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Chapter 115: Wan Cheng Xing 1

 Late October, North Bank of the river.

In the morning, the sun was still bright, but the clouds were already obvious, and before noon, as the north wind gradually picked up, the weather became gloomy. Under such circumstances, the main force of more than 20,000 troops

The troops crossed grandly from the north of Chiping City.

Before the bulk of the troops arrived, Chiping's deputy captain, Han Erlang, had already sensed something was wrong, and immediately ordered a strict defense of the city and sent a messenger north to try to summon the county governor Cao Shancheng.

However, Han Erlang still underestimated the army's determination. Almost at the same time that he noticed the strange military order, countless light cavalry appeared in the field of vision, blocking almost every intersection. Every knight in the city would encounter them when they went out.

To hunt ten times or even dozens of times the light cavalry.

Looking down from the city, small groups of light cavalry are running, driving the smoke and dust from the winter fields, as if there are dozens of invisible big hands constantly drawing lines on the Hebei plain below the city.

But then, as the main force of the army came into view, the previous light cavalry patrol seemed childish again.

By the way, after crossing the pontoon bridge and entering Hebei, I don’t know whether

Intentionally or unintentionally, the army got rid of the previous leader's march system on the spot. Instead, at Zhang Xing's request, the two commanders Xu Shiying and Liu Zhouchen directly followed the Eastern version of "Six Tao" and walked out a decent one.

Regulations for large troop marches.

As for the effect, no one has more say than Han Erlang who was on the "military parade" in Chiping City - people like Xu Shiying, it's not easy to jump up like monkeys, isn't it?

Looking from the city, except for the few hundred light cavalry that initially passed by, the remaining main force was clearly divided into three armies: the front, middle and rear armies (actually the fourth army. Niuda led a small force of 2,000 people to serve as a flank further north.

(It was just covered by smoke and dust), with baggage carts, mules and horses, and civilians in the middle. On them were not only various miscellaneous materials for setting up camp, as well as a few days of rations and fodder that could be easily carried, but also obviously the armor of most of the soldiers.

Weapons, and even some of the winter clothes that were taken off when they got too hot.

This is because the marching troops were armored in proportion. Most of the soldiers in the inner layer were unarmed, and only the two rows of soldiers walking in the outermost layer were in the so-called armored and combat-ready state.

In addition to the cavalry who had previously sealed off the city and then left to serve as vanguard, looking at the cavalry, there were actually quite a few cavalry, and they were clearly divided into two categories.

One type is those who are not wearing armor, but their figures are extraordinary at first sight.

"Armor cavalry", they often surround the generals' flags and confuse the generals who are protecting the same attire, which makes it difficult to behead in a surprise attack;

The other type is not so much cavalry as it is leather-armored infantry on horseback. They only hold spears or carry crossbows on the two wings and parade in formation, not close to the infantry formation in the middle.

Of course, there is a third type of cavalry, but even Han Erlang on the city can't see it clearly. They are the very few military commanders and messengers who shuttle around the outside of the marching column. Their horses are hung with bells.

, there is half a red cloak on the back, and a small leather bag designed by Mr. Zhang himself on the waist, specially designed to hold official documents.

On the top of the city, Lieutenant Han's mouth went dry as he watched... This was not rhetoric, but the truth, because he was always studious and was writing and drawing on the city wall bricks in front of him while reading,

I have already become very good at remembering some things.

At the same time, many of his subordinates were stunned.

And just when Han Erlang was looking at it, he suddenly heard another exclamation in his ears. He hurriedly raised his head and saw a red flag with the word "deposed" in his field of vision. This time, it was Han Erlang.

The deputy captain no longer learned to march before the battle, but stared blankly at the flag and stood still.

Without him, although he is in Hebei, he is close to the river. He has heard people talk about this flag countless times in the past two years, and has also heard countless stories from related people. First update@ Even, what many people don’t know is that in the past two years,

Before the flag became famous or even appeared, he was actually a participant in related stories.

"Second brother."

Zhang Laowu, a team general who was slightly older than Han Erlang, couldn't help but speak. "Could it be that those under the city are the same people who drove away the crows and set fire to Zhang Jinsheng?"

Han Erlang nodded silently.

This caused uneasiness among a group of subordinate officers and soldiers around them, especially the Boping County Township Party who had followed Han Erlang into the present. Although they relied on Han Erlang's outstanding performance that day, they became uneasy.

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

The whole gang escaped, but the fire started so suddenly, and the way it started left a deep impression on them, and they continued to hear strange stories.

There are real gods in this world.

Moreover, according to empiricism, although gods have long since ceased to appear in central areas like Hebei, when the world is in chaos, they often break conventions.

Han Erlang did not stop the noises ringing around him.

For one thing, he himself still had lingering fears about what happened back then. Even if Governor Cao had explained to him what was going on, he understood in his heart, but he would still be frightened by this bizarre attack method that came from outside his cognition at the time.

secondly, he had experienced formal low-level military training and had survived the chaos in Hebei in the past two years. He had also seen that the army marched with great fanfare and strict order, including the previous efforts to blockade the city, but instead

It means that the other party is just passing through, and the target is not Chiping, which he is responsible for, but judging from the direction, it is not even Qinghe County... In this case, the brothers can be allowed to vent a few words to avoid being timid.

First update@

In troubled times, it is extraordinary to be able to protect his subordinates. It is also okay to repay Governor Cao for not killing and for knowing what happened, but the rest is more or less enough.

However, when the army was about to leave from the official road in the north of the city, Zhang Laowu suddenly asked again: "Second brother, how many people do you think there are here?"

"Twenty to thirty thousand." Han Erlang answered calmly, but used a vague number. In fact, he counted clearly, it was just over twenty thousand, but he didn't know why, but he felt guilty. "It's still easy to count.


"We also counted about the same number, all around 30,000." Zhang Laowu hesitated for a moment, and then expressed his feelings. "But why does it look better than Zhang Jinsheng's five or six before?"

Does ten thousand people seem too many?"

Han Erlang was startled. He wanted to tell the other party that this was a military formation.

It was pulled open neatly and long, but after thinking about it, I realized

He fell silent because he realized that sometimes, being more truthful is meaningless... and intuitive illusions may not be meaningless either.

The army of 20,000 people is much stronger than Zhang Jinsheng's army of 50,000 people.


After passing Chiping, he relaxed a little, and Zhang Xing started chatting with a few people around him. "Wei Gong is not here. He only led a few thousand people across the river there, but he can't travel thousands of miles a day like us.

A tiger and a tiger bring forth the wind."

People around me, starting from Xu Shiying and below, are a lot of weird people. It's easy to understand that a tiger is like a tiger, but how do you say it's a thousand miles a day? And, does it describe walking fast, or does it describe the momentum of marching?

Even so, Xu Dalang still smiled and said: "With such military power, this battle will definitely be won."

"That's good." Zhang Xing blurted out, and then he calmed down and looked around to explain. "To be honest, our military columns were not even at all, and the cavalry was too scattered. We were able to seize the logistics only in this hasty attack.

I didn’t bring much supplies... but I would say, it is still better than before, because the cavalry can be used centrally, the logistics can be centralized, and the army of more than 20,000 can move with one attack and stop with one order.

Well...before today, could you have imagined that the number of war horses in our army could actually reach seventy-one?"

Only then did everyone get the idea. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they all had smiles on their faces and kept agreeing with each other, but they did not dare to discuss it in depth.

You must know that the Eastern Territory produces horses, and the horses in Dengzhou are even famous. Otherwise, there would not be the hundreds of horses that Cheng Dalang had at the beginning. Therefore, the army that controls the eight counties in the Eastern Territory certainly does not lack horses.

However, the geographical environment and economic model of the Eastern Territory mean that horse resources are basically scattered among the people, and the quality is different. This makes most of the horses in the army are logistics pack horses, and it also makes it difficult to gather high-quality war horses...

.. Of course, there is also the factor that Zhang Xing, several leaders and the elites in the gang just said, which is the obstruction of the powerful Shantou doctrine... Therefore, the army's cavalry cannot be used intensively at all, and the cavalry organization

They usually exist as small strands attached to the top of the big leader mountain.

The usage method and scale are almost the same as Cheng Dalang's hundreds of horses before.

For example, Xu Shiying had more than a hundred armored cavalry personal guards, and his subordinate Guo Jingke had five hundred light cavalry (actually, Zhang Xing.

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

He knows very well that this guy has been buying horses privately from Hebei in the past two years, and his father still has hundreds of horses hidden in Weinan); Shan Tonghai is similar, but it is not used intensively. Basically, he is far away from Xiahou Ning and Liang Jiading.

Each person has two to three hundred, and they serve as both guards and scouts. Zhang Xing's place has always been very poor, otherwise there would be no such thing as a hundred knights in white. If there really were thousands of armored knights, why would they rush into battle in white? Just wait.

After defeating Dengzhou, I got war horses and ordnance, which got rid of the embarrassing situation before, but it was also only two hundred armored cavalry and six hundred light cavalry. The latter were usually scattered among various ministries to act as scouts. This was the first time they were concentrated.

The use was handed over to Wang Xiongdan.

After such a calculation, the sum of Wang Xiongdan and Guo Jingke is actually close to Qianqi. It is no wonder that they performed the *** mission with excellent results.

Han Erlang, who is eager to learn and has always had good luck, has no choice but to do so, and it seems to be a matter of course.

In fact, this is another perspective on why Zhang Xing came to Hebei...

.Using the power of unifying eight counties before, they coaxed, intimidated and lured half of the leaders, elite practitioners, troops, weapons, and food to Hebei. Then they faced a new territory and new enemies.

These heroes of the East, who were helpless, could only follow the inertial tradition and follow the authority of the military class and the gang to leave everything to this leader.

Things that you were reluctant to give before, you can’t do without now; things that you weren’t happy with if you gave them before, you can’t seem to be happy without giving them now.

And as long as Zhang Xing follows the optimal solution, or uses these resources in a more efficient way than their scattered use, wins victory and stabilizes the territory, he can lock the seemingly unsolvable and powerful mountain in the new world and do it.

Start everything cleanly.

It's a bit like transferring conflicts to the outside world, and it's also a bit like deliberately avoiding them, but it's really useful... Throughout the ages, there are countless examples of success and failure in resolving internal conflicts, such as moving capitals and expeditions.

In fact, now that things have come to a head, especially after the resolution, many people have come to their senses and are vaguely aware of Zhang Xing's thoughts, and Xiong Bonan's expression is one of them.

But just as many people thought it was Li Shu's conspiracy before, some people now can only lament that it was Zhang Xing's conspiracy.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Let’s just talk about the two ends of this contradiction, that is, between Zhang Xing and the leaders with strong backgrounds in the Eastern Territory. In fact, they are afraid of two ends... Zhang Xing has no courage, and

If you don’t dare to solve this problem within the Eastern Territory in this hostile environment, how dare others?

Aren't they afraid of Zhang Xing? Aren't they afraid that the imperial court will come to suppress them? Aren't they afraid that the Huaiyou Alliance will take advantage of the situation and rise up?

Everyone knows that if we want to stay in the east, where these leaders' families are located, to resolve this conflict, it will definitely require the use of swords, bloodshed, and even civil war.

In the past two years, people outside said that with the help of the right time, place and people, many people jumped up and gained the energy of the earth first, becoming like a dragon.

But no matter whether they are inside or outside, everyone knows that among them, the person who has jumped the highest, transformed the most, and gained the most power is called Zhang Xing.

This guy is now in favor of his former patron, Bai Sanniang!

The army rumbled forward, relying on the cooked food prepared in advance. They marched for a long day and arrived at the border between Qinghe County and Pingyuan County in the evening of the same day, where they camped.

Compared with Zhang Xing's previously announced plan, the camp site was actually a little further away from the target area. _o_m At the same time, according to the reports from the sentries who had ambushed early, the officers and soldiers were not unexpected, but as expected.

Just like before, we entered the preset location tonight, which was between Ander and the plains, and then set up camp early, but it was also a little further north than expected.

At this time, it can still be said that the army's raid was successful, and the original plan can still be continued to a considerable extent. Even if the attack is launched early the next morning, the enemy can still be attacked directly from behind.

However, the slight distance between the two sides still left some holes. Zhang Xing and the army leaders began to worry that the 10,000 troops in the Hejian camp might get the news in time and move north overnight, or seek refuge in Ande.

That would be really troublesome.

How should I put it? There is no plan in the world that is free from flaws. This is not the time to blame others and can only make amends quickly.

"Wu Dalang, Wu Erlang, could you please take a trip to Ande City and don't enter the city?"

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

Don't disturb the military camps on the road, just patrol and control the south and west areas of the city, and try to cut off the connection between the officers and soldiers of the Hejian Camp and Ande City until midnight. After that, you can withdraw directly without worrying about it." Zhang Xing immediately looked towards it.

Two masters who accompanied him temporarily helped.

Wu Changzai frowned slightly, but Wu Jingfeng immediately agreed, and he already knew the biggest hidden danger of his attack: "Don't worry, Zhang Sanlang, I'll go right away, don't worry about Erlang's mischief, I will naturally watch him

, don’t let him miss the mark!”

Wu Changzai, who was like a giant, did not dare to say a word and could only turn his head away, but Wu Jingfeng, who was quite excited, reached out to grab him and directly dragged him out of the camp that was ready to stand but had not yet been set up.

"Leader Xiahou." Zhang Xing watched as the two yellow rays of light disappeared.

In the evening light, Fu looked at another leader. "The two leaders Wang and Guo and the light cavalry they led have been very tired these two days and need to rest. You and Jia Runfu will take five hundred cavalry together and set off again after dark.

...Look further away and monitor the troop movements of the Hejian Camp and Pingyuan City. As long as they have not crossed Pingyuan City to spy on us, ignore them. If you really have to alert the other party, try to deal with it as much as possible. And if it is dark, it will be really difficult.

If we can’t deal with it, we still have to mislead those people and make them think that we are the Hebei Rebels.”

Xiahou Ningyuan and Jia Runfu immediately handed over their hands.

Zhang Xing thought for a while and immediately added: "Brother Guo, let's go together... You are from Hebei and are familiar with geography..."

Guo Jingke then agreed.

"I'll go." At this moment, Jia Yue suddenly spoke, rarely taking the initiative to ask for help. "Chief Guo is more familiar with the counties to the west, but I am familiar with this place."

Zhang Xing was startled for a moment and immediately realized: "Okay, you can go for Guo Guo... Again, there is no need to be greedy. If the opponent still stands still until midnight, you can withdraw. This way

I can still calmly participate in tomorrow’s war.”

Jia Yue immediately bowed his head.

Everyone was dispatched one after another. According to someone's theory of six-point victory, Zhang Xing should have felt at ease, but unexpectedly, he was obviously still a little restless.

Seeing this, Xu Shiying took the lead to persuade: "Third brother, we have done an excellent job, and the remaining few matters of God's will have nothing to do with us. Besides, I don't think the officers and soldiers can open their eyes this time and make decisions at night."

OK, escape."

"Xu Dalang is overthinking. Of course I know that there is no need to thank him for this punch. I am just worried about whether Wei Gong and the others will be able to arrive in time tomorrow, and King Xiongtian went to write a letter of war and has not returned yet." Zhang Xing nodded and smiled.

After saying that, he waved his hand to let each leader return to the "camp". He took off his armor and winter clothes and went to assist the soldiers on the side to build the camp. _o_m

Only Xu Shiying was still with the Chinese army, but he carried a shovel and helped dig trenches.

In fact, unlike the other leaders who were perfunctory, Zhang Xing did have a little extra emotion, because the extra flaw behind the battle came from Zhang Dalongtou himself.

The estimate of the marching distance was wrong, but there was nothing that could be done. An extra day of travel could hardly block the news, and traveling overnight might cause the troops to lose control.

Lu Changheng went to continue "bombing" Qian Tang.

In case Qian Tang Fuling was so concerned, instead of being stunned by the bombing, he realized everything because of himself. He left the city without going through the city gate, hung a rope out of the city, went to the army barracks in person to meet the officers leading the team, and then persuaded the officers and soldiers to enter the city.

What's that?

However, as of now, he doesn't even know where Lu Changheng has gone, and he can no longer change anything.

Therefore, I can only lower my head and knock on the pile.

"He wants you to persuade me to surrender?" In Ande City, people became more and more agitated, and even had a bump on their foreheads. Qian Tang, who became literally distressed, was silent for a long time, and then he pressed the bump on his head and asked. "

What kind of treatment will I be given? A big boss? When he comes to Hebei, he can make the decision himself, right?"

"I didn't say that." Lu Changheng stood in the hall with his hands tied behind his back and shook his head in reply.

"What kind of persuasion is that?" Qian Tang was furious. "Before, I just asked a passerby to persuade me to surrender, and it was just a few words... How can I, Qian Tang, the prefect of the county, be so perfunctory?"

"I guess he didn't really want to persuade you to surrender. He should be in control of and arrange the battle situation now, so his intention was just to test me.

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

See if I can be used and if I can escape. My intention is not on you..." Lu Changheng said one thing.

"So he still misses his old colleagues?" Qian Tang sneered.

Lu Changheng thought for a while and nodded seriously.

This is true. Lu Changheng knows very well that Zhang Xing's move is not only a test for his old subordinates, but also a mercy and forgiveness for himself... He can completely escape, and Zhang Xing knows this well.


Moreover, both parties knew that he really wanted to escape.

"How could I be surrendered like this?" Qian Tang was furious when he saw this. "I am from a poor family in Guanxi, but the kindness of the British Duke and Zhongcheng made me the governor of a large county like Pingyuan.

Du Duyun, the kindness of knowing and finding someone as heavy as a red mountain is placed here. Even if the army is approaching the city, how can it be possible to surrender? "

"Everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than a red mountain, or lighter than a feather." Lu Changheng's tone in the hall was distant.

Qian Tang was stunned: "Do you really want to persuade him to surrender?"

"It makes sense." Lu Changheng looked at Qian Tang and replied seriously. "After I was captured that day, according to their rules, I had to work as a laborer for the first three months, and the first job I did was to renovate the Lishan Tomb.

..... People in the Eastern Region say that Zhang Sanlang cut the mountain to become a sacrificial priest, and even the mountain kings avoided his sharp edge. I don't believe it, but when we had a conversation, although it was obviously him comforting the soldiers in the Eastern Region, I really think it makes sense.

. Later he became the deputy helmsman and the county captain. Once he was responsible for leading people to transport ordnance. When I passed by there, when I thought about it again, it made more sense... Qian Junjun, others don't know

"We both should know that he is telling the truth when he rebels, but what he says is always right."

Qian Tang looked at the other party as if he had seen a ghost. After the other party finished speaking, he immediately shook his head: "I am the governor of a county, and this is Pingyuan County, a large county with a population of millions. I have to be responsible for them. How is it possible?"

You surrendered like this out of nowhere? Cao Wang was so stupid in Liang County that he didn't even dare to surrender!"

"That's okay." Lu Changheng said seriously. @ESSENTIAL\/书馆·无码在线观看~~ "Anyway, he doesn't expect me to really persuade you to surrender."

"If I don't surrender, what will you do?" Qian Tang waved his hands angrily and continued to ask. "Are you going back to the East? Are you going to stay and help me? Or are you going to go home?"

"I'm not going to stay and help you, but I haven't decided whether to go home or not." Lu Changheng responded sincerely. "Zhang Sanlang has given me two graces to survive, so he must be worthy of it."

Qian Tang waved his hand: "Okay, I am the court official, and you are the deputy leader of the rebels.

Your identity is clear. I invite you to deal with Yi Er in the cell tonight. Whenever you want to go home, let me know and I will let you go."

Lu Changheng was startled for a moment, then nodded, and officials from both sides came over to "catch" him.

When he walked outside the hall, he stopped again and looked back: "Jun Qian... I am grateful for your kindness, but with all due respect, you have not been on the battlefield at a real disadvantage and still neglected to take precautions. If I

From today on, you will no longer work in the lobby of the county government. Instead, you will move to Cangcheng, and you will not wear official uniforms. Otherwise, if ten or eight pill condensation masters come in, how can you hide? According to the imperial court's regulations, Zhonglang General and above

, below the cultivation level of Dan Ningdan, on the battlefield, with the same armor as the personal guards, do you think it is a rule for nothing?"

Although Qian Tang had already condensed his elixir, he was still startled when he heard this, and then nodded quickly: "Thank you very much!"

In this way, Lu Changheng was dragged down, only tossing and turning in the empty prison, spending the latter half of the night, when he was suddenly called out, and was hurriedly taken to Cangcheng, where he saw Qian Tang dressed in civilian clothes, beside him

There are also seven or eight guards of the same age and similarly dressed.

Lord Qian was only wandering around in the public room at first, but when he saw Lu Changheng being brought in, he finally became angry: "Lü Changheng, Lieutenant Lu! Did you really defect to Zhang Xing? Why did Lord Cao of Qinghe County send an urgent report overnight, saying that all the troops had been dispatched?

The main force of more than 30,000 people crossed the river from Sikou Pass, crossed the Qinghe River without entering, and headed straight for the plains?!"

"It's not for Pingyuan County." Lu Changheng was stunned for a moment and then explained. "It's for the 10,000 elite men from the Hejian Camp twenty miles southwest of the city."

Qian Tang was stunned and speechless: "Is there any difference?"

"Chief Qian." Lu Changheng thought for a moment and did not answer the question, but asked seriously. "What time is it now?"

"The fourth watch." Qian Tang answered seriously.

"If that's the case, I have no worries." Lu Changheng sighed and told the truth. ".

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

As I expected, the main force of the army has arrived in the plains, and they should have buried the pots for cooking. Now it's too late for you to do anything... Why not hurry up and bury the pots for cooking, and they will start cooking after dawn.

The county soldiers left the city to assist the Hejian army."

"How do you say that?" Qian Tang was a little confused again.

"I don't have much to say. It's just that when I came, Zhang Longtou told me to persuade you to surrender first. If you don't surrender, I'll persuade you to lead troops to fight." Lu Changheng's tone was still sincere.

The public room was quiet for a long time before Qian Tang spoke up and asked coldly: "What if I don't leave the city? Does he have a third level of explanation?"

"Yes, I advise you to stick to the city and wait for the army to besiege the city with peace of mind." Lu Changheng followed immediately. "I have told you that he actually doesn't care about you at all. He is just using this task to test me."

Qian Tang smiled, and then shouted angrily: "Captain Lu! Lu Changheng! What kind of enchanting soup did he fill you with? Why is that so? Do you know that if you had told me last night that they had arrived in the plain?

, I don’t think we can bring Hejian into the city in time!”

"Why am I like this?" Lu Changheng also sighed. "To put it bluntly...Qian Junjun, when I was promoted to Fulongwei that day, whether it was him or Bai San

Mother, do all my benefactors belong to the gang? Moreover, the kindness of not killing and the opportunity of being released were all given generously. People are not grass and trees, so I thought... of course.

I also want to go home, but I’m hesitant, but I’m not ready to sell out my military status as soon as I get here.”

Qian Tang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Jun Qian, please don't laugh. As I said last night, are you sure you have the ability to bring the Hejian Army here? With an army of ten thousand, as well as looted property and children, will the army enter the city at night without causing chaos?

There, they will not arrange cavalry and masters to block the city? Will they not immediately launch a night attack?" Lu Changheng asked helplessly. "If I had said that last night, not only would I have failed others, but I would have probably harmed you. Really.

You have to think about it carefully. If you let me come, you have already calculated it with certainty. If you give me a hard blow, you will be wrong no matter what, and it will be too late."

"The matter is over, no need to say more." After hearing the last sentence, which he seemed to have heard somewhere, Qian Tang immediately waved his hand. "I am the general guard of a county, and I have the responsibility to defend the territory. Now I will mobilize the county soldiers in the city and prepare to send troops at dawn.

Reinforce the Hejian Army... The mission he gave you has been completed, you can do whatever you want!"

Lu Changheng thought for a while and answered seriously: "Then I am worthy of him, but I am a little sorry for you. I will let you fight this battle!"

Qian Tang didn't doubt it, but laughed: "No wonder Zhang San said that you were ridiculously stubborn at Fulongwei that day!"

When Lu Changheng heard this, he also laughed for a moment. The two laughed for a while, then each stopped, but they both felt a bitterness in their throats.

At dawn in the morning, Qian Tang led the 4,000 soldiers in the city and marched out of the city. When they arrived at the military camp in the field, they saw the three generals of the army in the Hejian camp.


The first two were called Zhuge Yang and Wang Qi respectively, and the third one was the general at first sight and was called Xue Wanliang.

Yes, Xue Changxiong, the general manager of the Hejian camp, has an advantage. He has seven sons, and all of them have been in the army since childhood.

Dongyi had already become generals before Dongyi, and the last three also became generals or captains after Xue Changxiong took the military power in Hebei.

In this case, there is no reason not to send a son when 10,000 elite troops are going out.

When the four of them met at the camp gate, the three generals all looked ugly, but they still maintained their basic attitude towards the governor of a county, but Qian Tang was too lazy to coddle these three: "I sent the message on the fourth watch. It is said that

It's been delivered, why don't the three of you break up camp and settle down under the city as per the message?"

Xue Wanliang came first and said, "Why should Mr. Qian be panic? There are only 30,000 thieves with strong and weak forces. We can defeat them head on. Even if they cannot be defeated, we can just close the army and stick to the camp. How can we break out of the camp directly? Break out of the camp directly."

The turmoil and chaos in the army gave the rebels an opportunity."

Well, Qian Tang believed it, and it was useless to come up last night.

Even so, Qian Tang still tried his best to remind: "The rebel army is an elite gang, not a Hebei rebel army. The leader Zhang Xing is extraordinary."

Xue Wanliang still frowned: "We discussed it and we both felt that this didn't make sense.

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

When will the gang cross the river? Where to cross the river? How to cross the river and attack in one day? How to contribute to the Hebei Rebel Army? I am afraid that it is still the remnant of the Hebei Rebel Army in the east. It is considered that Gao Shitong has hidden a hand, and it is just the right time to launch. So,

This time I am afraid that I am falsely claiming to be the son-in-law of the Bai family. Although you are a disciple of the Bai family, you are also the governor of Hebei. Don't be swayed by this matter."

Qian Tang was speechless. He felt that the 60,000 to 70,000 elite troops of the Hejian Camp were going to be wasted alive in the hands of these Xue family members who regarded the seven southeastern counties of Hebei Province as their private property. However, he could only suppress his anger and ask: "I will cover you, do you want it?"

Go north to the city."

The three lieutenants looked at each other and smiled. After a while, Zhuge Yang, who had met once before, tried his best to smile: "Qian Fujun, let's forget it! And I'm afraid it's too late. The scouts we sent out in the morning are indeed

We have detected smoke and dust on the official road in the southwest, and the bandit army seems to be coming."

When Qian Tang heard this, he knew that this battle was unjust, and he didn't even bother to give the last bit of face: "Tell the truth, I will send you a message at the fourth watch, and you will know it at the fifth watch, but you are not willing to move at all.

Isn’t it because the camp is full of looted children and money from Changhe County?”

The three generals immediately changed their expressions, and Xue Wanliang snorted coldly and turned around.

At this point, Qian Tang also had a dark face: "I don't care about the looted people's property. Now I will send out the innocent children in the camp and let them escape into the city, so as to save the soldiers from being blind."

Xue Wanliang immediately yelled: "Where do the people's wealth and children come from?!"

"I have fought countless lawsuits with you in the past few days. Now

Are you denying it?" Qian Tang laughed ferociously, and the Lihuo Qi on his body appeared. He was clearly a master of condensing pills, and he also looked like he was going to fight with each other, which caused the three people opposite him to be stunned for a moment.

"Jun Qian." Zhuge Yang saw this and hurriedly came to persuade him. "Let me be honest... It's not that we can't let him go, but he really can't let him go now. If the bandit army comes to attack, if the sergeants in the camp see them robbing their children,

If they all disperse, it is unlikely that they will disperse together... On the contrary, because the wealth and children are all in the camp, it is unlikely that they will be able to fight to the death."

Qian Tang actually couldn't refute.

"These arrogant and powerful generals are capable of fighting, but they look like this. I will be your guarantee and they will be released after the war." Wang Qi, another Zhonglang general, also hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them.

At the same time, he winked at Xue Wanliang, but Xue Wanliang was actually a little angry.

Qian Tang looked back at the expressionless Lu Changheng, sighed up to the sky, and suddenly grabbed Zhuge Yang: "Aren't you a master of Cheng Dan? Can you please go there in person and see where the enemy troops are? Southwest?

How many people are there? Are they the army or the Hebei army?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, and really wanted to avoid the embarrassing situation here, so he simply cupped his hands, then turned around and jumped up.

After a while, before Zhuge Yang returned, a sentry from Qiantang County suddenly arrived and reported on the spot: "Junjun! Fan Da's cloak suddenly moved! They had eaten early in the morning, and then the whole army abandoned the stronghold.

But instead of attacking the city, they came here instead!"

Qian Tang swayed for a moment, but after a while he just waved his hand to let people go down. _o_m

At the gate, the other two lieutenant generals finally had serious expressions on their faces. About two quarters of an hour later, when Zhuge Yang suddenly turned back, their expressions did not change.

"There are not 30,000, only 20,000!" Zhuge Yangfu reported with a pale face as soon as he landed.

The two generals were slightly relieved, but their next words completely shocked them.

"But the 20,000-strong army was arranged in an orderly manner, no less than the elite of the imperial court, and there were actually three masters of Chengdan. Although I escaped quickly, I also recognized that the worst one among them was the one who had fled back to the east with me.

Xu Shiren can be regarded as the Dingshanjian of our neighbor in Xidu!" At this point, Zhuge Yang, who had been an officer for many years, held Xue Wanliang in one hand and Qian Tang in the other, speaking sincerely.

Hurry! It’s too late to escape. General Xue, your only hope now is to form a formation in the camp and wait for the victory in the east to take advantage of the situation to send reinforcements! Lord Qian, please go ahead for the sake of the Wei Dynasty.

Set up the formation on the southwest side, and be sure to delay it for a while. We will escort you into the camp later, but if that doesn't work, you can retreat directly to the city along the camp, and we have nothing to say!"

After saying this, the man went straight into the stronghold and sounded the drum without permission to signal the troops to prepare for formation. King Xue followed closely behind him.

Qian Tang stayed there alone, stunned for a while in the surrounding noise, and thought about it.

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

, sighed, turned around, mounted his horse, and led his troops around the military stronghold.

Sure enough, just as Zhuge Yang said, the bandit army came very quickly. In the morning, when Qian Tang led 4,000 county soldiers to set up a simple formation in the southwest of the camp, smoke and dust began to appear in the distance.

First, cruising light cavalry appeared in the field of vision, and then there was a dense military formation, cavalry with spears, large shields, bows and crossbows, flags, drums, gold gongs and horns. They really looked like the elites of the imperial court, as if they were not just pretending.

But soon, Qian Tang's attention was attracted by a large flag opposite, with the word "deposed" on a red background. County Sheriff Qian, who was concerned about the trends in the east, naturally knew who this flag represented.

The opponent seemed to be forming a formation, but after a moment, he probably noticed the scene here, and he was confident, or maybe he was trying to cover up the formation of the rear army. The red flag with the word "Depose" suddenly came forward.


Qian Tang was fully clothed and stood under his own banner with the word "money".

Leng watched this scene until the other party stopped at a mere two hundred paces away with the exploratory shooting of the Qingqi from both sides.

Then, he saw a familiar figure and face appear in his field of vision, and he didn't even change his mount - the yellow gelding that belonged to Qin Bao.

Qian Tang thought for a moment and knew that there was a huge difference in strength between the two armies. At least his headquarters was incomparable to the enemy's, and the masters were even more different. However, he didn't have the slightest fear and instead took the initiative to mount a horse to meet them.

The two flags are fifty steps forward each, and they are thirty steps closer, facing each other only thirty or forty steps apart.

"Qian Tang." Zhang Xing just handed him over on horseback. "Have you read the handwritten letter I wrote to persuade you to surrender?"

Qian Tang was stunned for a moment and immediately asked: "You only let passers-by and Lieutenant Lu humiliate me. When did you write me a letter to persuade you to surrender?"

"So the old man from the Feng family in Changle didn't give you a letter?" Zhang Xing sighed. "What a pity! What a pity!"

"What's the pity?" Qian Tang asked seriously. "Do you think that a personal letter can persuade me to surrender?"

"I really want you to surrender." Zhang Xing said sincerely, holding the reins of the horse. "Whether you surrender or not is another matter."

Qian Tang thought for a moment, pretending to turn his head casually, not seeing the signal from the camp at the rear. His heart moved slightly, and he immediately asked: "Listening to what you mean, you actually want to persuade me to surrender before the battle? In the letter you didn't see, can I do it?"

Has the boss taken over?"

"No." Zhang Xing also turned his head, and then continued to smile at the old friend in front of him. "For people like you, being a big boss is natural, so that letter is mostly about Xiaozhi's righteousness...

If you really haven't seen it, can I say a few words to you?"

Qian Tang also laughed.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xing cleared his throat, used his true energy, and raised his voice:

"Since the founding of the Wei Dynasty, although he has unified eighty-nine countries in the world, he has made some achievements. However, as the founder of the country, the late emperor often failed to be harsh, and when he was in the dynasty, he regarded the people as dirt and was tyrannical. @ESSENTIAL\/书馆·

Correct first post~~Three conquests against the Eastern Yi within a few years resulted in the loss of more than a million families. As a result, the imperial court and the state were on the verge of collapse, and all living beings in the world were in danger of being destroyed.

Today, although our army only has eight counties, the system is primitive, and the victory or defeat cannot be judged, it is violently attacked by the rebel army. Although the Wei army still has seven or eight in the world and looks like a tyrannical one, it is abandoned by the world and will be crushed into dust sooner or later.


And what about you, Qian Tang? You claim to be talented and conscientious, and you are an old friend. Why should you insist on going against the laws of nature and acting contrary to human feelings? Don't you hear the words of the Supreme Being: "Those who obey nature will prosper, and those who go against nature will perish."

Didn't you ask the big boss?

Well, before the two armies today, there are heroes from Hebei and the Eastern Territory, and the Three Splendors and Four Imperial Guards are also present in the world. I promise in public that if you change sides and surrender, you will still be the leader of our gang. By then,

, the people of Hebei can survive, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you and I could join hands again to accomplish a great cause?!"

Qian Tang stopped laughing.

After a while, the man came to ask seriously: "Those who obey the sky will prosper. You have just acquired the land of eight counties, and are you so arrogant that you claim to be the sky?"

Zhang Xing also became serious and refuted on the spot: "The point of that sentence is 'Those who defy heaven will perish'. I am by no means God, and I dare not say that you will get destiny if you help! But even the children in the fields know that Hebei is in such a situation.

Anyone who helps Wei is a traitor against heaven!"

Qian Tang's lips moved slightly, but he stopped talking.

At this time, Xu Shiying stepped forward on horseback and nodded to Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing understood this and immediately drew out his long sword without a sheath. He pointed his finger in the distance and announced in a loud voice: "I have found this person.

Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

Those who have the first rank will be promoted to the leader, and the leader will be promoted to the big leader! That’s it! Let’s start the war!”

As he spoke, the army's war drums were in full swing, their flags were moving in unison, their weapons and horses, and their armor's light and true energy were all moving at once, rushing towards the opposite side.

It was as if they had been taking advantage of the opportunity to form a formation, preparing to defeat the army in front of them with one blow.

Pingyuan Tongshou Qian Tang suddenly changed his expression. He wanted to do something, but he didn't know how. Lu Changheng on the side simply stepped forward and grabbed the former's mount and walked directly to the north.

Although the four thousand soldiers of the county had no strength to fight, they fled with the prince at this time and simply left without fighting.

PS: Good night everyone. _o_m

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Chapter 115 Wan Cheng Xing 1

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