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The twenty-seventh chapter square (15)

"Thank you for the inspection and maintenance."

After the show was over, Zhang Xing, who was waiting outside, saw Bai Yousi come out and hurriedly stepped forward to express his gratitude. He knew very well that if Bai Yousi hadn't taken the initiative to protect him in the end, Chai Changjian would have really become more serious.

Come on, even if you bite yourself to death in the end and stabilize yourself, you still have to peel off the skin.

"I protected you well, but you also protected yourself."

Bai Yousi stopped and turned back to face each other. "I don't want to say anything unnecessary, but if you were even a little bit confused about this matter, I would not be so straightforward, let alone directly transfer you to my patrol team... Let's

No need to thank you much."

"Yes." Zhang Xing looked as usual and just climbed up the pole. "My subordinates know that we are all our own people."

Bai Yousi has not yet replied to what he said. Several Baishou and several Jinyi patrolmen who were following Inspector Bai all looked at each other... as if one of them had never seen such a person before.


"Zhang Xing." Bai You thought for a while and then took the initiative to mention it. "There was a reason why I brought you and Qin Bao here together that day and didn't let you join the patrol...because until now, you still can't remember it.

I am in which branch of the middle base army, which team, and there is no Zhang Xing on the list of the middle base army. This matter cannot be passed so easily."

"It's my fault." Zhang Xing sighed slightly, as if he was blaming himself. "But after I was injured, I really couldn't remember it. The name Zhang Xing was indeed called me by my brother... I can't say it's a similar name, but

The last name is definitely correct, at most it is the chapter of the article."

"I can't believe what you said, and I can't believe it either." Bai Yousi laughed.

"Inspector, just trust me as a human being." Zhang Xingtian puffed up his chest shamelessly, causing several young people behind the female inspector to pout.

"You stay here to watch the whole case. Someone will ask you to join the team in a few days." Bai Yousi smiled again, said no more, and left with his sword.

After Bai Yousi left, the seven or eight knights in brocade clothes who were following behind him did not follow. Instead, they came forward one after another under the leadership of a man with a black ribbon to greet Zhang Xing.

Among them, there are some people who have seen it, such as the black man named Hu Yan; there are also people who have not seen but heard of it, such as the young man named Li Qingchen, who always likes to bully Qin Erlang; and there are those who have neither

I have never seen or heard of it, such as a tall man named Qian Tang with a white sash.

These people have different grades and attitudes.

For example, Hu Yan, with a black ribbon, was considered the eldest brother in the team in terms of his age, his status was Bai Yousi's deputy, and his rank was at the sixth level. He was considered to be different from everyone else, so he only said a few words and left.

Among the people below, those who were older and seemed to have families, almost everyone was enthusiastic... Some people praised Zhang Xing for carrying his body thousands of miles away to send his friends back home; some people directly took a fancy to Zhang Xing's talk with the inspection and just said

Inspection inspections recognize heroes with a keen eye.

But those young people can't help but make some mistakes. Some people made sarcastic remarks, said their names and left directly; some people said simple words, secretly exerted force on their hands, and even used their true energy faintly, forcing them to Zhang Zhang.

In turn, it cools him down; there are also people who speak extremely passionately, but no matter how they sound, they can't help but sound a little bit weird.

The only exception is naturally Qin Erlang.

Qin Bao was so moved that he almost shed tears when he saw Zhang Xing being crowded around by those young people. However, he still had a job and only said he would meet again in a few days.

Just like that, after a while, Bai Yousi and his party left cleanly.

Zhang Xing could have left directly, but he was always thoughtful in messy places, so he went back to the wine shop, and then he didn't see Chai Changjian, but met another Heishou. He had a polite conversation. One or two, after learning that Wang and Shen were directly arrested and thrown into the sky prison, Bai and Chai specially said hello to Xiaoyu that they should be fine, so they went back directly.

When I went out at this time, I found that the street cleaners who had been sitting there all day had already scattered around outside Feng's house and were talking among themselves. At this time, I saw Zhang Xing coming out from a distance, but no one came forward. Do the words again.

This treatment was almost the same as that of Han Min who killed his friend... Obviously, no one among these people suspected that Zhang Xing was responsible for the crime. They only regarded Zhang Xing as a detective arranged by Zhongzhen Fusi.

Sitting as a detective is also against the loyalty of the world.

Of course, Zhang Xing didn't bother to explain at all. Not only did he not care, but more importantly, he was unfamiliar with it.

In fact, thanks to Lai Bai Yousi's hard work, the major case involving Feng Yong and his wife was eliminated this time, and Zhang Xing felt relieved. In the evening of the same day, he returned to Xiuye ​​Square and had a good meal. When I was full, I lay down and read a book.

However, after the gate was closed, I had just quickly read the first book "The Dragon Meets the Phoenix" following the plot, and the second book "The Legend of the Heroine Li Yue, Part Two: The Fall of the Dragon" only opened the first two pages and read the beginning. , then an uninvited guest who was not a guest came uninvited.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Zhang Xing opened the door and was extremely surprised to see Brother Liu, the owner of the shop, carrying a pot of wine and a can of pickled radishes, followed by his little daughter holding a pot of stewed broth. "I just ate it." Ah, it’s at your stall.”

"Come to congratulate me on your promotion." Boss Liu laughed in reply. "There happens to be a pot of old duck soup with sour radish. It won't take up your stomach and I will sweat at night... won't you let me in?"

Zhang Xing smiled bitterly and could only quickly welcome the other party in.

After setting up the tables and chairs in the courtyard, putting down the bowls and chopsticks, and setting up the small charcoal stove, Brother Liu's youngest daughter Fenniang immediately left. Only Fangzhu Liu and Zhang Xing sat across from each other. One started to warm the wine, and the other started to drink. Add pickled radish to duck soup.

"Brother is really well-informed." Zhang Xing secretly ate a piece of pickled radish and felt that his mouth was full of saliva. It was sour and refreshing without adding the old duck soup. "I knew the news at noon. I came over as soon as the gate closed..."

"I've been working as a local official for more than ten years. I don't have much else, but I always know the news around here quickly... If you want to inquire about things around here, you can come to me." Boss Liu poured a cup for himself. Drinks were pushed in and he kept talking. "Actually, at noon, the female inspector from the Hou family in Ji'an came out to close the case. The news spread in the afternoon. But at first, I thought it was just that the case was solved. It wasn't until just now that I found out. Brother Zhang is related to the Marquis of Ji'an, and he is actually being transferred to the Jinyi Patrol Cavalry... No wonder friends from the Jinyi Patrol Cavalry have been coming here before."

Zhang Xing originally wanted to explain, but then he thought about it and realized that the explanation was useless, so he simply followed his words and said: "I want to be transferred there, and it is indeed a white inspection relationship, but from the East Town Fusi to the Central Town Fusi, all He's still an ordinary sergeant, and he doesn't even have a rank, so how can he be promoted?"

"Look what I said, brother, you were also the vanguard of the Fifth Army. Do you think the leading soldiers in this army, the garrison digging holes at the front, and the black armor cavalry in front of Zhuguo's tent are the same thing?" Liu said.

The old man laughed when he heard this. "There are three major towns in Jing'an... Fusi in the west town is high, Fusi in the middle town is hard, but Fusi in the east town is weak... I jumped from the coolie in the east town.

When you go to Zhongzhen Fusi, which specializes in major cases, your future will suddenly open up, not to mention you are still so young? I have told you before that you are going to have a big situation."

Zhang Xing laughed again after hearing this, because it was hard to say anything else. Hao Hao, who had been working as a Jingjiehu for more than half a month, had already inquired about the Jing'an Terrace matter, so he knew very well that what the other party said was absolutely correct.

Let’s also say that among the three major towns and Fusi in Jing’an, Dongzhen Fusi is in charge of both the capital and local security. They have a large number of people, and even most of the black ribbons are considered the responsibility of Dongzhen Fusi. Their combined strength is actually not bad, and there are also senior officials.

There are six Zhu Shou and one Shaocheng... But the terrible thing is that the prefectures and counties of Hei Shou have no subordinate relationship with each other, and the channel for promotion is not in Dongzhen Fusi, so the power is too dispersed.

Even the six cities of East and West plus Taiyuan, Yedu, Chengdu, and Jiangdu each have a Zhu Shou, and they can only do things in their own bathtubs.

In sharp contrast is Zhongzhen Fusi.

The number of people in Central Town Fusi is far less than that of East Town Fusi. It only has two strongholds in the East and West, but it has three huge magic weapons.

One is the special case system. If there is an imperial case, or a major case that alarms the Nanya Xianggong or the Beiyagong, and needs to be investigated, Zhongzhen Fusi will usually be ordered to do so, and then Zhu Shou will be assigned to take charge of the special case;

The other is the notorious Jinyi patrol system. Inspector Zhu Shou often leads this group to patrol states and counties of varying scope from time to time. It has the purpose of tracking down fugitives, suppressing powerful people, and gathering forces across borders to handle major cases.

, and also has the intention of reviewing and supervising the local black ribbons where Dongzhen Fusi belongs... At the same time, a secret that is not a secret is that there are often rumors that they also have the responsibility of searching for local officials and garrison intelligence and summarizing it for the palace.


The last one is that in the east and west capitals, Zhongzhen Fusi has its own prison department and prison.

In a word, it is very good and powerful.

As for the Fusi of Xizhen, the Fusi of Xizhen is located in Xiyuan. It is in charge of the other two divisions of Jingantai, the Forbidden Army, and the military law of the inner court. It also specializes in managing Jingantai, the Forbidden Army, and the Beiya archives. There are even rumors that Xizhentai is

There is a Fulong Guard under Fu Si who are all high-level practitioners. They are very small in number, but they directly obey the orders of the saint... So of course they are also very powerful, and everyone avoids them... But the premise is that in the palace

Determine to clean up Jing'antai or the Forbidden Army, otherwise they will rarely appear.

According to historical experience, it is usually when the emperor and his courtiers come together that they will take the lead in washing the land.

As for why this situation is happening, Zhang Xing can probably guess a thing or two after reading several history books about this world.

To put it bluntly, it is still because of the existence of Zhenqi and practitioners that the punishment department, Dali Temple and the royal guards in the traditional sense have to pinch their noses and separate their efforts to form a new department to carry out special tasks. But this kind of

The powerful secret service department was naturally in line with the imperial power, so as the imperial power developed, they in turn strengthened themselves through dynasty changes and internal struggles, and finally swallowed up departments like Dali Temple, and even suppressed the Ministry of Punishments, forming a

It is now juxtaposed with Yushitai and slightly higher than Jing'an Terrace in Liubu.

In other words, Jingantai is not divided into three, but three powerful departments are living together.

"It's true that the Jinyi patrolmen are better than the street-cleaning tigers, but I really don't dare to think about the big picture." Zhang Xing laughed dryly, picked up the wine glass, and socialized for a while. "In this world, it's good to be able to survive and make a living.


"Brother, why do you have to be so modest?" Master Liu disagreed at all. "When you followed the daughter of the Marquis of Ji'an, you boarded a big ship..."

Zhang Xing wanted to continue to be perfunctory, but suddenly his heart moved slightly, so he drank it all in one gulp and asked instead: "Speaking of which, I remember that my brother has been in Dongdu for at least twelve years?"


"That being the case, I want to go on a royal patrol. Do you have any protective talismans for me?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

"What protective talisman?" This time it was Fangzhu Liu's turn to be stunned.

"In local terms... when local officials take office, they often have to inquire about the wealthy local families first. Over time, each place has its own jingle, a small note-like routine. When a new official takes office, he must first inquire about it.

I've seen it." Zhang Xing didn't even blink. "Brother, haven't you heard of it in Dongdu?"

Master Liu thought for a moment, nodded first, and then shook his head heavily: "What you are talking about should exist in theory, but I have never heard of it in the Dongdu for more than ten years."

Zhang Xing was surprised for a moment.

But soon, he came to his senses: "I understand, at the feet of the emperor, there are relatives of the emperor, as well as several people from the Shangzhu Kingdom and Guandong. It is obvious right now... Dongdu does not need these things."

"No." Master Liu shook his head. "I won't be too pretentious. You will understand as soon as I tell you... If it is as you said, the protective talisman can be made up, and the current situation is that between civil and military affairs, things

There is always a fight between them, that is, between the Shangzhu Kingdoms and the people of Guandong."

Zhang Xing was slightly startled, then smiled bitterly.

"Twenty years after the establishment of the Eastern Capital, there has been a war of fire and water for twenty years. Innocent people in the workshops below are often implicated, and there is no way to avoid places like the Jinyi Patrol." Liu Fangzhu lowered his voice slightly and continued.

"Besides, if it were before, I would have advised you not to get on the ship easily, but since you are from the Marquis of Ji'an, you should know that the Bai family is also a descendant of one of the eight Shangzhu Kingdoms in the past. You

I have already boarded the ship... Isn't it a joke that I am still thinking about the official amulet at this moment?"

Zhang Xing suddenly understood when he heard it, and then he followed the other person's words and remembered the conversation he had with Bai Yousi in the courtyard last night, but he was also speechless.

However, after a long pause, the two of them drank a few more drinks and ate some sour radish. The atmosphere was slightly tipsy. Zhang Xing couldn't bear it for a moment and finally came to persuade him: "Brother, since you know that this thing is not Ansheng

Why don't you leave? That Feng Yong is so slippery, he was ready to go back to his hometown before he died."

Brother Liu was slightly drunk, but he remained silent when he heard the words. He thought for a while before shaking his head: "It's different if you can't leave... If you want to leave if you have deep roots, it's risky in itself. Feng Yong doesn't just do it for

This cost me my life? And for a lowly person like me, I can naturally leave, but where can I go after leaving Dongdu? It’s just a day’s work as a street official and a day’s work of beating gongs to clean the streets.”

Zhang Xing sighed.

"A man, you are still so young, why are you sighing?" When Master Liu saw this, he came to persuade him. "The world is hard to come back from, bad things are bad, but everyone has his own way of living. People like us naturally keep to ourselves and live in peace.

Good times; for a young man like you who has the ability and character, no matter where you go or what situation you encounter, if you just use your ability and show your pride and character, what's the problem? You know, that is

Because people like you are here, people like us can take a break and steal a sunset to enjoy a bowl of sour radish and old duck soup."

Zhang Xing just thought it was funny at first... After all, he knew that the other person's hands had deep calluses, so he might not be hiding it... But after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that no matter what, his words were just for encouragement.

, he is always sincere and kind to himself.

What's even better is that although the other party's words are casual, they are very consistent with the solemn words Bai Yousi said yesterday. It's just that one is speaking from a strong point of view, and the other is speaking from a weak point of view, both of which are to persuade him not to

Look forward and backward, hold true to your heart, and move forward boldly.

When I think about it this way, it turns out that I am not happy enough thinking about it here, and I am a bit inferior.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Xing stretched out his hand to twist the sour radish, took a sip and then raised his glass: "My brother said it well, I am born with talents that will be useful, and I will come back after spending all my money! The road ahead is open, why bother looking forward and backward? I thank you today, old man.

Brother encourages me, please keep an eye on me in the future to see if I have lost my character and pride!"

After saying this, he actually raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, which made Mr. Liu from the opposite side burst into laughter and slapped the table with the empty bowl.

This chapter has been completed!
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