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One hundred and twentieth eight chapters travel (14)

 The battle went on without any suspense.

The cover of the snowy night, the orderly long-range raid of the large organized troops, the eager generals, the support of absolute combat power, and the unresponsive nearby county town throughout the whole process, made the removal of Huangshiwu Fort like a red-hot knife cutting through ice.

Just as neat.

Su Jingfang, who had stayed up all night, yawned while watching this battle.

How should I put it? He doesn't have any superfluous views on the military's combat effectiveness.

First of all, it is definitely not as good as the Wu'an County soldiers trained by my master, but it cannot be said to be too different, especially since the drills used by both sides are actually roughly the same, and the war itself is about the right time, the right place and the right people... For example, a little

Anyone with common sense knows that under normal circumstances in a field battle, the combat power of Wubao's defenders is not worth mentioning at all, but when they are defending their hometown, they will often unleash great potential. However, today they were breached and their direction was basically broken.

There was no time to organize a defense, but it was a complete mess.

Besides, the army is backed by eight counties and has six counties in Huaixi. There are twenty-five battalions in Hebei alone, and Wu'an County is only one county, and it is not a big county.

But with tens of thousands of people, there is no need to compare the size of the two sides.

But soon, after the battle, Su Jingfang, who followed Shan Tonghai into Wubao, saw a scene that surprised him.

"Uncle Shan, what are you going to do?" Su Jingfang pointed to a high platform in front of him and couldn't help but speak.

"The case will be judged and the crime will be judged." Shan Tonghai turned back indifferently, with a matter-of-fact look. "You, County Sheriff Li, don't need to try the murderer?"

After saying that, he walked away with his head held high and got off the horse directly to go on stage.

In the snow in front of the stage, Su Jingfang was speechless for a moment, but he immediately realized the absurdity of it. This was a war, and the two sides of the war were the so-called rebels and the powerful... the two most unruly groups in the world.


In other words, as a powerful son who returned to Hebei with his father and family, Team Xiao Su will know the conflicts between the two groups of people better than anyone else, and he has also heard some in-depth analysis of unknown origin from his master.

Hebei is surrounded by mountains on both sides, with the sea on one side and the river on the other. In the open space like a chessboard, there are Hejian Camp, Youzhou Camp, Yecheng, one of the companion capitals, and Jijun, which stores a large amount of supplies.

As well as the four counties along the mountain that received military assistance and control from Taiyuan, this made the court and government forces here too strong on paper.

Therefore, during the Three Expeditions, although the Eastern Territory and Hebei that suffered the most were both filled with rebels, two years later, the rebels had the upper hand in the Eastern Territory and the gangs swept the Eastern Territory, while in Hebei it was the official army who had the upper hand.

The rebels were wiped out.

But the so-called overall situation came into play at this time. What is meant by collapse is that the government and the army clearly won a complete victory, but this process did not delay the court's step-by-step loss of grassroots control, and then had to accept it and even actively support it.

Mobilize local powerful people in exchange for necessary tax revenue, population replenishment and maintenance of local security.

However, another interesting question is, did these powerful people appear out of thin air? What was their political stance when the rebel army was strong?

The answer seems self-evident.

The fact that these powerful people in Hebei can build forts shows that they are from the official and military camp, and quite a few of them can be regarded as traitors to the rebels.

In this case, the gang came across the river under the banner of the leader of the world's rebels and accepted the local rebels who Su Jingfang had seen with his own eyes and knew how miserable they were. Naturally, they were enemies rather than friends with these powerful men who had established Wubao, and even

There is a grudge.

But since they are enemies rather than friends, since there is enmity, since it is a war, then just kill, rob, or even the Yi people, but the result is a pretentious trial?

Isn't it ridiculous?

In this way, Su Jingfang looked at the famous Xiongtian King with complicated expressions, as well as Shan Tonghai, the big leader who always put on a show last night, and Dou Xiaoniang's father, the direct descendant of the Zhou family, the former Jiangdongshi general.

Mr. Zhou, plus another leader who only knew the surname Xiahou... A group of leading generals gathered together, not to mention famous teachers and generals, they could also be regarded as a group of heroes, but they only gestured to a piece of paper.

Then he ordered the captured Huang family members to have their limbs tied and carry them to a high platform one by one for trial.

Moreover, when the crime was being discussed, Huang's past assistance to Hejian Camp and the local government in participating in several sieges and sweeps, as well as some scattered resistance last night, were actually only counted on the seven or eight people who were in charge of leading the army.

It was not imposed on the rest of the Huang clan.

Therefore, after beheading these seven or eight people, the so-called trial at the scene fell into embarrassment, because no local residents dared to identify themselves according to the charges announced by the gang. For these residents, Huang

It seems that they represent order, rule, and law. On the contrary, these rebels with many Eastern accents are the thieves who destroyed their protective shell in troubled times.

However, even Su Jingfang knew that nine out of ten of these other disciples named Huang still did not comply with the gang's "laws". It's just that the people now dare not say that they don't want to say it, so it is impossible to really let them go.

As a result, he watched helplessly as these thieves, who had been relatively agile when the war started, almost clumsily ended the so-called trial, driving away some old and weak women and children of the Huang family, but then gave away many "innocent" young Huang family members.

He was imprisoned without any embarrassment.

Obviously, the trial turned into a farce, which made Shan Dalang, who was originally so arrogant, obviously embarrassed.

But soon, the subsequent distribution of the spoils made the gang earn back everything.

Although it is still clumsy, and there are many necessary concealments, denials, and omissions in the judgment and division of the spoils during distribution, this kind of dependence on the current spoils must be maintained even if executions are required to enforce military law.

The distribution still shocked everyone... On the high platform, the blood of the Huang clan was mixed with the blood of the army sergeants, and huge red flowers bloomed in the winter snow, and countless copper coins, grains

, daily groceries, gold, silver, cloth, and silk are once again pressed on this red and white color, piled up like a mountain.

People in Wubao are not born in Wubao.

If you think about it, you will know that when the Wei Dynasty was here, with the temper of the late emperor and the current saint, how could it be possible to allow all the people under the rule to be Wubao? And it should really learn from the lessons of the former Tang Dynasty's southern crossing. The equal land system created by several consecutive dynasties is a sham.


Most of the polders have just been erected... In other words, the people inside are still "somewhat knowledgeable".

And this time I gained more knowledge.

Clear rewards and punishments, fair rewards and punishments, have been the foundation for success since ancient times... No matter how unsatisfactory this matter is, isn't it better than the officers and soldiers who just robbed the Changhe River next door?

It seems that the wave of official troops was defeated by this wave of rebels from the east.

On the other side, even Su Jingfang remained serious because he also realized that perhaps doing this was just to continue to win over their so-called hearts and minds, but this move would definitely greatly strengthen the discipline of the troops and then enhance their combat effectiveness.


The so-called rebels who can achieve this point definitely have their own tricks.

The gang's reputation is not an empty shell full of rules and words.

The handling of Huang's Wubao was not perfect, and even a little awkward, and its subsequent handling was destined to be a bad debt. Dare not, the leader named Xiahou led an entire battalion to stay here, and seemed to be ready to stay there permanently. These seemed to be

It was a headache for him. Shantong Haibu seemed to be preparing to handle the follow-up auxiliary troops, transport food and goods, and monitor the movements of the officers and soldiers in Pingyuan County. At this time, Su Jingfang, who had no one to control him, became interested in some people and some things.

, so he and Dou Xiaoniang’s father simply took a batch of grain and headed to Ban County with their heads held high.

At this time, Wang Xiongdan had already left early with his people. Su Jingfang felt a little more comfortable without this brotherly leader of the rebels fighting along the way.

However, it has not been a smooth journey.

The main reason is snow, because the previous snow has begun to freeze, and it is very difficult to transport supplies on the road. However, this kind of journey is only forty or fifty miles, and it only takes two days. On the third day, the road ahead suddenly becomes clear.

, and there are helpful people everywhere.

A magnificent winter organized operation was displayed in front of everyone.

Su Jingfang was completely shocked at this time, because he had never seen this kind of ability to mobilize hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.

Li Ding has never shown it.

The weather was bitterly cold, but the sky above had already cleared up, and the sky was blue. The roads were dark, and the roadsides were covered with high layers of snow.

Dou Lide was very polite to this young man who had sent back his wife, daughter, and many brothers and family members. When he came to a military station where porridge was placed, before he had even dismounted from his horse, he kindly pointed forward.

"Look, that person is Mr. Zhang Sanye, the leader of our gang, and a close friend of your master, Mr. Li Siye, the governor of Wu'an County."

After saying that, Dou Lide dismounted first and went under the wooden shed there. Su Jingfang also saw a person sitting upright among the crowd.

This man is not old and has no beard, but he looks younger. Moreover, he is not wearing any decent clothes at this time, just a single coat, and then symbolically wearing a standard military winter coat, which is more casual.

He has been working hard for many years, and his facial expressions have already shown his attitude. Although he speaks and smiles calmly, no one around him dares to offend him in the slightest.

As for Xiong Bonan, Zhou Xingfan, Wang Xiongdan and others that I had seen before, they were all different in their own way when they saw them. They were all around this person now, but they were all hidden in the crowd, as if they were surrounded by dragons and mountains.

When the man saw Dou Lide approaching, he stood up and smiled, "Headmaster Dou went down to Huangzhuang on a snowy night, and Qian Tang didn't even have time to react. It's really outstanding."

"It made Longtou laugh." Dou Lide looked a little embarrassed. "Things were not handled well enough, and many places were unsatisfactory."

"It doesn't matter." That person, Zhang Xing, put on his clothes and tightened the buttons. He was honest. "Whoever sets the rules properly for the first time will have two. Things will come gradually, and the main task will be completed.

That’s good…”

Doulide was immediately relieved.

"Leader Dou, I know that your family is here, and they really want to see each other at this time. You should go back and see them as soon as possible." Zhang Xing continued. "So that's good, you can just leave the food here.

, and the brothers will go back to Ban County to meet their relatives first, but after the meeting, tomorrow I still hope that you will take all the important brothers in your camp to go with the two leaders Zhai Qian and Guo Jingke to help him in the Bohai Sea

Bring us a fort from the county...I want to use your experience, lead one by one, and let the brothers get used to it, so that the rules can become stronger each time."

What kind of person was Dou Lide? He had already guessed the many intentions behind Zhang Xing's move, so he naturally nodded and hurried to the Ban County camp.

At this moment, Zhang Xingfang looked at Su Jingfang.

The latter was so smart, and at such a young age, he didn't need to be ashamed. He immediately raised his hands forward and bowed to the bottom: "I'm sorry, uncle! I'm in the military and haven't paid him a visit, but my nephew has heard his teacher's praises long ago and knows that he knows his teacher well."

I have always admired my uncle for his abilities. I am honored to meet you today. I also ask my uncle to teach me more."

"It's rare for you to show filial piety. Even my masters and uncles called me. Teaching is inevitable." Hearing this man's clever words, Zhang Xing just laughed. Wang Xiongdan had been fighting with this man for several days. He arrived early yesterday and explained how he didn't know this.

His basic idea was to make up his mind early. "But now that you are here, just follow me to move the firewood... After moving the firewood, we will return to the Ban County camp in a few days before we talk."

Su Jingfang was not surprised at first, because he had some doubts and wanted to ask for advice, and this kind of activity was obviously a good time to talk nearby. As for saying that he would return to Banxian camp in a few days... that was unnecessary.

But who would have expected that since Zhang Dalongtou said he wanted to move firewood, he actually moved firewood, and he was moving firewood with the brigade, and he was busy with commanding along the way. He had no leisure time, just resting every ten miles, or in a certain camp or city at night.

As soon as they stopped in the village, everyone was so busy that Su Jingfang couldn't even rely on him, let alone ask him in detail.

Not only that, he brought more than a hundred Wu'an elites with him, and they all became firewood movers for no apparent reason. They were introduced into the huge firewood moving team early and disappeared.

What's more pitiful is that Su Jingfang is a young man who has been studying and cultivating since he was a child. He has never done such menial work, especially since his cultivation level is not high. He is just barely above the normal line. Even Dou Xiaoniang is far behind. Therefore, the first

Fortunately, one day, I still had the energy to go to Wang Xiongdan and ask him to "introduce Uncle Shi", but Wang Xiongdan didn't know whether it was because of his intention or because he just couldn't arrange it.

Starting from the second night, Xiao Su gradually began to suffer from back pain. Although she knew that she was not really tired, but just tired.

Although I got used to this way of exerting force, I still couldn't help but curse secretly in my heart.

Only when a sheep enters the tiger's mouth, there is no way to resist, so it can only endure.

In this way, for seven or eight days, even Wubao was stripped of three or four more, and grain, gold and silver were brought back in carts. Figures such as King Xiongtian, Chief Wei, and Shangshu Yan were almost recognized.

, my waist is almost healed, and my movement of moving firewood has just slowed down a bit.

Then, on the first day of the second half of the twelfth lunar month, Su Jingfang, who had followed Uncle Zhang to the actual control areas of four or five counties surrounding the rebels, arrived at the Ban County camp that everyone had longed for.

This is a huge military camp that can't be seen at a glance and is in turn far larger than the city itself.

After staying in the military camp for another two or three days, Su Jingfang learned a lot more. He even helped Dou Lide's battalion play a long game with Wang Xiongdan... I don't know if he played well in the game.

Uncle Zhang seemed to have finally thought of him and called him over.

Xiao Su was still thinking about returning to Wu'an for the New Year, so naturally he came here early and arrived at the huge barracks known as Xiaonanya, which was filled with leaders, cases, documents, and forms.

At this time, the sky was dark and it seemed to be snowing again.

Xiao Su saw from a distance that Zhang Xing was wearing the white-haired short cloak standard for big leaders, and he was quite powerful, but he was sitting alone on a bench outside the door and looking at the dark clouds in the sky. When he saw people coming, he just waved to show his sympathy.


Su Jingfang saluted seriously and then sat half-assed on the chair.

"How about it? I'm still used to it in the camp." Zhang Xing said, as if chatting with his nephews about daily life.

"Actually, Uncle, I'm very used to it and even like it a little bit." Su Jingfang also laughed. "The camp is big, but they are all strong soldiers. They act in an orderly manner and live a simple life. They work, drill, play games, and have food to eat.

There is a fire kang...what young man wouldn't like it? Even in Wu'an, there is no such a large military camp, and you have to worry about everything outside the camp."

"Well said." Zhang Xing nodded with satisfaction. "Especially when the world in Hebei is so difficult, just looking at this camp and this year, it is simply a rare pure land."

"That's exactly what I mean." Xiao Su said seriously. "It's just a pity that we can only see this camp and talk about this New Year."

"There is something in the words." Zhang Xing said with a smile. "Is there anything you feel is wrong?"

"Uncle, to be honest, it is true." Su Jingfang seemed to have been holding it in his heart for a long time. "There are some things that you and your teacher handle differently. As a junior, I can't tell the difference..."

"There must be differences, but it's more because you don't like it because of your master's approach." Zhang Xing smiled half-heartedly. "Because your master and I have different concepts in all aspects, but your master only has one

In the land of the county, if I want to do it, I don’t have the space to do it.”

Su Jingfang was unable to argue and could only nod: "That's true."

"I actually probably know what the things are, because there are few things your teacher doesn't know about here, and he often makes fun of them in his letters." Zhang Xing looked at the sky and sighed. "For example, I like to hold meetings and emphasize organizational processes.

, your master laughed at me for being pretentious and having complicated rules; I like to set up specialized agencies to deal with and feedback on grassroots matters in large quantities, and your master laughed at me for having a small vision and only like trivial things. I claim to be cautious and so on, and he laughed at me for being decisive.

Sometimes I am indecisive and I call myself decisive, but he often laughs at me for being blind and unscrupulous..."

"There's also the matter of killing." Su Jingfang couldn't help but remind him.

"Yes...kill to death." Zhang Xing continued jokingly. "He said this method was a normal punishment used on our own army, but in the end, I used it to deal with the enemy's army who committed crimes against a big country... It is really a woman's kindness.

…I actually recognize this.”

Su Jingfang hesitated for a moment, then continued to ask: "Master is so... harsh to his uncle, but his uncle only praises him blindly. Does that mean that even his uncle admits that most of these things are due to him being right or not?

He said that in most things, he is more correct.

"No." Zhang Xingyi said. "There is no right or wrong between the two of us..." "That's because the purpose is different."

"On the contrary, there are very few people in this world who have similar goals to mine. Although Mr. Li Si is not closer to me than the others, he is still very rare."



"It's just that the choices are different in specific matters," Zhang Xing sighed. "In other words, the same purpose, the same ambition, maybe your master is stronger, and the way to go is different."

If Xiao Su had some realization, he couldn't express it for a while.

"What he means is that in troubled times, use heavy code and use absolute power to sweep away the world as quickly as possible, even to unify the world, and then stay on top and slowly make other changes." Zhang Xing looked at the young man beside him,

He knows everything he knows. "And I always feel that some things should be cultivated from the beginning and straightened out as much as possible... Of course, this is also the limitation of our abilities. He is good at those things, and I am good at others.

Some, that’s why there is this disagreement.”

Su Jingfang thought for a while and immediately realized the key point. Then he looked around and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, why can't you two join forces?"

"Of course, that's what I was thinking about." Zhang Xing gave the answer without hesitation. "Not just him, I also want to work with all other heroes. Do you think those "crouching dragons" and the like are...

Am I pretending to flatter you? After some events that day, apart from my wife Bai Sanniang, he is the closest to me among these Yingjili whom I value particularly."

"But he still hasn't joined forces with his uncle." Su Jingfang hesitated for a moment and continued to ask. "Why do you have such a personal relationship?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Xing asked back.

"I...I don't know." Xiao Su laughed dryly, but immediately became serious. "It's just that I heard the teacher say it face to face. He said that you will definitely lose in Hebei."

"I know what he means, but the initiative to expand lies with me. As long as I can hold back, plan it slowly, and take every step, I will win without doubt." Zhang Xing did not hesitate. "However, from his perspective,

This is indeed an expression of his unwillingness to join in with me... "

Su Jingfang didn't say a word, which was obviously disapproval, because during the few days he was here, he clearly saw Zhang Xing waiting for opportunities to expand, taking the opportunity to seize Wubao, establish a stronghold, and continuously encroach on the surrounding territory.

"Besides this, do you think there are other reasons?" Zhang Xing asked in turn.

Su Jingfang was still silent, but this time the silence was different from just now.

"It's what you think." Zhang Xing smiled when he saw this. "Your master and I have already passed the point where we are different and do not agree with each other... His behavior today is actually slightly similar to Sanniang before.

, it’s just that you have burning ambition, excessive self-esteem, and don’t want to be inferior to me.”

Su Jingfang sighed slightly, but did not deny it, because his teacher seemed to be serious and affectionate, but occasionally his sharp edge was revealed.

"Moreover, your teacher has actually fallen behind in this area and can hardly hold on anymore." Zhang Xing continued. "Otherwise, why would I keep praising him and he keep mocking me? Since you are his choice.

My student should be a smart kid and should have known long ago that he was guilty of being afraid of me, and that I was pulling him down from above."

Su Jing's face turned pale.

"So," Zhang Xing finally looked at this young, outstanding direct disciple of Li Ding again, and his words were persuasive. "Today you are an official, and tomorrow you have to follow your master and become the backbone of our rebel army. Instead of going around in this circle, why not

Just stay here now to save yourself the trouble of having to move around in the future. Isn’t your father still there? It’s not burdensome for you to stay and move firewood by yourself, right?”

PS: I assembled a new chair, and when I sit down, I always feel pain on the right side of my abdomen...I don’t know if it was torn during assembly, or if it was caused by my right hand not being used to hanging in the air when facing the keyboard.

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