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The 160th chapter floating horse line (7)

Zhang Xing returned home that day and felt a little uneasy.

This is not the impact of the so-called "too late" and "big event"... He had already anticipated this, otherwise he would not have rushed to run for the official position, even if it happened too fast and too urgently, so that the official position suddenly failed.

, and didn’t touch him too much.

What really made Zhang Xing feel uneasy was the moment he held the knife.

At that moment, even if it was just for a moment, there was no doubt about the murderous intention... and this kind of performance was too dangerous.

It must be known that in the past two years, Zhang Xing witnessed with his own eyes the major military defeat of the Wei Dynasty, discovered the contradictions at the grassroots level of society, regional contradictions, and class contradictions that had not been alleviated for a long time, and saw with his own eyes the distortion of the Maoist saints

His character and ugly behavior of being strong on the outside but inflexible on the inside intensified the internal conflicts within the ruling class. They have long realized that the Wei Dynasty is indeed a pill and will indeed stage a classic second world collapse.

Since the Wei Dynasty is about to collapse, and since I am going to do something local, there is no need to get angry for something that has been expected for a long time, for some people who are not lacking anywhere, let alone for such people.

Pay the price.

But at that moment, Zhang Xing was still furious and couldn't help but touch the knife.

This is unreasonable and uneconomical.

If that were the case, there would be no end of people to kill.

However, Zhang Xing, who has always liked to reflect, couldn't help but reflect in the opposite direction this night. If we have to let go of a person like Zhang Han who literally helps the tyranny, does that mean we have to let go of the Maoist saint as well?

Are these all structural problems of the Wei Dynasty? Are they all a historical process?

Shouldn’t the process of history be driven by people? Shouldn’t people be responsible?

However, time did not give Deputy Zhang a chance to sell reflection coupons, because he received the task the next day:

The big golden pillar, which is said to have redefined the center of heaven and earth, was officially completed. It is fifteen feet high, with a three-story platform, two red and green copper dragons, a sculpture of three radiances, one day and two months on it, and four large screen walls outside.

The saint will go out of the city to offer sacrifices in person on the last day of the year, which is also the day after, to show the holiness of the Wei Dynasty.

This matter, if there were not those things during the tour, would undoubtedly be very meaningful... Well, even now, it is of profound significance, especially people who are proficient in history and theology know that Sanhui itself is a symbol of the world and the world.

The core method for mortals to fight against the Four Imperial Guards is indeed effective; in addition, the implementation of the Three Glory and Four Imperial Guards system is also an important prerequisite for breaking down the barriers between the three races of humans and lich in the world and building a unified world... The demon clan

No longer able to rely on the blessing of the Red Emperor Empress as the final cover, the Wu clan themselves were secretive about the existence of Sin Dragon. Even if Beihuang and Nanling were nominally obedient, they rarely formed actual influence on the Central Plains Dynasty.

Challenge, the meat was rotten in the pot.

However, the cost of building this thing is a bit high.

Moreover, the big golden pillar was erected earlier, and the Babel Tower, which seems to have a smaller amount of work, only has three and a half floors, which is even more ridiculous.

On the last day of the year, in the morning, the sky was clear, and the gate of Ziwei Palace was wide open... For some reason, the saint refused the plan of hundreds of officials entering the Mingtang to greet him, and instead led the palace guard of honor to walk out of the palace gate.

, all the officials paid homage to each other outside the gate of Ziwei Palace across the Luoshui Golden Bridge.

The first ones to come out were of course not the saints, but two groups of armored cavalry openly galloping out from the side door. One group was the elite garrison troops led by Sima Zheng, and the other group was the elite Changshui Army troops led by Zhao Guang.

The two cavalry groups, with clear flags, well-equipped armor and long soldiers, and rumbling iron cavalry, galloped directly across Luoshui along the two sides of the Luoshui Golden Bridge to wait for orders.

Immediately afterwards, the saint wore twelve crowns, a full set of robes, a thirteen-ring belt, and a red wooden boat. Under the protection of countless internal servants, palace people, and Jinwu guards, he slowly walked out of the palace and walked to Luo. In front of Shuijin Bridge.

Then, with only Mr. Niu as his support, he climbed onto the bridge proudly and accepted the great gifts from the officials in front of him.

After the ceremony, the ceremonial guard should move on.

But the next journey was beyond everyone's expectations... There were no marches, no carriages, no replicas of Guanfengxing Palace, only countless flags, countless armors, countless swords and guns, countless crowns, and even countless grandeurs. In the hunting wind of winter, accompanied by the most important mortal individuals in the world, they gathered into groups and rolled into clouds, walking in step by step, swarming forward.

Because of Fulongwei's special duties, Zhang Xing, who was wearing dark brocade clothes, a scimitar, and a warrior's crown, was only ten steps away from the saint's back. From his angle, he could easily see many things.

Putting aside the two generals Sima Zheng and Zhao Xing who were leading the front on both sides, before Deputy Changjian Zhang, there were actually only a few powerful father-in-laws from Beiya led by Niu Dugong, King Cao Ming of Qi, and the real Fulongwei Changjian, etc. Several people... Niu Dugong had already let go of his hands, but he was level with the saint. He looked around seriously and moved forward calmly. The other powerful father-in-laws were bending together and gathered half a circle behind the saint, only cautiously Staring at the saint's hands, every time the saint made a move, they rushed up to him, pulled off the original father-in-law, and replaced him with themselves to support him.

That look looks very much like a group of monkeys.

Behind the emperor was King Cao Ming of Qi. The emperor's only remaining adult son seemed to be in poor health again. He couldn't help coughing every few steps, but he only had one father-in-law with him. What's more terrible was that he He didn't dare to take a step beyond his reach - he didn't dare to be even half a step with his biological father, and he didn't dare to be half a step behind. The walk was extremely difficult.

Behind Cao Ming was Bai Yousi. From Zhang Xing, you could probably see Miss Bai's expression, but she just had a straight face and showed no expression, and she was holding the Heavenly Sword in her hand, but she was walking calmly.

Behind Zhang Xing's side, he maintained a small armed group mainly composed of Fulong Guards and Jinwu Guards. Qin Bao, Qian Tang, Wang Zhen, Zhou Xingfan, Ding Quan were all among them, and finally there were countless palace officials. , chamberlain, Jin Wuwei, the latter formed a huge marching group that could not even see the edge.

On both sides of this large group, there are naturally hundreds of civil and military officials led by the Nanya Prime Minister and the Shangzhu Kingdom... Dukes, generals, ministers, ministers, and generals are all organized into a group according to their rank and affiliation.

Everyone remained in awe, and everyone walked very hard - even if the street was wide and the road ahead was straight, but with the slow pace of the saint, the increase of the group, and everyone's nervousness, they still It's inevitable to have that kind of wave-like chaos where you have to wait for several breaths after taking a few steps quickly.

And this kind of chaos gives people an unprecedented pressure.

Because no one dares to really cause chaos, no one dares to go beyond his superiors or elders, no one dares to step out of his own group, and no one dares to complain, let alone express dissatisfaction. It seems that sneezing at this time is an insult to the entire system. Expressing dissatisfaction is making you an enemy of everyone except yourself.

Even great masters, grandmasters, princes, generals, and heroes all seem so weak at this moment, because they know that other heroes, other princes, generals, other grandmasters, and great masters are among them.

They, like everyone else, are members of the largest organizational system in the world.

At this moment, all the careerists held their breath.

At this moment, all the strong men who believed in their own strength re-evaluated the power of Wei.

At this moment, everyone was cautious, and everyone seemed to have directly or indirectly awakened to the fundamental truth - human beings are group animals after all, and the greatest strength always comes from organized people.

Among them is Zhang Xing.

Even though Zhang Xing knew very well that this was a gimmick played by the saint, just to shock the officials, the Eastern Capital, and the central government to ensure that no one dared to oppose his plan today, Zhang Xing was still frightened.


Because multiple orders of magnitude of crushing are right in front of you. Da Wei seems to be the entire world, and you are just one person.

From Ziwei Palace to Duanmen, it is about half the north-south length of Dongdu City, which is a distance of more than ten miles. However, it took the saint several hours, from morning to afternoon, to complete this painful march.

And what follows is still the moment when the saint performs alone.

Without changing his clothes, the emperor directly greeted the hundreds of Taoist priests waiting here... It was the first time that Zhang Xing saw so many Taoist priests in this world. They greeted the emperor and asked him to sit under the huge golden pillar, and then

It was divided into five, and followed the structure of the surrounding buildings to form a simple formation that can be seen at a glance.

This is the typical formation of four images that Zhang Xing once saw at the Black Tower of Jing'antai.

However, Zhang Xing, who followed the emperor to the formation, could see clearly that compared to the black tower, the vast majority of practitioners were among the four wings representing the four imperial guards. This time, more Taoist priests were concentrated in the formation.

Among the three inner rings that represent the three brilliance...the colors of the clothes are also correspondingly contrasted, and the four wings are just showing off.

Almost immediately, just by looking at the clothes of the Taoist priests, Zhang Xing noticed a huge amount of true energy, which began to gather around him due to the formation, and then quickly restrained it and turned his attention elsewhere.


Looking around, Zhang Xing discovered that in fact, tens of thousands of troops from the fifth army were waiting in formation in the wilderness farther south. Countless people from the Eastern Capital were also crowding on both sides to watch. Zhao Guang and Sima

The real cavalrymen had already formed a large circle around the venue... Those who had followed from the street before were completely divided from the small armed group behind them, and those in front followed the saint to the Golden Pillar Building Complex.

Inside, the civil and military officials and countless palace officials, chamberlains, and Jinwu guards had not yet fully entered the scene, and could only speed up their arrangement along the area surrounded by the cavalry.

Everyone is working hard, only the saint is sitting upright and looking down, as if to emphasize that sentence:

In this world, only the emperor can dominate and bring blessings.

After an unknown amount of time, civil and military officials finally filled the circular venue.

And at this moment, as if by coincidence, a zhenqi that could be called majestic to Zhang Xing rolled up from the formation. Then everyone could see with their naked eyes, a stream of energy that represented the Three Glory Orthodoxy, like a wave.

The glowing true energy gathered and formed, hovering around the Taoist priests' formation as if it were a living thing, and quickly gathered in the middle, and then followed the huge golden pillar to form a golden ring that looked like a substance.

The golden ring rolled upwards along the golden pillars. Wherever it passed, the golden pillars shone brightly, reflecting in all directions; past the two green and red dragons, there was even a faint roar of dragons; and at the top, the three-hui sculpture shone even brighter for a moment.

This scene made the people watching on the periphery completely bewildered, and then they suddenly bowed down. In the array of hundreds of officials, and in the array of the upper and fifth armies, people also began to bow down, and it soon led to almost everyone -

-The rest of the people dare not not worship.

Even Zhang Xing and Bai Yousi who were in the circle also looked at each other and bowed towards the big golden pillar.

It can be said that this is a spontaneous performance.

But the interesting thing is that for most people in the periphery, no one can tell whether they are worshiping the three-hui golden pillar or the saint.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but just a few dozen steps away from the emperor, Zhang Xing, who was kneeling on the ground with his head lowered, seemed to hear a heavy breathing sound, as if someone finally cleared the clouds and saw the sun after suffering many days of grievances.

However, that extremely smart man knew as well as Zhang Xing that this was not enough - monarchy comes from ritual, tradition and glory. The owner of this gasping voice currently has the blessing of tradition and has staged the most grand ceremony.

, but you still have to get back the glory you lost in Yun Nei.

Where is the glory? Gu Xi

He should know that the nobles in Kansai already have an ambiguous attitude towards him. Under such circumstances, the Wu Clan across the Poison Desert cannot effectively enter.

There seems to be only one answer.

Just when Zhang Xing was lowering his head and thinking wildly, the saint had already stood up respectfully with everyone bowing down, completed the salute to the Sanhui Golden Pillar, offered incense, then stepped back, and bowed down to the core again.

Worship ceremony.

Immediately afterwards, Duke Niu's voice sounded around the venue as if coming from all directions:

"The ceremony is over! All officials and people stand up!"

Everyone felt relieved and stood up. Zhang Xing also sneered in his heart and stood up.

He turned around and just stood firm when Niu Dugong's voice sounded again:

"The saint has a purpose, and the world is beautiful. The Eastern Yi is rebellious. If it is not eliminated, the three brilliance will not be prosperous, and the four emperors will not be safe. As the emperor, I am entrusted by heaven to lead millions of warriors to conquer the mountains and seas.

Ugly class, to unify the world and unite the four seas, go to Nanya, and the military department will prepare immediately, and the expedition will be launched in the spring."

Before the sound fell, there was another loud roar around the big golden pillar in front of Duanmen.

As far as the eye can see, many people have complex expressions mixed with fear and confusion. Some people even just stood up and stumbled to the ground. The people on the periphery were even more confused and confused... Obviously, everyone was confused.

He was stunned by the news of the third conquest of Dongyi.

Perhaps because he had already guessed that this would happen, Zhang Xing had no intention to kill at all this time, not even a little bit of anger or dissatisfaction... He was even sure that no one could oppose the saint today and pull this matter out.


The Mao Ren Sage worked hard and led everyone on this journey, making everyone tired, frightened, and afraid, just for this scene.

But at this time, even the bravest and most loyal ministers who have the best interests of the Wei must consider a major question, that is, does opposing the saint at this time also oppose the Wei and weaken the authority of the Wei?

After taking a look at Qin Bao and Bai Yousi, Zhang Xing was a little curious. Why should they, such smart people, feel strange? Should they be shocked?

In the chaos, Nanya Prime Minister Su Wei and the Minister of War Duan Wei walked up blankly in front of everyone's eyes and expectations. Duan Shangshu remained silent and fell two or three steps behind. Su Wei trembled and came to

In front of the huge golden pillar, he was the first to bow down and worship.

Then, a scene happened that made Zhang Xing slightly change his mind and reflect on himself.

Su Wei, who was dressed in purple robe, bowed and stood up. He hesitated for a moment, but still had complicated eyes and asked seriously: "Your Majesty, can you clean up the Jin area first, and then attack Dongyi? I heard that there are already tens of thousands of people in Jin area.

Thieves, if we can gather them, wouldn’t we be able to kill two birds with one stone?”

To be honest, at this moment, in this situation, it is not easy to say these words.

The saint also seemed a little surprised. He took a serious look at his prime minister. He rarely got angry and just smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, I have decided to send the British Duke out to control Taiyuan. With him here, the land of Jin can always be stabilized.

It’s hard to say that I can still achieve two birds with one stone according to your strategy.”

Su Wei was silent for a moment, wanting to say something more, but after meeting the saint's gaze, he finally nodded and went to receive Duke Niu's order in public.

But for some reason, Duke Niu stopped moving.

The saint looked at him in surprise, but followed Niu Du Gong's gaze and saw a person walking up from below, and then a chill ran down his spine - that was his imperial uncle, Cao Lin, the Prime Minister of Jing'an Taichung.

Cao Lin's appearance on stage seems to be reasonable, but in fact it still makes Zhang Xing, an outsider and a saint, extremely surprised at first glance.

Especially the saint. He almost trembled all over. He even glanced at Bai Yousi obviously. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just narrowed his eyes and tried his best to keep an eye on the visitor with a full crown.


"His Majesty."

Uncle Cao Huang came to the foot of the steps, bowed respectfully in front of everyone, then stood up proudly, and asked softly in the winter wind. He did not imitate Niu Du Gong to use his Qi to make people hear his words. It was more like an ordinary uncle-nephew conversation between a monarch and his ministers.

"Your Majesty wants to conquer Dongyi three times, and do so in person?"

"Yes." The saint seemed to be answering calmly.

"Who initiated it?" Uncle Cao asked seriously.

"Jiangdu is left behind to fight, and the deputy left behind is Zhou Xiaoming; the general manager of Youzhou is Li Cheng... plus Xiao Xianggong Zhang of Nanya." The saint blurted out. "Moreover, I also temporarily consulted Sima Xianggong, Bai Xianggong, and Dazhang this morning.

Xianggong and Xianggong Yu all said it was very good, and even Xianggong Niu and Xianggong Su had no objections."

"The only one who didn't consult the minister?" Emperor Cao's eyes were complicated and he asked again.

"I think most of Nanya agrees, and most of the generals in the army agree. Even if the emperor's uncle opposes it alone, it won't be enough to shake the overall situation. Besides, the emperor's uncle is the backbone of the Wei Dynasty after all, and he wants to stay in Dongdu to watch his tower.

...There was no further consultation." The saint took a deep breath and tried to remind him in a calm tone. "Why, does the emperor really want to fight against the world alone?"

After saying this, the emperor seemed to have remembered something, spread his hands, and displayed his full set of crowns.

"There is no reason for that, and I don't have the ability." Emperor Cao's uncle spoke calmly. "As of now, I just want to make a bet with His Majesty..."

"What bet?" The emperor was caught off guard.

"If the conquest of Dongyi is victorious, I will resign and return to my hometown in Guanxi. I will no longer participate in government affairs, and your Majesty will not leave any room for veteran officials." Uncle Cao raised his hands and spoke clearly. Although it was just an understatement, it was like thunder on the ground.

"But if this expedition against Dongyi fails again, Your Majesty must ask me to appoint you as Prime Minister to assist Your Majesty in reviving the Wei Dynasty."

Like everyone else, the emperor suddenly changed his mind.

But after a while, the majestic leader of the Wei Dynasty actually nodded in front of everyone:

"Just follow the emperor's uncle."

In the evening, Zhang Xing and Qin Bao returned to their homes in silence.

At this time, Bai Yousi was already waiting in the courtyard. After seeing the person coming, he blurted out: "Zhang Xing, why didn't anyone stop the saint from marching eastward?"

Qin Bao, who had long wanted to seek answers, immediately looked at his brother Zhang.

"Did your father stop me?" Zhang Xing said bluntly. "If your father can't stop me, others don't have to stop me either."

Bai Yousi's breathing became heavy, and he immediately asked again: "Why did the saint do this?"

"He wants to do it." Zhang Xing, who passed directly over the other party, seemed to be angry.

"Are you angry with me?" Bai Yousi frowned.

"No, you are upset." Zhang Xing, who came to the door of the hall, stopped and looked back. "I am replying to you seriously... He wanted to do it, so he did it."

"I don't understand."

"He was the emperor. In order to ascend to the throne, for his own position, and to be able to dominate without being restrained by others, he killed all his brothers, killed all his sister's descendants, and killed more than half of the old ministers who were in charge of his life; and for the sake of

Whether it was to save face or to transcend the late emperor, he used countless manpower and spent countless lives to build the Eastern Capital, the Mingtang and the Great Golden Pillar. He also used troops to surrender the Wu Clan and defeated Dongyi twice... Dare you ask such a person?

, how can you tolerate that arrow from Yun Nei?" Zhang Xing turned around and stood solemnly, facing him seriously. "Now he wants to attack Dongyi to prove that he is still a wise and powerful saint. Naturally, there are countless people who have been rubbed by him and know his temperament.

People follow their will to clear the way... He is a saint, he is an emperor, and you have seen his power today. If he wanted to do something, he did it."

"But, so what if we lose?" Bai Yousi held the sword and asked further. "How dare he make that bet with Zhong Cheng?"

"Why doesn't he dare?" Zhang Xing immediately asked back. "Although the conquest of Dongyi is a waste of people and money, it is actually reasonable; although the conquest of Dongyi requires a lot of casualties, it actually has a great chance of winning... right? You are talking to me.

As we all know, the biggest reason for the failure of this conquest is precisely the saint himself, but the saint does not admit it, and he does not feel this from the bottom of his heart... So from the perspective of the saint, this battle is a sure win."

"You guessed it earlier, didn't you?" Bai Yousi sighed for a moment. "Today at Da Jinzhu's place, your expression didn't change at all."


"But why?" Bai Yousi couldn't ask further, and at the same time glanced at the direction of the door. "Even if you have guessed such a big thing, you are still so calm?"

Just as Zhang Xing was about to answer, someone suddenly rushed over, pushed open the door, and then asked while holding on to the door frame while panting:

"Zhang Sanlang, the sky is falling, do you know?"

"If the sky falls, someone taller will stand up." Zhang Xing blurted out, seeming to be replying to Li Ding who just broke in, and also seemed to be replying to Bai Yousi. "What's none of my business, and none of your business."

Things? One by one, I don’t know but I thought he was a loyal minister and filial son of the Wei Dynasty!”

After saying that, this man actually left everyone behind and went directly to the main room to drink tea.

Several people in the courtyard, including Bai Yousi and Li Ding, looked at each other in confusion. Qin Bao's face turned red, but Yueniang stuck her head out after a while and asked seriously: "Does Mr. Zhang want to have New Year's Eve dinner now? Sister Bai and Mr. Li

Are you also celebrating the New Year here with us?"

Speaking of which, tonight is actually the New Year's Eve.

PS: Good night everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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