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331 Chapter 10

"Zhang Longtou is sitting here. Although he is reading leisurely in the courtyard, it is better than the red mountains pressing down on the top, and the Qinghe River up and down, but it is already overwhelmed." Cui Erlang knows how to talk after all.

Zhang Xing also put down his book and laughed when he heard this: "Who does Qinghe up and down refer to? Your Cui family or Cao Shancheng? I just read the document, and it only said that your Cui family has two rooms in Qinghe, and there is one Cheng Dan and four Ning Dan. It's strange.

There are countless meridians, and almost all serious disciples, both men and women, study at the foundation level... Once you have reached this level of literary cultivation, you can fly away even if the red mountain is pressed down, right?"

"Don't joke about Zhang Longtou." Cui Suchen responded seriously. "The adult bird may be able to flutter its wings and fly away from the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, but how can the chicks and eggs in the nest withstand it?"

"Indeed, during the wind and rain, the adult birds may be alive, but when the nest is overturned, how can there be intact eggs?" Zhang Xing said seriously. "Besides, there is a reason for Cui's situation today. It is said that I don't kill people, but people are killed because of me.

Death... I really can't leave it alone... Well, Cui Erlang, I will write you a document. If you think Cao Shancheng is really crazy, your Qinghe Cui family is really in danger. If you don't take action, something will happen.

, you can just take this document and go to the public house over there during the day or come here to talk to me at night. I will directly send the eight battalions that have been reorganized here at Jiangling and the Western Front to go westward. You can attack wherever you want.


Cui Suchen was silent for a moment, then bowed respectfully in the courtyard under Xie Minghe's surprised gaze: "This is how disrespectful Cui is."

Zhang Xing nodded, turned around and went inside to write paperwork.

Xie Minghe and Cui Suchen followed, and when they passed the threshold one by one, they couldn't help but take a look at the novel placed on the porch, but it turned out to be the lousy "The Romance of Three Deities", which was about the Black Emperor and the Red Emperor.

The story of the Emperor's Empress, the rise of the evil dragon and the evil dragon of the witch clan, and the struggle for hegemony among the three clans of humans and lich.

Let’s also say that the era of the three deities is more than 3,000 years ago. Although it is not as far away as the Qing Emperor who ascended to heaven 8,000 years ago, it is still vague enough, especially after the White Emperor came back and actually completed the unification of the human race.

, somewhat ruined the feeling of the unification of the two clans of lich and witch...so many words are said in a cloud.

In addition, not to mention the Red Emperor Empress, even the Witch Clan's sinful dragon's ability is quite bluffing, and the Black Emperor has always given people a bad impression, so this is not easy to belittle, and that is not easy to ridicule.

In the end, what was written in the history books was a complete mess, and the venerable person went too far.

This in turn led to another voice - it is better to read novels than to read history books.

Of course, "The Romance of the Three Deities" is incomparable in terms of literary quality with the later "The Legend of Li Yue".

As for Zhang Dalongtou, it can only be said that he doesn't care about the Black Emperor selection either verbally or physically, but he still cares about it in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be looking for clues with such an old novel.


After writing the document and signing it, Zhang Xing picked it up with both hands and handed it over directly, while Cui Suchen also took it with both hands.

Immediately, the latter asked again: "Zhang Longtou, I take the liberty of saying that this document refers specifically to the situation in Qinghe. I roughly understand it. But now there are eight camps in Jiangling. How about more or less in the future?"

"Just a lot more." Zhang Xing said with a smile. "This round of our army reorganization is not the kind of comprehensive reorganization that was done when we first arrived in Hebei to break the chronic problems of factions. It is more like an even and reorganized army.

, break up the surrendered army, and then slightly expand it, so as to set up some battalions for the new generals, and then add specific ordnance according to the general's requirements to improve the army's combat effectiveness... that is, spring plowing is too delayed... so,

Starting from mid-to-late March, the number of troops reorganized on the front line and here will only increase."

Cui Erlang came to listen carefully, but Xie Minghe felt like something was stuck in his throat and could only hold back.

After Cui Suchen heard this, instead of being self-conscious, he continued to ask: "I would like to ask the leader again, what are the factions of the gang? I am in Xingyang, and I often hear people say that sooner or later, Zhang and Li will have internal strife.

Why did the gang get bigger in the end?"

Xie Minghe no longer tried to speak, but instead sneered in his heart - Do you know how to be presumptuous?

"Of course there are factions, but they are not as simple as Zhang Li." Zhang Xing answered seriously, but he went through what he had said to Xiong Bonan before in detail, and then said. "In the end, everyone is just because

The Wei Dynasty was unruly and was forced to revolt, but it was okay for me and Li Longtou and below to call out the mob. Naturally, there were many factions inside... It was just a confrontation between me and Li Longtou."

"Not to mention that's the case." Cui Suchen retorted, holding the document. "Over time, because the name has become true, Longtou is afraid that there will also be trouble with Li Longtou, and they will really become antagonistic, right?"

"That's true." Zhang Dalong also sighed. "Mr. Li, there are signs that he will do something every time he goes against me."

"But if that's the case, as I said before, there are internal disputes and it's a mob, so why does the gang keep getting bigger?"

"I think one is that the Wei Dynasty is in decline, and the world is irreversible. The other is that our gang is a serious organization that talks about construction and governance. It is not just a bandit who only knows how to commit robberies.

Those ordinary volunteers. However, the most important point is that we pay attention to the concept of the gang as a whole from the beginning. In terms of every moment, things are done in the name of the gang at all times, and an organization stands out in a legitimate way.

It creates a gap in the organization to relieve the pressure of disputes, so that everyone can speak and object... At present, everyone has adapted to this system, and even if they have any personal grudges and resentments against me, they all know how to go to the decision-making meeting.

Embarrass me instead of trying to do something rash." Zhang Xing answered seriously.

"Then why did the leader come to Hebei again?" Cui Suchen kept asking. "Is it because the internal disputes are becoming more and more uncontrollable? Do you want to avoid internal strife? Or do you want to guide the leaders of the Eastern Territory to leave separately to prevent disputes? But this will not reverse the situation.

Are you coming here to cause conflict between the North and the South?"

"Yes and no, I came to Hebei on the one hand to avoid internal strife, because the gang really can't afford internal strife, but this internal strife is not against Li Longtou, but because the gang originated from the Eastern Territory, and the leaders from the Eastern Territory are entangled with each other.

, it’s so intricate that the systems, laws, and policies I want to implement all have to be filtered through layers of them... These people account for almost 70% of the gang’s leaders, leaders, 90% of the local leaders, deputy leaders, and 10%

They are grassroots officials, so I really don’t dare to mess around there... In the same way, Mr. Li also took the initiative to be the one to speak for them and arrest the boss." Zhang Xingyi said. "On the other hand,

However, anyone with a little strategic knowledge knows that hundreds of years of chaos have made regional politics, military, and culture a tradition. If we want to bring peace to the world, we must conquer Guanlong in the Western Wei Dynasty, Hebei in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, and Jiangdong in the Southern Chen Dynasty.

Choose one of them, and then each pacify Bashu, Beidi, and Nanling, and then fight for Jin, Jingxiang, and Dongdu, and then you can achieve success. Therefore, no matter how complicated the situation in Hebei is, no matter how fierce the conflict is within the gang, we must overcome it.

The river is coming!”

Cui Suchen nodded repeatedly, but couldn't wait to ask again: "So, the leader's ambition is to purge the world and establish a new dynasty?"

Zhang Xing laughed.

Cui Suchen held the piece of paper in his hand and responded seriously without hesitation: "Why is the dragon head laughing?"

"Do you think that to eradicate the violent Wei and stabilize the world... especially the last four words, you can put anything into it, right?" Zhang Xing asked with a smile behind his hands. "I think it's perfunctory, so I want to ask about my so-called serious ambitions.


"That's right." Cui Suchen nodded.

"This is where the problem lies."

Zhang Xing smiled, and finally walked a few steps forward with his hands behind his back, and arrived at the threshold. Unknowingly, the dusk had already darkened, but his eyesight was very good after he had improved, so he leaned over and picked up the book.

, and then look through it for a while.

"Who doesn't want to imitate the sages and establish immortal achievements in life? Who doesn't want to wade out a big river, the Yangtze River? From this point of view, it is more than just to purge the world and establish a new dynasty? It is said that the saint's three conquests against the Eastern Yi are self-destruction.

, but in terms of principles and aspirations, why can't we merge with Dongyi, and then unite the world and unify the four seas? It is said that when the four emperors are full, the three brilliance will be born, and there will be no more ordinary people ascending to heaven. But since there are examples, why not

Do you want to move mountains and seas, build businesses, implement new policies, gain merit from heaven, and attain the supreme position?"

Cui Suchen didn't say anything, but Xie Minghe couldn't help but said on the spot: "Well said."

"But I also know." Zhang Xing looked at the book in his hand, and the ice energy bloomed, reflecting a little light, but his tone became distant again. "When people are born in this world, they die like this. They don't give up day and night.

Those who cannot attain the Dao will only have a limited number of years, and those who have attained the Dao will also be elusive. The vast majority of talented heroes who strive to do it can often only become a tributary, or even a tributary of a tributary, or even a stream of water in a tributary.

But if that’s the case, why don’t you stop doing it? Cui Erlang.”

Cui Suchen, who was finally stunned when he heard this, was startled: "Dragon head?"

"You ask me about my ambitions. My ambitions are very big and very small." Zhang Xing held the book and stood on the threshold, turning his head to look at it under the dim light. "If it is big, it is arrogant, but if it is small, it is trivial."

I can’t tell you, but I want to follow the idea and path I talked to you before and try my best to move forward... Maybe you will go around when you encounter rocks, and you may be slower when you encounter uphill slopes.

The descent may be fast, but you have to keep going as hard as you can. It is best to reach the end. If you can't walk, you can stick to less mud and walk more steps later."

Cui Suchen nodded, but stood there holding the document and asked no more questions.

Zhang Xing also nodded and stepped aside.

Xie Minghe stopped talking and almost stamped his feet.

But Cui Suchen walked out with the documents in his hands, but when he walked down the corridor and turned a corner, he turned back and stopped: "I came to the door in a hurry today and asked Longtou so many questions for no reason. Didn't Longtou ask me anything?"

"Then let's ask a question." Zhang Xing laughed again when he heard this. "Your uncle was a Ning Dan in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, but now he is only a Cheng Dan... The Cui family of Qinghe and his son were able to lose their temper with Yang Bin and Yang Shen.

He is a great master, grand master, but he is not a grand master?"

Cui Suchen thought about it seriously and responded seriously: "It's not that I don't want to answer, but that I don't even know."

"That's right." Zhang Xing nodded and raised his hand in response. "The spring is dull. Cui Erlang should go back and rest early after getting the word!"

Cui Erlang then took the documents and said goodbye again.

Xie Minghe was speechless and hurriedly chased him out. He didn't say anything on the way and couldn't wait for the other party to enter the residence... Cui Twenty-six and Twenty-seven's two domestic dogs were still crying inside... But they were in an alleyway halfway.

Pishou grabbed the opponent:

"Cui Erlang, you are such a troublesome person...Zhang Longtou is the master of nine counties and one state. In the past, he was also the master of ten thousand chariots in Eastern Chu. For such a person, because you asked him in private, he will be the leader of the general.

I told you all the secrets and personal ambitions, but you only left with a piece of paper, how ridiculous is it?"

"Thank you, brother." Cui Suchen had no choice but to answer. "Of course I know Zhang Longtou's sincerity, but firstly, my family are all in Xingyang, only under the nose of Dongdu. Secondly, here in Qinghe, the clan still has official duties, how can I do that?

What can I say easily? Even if I want to help with something, it’s time to clear the river and stop talking."

"You, Mrs. Cui, really distinguish between public and private affairs." Xie Minghe heard this and just let go, but then stared at the document in the other person's hand and sneered. "We still have to wait for the date of issuing the letter of appointment. I read in the history books that it has always been done by wild men.


Cui Suchen's expression changed, he immediately put away the documents and walked away.

Only then did Xie Minghe realize that he was being frivolous - that day during the Eastern Qi Dynasty, the Bohai Gao family took advantage of the situation. A general of the Gao family wanted to marry a daughter of the Cui family, but failed, so he directly kidnapped a girl from the Cui family in Qinghe and raped her on the roadside.

Counting as a couple, this matter has been passed down for generations, and it is still the biggest pain on the faces of the Cui family.

A little too quick to talk.

But the matter had come to this, and there was nothing that could be done, so he came to look for Zhang Xing again. When he saw Mr. Zhang without even lighting a candle, he was just reading in the corridor with his head tilted and blowing in the spring breeze after the rain. He secretly cursed him, "Young man."

He would enjoy it and just stepped forward:

"Zhang Sanlang, why are you so conniving with that guy? Now that he has received the document, he should show his posture and do things...how can he continue to hold it? To put it bluntly, the document is a marriage document, and he has the right to mobilize troops.

Knowing the secrets of our army, we should make a gesture, at least say to take down Qinghe for Zhang Longtou... How can he leave like this? You just let him go?"

"Three reasons..." Zhang Xing didn't even raise his head. "First, unless Xue Changxiong makes a comeback and brings reinforcements from Youzhou or Taiyuan, we are the only ones who can reveal military information to shock Qinghe and Wuyang counties and put pressure on them.

, there is no theory that the leakage of military aircraft caused danger; secondly, judging from his two visits, he wanted to show that he is him and Qinghe Cui is Qinghe Cui. It should not be too obvious. If I hadn't guessed, then

I didn't guess, but I guess it doesn't hurt to take care of other people's emotions; thirdly, and most importantly, not only is he holding it, but I am also holding it... He wants to separate public and private affairs and not cut the tofu with a knife.

Two-faced, but I also have concerns about the children of this family... Brother Xie, you say, these children of the family are used to being pampered, do they really have the belief to follow me like this?"

Xie Minghe finally twisted his beard and shook his head and smiled: "The situation is great, but you have to worry about your family... We also have a gentleman's agreement."

"My relationship with Cui Suchen is probably a gentleman's, but he has a soft temperament and is not as heroic and handsome as Brother Xie, so I didn't declare it to my mouth." Zhang Xing continued to lower his head and read a book.

Xie Minghe felt proud, shook his head, turned around and left, leaving the yard. He wanted to go straight back to the plain, but he was itchy, so he went to find Chen Bin again, and told the story again, not forgetting the words "heroic and vigorous"

,Gaolang Shuaihao".

Chen Bin, who was sorting out the documents alone, didn't pay attention to the redundant words after hearing it. He was just a little surprised, and then he felt relieved: "Then it depends on Cui Erlang's methods. If he can empty out the inside of Qinghe, then we can march in.

Then Cao Shancheng, who was ready to die and had Xue Wanbi as his wing, was defeated in one fell swoop. By then, the army's power would surely be greatly enhanced! The rumors about the so-called victory without force due to the hasty battle of Ma Mian River will also disappear.


Xie Minghe nodded and asked again out of curiosity: "You said that before Zhang Sanlang crossed Hebei, he was surrounded by powerful merchants, powerful butchers, and powerful men. Even wild Taoist priests like Wei Xuanding who could not survive in Hebei were promoted to the chief position. Later, he became the chief minister.

There were some people who surrendered, but they were also those who couldn't get on the stage. They had no choice but to join forces, and they didn't want to see him yet. How could it be that once we crossed Hebei, you and I and Cui Erlang were naturally a typical family. Those who surrendered were Qianfu Lord and Lu Changheng.

It can be considered that Guan Long has a serious background, and there is also Yuan Baocun, a member of the former royal family who secretly communicated with the music..."

"A sudden change in Huaixi showed that the saint's drunken dreaming and death could not be saved, and the corruption of the Wei Dynasty could not be saved. Many people stopped thinking about it from then on; at the same time, helping to secure the world's rebel leader, the tide will naturally rise." Chen

Bin blurted out the answer. "Secondly, Longtou himself also has some opinions. The Black Emperor's selection and infuriating Qi are just external things. At such a young age, he can control many powerful forces in the gang and firmly stand against Wei. He can bite

After a few wars, the most important thing is that no matter how rough his political strategy is, it seems to be the right path after all, so naturally some people are willing to follow him."

Xie Minghe nodded again and again, but then asked again: "I want to ask, Mr. Chen, are you not afraid that Cui Erlang is here and you, the internal affairs official, will lose your authority?"

"I'm not afraid at all." Chen Bin stared at the other party coldly. "I have long wanted to drive Zu Chenyan, a guy who can only sigh and sigh, back to Henan... If Cui Erlang comes, he doesn't want to be known, so he just happened to come.

I will be an invisible internal historian, and then work with him and Yan Qing to set up the arrogance of the grammar official next to Zhang Long, so that I can free up my hands to seriously argue with Yan Qing about the local security and personnel rights.

Bring them all and send someone to monitor you when the time comes."

Xie Minghe felt bored and sighed again: "I saw interesting things today, but they were all cold and hard."

"You might as well worry about yourself..." Chen Bin was helpless. "Do you want to lead a battalion of soldiers? If you don't make it clear, Ban County will just assume that you don't want to lead the army."

"I wanted to defeat Wan Dou Jun, but the leader was tied up by a battalion of soldiers. I really can't sit still." Xie Minghe had no choice but to respond. "So it is really difficult to decide."

"The style of the family is to abandon reality and look forward and backward. That's why our Southern Dynasty suffered a complete defeat." Chen Bin raised his head and sighed. "We are the most outstanding group among the remnants of Nan Chen, right?"

Xie Minghe finally talked.

Almost at the same time, in the other courtyard where the Cui family's children were temporarily staying, Cui Suchen showed the documents in his hand to Cui Twenty-six and Twenty-seven, and then comforted: "Okay, don't cry, Qinghe Cui family is in peace... you guys

Who stays here to report to Zhang Longtou, and whoever comes back to Qinghe with me to settle accounts with Captain Shi of Zhangnan, Deputy Captain Han of Licheng, and Sun Juncheng of Chiping! Ask them why they want to harm innocent people like us.


Twenty-six and twenty-seven stopped crying, hesitating, trembling, and looking at each other. After a long while, twenty-six asked: "Second brother, we are really frightened after such an experience. How about we both stay in Jiangling?"


Even though Cui Erlang had always kept his secrets secret, he broke through his defenses again and again tonight, so he couldn't help but let out a "tsk".

PS: Happy New Year to everyone... It’s 2023. I used to wish everyone fortune, but now I wish everyone food, clothing, and safety to the whole family.

This chapter has been completed!
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