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Chapter 97: Hoge Travel (21)

At midnight, Xu Dalang had left, and the city had entered a strange state of semi-mobilization - the main combatants had begun to rest, but quite a few logistics personnel were working hard to prepare for the next march.

The smoke from the kitchen is curling up into sheets. Although it is night, it is still clearly visible under the two crescent moons. The aroma of the city, combined with the autumn wind of fruit trees, also makes people slightly tipsy.

But when the last group of people dispersed, Zhang Xing and Bai Yousi did not go indoors, but chatted together under the moonlight.

"That's not good?"


"Don't you need Xu Dalang's sister to take a look at King Xiongtian?"

"My husband has just died, so I have to give him some time. King Xiongtian also said that we will talk about it after the Eastern Campaign is over."

"I mean what if she doesn't want to?"

"If you don't want to, it won't be a problem... Didn't I say that?"

"No...but it seems to mean something like this. You take it for granted."

"That's because I talk less, and my mind is full of things, such as Eastern Expedition, internal affairs, personnel, economics, overall situation, and small strategy. It's too scattered... But from my heart, the focus of things is

It’s not about this at all, but about saving Xu Shiying’s dignity..."

"Save your dignity...?"

"What he did makes people speechless on the surface, and even more speechless when viewed from a higher level like me, but privately, some people still say that he is ruthless and unjust... and we

If he does this, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it will show that he has already thought more about it and prepared a way out for his sister, and it will be difficult for others to discuss it."

"I see, I didn't think enough about this level."

"But to be honest, from Sister Xu Dalang's point of view, after marrying far away, it is obvious that most of the people are attached to the husband's family. It is better to find someone from the gang who will be less angry and can unite the gang. Moreover, Xu Dalang is a dishonest person at heart, so he has to let Xiong

The King of Heaven treats him like this... On the other hand, if she insists on remaining a widow, I think the wind will not rise."

"Thinking too much... How can anyone want to insist on being a widow?" Bai Yousi immediately refuted. "Sanlang, some of your ideas are absolutely right, but some of them are very strange."

Zhang Xing said nothing and raised his head directly.

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Yousi noticed something strange.

"I'm thinking about the three radiances and the four emperors." Zhang Xing pointed to the twin moons above his head and changed the subject inexplicably, which just confirmed what Bai Yousi had just complained about. "I've been thinking about something, and I just woke up a little after what you said today...

…Tell me, over the past thousands of years in this world, things like the discipline of rulers and ministers have become increasingly strict. How did it come about?”

"I don't know." Bai Yousi thought seriously. "But this is a matter of course, right? Because the world must be unified, and unification is just like the word you said before, it requires centralization of power. In order to centralize power, it requires the discipline of the monarch and his ministers, and the need for father and son.

Tsunaki, I want husband and wife...clan...but why doesn't anyone just shout this out?"

"Because we are iterating and experimenting." Zhang Xing sighed. "As the saying goes, everything must have a beginning, and everything must have a source and route. And people in the world are not stupid, and they can also think and discuss.

"Why should the world be unified? Because if there is no unification, there will be bloodshed... That is the worst situation, so it must be unified, and it must be unified over and over again, so there are hundreds of tribes competing for hegemony, and there are three Lichmen.

Clan vying for supremacy, with the White Emperor dominating the country, with the Ancestor Emperor marching eastwards, with the Tang Emperor continuing his legacy, with the Wei Dynasty rising again... each time they are closer to unification.

"As for the unification of the world, just as you said, it requires centralization of power. Each generation of masters and the heroes around them take centralization of power as a matter of course. There is no need to say this. Even the Trinity Orthodox Church where your master belongs is also deliberately or unintentionally sweeping away

It clears the obstacles to unification and promotes centralization of power.

"But there is something wrong with centralization. Once power is in hand, it will degenerate. In tens of thousands of years, there have been only four supremes, and the virtues of the four supremes are neither external nor internal, nor detailed at all. The Southern Tang Dynasty also had a unified situation, but

Because of the weight of the royal family, the civil strife in the royal family led to the collapse of the world, and the rise of famous families. However, the rise of famous families set a bad example in Jiangdong for hundreds of years, clearly telling the people of the world that they were in charge and made the world worse. People's hearts therefore began to reflect.

, so now we have the Guanlong lineage, and now the emperor is a single man, holding the power of the world, but even so, he still causes trouble to the world, which inevitably makes people think again."

Bai Yousi listened quietly to what the other party said, and was stunned for a long time: "Isn't there a good way?"

"It's destined to be nothing." Zhang Xing rarely came to a conclusion in front of the other party categorically. "We can only learn from the lessons of the previous generations. On the one hand, we must centralize power and unify the world to avoid bloodshed again and again; on the other hand, we must consider that once power is centralized,

Sooner or later, they will belong to one person or a clan, which leads to the situation of today's saints, so we must guard against...these two are the mainstream of the world's ideological trends, opposing each other, complementing each other, and entangled."

Bai Yousi was thoughtful.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Once we talk about this, we will never finish it." Seeing this, Zhang Xing suddenly felt a little irritated and asked about other matters. "How is your adoption of orphans?"

"Things went well, but I was very touched." Bai Yousi came back to his senses, still a little confused. "I told you, right? I have never seen adopted orphans on Taibai Peak, but there are so many

It’s really shocking that people behind the scenes all lost their parents so easily. Those who died in wars and disasters, I can understand, but those who died of poverty and hardship could not find a way out.

Die, or die suddenly after finding a way out...Did you deliberately let me handle this matter?"

"No, it's just that you mentioned that you had someone adopt a sold orphan in Yanmen, so I thought of letting you handle the matter." Zhang Xing said disapprovingly. "As for being touched, in this world, you have come down from the highest level.

If you want to be touched, where can't you be touched? You are not as heartless as Li Silang..."

At this point, Zhang Xing suddenly stopped talking, because Bai Yousi, who had been sitting side by side, suddenly turned over and lay on his knees.

"What's wrong?" After a moment of pause, he felt that the other person had removed his body-protecting energy and was breathing obviously. Zhang Xing also removed his own weak, unformed body-protecting energy, and couldn't help but ask proactively. "You're such a little kid.

The attitude of children is really rare."

"It's nothing." Bai Yousi replied softly while lying in the other person's arms. "I'm just wondering, what have you gone through to be so indifferent to these things?"

"I haven't experienced much." Zhang Xing paused for a moment and answered frankly. "I just think more often, be more hard-hearted when encountering things, and just get over it... As the saying goes, being touched is to be touched, but since I understand the root of the matter in my heart Wherever you should put it down and do things."

Bai You thought about it for a while, then he said on the other side's knee: "We have both changed a lot...I started to think wildly, and you started to do things."

Zhang Xing also thought for a while, and then suddenly asked: "Where is Li Ding? What is that guy doing?"

"Whatever!" Bai Yousi said in a bad mood, but said nothing. "You can mention it twice in one night!"

Zhang Xing smiled sarcastically.

After a night of silence, the next day, from the first day of mid-July to the second day, the entire army was launched one after another.

Because of the continuous garrisoning, relocation, marching, surrendering, and reorganization, it is actually difficult to measure the specific figures of each department. But there is no doubt that, temporarily putting aside worries, the army marching eastward with all its strength under Zhang Xing's strict military order is absolutely amazing. .The 50,000 troops that Xie Minghe heard about before were not present, but the total number of troops that were suddenly activated this time definitely exceeded 40,000. Even Fan Bao did not dare to delay when he knew that his sister had escaped. He let go of everything and turned back. In the afternoon of that day, he hurriedly led his troops out of Zhangqiu and headed eastward.

He knew very well that this was the best way to change his status as a demoted general.

For a time, the Bang army swarmed eastward from the cities of Qi County, Lu County, and Langya County, and divided into no less than seven or eight routes. The so-called "battle line" also stretched for two hundred miles from Dahe to the foothills of Mount Tai, directly pressing into Dengzhou, and in They quickly gathered together in a short period of time and headed for Linzi, a famous city in the west of Dengzhou at all costs.

In this case, the three major rebel armies in Dengzhou were completely at a loss, and the troops stationed along the way had no time to get any military orders and could only make their own judgments. However, in this case, how could the small groups of rebel troops below make judgments?

It's nothing more than fighting, surrendering, and escaping.

The determination shown by the army also frustrated these rebels, because if they resisted, they would be accused of robbing the people, expelled from the rebels, and then eliminated as rumored. And those who surrendered would still have to The punishment was "according to the law", but it was obviously much more lenient than the military orders in the previous stage.

Under this situation, rumors and exaggerations quickly spread throughout Dengzhou with the defeat of the three rebel armies. The rebels in the western part of Dengzhou, mainly the Zhishi Army and the Pingyuan Army, quickly fell into a situation of fleeing after hearing the news. .

Under such circumstances, Zhang Xing arrived at Linzi City on July 13th almost without losing a fight, and on the next morning, which was the agreed time, he gathered almost most of the main force heading eastward.

At this time, under the city of Linzi, seven leaders including Zhang Xing, Bai Yousi, Xiong Bonan, Shan Tonghai, Wang Shuyong, Xu Shiying, Cheng Zhili, and Niu Da, the leader of the left-wing gang, were gathered, plus Wang Zhen, Zhou Xingfan, and Jia Yue, Yan Qing, Ding Shengying, Xia Hou Ningyuan, Guo Jingke, Cheng Mingqi, Fang Yanshi, Zhai Kuan, Zuo Caixiang, Jia Wugen, Fan Bao, Wang Xiongdan, Jia Runshi and other nearly twenty military leaders.

Even leaders such as Zhai Qian, Zhang Jinshu, Liu Zhouchen, Huang Junhan, Ma Ping'er, who were not in the military order, but who had just heard the news from the rear, were also gathered.

With this lineup and this strength, Zhang Xing can fight the Battle of Lishan again!

But it is a pity that there is no longer another Zhang Xuguo in the East Territory, so Yu Baimei, Zhang Changgong, Fan Hu and other lineups are gathered to fight him again.

"No surrender?"

In the newly established military stronghold, under the banner of "Qiu", there was no time to raise the rammed-earth general platform, and Zhang Xing, who only stood in the open space with an imposing manner, was surprised.


Guo Jingke reported carefully.

"Why?" Zhang Xing asked sincerely.

How did Guo Jingke know this? He was just Xu Dalang's vanguard team. He came faster, and he had already packed up while others were still setting up camp. He was responsible for peripheral cruising and some temporary tasks.

"They should be worried about being enforced by military law." Cheng Dalang explained seriously from the side. "Xu Pinglang, who was guarding the city, was originally a well-known bandit in the East. He must have looted a lot, and we had strict laws before... Of course, it may also be because he is now

It can be regarded as a big mountain in the Bohai Navy, second only to Gao Shitong, and it is embarrassing."

"Then you go there in person and tell him that those were the rules before Dengzhou. Now we have changed the rules when entering Dengzhou. You can hand over food and weapons as punishment. Of course, you can also hand over the city to make up for it. As long as he offers the city, I will

Allow him to escape unscathed." Zhang Xing sat on the spot and ordered.

Cheng Dalang was startled for a moment, but he didn't refuse. Instead, he handed over his hand and went directly.

The next step is to call the door again... It can be seen that Cheng Dalang has recovered well from his foot injury, and you can see from a distance that he easily jumped up the very high city wall.

There is no general platform, the others just learn to open the dragon head, move the small horse, or wait there. Some are looking at the city head, some are looking at Zhang Xing, some are looking at the clouds in the sky, and some are looking at the ants on the ground. At this time

, the surrounding troops are still working hard to build military strongholds.

After walking for about half an hour, Cheng Dalang turned back.

"What should I say?" Zhang Xing, who looked down at the ants, cheered up and asked.

"It's a bit troublesome." Cheng Dalang sighed. "After talking for a long time, his final intention was that he hoped that the leader would allow him to surrender with his troops and then give him the position of a big leader."

"Big boss?" Zhang Xing asked seriously with no expression on his face.

Among the dozens of people nearby, including Shan Tonghai and Wang Zhen, no fewer than five or six laughed.

"Yes." Cheng Dalang was also a little embarrassed. "He said that there are five thousand people in his city, and the surrounding counties add up to over ten thousand. He also knows the inside story of the rear, and there are acquaintances in Dengzhou City..."

Zhang Xing nodded, slightly impatient: "So he is the big boss?"

"Yes." Cheng Dalang wisely stopped talking.

"What do you think?" Zhang Xing looked around and raised his voice slightly. "Is that allowed?"

"Why don't you want a faucet?" Shan Tonghai sneered. "The big Zhongyi faucet is still empty!"

The rest of the people mostly sneered or had cold faces, and no one really spoke.

Zhang Xing thought for a while, then asked Cheng Dalang seriously: "Leader Cheng, where do you think he gets this confidence?"

Cheng Dalang also thought for a moment and responded sincerely: "I don't know! Dragon Head, who doesn't know the pros and cons after experiencing it? I have never seen it before, Old Cheng! There are too many such people, don't worry about it, it's not worth it.


"So, he is not just haggling, but really wants this condition?" Zhang Xing couldn't ask further.

"Probably." Cheng Zhili nodded in agreement.

"Do you know where he is in the city now?" Zhang Xing suddenly asked a strange question.

"Just in the county government lobby..." Cheng Dalang looked back and pointed.

"Okay." Zhang Xing nodded, then suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Yousi. "Please ask Chief Bai and King Xiongtian to lead the way, and let Chief Cheng lead the way, and take the other six alchemy masters here into the city.

Capture this man and punish him here... I won't go. I am not good at cultivation. For more than a month, I have not been able to control my body-protecting energy. I want to avoid embarrassment... I am waiting for you here.


Including Bai Yousi and Cheng Zhili, everyone around them was stunned for a moment, but soon their expressions brightened.

Can it still be like this?

In other words, is this already possible?

PS: Thank you Mr. Xiaohei for joining the alliance.

By the way, I'm asking for a leave of absence, it's considered a force majeure... Just this afternoon Yuewen has an official event in Beijing, and I may not be able to come back in the evening. There will be another more important one tomorrow morning, so basically the next update will definitely be a pigeon.

, hope everyone can understand.

This chapter has been completed!
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