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Chapter 16 Square Lane (4)

In early summer, as the mist dispersed and the copper bowl opened the street, Zhang Xing and Xiao Lieutenant Zhao launched a temporary small-scale crackdown.

The first day was the raid on Xiuye ​​Workshop.

In response to this, General Feng specially gathered the most capable helpers from each branch and gave them to the two of them.

The two of them had their foreheads tied and mopped, and they were wearing standard attire, and they were wearing scimitars with embroidered sheaths. They were quite impressive. Behind them were a gang of seventy or eighty people, almost all of whom were holding sticks and weapons. They had breakfast at Jingshanfang first.

, I was given ten Wen as a down payment, got the title of General Banner, and now under the official banner, I followed two serious "school lieutenants" to inspect the business of another shop. Everyone was brave and eager to make some profit so that I could show off to my aunt.

There was a huge group of people. Thirty people were first selected by drawing lots to watch the other three gates. Then the remaining fifty or sixty people followed the two captains and swarmed in from the north gate of Xiuye ​​Square. They were shocked.

Brother Liu, the owner of the shop, hurriedly called his wife and daughter to go back to the house for a while, and then came to inquire.

Zhang Xing did not make any noise, and simply explained the whole story clearly, asked about the nearest business, and after checking that the list provided by Feng Yong was correct, he left the restaurant, stalls and temporary workers' agency owned by Mr. Liu and went straight to that store.

Go to the casino.

The casino had just opened half the door, and the owner and the waiter were squatting inside to eat. Before they could even wipe the shit out of their eyes, dozens of big men swarmed in. They were tied up with ropes, and the guys were smashed. Some loose money was also lost.

It was divided up by the helpers who rushed in first.

Seeing such a scene, the casino owner who was led in the alley outside finally woke up and shouted quickly: "Two captains, if you two are short of money, just tell me. Why are you ruining my livelihood? I have to pay Han Xiaoqi here every day."

The pumper! If he knew, he would never spare you!"

"What Han Xiaoqi?! Who should be spared?!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xing was naturally indifferent, but Xiao Lieutenant Zhao didn't know what erotic dream he had last night, and his eyes were already red with excitement. When he heard this, he took out the scimitar and threw it aside while scolding him, and then threw it away.

He took off the embroidered sheath of the knife, held the scabbard in his hand, rushed forward and started to draw it violently.

After the first few strokes, the casino owner was still snarling. After about ten strokes, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and so painful that he could not speak. But Xiao Lieutenant Zhao did not stop at all and continued to slap the casino owner all over his body.

He collapsed and knelt down to protect his face before stopping.

"Let me ask you again...what Han Xiaoqi? Who should be spared?"

Although Xiao Zhao stopped, he was still a bit reluctant. He just stuck the bloody scabbard in front of the opponent's head, then leaned over and grabbed the opponent's hair, and continued to sneer and question.

"The appearance...doesn't look like...Han, Han Xiaoqi." The owner of the casino cried bitterly, his mouth was swollen and he couldn't say anything, so he could only give in. "Oh, nest, my own illegal business...please...please...

Wei... the captain spared me... put it on the beam of the house... there is a package of prints... don't, don't hold my family papers."

That’s all for the beginning, but after hearing the end, Xiao Zhao also felt a little confused.

But when the surrounding gangsters heard this, they suddenly woke up and swarmed into the casino again. They immediately swept the beams of seven or eight rooms. Sure enough, they found a small bag of broken silver in one of them, and then they handed it over to Xiao Zhao and Zhang Xingshen.

In front of me, it looks like there is no less than seven or eight taels.

Zhang Xing was startled for a moment, as if he felt something was wrong, but he soon came to his senses and took the two largest pieces directly from the top, gave one to Xiao Zhao, took the other for himself, and then ordered someone else:

"Go to the casino and find a silver counter. If you don't have any, go borrow it from your neighbor!"

The helpers understood, and with a bang, they were even more excited than before, and immediately went to work. After a while, they took out no less than seven or eight scales and small scales, and then weighed them easily, throwing down a few that were obviously inaccurate.

, there is about six or two or three dollars left.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xing did not distribute the money directly, but in front of everyone, he tied a roll of silver bag directly to the bloody scabbard of Xiao Captain Zhao, raised it high and turned it around before speaking.


"Everyone, Captain Zhao and I have already taken our share of this bag of silver, and the rest is all yours... But don't worry, there are so many of us, it's hard to divide the money, and there are so many violations."

Every place needs to be raided, and taking one place and distributing money at a time will delay everyone's wealth. Besides, there are dozens of brothers guarding the gate, and they cannot be left out... Now I will tie this silver to this scabbard that represents the official status.

, ask a tall brother to hold it up so that everyone can watch and prevent anyone from swallowing it secretly. Let’s continue the sweep and distribute it equally per head at noon, and again in the afternoon. When the sweep is completed, we will distribute it again...

…What do you think?!”

What else could be done? The helpers below wanted to show their hearts to the two captains. Zhang Xing even handed the scabbard to a tall helper and directly looked at the list. He was still a little confused.

Xiao Zhao went to the next place.

The helpers behind them became more and more encouraged, those who picked up knives, those who led the way, those who cleared the streets, those who patted the horses, the people numbering fifty or sixty actually surrounded the two "school captains" as if they were marching to fight, protecting the high-flying

The scabbard continued to walk.

With such morale, everything will be smooth sailing next.

No matter which banner you are the brother-in-law of, or you are a so-called wolf on the ground, you are just a younger brother in the face of the official banner and absolute numerical advantage.

There were a few thugs in the middle who were obviously practicing Taoism. They tried to escape with the strength of their zhenqi, but they were divided into several groups by dozens of gangsters and surrounded, and then knocked to the ground while wielding whistle sticks.

One of them was met in the afternoon. Zhang Xing estimated that one or two of the twelve positive meridians were connected to him, which was Qin Bao's level of cultivation. He listened to the message from the beginning and was on guard early.

He came out with an iron pot on his head and a bamboo board tied to it, and then unleashed his true energy and went on a rampage. He was so invincible that he almost made Zhang Xing take action.

However, how could the helpers, who had just shared the money, make the two "camp captains" tired? Immediately, some smart people thought of a way. They "borrowed" sheets and quilts from the neighbors to use as barriers, and soon the entanglement

He stopped the guy and waited until he was dragged to the ground. Then he picked up the lid of the pot, cut the bamboo board, danced the whistle stick, and beat him harder.

The 'cultivation master' held on for a moment, but in the end he could only lie down on the ground wrapped in sheets and cover his head, begging for mercy. Zhang Xing's eyelids jumped as he watched.

It can only be said that no wonder Bai Yousi said that 99% of practitioners in the world are still at the stage of opening channels. There really is a reason.

Not to mention the effectiveness of the eight extraordinary meridians, it would be too uneconomical to only talk about the stages of the twelve normal meridians... It is not difficult, but it is so hard to practice, and you have to train your body and build up the pulses almost every day.

, after many years, you are just stronger and have a little bit of infuriating qualities, but it can't last long. Let alone a serious soldier wearing a strong and sharp sword, even a group of gangsters can't be defeated. So who can't stand at this stage?

Do you feel frustrated and tired?

Just like the naughty kids in the world they came from, everyone knows that studying hard and getting into a good university will lead to a better life, but from elementary school to junior high school to high school, what percentage of naughty kids can grit their teeth and not fall behind?

Moreover, there are still nine years of compulsory education, with parents supervising and teachers managing. In this feudal era, everyone knows their own responsibility for hard work, let alone everyone's incomplete knowledge.

"No need to guard the gate?"

Shortly after noon, Zhang Xing, who had no choice but to distribute the money again because his wallet could not support it, raised his head and asked in surprise while eating the meat cakes bought by the gangsters.

"Don't worry, Captain, there are only three secret prostitution shops left. They all have the same owner and are still together. His girls and the shop are all there, so they don't dare to run away." You Bangxian quickly explained.

"Are they all clandestine prostitutes' houses? Or a backstage company?" Zhang Xing was puzzled for a moment. "What a coincidence?"

"It's not a coincidence." Xiao Zhao, who was also eating meat pie, responded from the side. "The secret prostitute house is hidden around the corner, and no one dares to go to it, and there is a situation in the Xiuye ​​Workshop...Brother Zhang

We also know that the home of Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment is in the north, and he is an official of the Ministry of Punishment. Although the Zhang family in Luling is not a member of the Guanlong Eighth Zhuguo Kingdom or a surname or hope, it can be regarded as a moderately famous family... There is nothing the secret prostitution house can do.

, they didn’t even dare to lean on the cross street in the square, and they didn’t dare to go north, so they could only shrink here and stay close together. After a long time, they were naturally swallowed up by Wei Tuozi’s family.”


Zhang Xing gave a perfunctory reply. He didn't care about this prostitute's geography and economics. "It's just a pity that I can't give you a few more credits."

Everyone burst into laughter, and someone wanted to take the opportunity to tell a dirty joke, but was filmed by a mature person.

After eating the meat pie, the gang gathered up their courage and cheered up. This time, because they no longer had to hold the door, seventy or eighty people went out together with greater momentum, but they followed the two captains to the remaining three prostitutes not far from each other.

Leave the restaurant.

It's interesting to say that a group of people had just arrived at the east alley, but unexpectedly seven or eight people came face to face. The leader bowed his hands in a salute from a distance, and there were people behind him who held several boxes of copper coins in front of them, and behind them, there were ten people

Seven or eight women were cowering behind the wall from a distance, but they were forcefully driven out and stood not far away.

Zhang Xing and Xiao Zhao stepped forward, and the man who was saluting raised his head, revealing half of his face.

No introduction is needed at all, this person should be Na Wei Tuozi.

"Two captains."

Wei Tuozi raised his head, identified the person, and saluted again. "I don't know what happened, but whatever orders you two give me, I, Wei Tuozi, will definitely obey... I heard from other places that it was Banner Master Feng himself.

I have been given an order to stop business for a while, so I will stop immediately without any hesitation... Also, everyone knows how much profit I can make from these three restaurants. The money here is my profit from the previous twenty days.

Here, let’s do a favor for the two captains and all the brothers... That’s not all, it’s still early. Since the brothers are here, you might as well go to the restaurant and have some fun. I’m here to treat you.”

The guard was so quick to give in. As he finished speaking each sentence, the helpers lost their momentum. After hearing the last word, they simply stared at the two captains with expectant eyes.

As for Xiao Zhao, as soon as he heard that the first one was willing to close the door, he lost his red-eyed aura in the morning and suddenly looked at Zhang Xing early in the morning.

However, Zhang Xing was different from the others. He didn't have any expressions after hearing the first two, but when he heard the last one, he frowned: "Boss Wei is quite generous."

"Could this be Captain Zhang?"

Wei Zuozi was hanging out in the market, and he was determined to surrender, so he didn't know how to read people's words. But at this time, he heard that he just thought that the other party was dissatisfied with the lack of special worship. This was slightly different from what he had learned, but it seemed more reasonable. "I'm sorry.

I bluntly said that this money is really all I can scrape together at the moment, but Zhang Xiaowei can rest assured that Xiaowei lives in Xiuyefang. In a few days, he will have enough money, and I will personally come to apologize."

Zhang Xing frowned and said nothing... He was actually hesitating whether to meddle in other people's business.

To put it bluntly, of course I can't stand a time traveler, a casino, a loan shark, etc., but the thing I can't stand the most is definitely this kind of naked prostitution shop that doesn't treat people as human beings... especially when there are more than a dozen in front of it.

The young lady was kicked out and stood there. Everyone cowered when they saw so many low-level helpers.

But he also knows that this is the shackles of the entire era. The poor and the lower class, men selling their lives and women selling their bodies, are indispensable everywhere.

The most direct one is that it is easy for him to chop this guy with a knife, but how to deal with the women in the prostitute house?

At this time, Xiao Zhao on the side saw Zhang Xing not saying a word and misunderstood him. In addition, at this time, he didn't want to cause trouble the most, so he actually said something to persuade:

"Brother Zhang, Wei Tuozi really didn't mean to be mean to you and me, and I'm afraid he really didn't deceive you and me... He just spent a lot of money recently, and I'm afraid it really won't survive, and he probably only has this amount on hand... It's not necessary

Go smash it again."

"How to say?"

Zhang Xing asked in surprise.

"Isn't this caused by Yang Ni?" Xiao Zhao briefly explained. "Yang Ni caused chaos in more than a dozen counties in the Central Plains... I heard from the banner owner that in order to prevent the surrounding areas from being implicated in military disasters and then turmoil, the imperial court ordered the counties to

The officers and soldiers sealed off the area on the spot to prevent the victims from running around, but after all, it was a disaster caused by the army. All their houses and property were burned and robbed, so there were many bankrupt victims who had no way out, and then sold their sons and daughters...

It’s very close here, and it’s the largest gold-selling cave, so it’s definitely the biggest one, so everyone from the Qianjin Building in Wenwenfang to the secret prostitutes’ restaurants in major shops are taking advantage of the opportunity to buy people at low prices.”

Zhang Xing understood, and then looked at Wei Tuozi with a smile: "Is that so, Mr. Wei's family?"

PS: Thanks to Gu Gu Gu’s Little Pigeon and Holy Light Flash for their cuteness... This is the 29th and 30th cuteness in this book... Have a happy weekend, everyone.

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