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Chapter Sixty-One

In late April, the rain falls intermittently, which means the rainy season...or to be more precise...the Jianghuai region will routinely enter the rainy season again, and it should spread rapidly to the north, making the Jishui Basin also rainy at this point in May.

On time it started to rain continuously.

During the slight pause in the rain, Niu Da, the leader of the Deposed Dragon Gang who was firmly ranked among the top four in the Western Front camp, led his troops into Dang County. After settling his subordinates for a while, he hurried to look for Zhang Dalongtou, who was in charge of the city, and found him.

At the time, the other party was looking at his head with his head tilted.

It's the human brain.

There are hundreds of them, some are fresh and bloodshot, and some are white, black, and blue that have been washed away by the rain. They are piled together, and their hair is knotted with mud and blood stains, which makes them look particularly visually impactful.

But there is no way, this is military merit.

During the battle that evening, Zhang Dalongtou personally shouted that everyone under his banner shared honor and disgrace. At least there was no need to make unnecessary distinctions. However, in subsequent battles and pursuits, military merit would inevitably be determined by their heads... And these people from the Eastern Region

The powerful, descendants of the military aristocrats of the former Eastern Qi Dynasty were naturally expert at these things, but Zhang Xing seemed to be out of touch with the masses.

"If you save a certain level of head, you will definitely be promoted?"

After watching for a while with his hands behind his hands, Zhang Xing suddenly turned around and asked Niu Da behind him. His mental state was surprisingly good.


Niuda, who was already a little cautious, immediately responded. "Cultivation is just an underwater rule, but the military merit of the head cannot be changed."

"This is natural." Zhang Xing also suddenly realized. "The head is the goal, and the cultivation is the means... so the former is an iron rule, and the latter is a water rule."

Niu Da responded repeatedly, but glanced at the other person again. He really felt that the big dragon head in front of him had become much more energetic after not seeing him these days.

Of course, Niu Da is ignorant. People like Wei Taoist, Jia Yue, Yan Qing, and Zhang Jinshu are really knowledgeable and know what it means to be radiant overnight. They almost thought it was someone applying wax to prevent mold in the rainy season.


"Xu Dalang wanted to collect Ma Hu's surrendered troops. Last night, he blocked hundreds of surrendered troops in a small village. There were almost two thousand surrendered troops. There were more than expected." The heads were still being counted over there, Zhang

Xing lowered his head and said directly, "Do you want some surrender troops?"

Niu Da hesitated to speak, but his eyes only lingered on the pile of heads over there and on Wei Xuanding, who was filling out some form with a face full of impatience.

This meaning is very clear, he really wants it, but it is obvious that he has followed this wave of war from beginning to end. Not to mention military achievements, he has not even touched a hair, so the superficial spoils are not bad.

He couldn't even get this kind of actual high-level trophy.

If you take it, who will be convinced?

"It doesn't matter."

Zhang Xing immediately understood and continued to lower his head to explain. "Those white knights and I are the first to win this battle. As long as I come forward and say hell, Xu Dalang can't get over me and monopolize it... and I am opposed to this matter."

, but Xu Dalang wanted these elites so much that he reluctantly said it, and I didn't want them, but couldn't stop them, so I might as well accept them in my name and put them at your place for use, or at least put them in Chanyuan.

Make preparations for Hebei."

Niuda took a deep breath and thought for a moment. After all, he couldn't resist the temptation of the warriors from Dongdu and the Guanxi garrison, so he nodded heavily.

"Then assist Duke Wei in checking the head for me!"

Zhang Xing didn't say much when he saw this, he just patted the other party on the shoulder. "Watch out for anyone who kills good people and takes credit for their merits. You are better at this than me. If you encounter someone, just chop him off and replace his head with his own..."

After finishing the order, I buried it quickly to prevent the plague from spreading."

After saying that, he immediately left with his hands behind his back, leaving only Niu Da, Wei Xuanding and a bunch of heads, as well as blood all over the ground, and a large group of deposed dragon sergeants carrying their heads waiting for inspection.

After Zhang Xing left, he did not return to his residence. Instead, he took advantage of the rain to go to the city for a short inspection.

Dangxian County is not a big county. It has changed hands four times in a short period of time. Each time, the army swarmed in. The first time the army entered, they even let go of looting. So when Zhang Xing first arrived that day, he felt that the place was lifeless.


But I don’t know if I’m in good spirits and can see everything. Now I’m walking casually, but I feel that there seems to be some life again in the humid weather. Some houses are being repaired, and there are small smoke smokes independent of the military garrison.

It started to appear... When I walked to a slightly off-road intersection, there was even a rice shop with its door open and a sign hanging, and there were a few shivering women and children queuing up to buy rice.

Zhang Xing was rarely surprised and walked in.

After entering, I found that the store owner actually recognized me. He was a local merchant from Jiyin. There was a brother who was the protector of the gang and one of the previous white knights... This store was originally the property of his own clan. Others

He was afraid of deposing the dragon army and worried about another round of plunder. He knew in his heart that he was not afraid of it. Instead, he smelled a business opportunity and came directly to open a store.

Zhang Xing asked about the source of the food and found out that they had some brains. He searched for old connections in Chuqiu and Yucheng, and found two familiar large households. He promised to start from Jiyin, exchange big buckets for small buckets, and then directly

The grain from Yucheng was transported here and sold at a higher price. The price was about three times the market price in Jiyin.

Moreover, all the items sold are old rice and semolina that are difficult to preserve anymore.

But there is nothing to say... When the food that the Dragon Army is preparing to provide some relief has not yet arrived, this is the so-called valley of famine. It doesn't matter if the life-saving food is a little more expensive, as long as it is edible.

It can only be said that the committee was thorough and comprehensive, and Zhang Xing could only encourage him.

After I came out, I felt even more emotional: People's livelihood is really like water. As long as the top maintains a fair stance and basic order, the bottom can adjust itself.

Of course, this is only when the water is shallow. When the water is shallow, the water is filled in holes. When the water is deep, all kinds of problems will appear... But at this time, I can actually think of the time when the water is deep.

, it can only be said that Zhang Sanye was used to doing politics before time travel, and he was stunned.

Going further, Zhang Xingfu went into the streets and alleys to check the smoke, check how many houses were vacant, eavesdropped on the conversations behind closed doors, and even just looked at whether the alleys were passable. He waited until the rain fell again, and then he stopped.

The hand got out and returned to the street.

By this time, someone had been looking for him for a long time.

"Eunuch Wang is here." Zhang Jinshu panted heavily and reported.

"It came very quickly." Zhang Xing sighed, neither happy nor angry. "I think I have made a decision... I just don't know whether it is good or bad?"

"It should be bad." Zhang Jinshu couldn't wait to add. "The prince only brought seven or eight horses over. It doesn't look like he wants to take over the place."

Zhang Xing glanced at the other party, did not say a word, but went directly to his residence and the county government where the head examination was conducted. Zhang Jinshu shrank his neck and quickly shut up to follow... When he arrived there, he saw Wang Eunuch.

He and seven or eight tall and heavy white-faced knights without beards stood outside in the drizzle, looking at the heads in trance. It was not until Zhang Dalongtou came up that he came back to his senses and saluted.

When the two parties met, Zhang Xing didn't say much and just got straight to the point in the rain: "Dang County will give it back to you, do you want it?"

The prince was silent for a while, and then answered word by word: "If the Deposed Dragon Gang stops at the Yucheng line, or even at the Chuqiu line, we can come back, but if it retreats to the Zhouqiao line, or even at the Jishui line,

How dare we come back to Jiyin City? Five thousand people can't hold it back, and if Han Yingong comes over, it will only make us more embarrassed."

This is the place where military merit points are calculated, and the county government is behind it. Taoist Wei and Niu Da preside over it here. Many other leaders, gang members, sergeants, and officials are all here, and they have come to eavesdrop long ago... At this time, I heard that

If you have to speak, whisper more and laugh in a low voice.

Although these people did not dare to speak loudly because of Zhang Xing's increasing authority, they could still understand what they were saying.

Zhang Xing thought for a while and responded seriously: "If you are willing to take it down, we will merge with the Meng rebel army, advance to the Chuqiu line, and use the Bianshui River as the defense line... Of course, it is only the primary line of defense. If Han Yin Gong really comes,

, it’s enough if you can delay a little bit... Correspondingly, I don’t want you to do too much and use all kinds of methods. As long as you can divide his troops and delay his time, it will be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth."

"In that case, we are willing to take over these two counties, but we can only take down Dang County and Xiayi. If there are too many, we don't have the strength." Wang Gonggong felt relieved, but after a pause, he asked again, "What about Yucheng?

Woolen cloth?"

"How about handing it over to the government?" Zhang Xingyi said sincerely. "Please ask Governor Cao to send troops and drive us to Chuqiu. At the same time, we can recapture Yucheng and separate our two families. This way you can talk to Han Yingong."

Eunuch Wang was startled for a moment, and then he realized that this was the benefit of Eunuch Beiya. This kind of thing could be revealed at once.

"In that case, let's arrange it this way." Zhang Xing sighed and made a decision.

This was of course a very perfunctory arrangement, but Meng Shanggong died in a hurry, the Meng family collapsed too quickly, and the situation changed three times a day. It would be ridiculous to expect any proper arrangements to be made at this time.

At this time, it is better to be fast rather than slow, and to be simple rather than complicated.

"Then I'll go back and prepare to send someone to pick him up?" Wang Gonggong didn't waste any time and was about to leave.

Zhang Xing nodded, waved again, letting the other party come closer, and then responded in a low voice: "Han Yingong is negotiating with Uncle Cao. This may be a good thing, but it may also be a bad thing. You have to be aware of it."

The prince understood immediately and left.

Zhang Xing stood there, watching the other party leave in the rain. Next to him, Zhang Jinshu was already gearing up. It was obvious that he had thoughts on annexing the Meng family.

However, as soon as the people over there left, Zhang Xing suddenly turned back and asked an unexpected question: "Isn't Yan Qing back yet?"

Zhang Jinshu immediately shook his head.

Zhang Xing thought for a while and finally sighed.

Obviously, an improvement in his mental state cannot lead to an immediate improvement in the real situation. The things that made him anxious before, as well as the problems that he has to face, will not be less. The troops withdrew immediately. He hoped to see Wang Zhen once before leaving, and Xiao

Zhou is away, so Yan Qing is the best candidate to go to Mangdang Mountain.

Not only that, Ma Ping'er and Wang Xiongdan, the guest generals who performed well in this battle, also followed Xu Shiying south to pursue them, because further ahead was the territory of the Huaiyou League.

At the same time, Bai Yousi also left early in the morning without even showing her face... It was not that she was asked to go to Xuzhou to monitor Sima Zheng's conspiracy, but that she hoped that she could help Xiao Zhou come out.

After all, although no one can clearly see the specific changes in the situation, the concept of military conflict, and large-scale military conflict is still increasing, and the plan to defend Jiyin City has not fundamentally changed, and the more times like this

, Zhang Xingyue needs a reliable and capable confidant like Zhou Xingfan by his side.

Thinking like this, Zhang Xing finally looked at Zhang Jinshu, who was full of expectations.

He actually wanted to hit the head of the military spy who was becoming more and more impatient recently, but since the matter was here, he didn't have the time to deal with these things, so he directly arranged the task and asked the other party to obtain it from Songcheng, the governor of Liang County.

Get in touch and be prepared to retreat.

Then, this busy leader returned to the backyard of the county government office alone.

When he returned to the backyard and entered the corridor, before returning to the house, he bumped into Jia Yue again.

Moreover, because many backbones participated in the White Knight's assault, the two hundred personal guards had obvious attrition and losses. Zhang Xing had already arranged for the wounded and dead in Yucheng, and now came to Dang County, taking advantage of the previous

With such power, Zhang Dalongtou then ordered Jia Yue to take the opportunity to recruit some good players, either capable or honest.

This is another rush thing.

Just like that, the two of them talked for a while in the corridor. Knowing that things were not settled yet, they immediately let each other go and let the other person continue to work... However, seeing the other person leaving and looking at the other person's back, Zhang Xing felt a slight movement in his heart.

I remembered something, and then took the initiative to call out to the other party:

"Jia Yue."

Jia Yue turned around in surprise.

"Have you been with me for more than half a year?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

"Yes...it will be a year in two or three months." Jia Yue answered immediately.

"Why are you following me?" Zhang Xingxing stepped forward and asked out of curiosity. "Have you never thought about returning to the North? Don't you have any ambitions?"

Jia Yue was obviously caught off guard, but after a moment of silence, he lowered his head and said: "I don't know why I should follow you, but if I don't follow you, where will I go? I don't know anyone else, who will I be a thug for?

I'm not going to be a thug. At least I'll have less trouble with you. As for the Northland, it's not that I can't go back, but what's the use of going back? You still have an uncle, and having an uncle is the foundation of a family. I can only wander around when I go back.

Even if I am a hunter in the Demon Guard, I cannot be a deacon or a priest, and I am not used to being a deacon and a priest."

"What about ambition?" Zhang Xing emphasized.

"We talked about it several times on the boat." Jia Yue raised his head, his eyes a little subtle. "You really don't remember?"

"Maybe I can remember it later." Zhang Xing remained calm. "Just say it again."

"I think it was the Black Emperor who showed up and asked me to go south." Jia Yue answered seriously. "I think my destiny is in the south... At first I thought I could make a name for myself by going south, but only when I arrived in Hebei did I realize that the people here

Although the people are not as brave as Beihuang, and the cultivation atmosphere is not good, there are too many people, and there are always heroes among them, so I turned off the fire and just took one step at a time to make ends meet... but I happened to bump into you again.

Yes, I thought it was fate. Later, when you did so well, I felt it was fate even more."

Zhang Xing smiled, nodded, and said nothing more.

In fact, during the conversation with Bai Yousi that day, Zhang Xing almost complained about the main figures in the gang, but there were a few people who he never mentioned, and some who had truly forgotten about them, such as Niu Da, who was completely outstanding in terms of talent and quality.

He was overshadowed by Xu Shiying, just because of some things. He was Zhang Dalongtou's confidant, so he still had a unique ecological niche in the gang; there was also the fact that Bai Yousi had met him countless times and knew him very clearly.

There is no need to mention, such as Xiong Bonan; there are also some that he himself does not know how to evaluate, or that are difficult to evaluate, such as Jia Yue.

Of course, Jia Yue can be regarded as a trusted confidant, not to mention that the township party itself is a strong relationship these days, let alone the so-called old acquaintance. What is more important is that this person is not an unknown person, but a surrender captured on the battlefield.

People naturally join as captives.

But this person is obviously a little too bored.

It’s not that I didn’t speak. I even had some disputes with other people at the beginning, and I had a little desire to express myself. But the problem is that the further I go on, the more silent I become. However, my execution of things is still appropriate, which makes people feel a little guilty.

In particular, Zhang Xing knew very well that his "old acquaintance" was a bit unworthy of his name.

Now, the other party gave a religious reason that was hard to say, but at least it was a reason. Considering that the Beidi Demon Guards were famous for their theocratic color, Zhang Xing felt a little relieved.

It can only be said that things are being done in the lake and people are perfunctory, and there are few things that make Zhang Xing worry-free.

Only after a while with Bai Yousi, Zhang Xing, who had recovered a little bit, was now very sure that in this summer's rain, Zhang Xing was definitely not the only one who felt that the situation was difficult and that no one was worried.

Walk alone.

It must be difficult for the emperor's uncle in Dongdu. You don't have to think about it to know that it must be very difficult for him. It's so difficult that it's so difficult that it's difficult to pick your feet. The work of stopping plowing in spring is not over yet. Forming an army is like begging for help. The frontline troops just ran away.

Han Yingong bargained with him for something like this. How could he be regarded as one of the two poles of the empire, the royal grand master?

The building is about to collapse, and it is easy to find a single tree to hold it up.

The saint in Jiangdu must have felt cold in his heart. Why would he run away if he didn't feel cold?

Moreover, when he arrived in Jiangdu, where he thought he could enjoy the rest of his life in peace, he did not find peace... His wife was snatched away and then put back, the Prime Minister and the Governor were publicly executed, and all the servants, palace servants, and furniture and treasures were robbed.

, there are rebellions everywhere, taxes are not coming in, and the army is not listening, isn’t it difficult?

I guess I woke up from time to time during the night, and then I was puzzled, why did I end up like this? Didn't I just kill all my brothers, exile a bunch of nephews, behead a few nephews and sons-in-law, and slaughter them?

A few heroes? Oh, and by the way, tens of millions of people were ruined.

But what does that mean? Why can’t the whole world understand him, the Supreme Being on land? Why are they all rebelling?!

It is also difficult for the British Duke of Taiyuan. Isn't it difficult for his own daughter not to accept him? And is the Grand Master so easy to prove? If he can't prove it, should he win over those two people? But is the Grand Master so easy to win over? When is the opportunity?


What if Master Zhang from Nanpo and the old Taoist priest from Taibai Peak are determined to remain unchanged for twenty years, and Uncle Cao remains unchanged for twenty years? Do we still want to rebel? Do we have to sit back and watch the destiny pass, while the younger generation takes advantage of the opportunity to achieve something?

As for the remaining generals and generals from Youzhou, Hejian, Xuzhou, and Jiangdu, dozens of other rebels in the eastern border of Hebei, local officials from various places, officials from the eastern capital Jiangdu, and Jiangdong

The remnants of the Eight Great Families, the aristocratic families in Hebei and Jin, the gangs in Jianghuai, Wubao in Shu, the Chamber of Commerce in Jingxiang, the Wu Clan outside the Great Wall, the Trinity Orthodox Church, the True Fire Sect and the Demon Guard, the local lords in the North, the South

The tribes in Lingxi Mountain, as well as the common people all over the world, will definitely be in trouble.

No need to think about this.

Because this year is destined to be the year when the entire world, from economy to politics to social organization, will collapse... The so-called half collapse and half disintegration before, after about a year of brewing and interaction, finally led to the collapse of the entire building.

All-round disintegration is about to enter the climax of disintegration.

Under such circumstances, who in the world can still be happy?

Can you, Dong Yi, be happy? Let alone your internal strife, if the Wei Dynasty collapses, you will also have an economic crisis, okay?

then what should we do?

It depends on who can endure it, who can face the difficulties bravely and solve them.

"What did you say? Who rebelled?"

In the military stronghold on Liangshan Mountain, Zhang Xuguo, the commander-in-chief of the march to the east of the Wei Dynasty, who had once again gathered troops, was so stunned that he actually jumped up from his seat due to his impressive cultivation level.

This is not to blame for his gaffe. In fact, in the entire military camp lobby, the core of the seven or eight Qilu disciples who were still left all had similar reactions, and some people were simply stunned.

"Zuo Xiaoyou has rebelled." Fan Hu, the former captain of Qi County and the current Zhonglang General, paused and reported again seriously. "After you were promoted to Tongshou, the Juncheng appointed by the imperial court, Zuo Xiaoyou, rebelled... The county seat directly

It’s gone, many officials and soldiers’ family records have been captured, and my family’s stockade outside the city is gone. This is a letter sent by my sister Lihua herself on horseback.”

In the lobby of the military camp, Zhang Xuguo was silent for a long time, but he still couldn't understand: "But why did he rebel? How could he be persuaded by Li Shu?"

"I think he was planning to rebel before he took office, and then he happened to be transferred to our county, and then he got in touch with Li Shu and got together." Fan Hu said with a straight face, almost without any emotion.

Paraphrasing. "Because as soon as the attack was launched, there was another person named Zuo who came from Langya with tens of thousands of people to kill and responded with him... obviously he was well prepared."

Zhang Xuguo sighed and sat back. This answer seemed to make him somewhat relieved.

But immediately, his whole body became tense again, and he continued to ask: "Do you have any other information? Apart from taking over the county city, what is Zuo Xiaoyou's progress in the county?"

Fan Hu shook his head: "It's just some general information that my sister brought when she escaped, and I guessed it accordingly. The specific situation will have to wait a few days until the courier arrives."

Zhang Xuguo nodded, and there was some commotion around him.

"Don't let the people below know about this." Zhang Xuguo reacted and immediately ordered.

Many core members of the army immediately bowed their heads and suppressed the commotion... Isn't this person's prestige increasing day by day? He was actually able to handle the situation when his lair was directly taken away.

It's just that this kind of incident is really unbelievable. There was a fight in the front, but the heart blossomed directly in the back. Li Shu probably didn't expect such a good thing.

But things have to be said the other way around. If you have to be entangled, it seems that there is nothing to be entangled...Rebellion, rebellion, rebellion, the eastern border, Hebei is the most serious, Jianghuai, Jiangdong is the second, Jingxiang, Jin is also in chaos, up and down

Where is the opposite?

Any county guard born in Jing'antai can abandon his official position and rebel. The surname Guan Longzhong did the opposite three years ago. Now there is a remnant on the opposite side... a county magistrate, said to be the powerful family of Pengcheng County, next to Langya

Over there, what does it matter if it’s reversed?

Just thinking about it, can the Wei Dynasty be saved? At least here in the East, is it worth protecting?

What’s the point of being a loyal minister and a filial son? Are you being treated like a monkey by that Li Shu?

In fact, among these people, some have already thought of... If not for Zhang Xuguo, half of the people here would have become traitors long ago. How could they be loyal ministers and filial sons with him?

He is just a young and ignorant man who just yells these kinds of things all day long. In Pinglu City thirty miles away, the Governor Zhang from Dongdu probably wouldn't even yell.

Even not counting these, nearly 30% of the so-called Qilu soldiers in the surrounding cities and military strongholds are now recruited rebels.

"There's nothing to say." Zhang Xuguo sat for a few more breaths, and after calming down his thoughts, he spoke again, but he gave a stern order. "Let Prefect Zhang come, and also let your sister Lihua come. First, report the situation, and then conduct reconnaissance.

Let the army pack their bags and prepare to return to the army to put down the rebellion..."

This is of course the intended meaning of the question.

In this way, Li Shu succeeded in frustrate him again, and Zhang Xuguo tightly blocked the news. He only said that the rebel Zuo clan was attacking from Langya County and ordered the withdrawal of troops.

However, this time, probably because he was successfully dispatched by Li Shu three times in a row, the morale of the army was low and complaints were everywhere.

This almost made Zhang Xuguo's scalp numb. With such a military spirit, if he went back and found out that the county and city were gone, he might not be able to fight!

That's not all.

Three days later, on the first day of May, as a moderate summer rain came as expected on the Jishui River, the troops came to Sucheng, the junction of Jibei, Lujun, and Dongping counties, and gathered and prepared for a while.

Riders and messengers also arrived in droves as expected, and were intercepted in advance by Zhang Xuguo, who was well prepared at various intersections in the east, south, and north.

Sure enough, the messengers brought a lot of bad news.

For example, after Zuo Xiaoyou took control of the county, the entire Qi County almost erupted. Many small powerful people raised their flags to echo Zuo Xiaoyou. The surrounding bandits and rebels also swarmed in... The situation had a tendency to collapse across the board.


Zhang Xuguo knew what was going on without even reading those slogans.

First of all, he recruited too many disciples in Qi County and brought many officials into the army, which led to internal emptiness.

Secondly, it was Zuo Xiaoyou who rebelled as the county magistrate and easily controlled the county town, making some of the remaining troops and military arrangements a laughing stock.

Finally, and most importantly, after he was recognized and commended by Dongdu and Jiangdu, he acted proactively. Since last year, he has been fighting outside all year round. After becoming the commander-in-chief of the march in the east, he became even more unscrupulous.

Although there was basically no victory, in order to reward the soldiers, transport food and fodder, and maintain the army, it inevitably caused a waste of financial, material, and manpower. At the same time, Lu County and Jibei were raided by thieves, and Qi County was also raided many times.

They were invaded, their crops were trampled, and their cattle, sheep, and livestock were plundered. This gradually made the local people's hearts and minds gained by releasing grain gradually become ineffective.

To put it bluntly, it was Xu Guo and his troops who were alone in the eastern border, without substantial support from Jiangdu and Dongdu, which caused Qi County to be overwhelmed.

Zhang Xuguo knew this matter very well in his heart, and the reason why he had to fight Li Shu and the Deposed Dragon Gang was for this reason... He had communication with Uncle Cao, and Uncle Cao also hoped that

He could arrive at Ji County or Xingyang County, receive supplies and soldiers, and then build a strong, elite field force with General Manager Zhang as the core.

Zhang Xuguo and Uncle Cao were running in both directions.

Unfortunately, there was the Deposed Dragon Gang in the middle, and the situation deteriorated too quickly.

"The situation in Qi County is too bad."

In the middle of the high-level quarrel that could no longer be suppressed, Zhang Xuguo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, attracting everyone to look at him, and the sound of rain outside the hall suddenly became louder. "I estimate that after the troops arrive at the border, they will

If the whole county falls..."

"According to the manager's wishes, shouldn't we save him?" Fan Hu spoke before his impulsive brother... Just now, his brother Fan Bao had already shouted that he wanted to lead his army back first because his village had fallen.

"What does the manager mean by this?" Yu Baimei protested angrily.

"Do you want me to go back first and find a way to kill Zuo Xiaoyou first?" Zhang Changgong, who was also silent, suddenly spoke from behind the mask.

"Is that okay?" Yu Baimei perked up.

"No." Jia Wugen, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Kongtou County, quickly reminded him. "Zuo Xiaoyou is from a wealthy family and has served as an official. He is also the leader of this rebellion. Although he is here, although the county wants to rebel and cause chaos, he will not

It won’t be a big mess; if he dies suddenly, it will be completely broken and completely messed up, and then the whole family will be in trouble..."

"It's not that you can't kill him, but you have to wait until we get back." Fan Hu also sighed.

Zhang Changgong immediately nodded in understanding.

"But if that's the case..." Fan Bao sneered. "Can we keep the news secret? What if the whole county is gone before we go back, and the soldiers disperse on the road?"

"When we get together again, except for 30% of the troops who surrendered, the rest are all descendants of Qilu." Yu Baimei became increasingly impatient.

"What's the use of getting together again?" Fan Bao continued to sneer. "Let's attack Yuncheng for the third time? Then Li Shu will find someone to rebel behind him, or attack Qijun? Can Qijun still go through a toss? Look outside

The rain is not heavy right now, but the May rain has already begun. Don’t you know how difficult the logistics will be next?”

No one, including Yu Baimei, made any refutation. Everyone was either worried or chatting, and the situation seemed to be at a standstill.

But at this moment, Zhang Xuguo, who had been interrupted before, suddenly continued to ask: "Then do you think Yuncheng already knows the situation in Qi County at this time?"

"This is natural." Jia Wugen sighed. "Even if Li Shu did not do this, he must have known about it at this time and would have added fuel to the fire."

Zhang Xuguo nodded slowly, and then continued to ask slowly, with clear and powerful words: "Then do you think Yuncheng will relax at this time?"

There was a sudden silence in the hall, leaving only the rustling sound of the May rain, which seemed not too urgent.

PS: Good night

This chapter has been completed!
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