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Chapter XV Xia Xing Xing (15) (8k2 in 1 debt repayment)

While Miss Bai was acting wantonly and unscrupulously in Dongdu, Zhang Sanlang was spending his Mid-Autumn Festival peacefully in a village outside Puyang City, and was holding a symposium with some new people he met.

The total number of these people is only three to four hundred, all of them are from Hebei, and most of them are from Qinghe County. Two hundred of them belong to Zhang Jinsheng's core soldiers, and they were selected by Niu Da. The remaining more than a hundred belong to a

A small leader named Wang Dascaru, who was responsible for leading a small mixed cavalry under Zhang Jinsheng at the time.

You must know that Niuda was summoned by Zhang Xing and crossed the river with only a dozen cavalry. He was doing the job of a messenger. However, he immediately obtained the command of this cavalry after surrendering Wang Dascar's troops at the beginning of the battle.

He also had the right to select prisoners first after the war. Finally, he was responsible for escorting the surplus ordnance captured across the river to support Shan Dalang, Wang Wulang, and Xu Dalang.

Under various arrangements, by the time he returned to Puyang, he had turned from a black chicken into a phoenix.

He has three to four hundred capable men, plus three to four hundred mules and horses, as well as sufficient ordnance, among whom there are ten or twenty practitioners, which is enough for Niuda to defeat the four great masters Shan, Wang, Cheng, and Xu.

There was a detached posture in front of the leader. Even Niuda's father, who was a county captain, never showed up outside the city, but still handed over all the manors outside the city to his son to take care of, and his posture became very...

It's obvious.

Of course, according to Shantou Doctrine, Zhang Xingxing, the right leader of the deposed Dragon Gang, used his authority and achievements in this battle to give Niuda, the leader who was completely his direct lineage, a share of the benefits.

Therefore, whether Niu Da reciprocated the favor or got closer to each other, he in turn showed great obedience and respect to Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing was also happy with this. When he left Putai directly after the autumn harvest, he chose Niu's Manor outside Puyang City as his temporary foothold in Henan.

And he paused here for a moment and started some of his weird behaviors.

But to be honest, some have excellent results and some have very poor results.

Among them, the best part is that they work together, eat and live together... Although Niuda expressed a little worry, thinking that this would make these people despise the world-famous Zhang Sanlang, but in fact, these people who were forced to create things in a hurry

Most of the young people in Hebei who rebelled were farmers, and a small number were small traders and urban residents. Otherwise, they would not have been caught as young men, so they still insisted on a big leader who could do farm work, or at least seemed willing to do it.

A hint of recognition, and thus willing to let go of the most obvious barrier to communicate.

Of course, it has to be said that the premise of all this is that Zhang Xing is a master of both Ren and Du, and he just defeated the powerful-looking Zhang Jinsheng before the autumn harvest.

That's right, as soon as Li Ding left, Zhang Xing had unilaterally announced that the battle of Douzigang was under his command.

But with the blessing of being undoubtedly strong, a military victor, and a conqueror, and having the direct power to decide the treatment of these people at will, doing this kind of thing of eating, living and working together seems to be more effective than anyone else.

In sharp contrast, there were subsequent further attempts, which were so-called open communication with a completely open heart.

Not to mention it's ineffective, it's basically a mess.

"My family... I have nothing to say. Just like Brother Wang Qi, he did farm work when he was a child, and then served as a servant in the county several times. Then this time he said that he was going to conquer Dongyi. My mother and I

Concubine said no...no matter what, because my uncle went there the year before last for this purpose and didn't come back, so he told me to run away...but he didn't run away at first, and then when we got to the military city, everyone was walking

I was too tired, so I ran away. I ran away, and I ran away... I ran away, and then I came home. The house was in chaos. There was a war, the village was burned down, my mother was dead, and my concubine was also dead.

No more... Then it happened that Chief Zhang Da... Zhang Jinscale was recruiting troops, and I had no place to go. He also took the guy to do some work and said he would give him food, so I followed him."

On the threshing floor, a team of fifty people had an exchange meeting going on. When a young sergeant was talking nonsense, no one except Zhang Xing was listening attentively. He himself felt frustrated, so he

He sat down on his butt, which made Zhang Xing feel frustrated.

It is said that this complaint... well, the exchange conference is a magic weapon, but Zhang Xing did not expect this magic weapon to bring him a completely reborn army.

After going through so many things, he has become aware of facing difficulties. It is said that if you want to solve a problem, you must first face the problem... But the reality is that everyone is following the logic of personal dependence. They were willing to follow Zhang before.

They communicated and accepted the current arrangement, which also tacitly agreed to follow the new anti-thief narrative structure of Zhang Longtou-Niu Tou leader, and only follow fame and fortune.

Therefore, according to Zhang Xing's understanding and expectation, this so-called exchange meeting is mainly to allow everyone to clearly describe their life story and find out why they were forced and rebelled against, and who forced them.

As the saying goes, strengthen your determination to rebel and don't be a traitor; get in touch with each other and get to know more deeply who the leader is. You will know to obey orders next time you meet.

That's all.

However, even such a simple request seemed a bit beyond his ability, which made Zhang Sanlang, who was determined to walk the talk first, feel a little frustrated...at one point he thought about giving up temporarily.

"My name is Huang Pang, and they all call me Huang Erpizi. I'm pretty much like the other brothers... I just live a good life, farm at home, and go to sell donkeys with my uncle during the off-season... Then there's the Three Marches, I escape, and when I come back, I will be the leader.

After capturing our Gaotang, we will follow him." Another person stood up according to Xiao Zhou's roll call and spoke in an extremely hasty and impatient manner.

However, it was this person who aroused the interest of Zhang Xing, who was sitting in front holding a book and pretending, because this person's accent and way of speaking were obviously different from others, and he had some official manners, and he also mentioned some key points that must be stated before.

The information was not clearly stated and seemed to be obscured.

This is also consistent with Zhang Xing's impression of this person - he is a lower-class urban vagrant, not a farmer's son like others.

"Huang Ping..."

So, Zhang Xing suddenly interrupted. "Your family and parents are still there?"

"No more." Huang Erpizi, who had already sat down, was startled for a moment. He first answered in a low voice, and then suddenly raised his voice on the threshing floor. "He's gone a long time ago! I haven't been here since I was fifteen years old."


"Then you followed your uncle to sell donkeys and traveled around and saw a lot of markets?" Zhang Xing thought thoughtfully. "You stopped farming? You just hung out in various cities and countryside?"

"Yes." Huang Ping's voice lowered.

"Why are there no parents?" Zhang Xing asked fiercely.

Huang Ping hesitated to speak, and his face became a little tense.

"It feels a bit like uncovering a scar, don't you want to talk about it?" Zhang Xing said with a smile. "This kind of thing should be kept in mind for the rest of our lives. How can we cover up the past and make a false statement? You should also learn from your captain Jia.

Did you listen to my story? Just like you, I had no parents, so I lived with my uncle, and then I refused to obey my uncle and fled from the north to become a soldier... We both followed almost the same path."

"How dare you compete with the big dragon head?" Huang Piao was startled for a moment, his face softened slightly, and he finally said it while chewing a straw in the threshing floor. "It's not that I have to fight with the big dragon head, but

My parents died... They were visiting relatives, and they encountered a water bandit on the way. I was not sensible at that time, and I didn't know who the water bandit was... Later, when I got a little older, I wanted to find a hero to help me.

I have taken care of my enemies and I don’t know where to look for them. When I ask people if my parents are at home, I don’t have the nerve to tell them. I don’t even have a place to visit their graves... What can I do?"

Zhang Xing was a little embarrassed... He thought it was some plot about bitterness and hatred, but it turned out to be a simple criminal case... Although this matter can also be used to explain, is the poor public security the fault of Da Wei?

Is it because the Wei officials were incompetent if the case was not discovered?

If there is a problem, it must be because the Wei system is not good!

But no matter how you think about it, it’s a bit deliberate.

What's more, wasn't Zhang Sanlang also from Jing'antai before? Do you want to come out and bow and take responsibility?

After thinking about this, Zhang Xingzhuang acted as if nothing had happened and just sighed: "Indeed, but I can't blame you for this kind of thing. The world is like this. You still think that your parents are already great... What about your uncle?"

"Uncle is also dead." Huang Ping calmed down a little. "I was a strong man who was arrested with my uncle... He died on the way back... I am a prodigal son with nowhere to go, so I went to invest in Zhang Jinscale."


Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment, and immediately made a few notes in his notebook, and then asked seriously: "Your uncle is a donkey dealer. There should be some explanation. How did he get caught as a young man?"

"It's just that we were blackmailed." Huang Ping finally became a little anxious again. "In the beginning, several helpers in the county who worked in the yamen knew that my uncle had a few donkeys and wanted to blackmail us, but my uncle resisted.

They all thought they were going to get through, but unexpectedly, a Zhonglang general from the Hejian camp came from the north and rushed to the county with an urgent order. The county magistrate was afraid and let the helpers arrest people. The result was

The donkeys were divided, and the people were dragged into the army. Many people in Gaotang were arrested like this..."

"Do you hold grudges against that lieutenant general?" Zhang Xing finished recording and raised his head to ask. "Do you know his name?"

"Grudge, I will hate him all my life, but I don't know what his name is."

"Then do you hold grudges against those gangsters and the county magistrate?"

"Hold a grudge."

"Want to take revenge?"

"If you can see him, he will definitely be killed...The county magistrate has been killed by Zhang Jinsheng, but several helpers can't be seen, and I don't know where they went."

Frankly speaking, the result was still unsatisfactory, but Zhang Xing nodded repeatedly, as if he had grasped some trick: "General Zhonglang, County Magistrate, Gang Xian, do you know who these people are?"


"They are all from the Wei Dynasty...right?" Zhang Xing guided with a slightly uneasy tone...I can only say that it is okay, after all, I have returned to the logic of body questioning...but it doesn't seem so far-fetched.


"Then do you hold grudge against the imperial court?"

"Why don't you hate me?" Huang Erpizi's tone was probably smooth. "But usually I don't dare to hate them. I just remember those people."

"But you have become a traitor... You have rebelled against Zhang Jinsheng, and you are now here with our Deposed Dragon Gang. What else do you dare not hate?"

"That's true." Huang Erpizi nodded, and then asked seriously. "But Da Longtou, I have one more thing to say. I will boldly ask today, if they are all rebels, why did Zhang Jinscale be beaten before?"

Jin Sheng killed the imperial magistrate!"

"Because he massacred the city." Finally got a question he had been longing to be asked. Zhang Xing was shocked. He quickly put down the notebook in his hand and shouted loudly. "We are all rebels in search of life, but we, the Deposed Dragon Gang, and others rebelled against thieves.

It’s different. Our rebellion is to really lead everyone to drive away the Wei Dynasty court and live a good life. The other rebels are still leading the rebellion. The big leaders want to steal money, food and women, but they never thought of letting you do it.

Live a good life...and here, Zhang Jinsheng is especially excessive. He despises human life as much as that dog emperor. Killing the county magistrate today seems to have avenged you, but tomorrow he will massacre the city and thousands of others will follow you.

The same people have no home... So we must kill him and clean up the rebel army! We must return to the right path! Rebellion also follows rules and the incompatibility of good and evil!"

Huang Erpi was confused, as if he didn't expect to get such an answer, and it was obvious that he didn't understand it very well.

Others, too, suddenly started talking when they heard this, but they still seemed a little out of tune and confused.

However, Zhang Xing didn't care. In his opinion, it was a success to be able to naturally lead to this issue through this method of communication, which was actually far away from the typical grievance meeting in his mind.

Moreover, he also realized the problem, that is, it is meaningless to rigidly ask these people to self-report. He needs to be the "host" to actively guide and communicate in order to achieve good results.

At this thought, Zhang Xing continued to nod, but after his voice gradually subsided, he looked at the person in front of Huang Pang: "Zhou Jiu... you just kept talking about your mother, your concubine, and your uncle, why didn't you mention your father?


"My father... I don't miss my father much. I lost my father when I was five or six years old, so I relied on my uncle to take care of me." The man agreed quickly, and his tone was much clearer than when he told himself. "Huang Er and I

The skin is different, it was too early and we moved."

"But why is it always my uncle who takes him with me?" Zhang Xing suddenly asked with a smile. "So do you, so do I, so do Huang Ping..."

"My uncle takes care of me." Someone couldn't help shouting in the crowd. "Everyone in the big family relies on the family. Only my uncle's family is willing to help us in our small family!"

Zhang Xing was suddenly enlightened and realized. He quickly wrote down this point, and then continued to ask: "Zhou Jiu, according to you, your uncle was missing during the Second Conquest of Dongyi, right?"


"It was the same time for me... I was the only one in the army who came back alive... Your father died early, so your uncle is the mainstay of the family, right?"


"With your uncle gone, my wife and sister-in-law will have a hard time, right?"

"Why isn't it difficult? I'm just a strong man..."

"Did you hold grudges against the imperial court at that time?"

"To be honest, I don't hate it, and I don't know how to hate it. The main reason is that no matter how difficult it was at that time, I could get through it. I worked hard to cultivate two fields, and I could still have some left after paying taxes... It was only after the third expedition to Dongyi that I became afraid and felt

I can’t live anymore.”

"You farm two fields by yourself...your uncle has no children?"

"I have a daughter who is my cousin..."

"I know why you are not tired of farming two fields... Is it allowed to you?"

There was laughter, Zhou Jiu himself laughed, and then lowered his head.

"What about your sister?" Zhang Xing continued to ask.

Zhou Jiu almost blurted out: "Mom, my wife is gone, and my sister is definitely gone too."

After saying one sentence, Zhou Jiu seemed to have come to his senses, and suddenly started to cry. The tears fell like uncontrollable raindrops, and then he quickly covered his face, but he still couldn't hide it... Everyone who was laughing just now also

Stopped suddenly.

Zhang Xing was silent for a moment, sighed, and announced that he would be temporarily disbanded today... The effect was beyond his expectation. He should have been chasing after him, but unexpectedly he couldn't bear it, and he also saw a moment

Several people were waiting outside the threshing floor... As for Zhou Jiu, Huang Erpizi and a man named Wang Qi helped him up and returned to his residence.

"Master Zhang is a person who can do great things."

After the people dispersed, Zhang Xing put away his little notebook, turned around with Xiao Zhou, and met Niu Da, Taoist Wei, and the purple-faced king Xiong Bonan... the latter two had just arrived today.

... and the one who praised it was naturally Taoist Wei, who had changed into a new set of clothes.

"I'm not afraid of showing my cowardice in front of Duke Wei." Zhang Xing responded seriously. "I don't know if it's right or not, and if it has any effect... But people can't just do nothing here, right? Just do it if you think it's right.

, do it first and then talk about it!”

Taoist Wei, who had changed into new clothes, shook his head repeatedly: "Why do Mr. Zhang have to be so modest? Since you sold the water, what have you done has not been earth-shattering? If what you have done has no effect, then wouldn't we all be useless?"

"What Mr. Wei said is true." Xiong Bonan also nodded. "Corporal Lixian, gather the morale of the army. They are all first-class and good soldiers, with donkeys and horses, and more than a dozen practitioners. I think it's better to do something.

His kung fu is quite good... I have seen the generals and servants of those in the Hejian camp are also like this."

This is some cognitive misunderstanding, but Zhang Xing is too lazy to correct it, and even wishes that his actions can be integrated into these things that everyone takes for granted.

Niu Da, on the other hand, couldn't help but bring up the old things again: "Third brother, I know you want to calm people's hearts, but before Wei Gong and the leader Xiong didn't come, you had to live and eat with the sergeants. Now that they are here, let's start today

Why don't you come out and discuss important matters with the two of us? Otherwise it will be difficult to talk to you."

"Okay, move out for now!" Zhang Xing glanced at Wei and Xiong, thought for a moment, and nodded slightly. "But again, don't give up halfway. You still have to try your best to come here every day during the day. At least let me take care of you.

Hundreds of people have gone through it and I have a good idea."

Niuda could only nod.

In this way, a few people left the threshing floor and walked deeper into the village. Then they started talking along the way. Xiong Bonan's character was naturally very open-minded and talked about his experiences in the past few months.

He was very upset about missing Li Shu and Zhang Xing's formation of a gang in Jiyang. He also praised Zhang Xing and Cheng Dalang for their reputation in the battle against Zhang Jinsheng in Douzigang. Finally, he was a little impatient and expressed his intention to do something.

Of course, you must want to join the army!

When it was Taoist Wei's turn, his speech became much more organized and the amount of information increased:

"Zhang Longtou has done a great job. The battle at Douzigang not only settled the previously discussed matter of dealing with Zhang Jinscale, but also secured a piece of land at the mouth of the river for our Qianlong Gang, gathered a troop of troops, and invited Cheng Dalang to join the gang.

But Li Gong was not idle either... When I went to my hometown to look for King Xiong and a few old friends, he went directly to Qinghe and stayed in the homes of the Fang family and the Cui family for a long time. Fang Yanlang of the Fang family had participated in the Yang family before.

Shen was the one who was in Duke Li's pocket, and they were naturally in love with each other... Even the Cui family is said to have allowed several of their children to associate with Duke Li."

"So, our situation, except for a few nodes, has gradually spread along both sides of the river?" Zhang Xing did not feel any pressure, but laughed.

"That's true." Taoist Wei couldn't help but take a second look at Zhang Xing... No matter what, his outward demeanor still seemed like that of a man doing great things.

"But how can the Cui family of Qinghe be so arrogant and do things with us?" As a native of Hebei, Xiong Bonan naturally knew the reputation of the Cui family of Qinghe, but he was uneasy.

"Of course he has resentment against the imperial court." Taoist Wei twisted his beard and sneered. "Back then, the Grandmaster of the Cui family was almost ready to become a Grand Master. However, due to the total defeat of the Eastern Qi Dynasty, he collapsed. However, the late Emperor was still dissatisfied and still wanted to

Cutting the grass and eradicating the root, forcefully forcing that person to death based on the fate of the whole clan... But even so, the Cui family still can't get the recognition of the Zhang family. It's hard to even be a county governor, and the resentment is so high that they simply don't allow family members to serve as officials. "

"So, does Ms. Cui have real foundation or empty foundation?" Zhang Xing suddenly interjected and asked.

"Those who have real foundation." Taoist Wei responded seriously. "The Cui family has a good academic background and has gathered its own children well. Everyone does not mention studying and practicing. What's more terrible is that we from Hebei want to learn and communicate.

For cultivation, you will probably have to cross the Qinghe River..."

"But I haven't seen anyone as outstanding in cultivation as King Xiong, and I haven't seen anyone as talented as Duke Wei, right?" Zhang Xing asked again seriously.

"That's not the case." Taoist Wei simply stopped and responded more seriously. "I don't want to be humble either. I feel that I am no worse than those nerds. However, since ancient times, those who challenge are mostly people with more experience. It is not surprising.

, the key point is that once the situation is established, we use the old land of Dongqi as the foundation, and we need people to do things everywhere, and we will inevitably need those who are not outstanding, but are neither good nor bad... Moreover, it is not that there are poor practitioners in the prefectures and counties.

How can we easily get together with scholars? And their families are naturally of the same mind."

"Even in terms of cultivation, my wild ways are not as good as those of the Cui family." Xiong Bonan also sighed. "I am just a person who is about to become an elixir, but it is said privately by the Cui family that there must be three or four

He is an alchemist, and I vaguely heard that there is also a Kuai Grandmaster, but I just don’t want the court to know about it..."

"But if that's the case, why did you avoid Zhang Jinsheng before?" Zhang Xing was curious.

"There is indeed a grandmaster, Cui Xiu." Taoist Wei smiled, and then looked at Zhang Xing who was full of curiosity. "As for avoiding Zhang Jinscale... I can only say that you should not underestimate these Hebei aristocratic families, nor should you underestimate them.

Don't read too much... If I tell you something, Mr. Zhang will understand what it is about."

Zhang Xing immediately raised his hands solemnly and said: "Wei Gong, please speak."

Others are also curious.

Taoist Wei was not polite and did not return the greeting. He just walked slowly with his hands behind his back and said:

"Yang Shen's eldest son married the granddaughter of Cui Xiu of the Cui family in Qinghe... When the marriage was arranged, Yang Bin was still alive and stationed in Xingyang, suppressing Guandong, and had the right to appoint the hometown of Eastern Qi...

…Therefore, when they got married, it was said that the wedding banquet was extremely extravagant, with countless civil and military ministers and famous families coming and going, and the pomp and ceremony was extremely grand... As a result, after waiting for half a day, the bride’s grandfather, Cui Xiu, rode a hairless bald horse.

The tailed donkey came to the banquet and left without saying a word to anyone... After Yang Bin sent him away, he specially presented Cui Xiu with a thousand taels of gold and five thousand pieces of cloth, but he did not appoint any of Cui's children as officials. "

When Taoist Wei said this, everyone seemed to understand.

Wei Xuanding also twisted his beard and laughed: "To put it bluntly, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. And if the eight families in Jiangdong are completely skinny camels, these Hebei families are still camels..."

"There is a huge difference between the living and the dead." Zhang Xing stopped with his hands behind his hands and stood directly under the wall of the village, sighing for a moment. "Especially now that the current situation is like Gan Lin."

"Who says it's not the case?" Wei Xuanding also stopped and sighed for a moment.

"However, when Yang Shen rebelled that day, the Fang family participated, but the Qinghe Cui family, as an in-law, did not participate?" Zhang Xing suddenly became curious again.

"Yang Shen was defeated too quickly." Taoist Wei sneered. "Many people speculated that Yang Shen contacted at least one great master at that time, and if there was a little continuity and momentum, the Cui family would definitely respond...

…Because Yang Shen’s style is very similar to that of the literary cultivators of the past…but it failed too quickly.”

Wen Xiu is a term that Zhang Xing is not unfamiliar with. Similarly, there are martial arts cultivation and spiritual cultivation...not to mention the latter two. Among them, Wen Xiu refers to the war between the previous emperor and his successor after the Eastern Expedition, and the Tang Emperor

The victory created a core dynasty that occupied 70% to 80% of the world and lasted for hundreds of years. With the long-term peace and the huge social hierarchy, the gap between the rich and the poor widened, causing practitioners to become more and more concentrated in the middle and upper classes... They

He began to pay attention to the so-called family education, pay attention to the sense of ritual in various spiritual practices, and pursue the unity of cultural etiquette and spiritual practice.

Even on the battlefield, a remote command and a non-bloody cultural attitude are important.

Of course, you can imagine the outcome with your eyes closed. In the end, there was turmoil on the border, people moved south, the Tang Dynasty turned into the Southern Tang Dynasty, and then the north was in chaos for hundreds of years. It was basically a routine of the so-called martial cultivators fighting the Han and using reality to defeat the literary cultivators.

This is also an important reason why Zhang Xing has always felt that this world is particularly direct and cruel. In the previous few hundred years, it was a process in which etiquette, law and morality were destroyed, and the victors did not even know how to rebuild.

But on the other hand, cultural inheritance itself is vital, and history is a reactionary reaction. People gradually become disgusted with those naked predatory gestures and demand morality and dignity... And many high-ranking families are still adhering to the so-called

Some of Wenxiu’s routines.

"Did Mr. Wei go that day?" Zhang Xing pondered for a moment, walked a few steps forward, came to the threshold of the inner courtyard of the manor, and then stopped again to ask.

"Yang Shen? Or the Cui family?" Wei Xuanding sneered, with the utmost simplicity. "I am a poor person, how can I be qualified to enter? So I didn't go that day, and I came to see you today."

"Then are you a literary or martial arts cultivator?" Zhang Xing continued to ask out of curiosity. "Or are you a spiritual cultivator?"

"Good question." Taoist Wei smiled when he heard this, stepped directly on the threshold, and spread his hands. "I can cultivate whatever is useful!"

After saying this, the man laughed heartily and turned around to enter the inner courtyard.

Zhang Xing also raised his head and laughed...and this was the reason why he liked Taoist Wei, and it was also an important reason why he decided to establish the system on the spot after accepting Wang Wulang's invitation.

After all, the Taoist priests Wei and the great tycoons in the hometown of Dong Qi in recent years are essentially the so-called ruined ruling class, and the best thing is that they are ruined... Because being ruined means that these people are forced to sink to the bottom and lose their political power.

Benefits In the process of seeking economic benefits, your horizons are broadened and your work becomes more practical.

For example, Taoist priest Wei was so depressed that he didn't even have clean clothes. Once he gained some power, he changed his clothes every day.

Of course, this is a bad example, but there are good examples.

For example, Taoist Wei's pragmatism at this time, and his concern and aversion to the participation of wealthy families in the rebellion.

For another example, when chaos broke out at the beginning, Xu Dalang's first reaction was to drive away the bandits to ensure the safety of the surrounding villages and towns. Wang Wulang actually behaved similarly, and Shan Dalang also immediately wanted to control the Juye Ze bandits.

For example, Zhang Xing organized troops in Putai and asked the troops to help the surrounding people harvest crops, inspect the land, and distribute the deserted land to some of the eliminated soldiers... Cheng Dalang not only did not resist this measure, but

More positive than anyone else. Returning to Niuda, although Niuda was somewhat resistant to Zhang Xing's behavior, it was more out of confusion and he was essentially able to approve of this behavior of winning people's hearts.

Taoist Wei did not mention it, but the reason why the following powerful men are like this is simple enough. Although they are undoubtedly exploiters, as former nobles-turned-manor owners, they know better than anyone else where their power comes from.


They know who raises the horses, who makes the armor, where the soldiers come from, they know that even the great master cannot go hungry, they know the importance of farming, and they understand that ten lower-level practitioners can always wear down a higher-level practitioner.


At the same time, coupled with a little indoctrination of the so-called feudal principles and the tempering of real life, they led them to respect rules and understand the use of great principles and principles.

The far-sighted among them are even willing to proactively and pragmatically transfer their interests to the bottom farmers to ensure their right to survival. They are also willing to compromise with others, establish organizations, and seek to grow.

The last two points are especially precious after the beginning of the troubled times... The lower-level tycoons like Zhang Jinsheng have no such insight at all, and those who are as powerful as the great master Cao Huangshu, Guanlong Juntou, and Shandong aristocratic families,

They also regard those at the bottom as nothing, and at the same time take everything they get as a matter of course.

Of course, in the end, these shabby ruling classes do what they do because they want to become true masters and return to the ruling class... This matter is difficult to change in a short time, and Zhang Xing is not prepared to do so.

If you want to change, you have to take one step at a time.

If we really want to pursue change, we still need time, the collapse of the entire world, and the use of blood, iron and humanity to beat them hard for a few times. Maybe some people will be willing to make some fundamental changes... Li Ding is like this, and so are these people.

in this way.

However, if possible, Zhang Xing, who has no foundation, is still willing to intimidate, induce, deceive, and sneak attacks to force these talented people of the times to contribute to his ideas.

Because this group of people is really good, and they are the only elite group that can be counted on at the moment.

"Gao Shitong and Sun Xuanzhi led a company of 150,000 troops across the river from the sea. Wang Hou led a 100,000 troops from Yimeng Mountain and immediately went north. As he watched, they were attacking Dengzhou from the north and south..." Zhang Xing finished reading

He threw the note aside, continued to pick up the porridge and took a sip, and then said to Taoist Wei, Xiong Bonan, Niu Da, Zhou Xingfan and others. "Both sides asked Cheng Dalang if he was going? The Dengzhou government also asked Cheng Dalang.

Are you going? The Bohai government is also asking Cheng Dalang if he is going? Cheng Dalang himself is also asking me if I am going? Do you think I am going?"

Almost everyone present lost their composure.

Only Zhang Xing stretched out his hand to twist off a chicken leg and gnawed it with abandon... There was no other way. Don't look at some people living and eating with the soldiers these days, pretending to be very high-profile, but in front of a small meal, they just

His true nature is revealed in an instant.

ps: Good night everyone.


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