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The eighty-seventh chapter He Ge line (11)

Zhang Xing did not shake hands and talk happily, not because he has become a left-wing leader, but because in this military and political environment, it is not a big deal to vote based on the other party's identity and position, but the other party is so enthusiastic, so

The extreme speed and such excitement made Zhang Dalongtou feel a little nervous. In turn, he had some doubts about how speculative the opponent was.

Of course, people must be allowed to speculate, and the key to the problem is that rewards and punishments must be clearly defined, and efforts must be made to build an upward path that is accessible and fair for everyone as has been lamented repeatedly recently.

If you do this, it doesn't matter whether you shake hands or not, whether you speculate or not.

As for why I always shook hands with my closest brothers before, even knowing that some people were hesitant to even speculate, this is another logic.

Just like falling in love and getting married, when people are in love, everyone rushes to each other or has wishful thinking. At this time, they make some actions that are beyond the standards. In the future, it will become romantic and unforgettable. It is like Zhang Xing will never forget Bai Yousi in Hongshan Col.

It’s the same as the scene of waiting for oneself in the rain; and when you get married, you have to face the real interests and life, and you need daily necessities. At this time, what is important is peace of mind and respect for the other person in life, plus working together on a material basis. What are those

Romance and unforgettable love are good, but you can live a lifetime without them. When both parties grow old together, they will be as calm as water and turn around a thousand times.

Turning back to the present, now that Tang Bairen is here and Zhang Xing has also said hello, no matter whether he is rich in wealth or possesses talents and virtues, he must be given enough for the subsequent drama.

As a result, the two of them entered the county government office and entered the backyard. Everyone else dispersed. Only the two of them sat opposite each other in front of the stone table in the pavilion under the blue sky and white sun. Then Zhang Dalongtou immediately made a promise - as long as the other party operates properly,

Make sure Liang's father can hand over the situation peacefully, then the guarantee will recommend a leader position to the other party after the Second Eastern Expedition.

Moreover, whether the other party wants to lead the army or manage the people, they can be respected.

In addition, depending on the other party's performance in other tasks, the other party will be allowed to recommend some suitable candidates to serve as local helmsmen, deputy helmsmen, or other mid-level officers, as well as deacons and guardians within the gang.

This is a very high reward and remuneration.

Because the other party only has one county, it only corresponds to the helmsman of the Deposed Dragon Gang.

However, after listening to Zhang Xing's words, Tang Bairen had a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xing asked seriously. "Is something inappropriate?"

"It's a bit inappropriate." Tang Bairen thought for a moment, wiped the sweat on his face, and came to the conclusion seriously. "Looking at me, Mr. Zhang is too generous to me. I'm just a third-party member of a miscellaneous rebel army.

The leader originally had no one to rely on before deposing the Dragon Gang army. Even Liangfu County took advantage of Zhang Gong's victory in Lishan and took it down in less than a month... I originally thought that a helmsman would be considered generous by Zhang Gong.

, how can I become the leader? I also know the system of the Deposed Dragon Gang, and I also know the value of the leader... How can I feel at ease after suffering like this? Who can be convinced? "

"So?" Zhang Xing asked with interest. "Do you want to refuse?"

"Of course not." The man immediately shook his head. "Since I know how valuable and rare the position of leader is, how can I give up so easily? What I mean is that I ask Mr. Zhang to do whatever he wants, whether it is difficult or cumbersome, or it may be difficult or complicated.

If you need to work hard, just give the order directly...I am willing to do my best and make great achievements so that the kindness of Mr. Zhang can be taken seriously and convinced by others in the gang."

"Do you have anything you want to do?" Zhang Xing continued to ask, not seeming too surprised. This may be because he had expected it, or it may be that this statement is not significant to him.

"I can offer you all the three counties led by the Guishan Army." Tang Bairen hurriedly said.

Zhang Xing's expression remained unchanged and he immediately shook his head: "What is this?"

Tang Bairen felt something unexpected in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word.

"Chief Tang, you have said it yourself, the Guishan Army is just a miscellaneous rebel army, and they are nothing in front of our army of the Deposed Dragon Gang." Zhang Xing pressed his hands on the stone table in front of him and said something sincerely. "Do you think we are?

Is the reason for not marching yet because of insufficient troops or fear of casualties? In fact, to tell you the truth, I just discussed with several other big leaders in Dongping County a few days ago and suppressed their proposal to march... The reason is that I always thought that this

The Pandong Expedition is not only about occupying territory and expanding the number of troops, but more importantly, it is to take root in the new territory. Therefore, rather than marching in a hurry, I want to see the Deposed Dragon Gang establish effective rule in these counties.

.And we very much hope that this process will not cause too much turmoil, displace people, stagnate production, and damage people's livelihood."

"It was done in Xiahu." Tang Bairen finally started to feel uneasy and just rubbed his hands behind the table. "Thinking about Lin Chang, you should know that Mr. Zhang is not an ordinary person, and he has great benevolence and righteousness in his heart. It's just that I don't know.

In this case, what else can I do? To protect the craftsmen in the three counties, or to persuade the other three leaders of the Guishan Army to surrender? But what are these? I have no shame to show my merit in front of Duke Zhang."

"There are two things to choose from." Zhang Xing finally thought about it and finally became solemn. "As far as I know, the Guishan Army actually originated from Langya County, and the rebels in Langya County, Ludong, and the southeast of Qi County are all the same as those in the original

Does Zhishijun have some connections?"

"Yes." Tang Bairen nodded quickly. "Zhishilang Wanghou was the first one in the world to shout out that he wanted to kill the tyrant, and he also raised the flag in Langya. At that time, the deserters from the Three Expeditions and the surrounding counties and counties were all flagged.

The banner of the Zhishi Army, of course, has its origins. The reason why the Zhishi Army was defeated by Zhang Xuguo several times before and was able to quickly rise again was because many people around him nominally used his number. He could walk around Langya and be able to regain his reputation again.

Get some people together, the leader of our Guishan Army has served as the ninth master under Wang Hou before."

"So, can you use the Guishan Army's connections in Langya to buy grain in Xuzhou, Donghai and even Jiangdu?" At this point, Zhang Xing made an unexpected suggestion.

Tang Bairen thought for a moment and shook his head: "Hard! I know that Zhang Gong refers to the grain from Jiangdong and Jianghuai collected around Jiangdu, and it was indeed possible to trade in the past. But after the Lishan War, perhaps he was afraid of Zhang Gong's power.

, large private ships are not allowed to pass through the Huaihe River, nor are they allowed to pass by sea. If you have to buy food... taking the sea route to Dongyi is the way to go, but it is too far, so it is better to go to Dengzhou to connect to Dongyi."

Zhang Xing sighed on the spot when he heard half of it. But later on when he heard Dong Yi's instructions, his spirits suddenly lifted.

Seeing this situation, Tang Bairen finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Mr. Zhang, are we really short of food?"

"There is no shortage at the moment." Zhang Xing simply told the truth. "But there will definitely be a shortage in the future, and there will be a shortage all over the world, especially in the East and Hebei... Because all the big warehouses are around Dongdu, the Grand Master watched

Yes, no one dares to move, but the world is already in chaos. No one is taking care of the crops in the fields, and the harvest will inevitably be greatly reduced... This is the first year, and the food shortage has not been too obvious, but what about next year and the year after that?

?Do you expect the imperial court to sell us food for rebelling? Last year, the Northern Shan Dynasty was in chaos because of the siege of the city by the Wu tribe, and there was no harvest. As a result, the land was starved this year. Taiyuan was unwilling to save it, and the local area did not release food. The result was that

The top and bottom are rebelling against each other, and this is a precedent."

Tang Bairen thought about it for a while, but he couldn't argue with it for a moment, but he could only try to explain: "I'm ashamed."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of..." Zhang Xing laughed. "It's originally off topic."

When Tang Bairen heard this, he cheered up again and quickly put his hands on the table: "Mr. Zhang, you said there are two things, what is the other thing?"

Zhang Xing nodded and continued: "As I said before, it is one thing to advance eastward and enter the prefectures and counties along the Jishui River. It is also another thing to make as little effort as possible and win them cleanly and steadily... And this

Inside, if the military pressure all the way to Qi County is not great, then it is hard to say in Dengzhou. Those three families rebelled earlier than the Dragon Gang, and are powerful forces with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people."

Tang Bairen's heart suddenly suddenly came to his senses, and then he immediately stood up and raised his hands in a gesture: "Mr. Zhang, I am willing to go to Dengzhou to be an intermediary and alienate the three families of Sun, Gao and Wang!"

Zhang Xingduan sat still and just nodded: "If you are willing to do it, that's great. If you don't want to do it, it's okay. Since you came here at a high speed today, I will always have a leader position for you here."

"Mr. Zhang was joking." Tang Bairen was relieved. "As I said before, without some decent achievements, I won't be able to secure this leader, and I may not dare to treat him as a real leader."

Zhang Xing smiled and said no more: "Then go back as soon as possible. Don't let too many people know that you have been here."

Tang Bairen immediately turned around and wanted to leave.

But after walking seven or eight steps, he turned back and held his hands in the pavilion again: "Please write another letter to Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment, then laughed again: "Who is it written to?"

"Zhang Gong Mingjian." Tang Bairen was also stunned for a moment, and then smiled. "Please Zhang Gong write a letter to Zhi Shilang Wang Hou, agreeing to work with him to expel Sun Gao and others back to Hebei, and then ensure that Langya will be returned to Zhi Shi's army.


Zhang Xing nodded and immediately went to get a pen and paper to write on the spot without writing any ink.

After a while, the letter was written, and the fingerprints were pressed. Then, after thinking about it, he asked someone to fetch the seal of the governor of Jiyin County that he had seized before and used frequently. He stamped it on the spot and handed it over to the other party. Tang Bai

Ren didn't say much and left directly.

After walking for less than two quarters of an hour, Wang Xiongdan and Bing Yuanzheng turned back. Zhang Xing did not mention the matter at all, but only asked them about it.

Only then did Zhang Xing know the whole story.

It turned out that Liu Fan, the strong man who was guarding the gold mine, had no reaction at that time, and the two of them were already preparing to turn back. However, as soon as they left, the gold mine was fine, but seventy or eighty families in several nearby villages fled directly.

, divided into several routes and ran to the territory of the Guishan Army in Eastern Lu.

What's interesting is that these families actually have horses in their houses, and they can't stop them.

Bing Yuanzheng was considered a local official in the Eastern Territory. Of course he knew what was going on and was not prepared to stop him. But since he knew Zhang Xing's mentality, did he still choose to turn back? Because these seventy or eighty households were all

The "rich households" in these villages take good care of the farmland at home, so they have to temporarily remind the locals and ask them to take care of the autumn harvest on their behalf.

It’s okay for people to leave, but the crops in the fields cannot be wasted.

After Zhang Xing listened to the story, he still did not mention the uninvited guest Tang Bairen in the afternoon. He only encouraged a few people and discussed how to use both kindness and power in the county and other occupied areas of Lu County to quickly grasp the basics and establish a foundation.

Also separated from Bing Yuanzheng.

For several days, everything was chaotic.

There was similar trouble in Lu County and other counties. Zhang Xing sent Jia Yue, Wang Xiongdan, Zhou Xingfan, Wang Zhen, Shang Huaien and others to suppress it in turn.

Bing Yuanzheng or other leaders suddenly attracted several local heroes. Zhang Dalongtou again received them kindly and appointed them;

Then Tang Bairen, the leader of Liang's father's Guishan army, killed Liu Fan's old troops who had gone to join him. Then Zhang Xing sent his army to meet him, but he frightened the other party. He actually abandoned Liang's father's county and took five to six hundred confidants with him.

Fleeing to the east, Zhang Xing was forced to temporarily send Bing Yuanzheng to Liang's father to serve as a town;

As soon as he turned around, Wang Shuyong advanced rapidly and penetrated Qijun in a few days. The battle report of joining Cheng Zhili in the Jibei area also came. Zhang Xing thought for a moment and sent Jia Runshi to Qijun again.

While thinking about the situation, Wei Xuanding also followed the autumn harvest to the Wenshui Basin, but he was so busy that Zhang Xing simply asked Wang Xiongdan to send troops to assist him...

There are countless kinds of these.

Just like that, the time came to the end of this month. Zhang Xing was considering whether to move to Liangfu or transfer to the Xiaqiu area of ​​Lujun County for inspection. The camera was deciding on the next plan. Suddenly he received a message saying that it was

Xiong Bonan came back and wanted to see him here, so he took it again and waited for the purple-faced king to come.

However, that night, the heat was fading, the moon was missing, the stars were numerous, and cicadas were chirping everywhere. Zhang Xing was holding a candle under the pavilion in the backyard of the county government office to "enjoy the coolness."

I was interested in reading the whole article, but suddenly I noticed something strange.

Then, he looked at the rooftop opposite in surprise.

It was a very obvious wave of true energy. Since the pill was condensed, not to mention flying, one of the most obvious feelings is that the subtleties of the world are more clearly perceived, and the sensitivity of the true energy is even more prominent.

"Brother Xian has indeed condensed his elixir."

A slightly unfamiliar voice sounded from behind the wall. "The world is in chaos, vitality is bursting out, dragons and snakes are fighting for power, and heroes are rising together. As expected, it's up to the Deposed Dragon Gang and you people!"

Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment. He really didn't remember who the other party was, but it seemed hard to ask him like this.

And at this moment, the rescuer came. In the distance, a more majestic wave of true energy was revealed, and looking around, a purple stream of light was particularly conspicuous in the night.

The man obviously stopped talking.

After a moment, the purple-faced king Xiong Bonan appeared in front of the pavilion in the courtyard. He first bowed his hand to Zhang Xing, then turned to look at the direction of the other person, put his hands behind his hands and raised his voice to ask: "My friend, please tell me the truth."

Sir, since you are here to visit, please meet me in person."

Zhang Xing sighed and took advantage of the situation to speak: "It must be an old friend. Before I had time to speak, King Xiongtian came."

"We are old friends, we are obviously close friends like brothers." As he said that, the man jumped lightly, like a crane flowing over the clouds, with an elegant posture, and landed in front of the two of them. Then he just raised his hand towards Xiong Bonan and looked at them.

With the paper in front of him, Zhang Xing asked seriously, "Does my dear brother have any more poems?"

Zhang Xing took a breath, immediately pressed down the manuscript on the table, and responded sincerely: "Brother Xie, since I said goodbye to you, I have made up my mind to write less poetry and more work...just some ordinary articles."

The man nodded, then shook his head: "What a pity, what a pity."

It turns out that this person is actually one of the only two masters of the Eight Jiangnan Families, Xie Minghe, nicknamed Liu Yunhe... But somehow, he suddenly came to see Zhang Xing, his close brother on the books... I can only say

, after a battle, the prestige increased slightly, and all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared.

PS: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and may the flowers be full and the moon be full.

Good night.

This chapter has been completed!
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