current situation?" Bai Yousi began to try to interpret Bai Po's dream. "Being clinging to the vines means that I feel that my current state is bound; when the quilt turns into clothes, I feel that my current identity is to survive.

I had no choice but to walk step by step; finally I stopped at the intersection,

I didn’t want to go to Heidi to attend the lectures, and I didn’t get on the donkey cart, because I was a little confused about the future... As for the sunflowers full of seeds, they turned downward instead of facing the sun.

It should be the most important thing...but I don’t know how to explain it.”

Zhang Xing nodded in the empty, dark room and said sincerely: "That's true...I have told Chang Jian what I want to leave and what I don't know what to do after I leave. That should be what I mean.

But when I say this, it seems that I am too greedy."

"How do you say that?" The female voice on the roof was slightly surprised.

"Zi Ran is living in poverty to the extreme. Now that he has a place to stay and a bowl of rice to eat, he should be grateful. He can leave.

But one should not despise the past and hate one's own experiences. Zhang Xing looked at the dark roof and blurted out, "Even if it is the Wei Dynasty, I guess I will have to go against it sooner or later, but I have to admit that this

The two years of experience have made me somewhat grateful for the people and things involved... People must learn to be grateful."

On the roof, Bai Yousi sat there for a long time without responding... It's not that he didn't want to respond, but he felt that there was no need to say it out loud... Because if he went on to say it, he wanted to ask the question: Can the other party really not stay?

This involves an issue of final choice.

The identity gap between the two sides is too big. Their ideas have been getting closer, but there are still differences in their routes... and both sides have always respected each other.

Treat the other party as an equal and leave the final choice to the other party rather than insisting on pressure.

In this state, some inquiries are not real inquiries, but a statement.

But for each side to express their stance once, it is enough. To say too much would appear to be hypocritical. A more practical expression is needed to express their stance...especially since the two sides have reached a seemingly neutral and compromising plan to become magistrates together.

Bai Yousi was even more unwilling to break this balance easily.

"I didn't expect Zhang Sanlang to be quite gentle." Bai You thought for a long time and could only say this sentence. "I remember that you have been sending money to the aunt in his village who took you in through Qin Bao?"

"Yes." Zhang Xing sighed in the dark night. "But it's of no use... Her husband is dead, and her son should also be dead... A peasant woman in the village is getting older, and her early days and nights of farm work have damaged her foundation.

I didn’t have much to rely on, and my body collapsed very quickly, and I was already in trouble before I came out this time... I guess there will be bad news when I go back after these six months."

Bai Yousi responded in silence.

"Is it raining outside? Why is it so dark?" Zhang Xing turned over and continued to ask.

"It hasn't rained yet." Bai Yousi came back to his senses and explained a little. "But it should rain soon. The autumn rains north of the river will get cold as soon as the rain starts...many rich people have elderly people in their families.

, when the autumn rain comes, we will just burn the kang."

"I know." Zhang Xing blurted out. "Who in the north doesn't know that in the winter, they basically don't want to get off the kang. They eat and sleep on the kang."

Bai Yousi finally had nothing to say.

Fortunately, the unexpected autumn rain saved her. As a drop of autumn rain fell, she took advantage of the opportunity to say goodbye and left, and Zhang Xing continued to turn around and fall asleep.

When I woke up the next day, the autumn rain indeed brought a noticeable chill.

With this layer of coolness, "the Western Patrol team became obviously panicked. Everyone was afraid of rushing in the rain, freezing to death, being soaked to death, and dying of illness on the road. It was very common in this era. If nothing else, they once escaped from Luolongtan in the rain.

Zhang Xing, who was returning home, had seen that scene with his own eyes... so people in Taiyuan, the capital city, were panicked for a while.

At this time, several officials also understood that they could no longer ignore the people's hearts. Prime Minister Su Wei led Sima Changying and the two ministers to take the opportunity to speak again. On the grounds that the road was slippery on rainy days, the weather turned cold, and the accompanying soldiers and palace residents lacked winter clothes.

I asked the saint to stop in Taiyuan for a while and wait for the winter clothes to be transferred from several warehouses south of the river before setting off.

At this time, we stopped for a while and replenished our winter clothes. As long as we delayed a little, we would be able to spend the winter in Taiyuan. Then, when news of the project came from Dongdu, we would be able to return to Dongdu before the Chinese New Year.

And using winter clothes as an excuse can be regarded as giving each other a step up.

In fact, this time, I don’t know whether he felt that Taiyuan was one of the companion capitals and the place where the royal industry was laid down for several dynasties before, so it was worth staying for a few more days; or it was because this smart Mao Ren saint had realized that he had made people uneasy before.

He got up, so he hesitated for a moment, and finally replied simply, saying that he would wait until the rain stopped to make any further calculations.

For a time, the city was singing praises, and everyone was praising God's grace.

But at the same time, the middle- and upper-level bureaucrats and the attendants around the saint are still on tenterhooks, because they have access to some additional information, so that they are very sure that the saint is just suspended due to the weather, and does not really want to continue.

Go north.

At the very least, the saint's messengers who went to Fenyang Palace to inquire about the preparations were not stopped at all, and the number was almost the same as the messengers to the Eastern Capital and the Western Capital.

But at this point, even the envoys to Fenyang Palace have fallen into some subtle situation.

For these middle- and lower-level bureaucrats, if they offend the saint, they will of course be unlucky, but if they offend the entire inspection team, the results will probably not be good either. Therefore, they often cooperate with Wang Daiji and Zhang Shijing, who has just taken office, to talk about the preparations of Fenyang Palace.

Very good, the saint is welcome to visit at any time, but under the autumn rain, the road is really difficult.

It didn't matter that the roads were muddy, the rivers were swollen, and the weather was cold. The key was that the baggage and ceremonial guards could not move at all, and the Guanfeng Hall could not be moved.

In response to this, the saint was depressed and continued to send envoys.

The times seem to be calling for another king, but this time no one dares to really regard the objective natural conditions as correct.

The Western Inspection Team, with the help of Qiu Yu, rested in Taiyuan for four or five days.

Then, the autumn rain suddenly stopped. Not only did it stop, but the weather suddenly became warmer, and it was like an Indian summer in late autumn. Within a day or two, the road surface was already dry.

Except for the saint, everyone was speechless.

Immediately, the saint thought that God's will was like this and directly issued an order for the team to go north along the Fen River to Fenyang Palace, trying not to delay the Cold Food Festival in commemoration of the Black Emperor in early October.

Everyone had no choice but to make hasty preparations and hit the road again.

The journey went smoothly in the past few days. Although we were resentful, there were really no major problems. Especially after five or six days of rest in Taiyuan, everyone regained a little strength.

However, when we walked to Jingle, the county town of Loufan County, the weather changed again. Autumn rain fell, and the temperature dropped sharply for two consecutive nights. The Western Inspection Team stayed here for two or three days without any embarrassment.

Changes began to occur, and low-severity diseases began to reduce the number of people... So several senior officials once again came to advise, please wait for winter clothes, otherwise the team would be considered to be scattered in the mountainous area due to illness and fatigue.

Although the saint was extremely dissatisfied, he hesitated again.

And just when everyone thought they could drag it on again, suddenly, the Mao Ren Emperor had an attack.

On this day, in Jingle City, many middle- and high-level officials who had made suggestions were dismissed from their posts. It was later discovered that the even more unlucky group was actually the messengers who traveled around to report information... On the eve of this day, dozens of officials belonging to Beiya

The system's attendants, father-in-law and Jinwu Guard officers were executed collectively.

Many people speculated that it was probably because bad news came from Guanzhong, which aroused the saint's anger and completely broke out, and he did this in order to cover up people's ears and eyes.

At that time, Zhang Xing lived on the west wall of the city and occupied a small gatehouse with a few subordinates. He had no idea what was going on, and he didn't want to alarm Bai Yousi in front of the emperor, so he went to ask a few people on duty, but they all didn't know what was going on.

At a loss, he only said that the message brought by a certain messenger that night was somewhat bad, but no one knew what it was, otherwise the killing would have been in vain.

This actually verifies the rumors.

Moreover, it was too late to ask about the fundamentals of the matter. Following the bloody example, no one dared to speak out except for a very few senior officials who relied on him... In fact, even a few senior officials became silent.

The western patrol team was trembling with fear, and under the sage's power, they braved the still falling autumn rain and forced themselves to go north.

Then, as some people expected, due to the rain and cold weather, the disease began to spread at a low intensity. Many palace residents and eunuchs became ill.

The soldiers were abandoned along the way in inns and villages that lacked medical treatment and medicine, which triggered new rumors and fears... So some people began to try to escape into the surrounding mountains, and a very few officers even abandoned their posts and fled with others.

After walking for seven or eight days, we finally arrived at Fenyang Palace.

In fact, to be honest, during the past seven or eight days, the rain has stopped for the last four or five days, and after Fenyang Palace heard that there was a problem with the Western Inspection Team, they immediately took the initiative to greet... Wang Daiji is a villain, but he is definitely a capable one.

He was a villain, and he had sorted Fenyang Palace properly within a few months. At this time, he arrived with Fenyang Palace's own garrison troops, as well as stored medicines, tents, and clean military uniforms, and he was instantly relieved.

The team's urgent need.

However, after this incident, the appearance of the huge Western Inspection Team, not to mention the arrogance when they first left Dongdu, the calmness when they were in Guanzhong, and the Taiyuan... Zhang

The team has always been in the core area. I really don’t know how many personnel have been lost in the past few days, and whether it has damaged the Western Patrol team. However, the morale has dropped to the bottom, and the atmosphere has become completely wrong, but it can be seen at a glance.


Under this situation, Zhang Xing really had no choice but to use his relationship with Wang Daiji to ask for medicine, hay, and food as soon as he arrived at Fenyang Palace, and then told his subordinates to take good care of their horses and salute them in case of emergencies.


Fenyang Palace is located at the junction of the three counties of Yanmen, Mayi and Loufan, and on the edge of the Guanluan Mountain Tianchi at the source of the Fen River. It is condescending and echoes the Yanmen County City. It is both a palace, a city, a military fortress and an important

Warehouse base.

This area is bounded by Dahe and the Luliang Mountains to the west, the Hutuo River and the Taihang Mountains to the east, the direct passage along the Fen River to Taiyuan to the south, and Loufangguan to the north... This world does not need the Great Wall, and there is no Great Wall, but

The prototype of the Great Wall, side walls and fortresses are still there.

The area to the north of Loufangguan, to the south of Bitter Sea, to the east of Dahe, and to the west of Yanshan Mountain may be the location of the most famous border town in this era of the world.

Because they are the key to the Central Plains compared to the territory of the Northern Wilderness and the Wu Clan. There is a big gap between the Bitter Sea and the Poisonous Desert. Not to mention, it is also an important passage for the Wu Clan and the Northern Wilderness people to go south.

In the past, the Tang Dynasty was in civil strife and its hegemony collapsed. The Southern Tang Dynasty moved southward, and the North suddenly came and went. Dozens of political regimes were separated in succession. Finally, the Great Jin once took control of the north. The predecessors of the Great Jin were people from the North who crossed the sea and were pacified.

The border towns gathered here... Of course, those are official history books. In fact, many people believe that at the beginning, the Great Jin Dynasty was more like a band of bandits composed of Wu tribe and Northern Wilderness people, and there were even more Wu tribesmen.

However, the Wu Clan is actually not much different from the human race in terms of race, and at that time, as the northern fortress, this place was already in chaos, with armed groups constantly coming and going, and there were everyone in it, so the racial color was meaningless.


It can only be said that since they have been stationed in this place for a long time, they will inevitably be influenced by the Wu culture, and then try to cover it up.

Not to mention, the Jin Dynasty went south from here, controlled Taiyuan, unified Hedong, conquered Hebei, swept Guanzhong, the Central Plains, and the Eastern Border. It once unified the north and tried to go south to confront the Southern Dynasties. However, because of its weak foundation, it was always difficult to reconcile the upper-level north.

The conflict between the nobility and the Central Plains families,

But it finally followed the old path of the Tang Dynasty, and the civil strife spiraled out of control.

At this time, a rebellion suddenly broke out in the border town here. Considering the injustice and oppression suffered by the border residents at that time, it can be called an uprising.

The result was that the five major border towns here revolted together and followed the route of Longxing of the Jin Dynasty, all the way south, unstoppable, which actually caused the destruction and division of the Jin Dynasty... What is interesting is that both the Dong Qi group and the Jin Dynasty

The Guanlong clan clans of Wei and the previous Wei dynasties generally came from the five major border towns of this uprising.

Under such circumstances, hundreds of years of political and military traditions are placed here. It is no wonder that until the situation of the Wei Dynasty, special attention was paid to this insignificant place.

The day we arrived at Fenyang Palace was early October, but because we missed the Cold Food Festival, there was a hasty sacrificial ceremony for the Black Emperor right after.

During the ceremony, strange signs appeared.

"What is that?" Halfway up the mountainside under Tianchi, Zhang Xing, who had successfully hidden away and was watching the excitement from a distance, suddenly noticed a dark cloud in the north, and then poked Li Ding, who was looking at the top of the mountain in ecstasy.

"Why is it floating so fast? There is no north wind today? Otherwise, it would have frozen to death."

Li Ding, who had a higher level of cultivation, looked at it for a while and was still unsure: "It really doesn't look like clouds, but it's hard to say. Could it be a bird? A bird that travels between the sea of ​​suffering and the south?"

In fact, at this moment, not only Zhang Xing and Li Ding, but also many people with cultivation were sensitive to the movement in the north. After a while, ordinary people also noticed the movement.

The practitioners finally determined that what this thing was was a bird. The birds were densely packed, overwhelming, from north to south. They seemed to be migratory birds traveling between the north and the south. Considering that the weather had suddenly become colder recently, it was normal for them to start moving northward in large areas.

Don’t you see, is Yanmen County next door?

"It's not a wild goose or a water bird... it's a crow." After a while, Li Ding's expression suddenly changed.

"It's a crow." Zhang Xing also clearly heard the crow and became uneasy again. "What can the crow say? Is it unlucky?"

"I don't know." Li Ding turned around and spread his hands. "It may not be unlucky. In ancient times, there were crows pecking at the grains and gathering on the roof of the Holy King, and then the Holy King established his hegemony. However, there are also crows that pecked at the corpse of the tyrant after his death. In an instant,

What White Bones said... You Beihuang and the Wu Clan also have some magical sayings about crows... I can only say that this thing does have some signs."

Zhang Xing was silent for a moment, looking at the crowd of crows getting closer and closer, and asked sincerely: "Then do you think they are here to pick up millet and give gifts to our saint?" Li Ding was speechless: "If this is the case, it is really the way of heaven.

Neither I nor the Supreme One can open their eyes."

"Then do you think they will peck the flesh of a saint?" Zhang Xing lowered his voice and continued to ask.

"I think it's a bit difficult." Li Ding looked at the crows that were almost flying overhead and became nervous for a moment.

Zhang Xing no longer asked any more questions, but stood with hands tied together, staring at the group of crows.

Slowly, countless crows got closer and closer, and finally reached the top of Tianchi. Then, amidst the nervousness of the people below, these crows neither dropped the grain nor pecked anyone's meat, but started to eat.

There was a lot of noise above the Tianchi Lake, and they circled in a big circle, shitting a lot of shit into the Tianchi Lake, and then headed north.

There is a saying that birds poop in the sky, so it cannot be said to be a bad omen. Therefore, this group of miscellaneous birds seems to have just heard that the saint was patrolling here and came to watch the fun.

But no matter what, the saint became completely unhappy and even refused to drink water from Tianchi and Fenshui.

PS: Continue to promote the book "Three Kingdoms: Starting from the Street Pavilion"

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