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The 149th chapter sea of ??hardships (16)

In the dark night, there is a cold air.

Zhang Xing and Qin Bao were galloping through a dark area. They suddenly reined in their horses and turned to face each other. Two to three hundred paces behind them, a dozen Wu cavalrymen were already panicking. They even heard the obvious sound of falling into the water.

and cries for help.

Qin Bao took out the bow and arrow on his back, bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and tried to blindly shoot an arrow at the trap position, but after pulling up the bow, he put it down directly.

"What?" Zhang Xing turned around and asked.

"It's a bit far." Qin Bao answered simply. "It doesn't kill enough, so it's useless."

"Let me try." Zhang Xing stretched out his hand to signal.

Qin Bao was slightly surprised, but he immediately handed over the bow and arrow.

Zhang Xing took it and aimed the bow roughly in the direction of the ice trap he had set up. Then he was not in a hurry to release the arrow. Instead, he circulated the infuriating energy throughout his body. Silver-gray ice infuriating energy spread out from the top of his head and feet, almost

It enveloped his whole body, and naturally enveloped his arms and spread, and then waited for the outflowing true energy to flow forward and backward along the arrow. Then he flicked the bow string and let the arrow fly out with a silver-gray stream of light, heading straight into the distance.

It's a pity that there were no screams.

In fact, Zhang Xing's archery skills are very poor. The streamer almost misses the ice trap they set on the river by dozens of steps... Of course, it seems that most of the Wei sergeants' archery skills are quite bad. This is because of the standard

They had steel crossbows, and were used to fighting with large armies that bullied the smaller ones... However, the original calls for help and noises stopped immediately.

"They were frightened and did not dare to move." Qin Bao was excited for a moment. "Infuriating arrows with true energy is a combat skill that many Qi Jing masters can master only after they have mastered three or four meridians. How did the third brother do it?"

"I'm extremely talented and full of energy, and I'm not willing to waste it, so it's just a little more obvious outside my body... And I just thought of it and gave it a try... Let's go now!" Zhang Xing said while turning the horse's head.

Quickly go upstream to the river.

Qin Bao also shut up immediately and followed suit.

Zhang Xing is not perfunctory... The eight meridians of the Qi Meridian stage are considered to have sudden strength and practicality than the normal meridians stage. Basically, they rely on similar means, that is, forming sword light, infuriating arrows, iron cloth shirts, and Vietnam War Vietnam.

Fighting skills such as bravery... But Zhang Xing has always had a conjecture, that is, no matter how dazzling the fighting skills sound or look, in essence, the eight meridians of the extraordinary meridians open another level of meridians, allowing people to borrow the extraordinary meridians.

Apply your true energy either externally or internally to core organs that were previously out of reach.

In other words, the amount of Qi stored, the stability of Qi release, the range of Qi release, and the skills of using Qi, these are the essence of these bells and whistles.

In fact, many true qi can already be attached to melee weapons in the late stage of the positive channel stage, and the same principle should be true in essence. Including the iconic thing of controlling the qi in the elixir condensation stage, it should also be true

This is due to the larger gas storage capacity and faster and more stable release.

It was with this concept in mind that he felt blessed just now. Watching Qin Bao shoot an arrow, he suddenly remembered the posture of Dulan Khan shooting that arrow in the Wu Clan army formation that he saw in the city.

, and then decided to try such a stupid method.

Others would never do this because it would be such a waste of energy.

In this way, the two of them could not go more than a few miles on horseback. When they came to a mark with a small fire, they suddenly stopped. Zhang Xing immediately dismounted and found the pontoon bridge that had been placed on the river in advance and carefully made with the use of ice energy.

Then he turned back to signal.

Qin Bao immediately extinguished the fire, led his knobbly beast, followed Zhang Xing, crossed the simple pontoon made of ice and wood, then mounted his horse again, but was ahead of Zhang Xing, and lured them in front of them.

Go to the enemy's mountain pass.

When I got closer, it turned out that the dozen or so riders had not yet turned back, and there were only three or four people in the small camp at the pass. They had completely relaxed their vigilance and were just chatting by the fire, and there were even sounds of teasing.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, one person stood up and asked something in the witch language.

But what greeted him was an iron arrow that pierced the throat.

The arrows arrived first, and then the two cavalrymen arrived... One of them waved a big iron spear, and lightning exploded from the iron spear, directly throwing another Wu warrior who had just stood up onto the fire; the latter one calmly dismounted,

He met an older Wu Clan soldier who hurriedly picked up a spear, then swung his knife with a cold air, easily cutting off the opponent's spear, and then used another knife, slashing from the opponent's neck to the side and downwards, after all his strength was exhausted

, unexpectedly couldn't kill him, but it was enough to kill the opponent, so he simply put away the knife and pushed the Wu warrior with his head tilted into the fire.

The remaining Wu warrior had already been frightened and lost control, and did not dare to resist at all. He just fled into the wilderness in the dark night. However, Lai Qi, namely Zhang Xing and Qin Bao, ignored him and hurried up to push him down to stop him.

A simple wooden raft at the pass.

"Third brother." When he was about to turn around and lead the horse to run over, Qin Erlang suddenly stopped and licked his lips into the dirty tent.

"No need, it's important to be on your way." Zhang Xing understood, but immediately shook his head.

It turned out that the two of them suddenly realized that there were actually people in the tent... or witches... However, with the human race's cultural dominance now, the witch race might have to call themselves humans.

Qin Bao also nodded. At this time, time is the key. They have wasted a lot of time for this pass.

However, at this moment, someone took the initiative to open the tent from the inside, and then two disheveled women who were obviously dressed in civilian clothes ran out. They knelt down directly towards Qin Bao, who was nearest, and led a slightly younger woman.

The elder one cried and begged directly in Jin dialect:

"Master Jun, save us!"

Qin Bao was stunned for a moment, completely stunned.

"Where are you from?" Zhang Xing sighed and stepped forward immediately. In fact, he was more adaptable to this scene than Qin Bao, a native.

"He's from Hun Yuan." The older woman quickly replied.

"Is this pass east or west?"


"Where's the family?"

"We are all in the shaman's camp. We were brought out specially."

Zhang Xing took a deep breath, and immediately turned to tell Qin Bao: "Go and search, you need dry food and money, and then see if there are any local women's clothes. Regardless of whether there are any, you have to rip off the dirty skin of a few Wu tribe members...


Qin Bao acted immediately as if he had the backbone.

"Sister-in-law." Zhang Xing knelt down, held one of the other party's hands, and said seriously. "There are too many Wu people. Your home is in the west. The whole city has been occupied. There is no way to go back. And there are only two of us.

There are more important things, so don’t cry now, listen carefully to me, and remember as much as you can word by word..."

The woman instinctively wanted to shrink her hand, but she still gritted her teeth and nodded hard.

"First of all, we will give you dry food, money, clothes, and skins to keep warm in the winter. If you don't go home with it, you will definitely be captured again if you go home. You just come with us to cross the pass and hide in the mountains to the east.

, as long as you can survive a day, it’s a day…”

"Second, you must remember that the army of the Wei Dynasty will arrive in a few days, but don't be too happy when it comes. Not only is the Wu clan coming to plunder, but the world is about to be in chaos, and the army of the Wei Dynasty is also coming.

It will definitely harm the common people, especially homeless people like you... Therefore, unless you encounter a wild beast, try your best to wait for the emperor's honor guard to leave before going home to see..."

"The last thing is, if you go home and find that your man has not returned, don't stay too long. Take the money we give you and follow the army south from the main road. Go to Taiyuan first, stabilize yourself first, and then if you are afraid of encountering him again,

When this happens, I slowly follow the Fen River across Taiyuan to Linfen, go to Hedong, and find a Zhangjiazhuang with big locust trees in Wenxi County, Hedong. I can work as a servant there, which is better than staying on the border.


After Zhang Xing finished talking, Qin Bao had collected a lot of things. After Zhang Sanlang got up, he took out some gold, silver and dry food from his arms and handed them to the two women.

At this time, in the dark night to the west, the chaotic sound of horse hooves sounded again, but it stopped in the dark night.

"Hurry up!" Zhang Xing had already stood up and kept urging. "Go over first, we'll be stuck here for half an hour."

The two women seemed to know that the Wu people were back and knew how powerful they were. They just kowtowed on the ground. One of them wrapped up the dry food and money in clothes, and the other held the leather, and fled to the east in a panic.

Zhang Xing and Qin Bao also got on their horses and each led the two shaman horses. They slowly followed them across the pass and stood in the darkness again.

More than a dozen warriors from the riding witch clan seemed to have noticed something and did not dare to return to the pass camp. Zhang Sanlang and Qin Erlang did not dare to speak easily, but just stood there and waited.

"Third brother."

After waiting for a while, the smell of barbecue began to fill the air. Seeing that the confrontation had become very obvious, Qin Bao couldn't help but speak. "I shouldn't just think about fame..."

"I shouldn't think about fishing in the city." Zhang Xing also sighed for a moment. "I should always take care of the situation in front of me."

"Third brother, have you changed your mind?" Qin Bao was slightly surprised.

"What do you think?" Zhang Xing asked in equal surprise.

"Da Wei..."

"How is it possible? After this incident, unless Zhongcheng makes up his mind to depose the saint and establish King Qi or a grandson of Luoyang as emperor, I will only be less optimistic than before..."

"What if I'm not optimistic about it?"

"It was the Wei Dynasty that existed in name only, and all the heroes came together to build a new foundation by stepping on the corpse of the Wei Dynasty."

"Wouldn't the confrontation continue for a long time and turn into the situation of the confrontation between Western Wei, East, Qi, Nan and Chen?"

"No..." Zhang Xing's tone was still cold. "The Wei Dynasty could survive for more than ten years after meeting this saint, including the world's tolerance of the late emperor. There is a reason... After hundreds of years of division, people's hearts have

Si Ding, Si Ping, Si An, and since the Wei Dynasty is the winner of the three families, they will naturally think that they have obtained destiny, so everyone hesitates and shrinks, but this time many people will not flinch... And as I expected...

Unfortunately, the Wei Dynasty is hopeless, and the chaos will be extremely fierce, but it is impossible for anyone to maintain an area for a long time and form a separate regime. This is because people are calm and peaceful."

"But..." Qin Bao stopped talking.

"I know what you want to say." Zhang Xing responded calmly. "But again, the general trend is the general trend, and the present is the present... Since you have different opinions on the general trend and the future, don't worry about him. Just like me, do your best.

Now, moving forward is... I believe that the two of us will eventually meet up and go home together."

"Yes." Qin Bao responded earnestly. "If it hadn't been for Third Brother just now, I really don't know what I would have done..."

Zhang Xing said nothing.

Because the sad fact is that even if he made the best choice at the moment and pointed out the most suitable path, he still could not guarantee that the two women would survive.

Every step is not guaranteed.

Maybe you will encounter wild animals when you enter the mountains, or you may escape from the war, but in the end you will be attached to your hometown and dare not go south. The next time will be the same as before. The most helpless thing is that you may have escaped everything, and you may enter Taiyuan City.

He was immediately kidnapped by gangsters and sold.

While he prides himself on being self-satisfied, he keeps saying that he is people-oriented, but in fact, he may not be able to save even one person, so what does it mean for the overall situation if he saves one or two people? At the same time, after experiencing the two expeditions to Dongyi, Yang Shen's side, and

After this incident, the situation has gradually become clearer, and troubled times will eventually arrive, but I still can't make up my mind, and I am still thinking about it and worrying a lot.

Simply ridiculous.

However, it is precisely because of this that you secretly feel that that old lady Bai Yousi is attractive, right?

Speaking of which, the other party still didn't stop me this time. Was he expecting me to take that step, or was he unwilling to say anything because of the visualization? Or was it because of morality and didn't want to ruin the loyalty between himself and Qin Bao?

In his wild thoughts, Qin Bao suddenly stepped out, raised his hand and shot an arrow, but he shot a Wu warrior who secretly tried to get close to the fire to the ground.

The latter was hit by an arrow in the leg and fell down on the spot, but still crawled forward regardless of everything. Instead, he worked hard to get to the fire just a few steps away, dragged out the half-cooked corpse from the fire, and beat him hard.

, and then tried to crawl away again, but after crawling two steps, he turned back again, and actually started crying on the spot while holding the body that was full of the smell of meat.

It turned out that after the corpse was dragged out, it had completely lost its head. In his panic, the young Wu warrior did not realize that it was his own dragging that left the corpse's head in the middle of the fire.

Qin Bao, who had returned to the darkness, turned back with a confused expression...Obviously, this scene had no less impact on this honest child than the previous scene where the two women came out.

Zhang Xing sighed: "After all, we are the enemy at this time, so there is no need to show mercy... But I suggest keeping him, because it can hinder this group of people and serve as a deterrent."

Qin Bao nodded and put away his bow.

After waiting for a moment while wailing, they shot down a shaman again. When the appointed time arrived, Zhang and Qin no longer hesitated, mounted their horses directly, followed the road to the east, and tried their best to meet him eastward.

In this way, the two of them received military orders to receive the reinforcements from Youzhou. They were first escorted out by Governor Niu and galloped with light cavalry. In two days, they escaped from the areas of Mayi and Yanmen and entered the area of ​​Hebei. They then spent another two days crossing the mountains.

The only highway in the world finally arrived at Huairong, an important town between Hebei and Shanxi.

Then, they were surprised to find that on the same day, only half an hour ago, an elite cavalry team under the General Manager of Youzhou had arrived here, before they even had time to set up camp.

After experiencing the small incident of breaking out of the encirclement, Zhang Xing had already put away his indifference and immediately took the initiative to greet him, showed his seal and ribbon, reported his identity, and asked to meet the leader of the team, Zhonglang.

In the midst of the chaos, the other party summoned them immediately... The two sides met outside the military camp that had not yet been erected outside Huairong County.

"Deputy Inspector Zhang Xing and Baishou Qin Bao, deputy inspectors of Fulongwei, Fusi, Taixi Town, Jingan, are here with the imperial edict." Deputy Inspector Zhang rode his horse forward and handed over to the incoming general in the field. "May I ask the name of the general?

Duty? Are you here to serve the king with an order?!"

"That's right, I am Luo Shu, the seventh lieutenant general of Youzhou Governor's Palace." The general was dressed in white armor, tall and majestic, with hawk-like eyes and thin beard, and a flash of light in his eyes. He went up to him alone, and there was only one person behind him.

A majestic general dressed as a young man accompanied him. "I came here with the order. You claim to be the imperial envoy. The order document is there. You must let me check it first."

This is a capable thorn.

Zhang Xing made up his mind immediately, but without delay, he immediately took out the will and his own seal and ribbon from his arms.

But at this moment, a shocking scene appeared.

Qin Bao, who was following behind, was about to take off his ribbon, but was stunned when he heard the opponent's name. Then, he, who was always a talented person, ignored the etiquette and immediately jumped on his horse and passed Zhang Xing, which again attracted the attention of the young team general behind the opponent.

With eyes wide open, he stepped forward directly, even raising his gun.

But then, Qin Bao's words stunned all four people present.

"May I ask General Luo, is your wife's surname Qin? She is from Qizhou, which can also be said to be from Dengzhou..." Qin Bao immediately responded nervously. "I am Qin Bao. After my grandfather passed away, my father took our family there.

Arrived in Dengzhou.”

The lieutenant general named Luo Shu was startled for a moment, then immediately turned from anger to joy: "Is he my nephew? Your father told me about you through letters to me several times before his death!"

When Qin Bao heard this, he immediately rolled off his saddle and dismounted, knelt down on one knee and bowed to the ground, saluting each other. At the same time, his face was filled with joy that could not be concealed: "I am Qin Bao... When did my uncle become the middle man?"

The lieutenant general was also overjoyed. He quickly dismounted and picked up the other person. He shook his arm and asked, "Kansai dogs are all jealous of the virtuous and capable. I was promoted just this year, and I finally managed to revive myself."

The door lintel... Erlang, on the other hand, I haven't heard from you for a long time. I only know that your family moved from the county to the countryside, and I don't know where it is. I haven't heard from you for a long time. Your aunt keeps talking about it all day long... How did you get here? Still doing it?


The young team general and Zhang Xing, who were each holding something high on the horse, fell into embarrassment... There was no way, this scene was too unexpected.

Of course, that team member must have been more embarrassed, because he also needed to recognize his relatives, so he immediately put away his gun, dismounted, greeted him with a big gift, and smiled apologetically:

"Is he the second cousin? I am Luo Xin. I have always heard from my mother that there is a second cousin, but we have never met him."

After saying that, he naturally saluted seriously, which attracted Qin Baofu to hug him again.

When Zhang Xing heard the names of the father and son, and saw their relationship with Qin Bao, his eyelids twitched, but his face did not turn red, and his heart did not beat. He just got off his horse, holding the imperial edict and seal ribbon in his hand and facing the idle Zhonglang General.

After bowing his hands in a salute, he immediately put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "We are all members of our own family, so it's easy to talk...General Luo, you came so quickly, are you just seeking special honors, or are you already nearby?"

Luo Shu then came to see Zhang Xing, but he remained silent and only looked at Qin Bao.

Qin Bao understood, stretched out his hand and grinned: "Uncle, don't worry, this is Brother Zhang, you just treat me as my closest brother."

Zhang Xing reluctantly laughed.

PS: Good night everyone.

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