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One hundred and sixty seventh chapter Long Shangxing (16)

 "When one is born in this world, one must die unless one is soaring to the throne. When a person dies and turns into ashes, there is still a difference in severity. Those who are more important than Hongshan are like the soldiers of Mount Li who protect their hometown and hold up the mountain. This is true.

There are those who are lighter than a feather, such as the traitors of the Cao family, who helped Wei Wei to abuse and trapped the city to death, and they also got this idea.

Cao Shancheng seems to have a lot of talent and a little bit of personal virtue. Because of his talent, he can rule a county and make Qinghe peaceful for a while. His virtue can be maintained, he is honest and does not bribe.

Therefore, at a rough look, he looks like a hero, and looks like a hero. But upon closer inspection, it is indeed lamentable, even laughable.

It must be heard that when heroes are born in the world, the first is those who cultivate themselves, which is the symbol of wisdom; the second is those who love giving, which is the principle of benevolence; the third who is the one who takes what is given, the symbol of righteousness; the fourth who is shameful, the symbol of courage;

Fifth, those who establish a reputation are extremely effective.

For example, Cao Shancheng lost his army and abandoned his land, and his life is not saved today. How can it be called wisdom? How can he be called benevolent when he fell to death and thousands of county soldiers were trapped and perished together? He took the people's power from Qinghe and had no money, but just sat back and watched the people plow the spring plowing.

How can we be called righteous when we have no relief? How can we be called brave when we help a tyrant recognized by the world to abuse innocent people in the county and feel complacent? As for after this war, his bad reputation spread throughout the world and has been spread for thousands of years. How can he be called a deed?

Without wisdom, without benevolence, without righteousness, without courage, without conduct, people have reached the extreme lowliness of human beings. They still don't realize it, but they look around and say, "Today is the day of death!" How do you regard the importance of the world? How do you regard the importance of people?

How important is virtue?


"There is a section that I don't understand." In the county government office, Han Erlang lay on the desk and read for a long time, and then spoke seriously to the two county princes in front of him. "What is this section about self-cultivation, and what does the Talisman of Wisdom mean?"

"That is to say, if a person is wise, he must at least be able to cultivate himself; if a person is benevolent, he must at least be compassionate towards others; whether a person is righteous depends on whether he can take and give in a measured way.

, and if a person doesn't even know the shame, he is not qualified to be brave... But if a person behaves properly, he will eventually have a good reputation." Wang Xianjun blurted out, if he said something

Thinking: "This article is too short, and some parts don't make sense, but it does have some insights."

Han Erlang lowered his head to look at the thin piece of paper on the table. After being silent for a long time, he suddenly asked again: "Does the meaning of the following sentences mean that Mr. Cao Fu has put thousands of people in this death place with him?"

Is it actually unkind to die together?"

"That's probably what I mean." Magistrate Zhao of Yan County also sighed. "I think this is right." Han Erlang suddenly said.

The two county princes, King Zhao and King Zhao, were each stunned, but neither refuted nor agreed.

After a while, Magistrate Wang, who was still more familiar with him, looked at Magistrate Zhao seriously and asked, "Then what? So what? What is Captain Han going to do? Aren't you loyal to the emperor?"

?Aren’t you going to risk your life for him?”

"Even if you are loyal, you should not let Mr. Cao Fu do such a wrong thing and bear such a stigma." Han Erlang said sincerely. "Now the defeat is definitely a defeat, and it is a complete defeat. Mr. Cao will die if he is like this."

Undoubtedly, I have no hope, I am only prepared to give his life back. But other people do not deserve to die. If they can live, it is better to live a little... for the sake of benevolence."

"How to do it specifically?" Magistrate Zhao asked half a sentence.

"We should go to the enemy camp to negotiate before other outflanking troops of the army arrive, and use Zhang Longtou's own statement to ask Zhang Longtou, "Ren', let go of many of our people here, and tell him that our county soldiers are all

The farmers' children who were temporarily recruited should not be beaten or killed. They could just be returned to work at home... If this were the case, it would be equivalent to them saving energy and directly destroying the city, and the people of Qinghe would definitely be grateful.


Zhao and Wang were obviously hesitant.

"Actually, it's just the two of you..." Han Erlang continued. "If I can get a word from you, I can get away even if I can't."

With these words, the two magistrates cheered up, and Magistrate Wang volunteered: "If this is the case, I am willing to be the envoy. Even if I die, my family can survive, which is enough."

"No need." Han Erlang said seriously. "Although I don't know any strategies, I know that the few of us have never seen enough in front of Mr. Cao Fu, and Mr. Cao Fu also doesn't see enough in front of this dragon head.

There has never been enough to see anything. If we were to see this kind of person in person, some of his little thoughts would be immediately apparent. Even if he has no intention at all, if he is seduced by others, he can be easily caught and resort to tricks.


"That makes sense." Magistrate Zhao nodded immediately.

"Then who should we let go?" Magistrate Wang was anxious for a moment.

"I have a team leader named Zhang Laowu. He is a typical farmer. He is very honest and stupid, but fortunately he is honest and reliable... Let him go and explain our words honestly and clearly.

If there are too many things, he doesn’t know what to say.”

Han Erlang put forward his own plan. "What do you two say?"

"I remember him, it works!" Magistrate Wang immediately thought of this person and nodded immediately. "I never thought this person could be used here."

When County Magistrate Zhao heard the words, he could only nod his head: "I don't want Han Erlang to have such a burden."

After a moment, the three of them called Zhang Laowu in. As expected, they only talked about asking for mercy and nothing else. Captain Zhang got the words, repeated them several times and wrote them down. Then he was dressed in white, hung out from the city wall, and then raised his hand directly.

Putting the document and notice on his forehead, he stood at the foot of the city and waited.

Sure enough, after a moment, the military leader from before jumped straight over. He was obviously skilled in using Qi. A simple leap looked like flying in the eyes of others. He took advantage of this opportunity and obeyed the order in a dignified manner without even daring to shoot.

The crossbow soldiers flew over the heads, and first threw a few more placards that they had just copied at various places along the key roads in the city. Then they calmly flew back and grabbed the dazed Zhang Laowu who was still under the city by the shoulders, as if he were grabbing something.

Like a chicken or duck, he grabbed it in the air and easily returned to the camp.

"Is this Cao Shancheng's idea?" Zhang Xing noticed the difference at first, then thoughtfully. "Or is it someone else's?"

The old man stood about ten steps in front of him and was very obedient. He didn't respond for a long time and didn't dare to raise his head.

"You're just saying, who told you this?" Zhang Xing realized that this candidate was specially selected, and immediately changed his question.

"I heard Han Erlang explain it to Magistrate Wang and someone I don't know. It seems to be the magistrate here in Qian County." Zhang Laowu finally spoke smoothly.

"Is Han Erlang the former Vice-Captain Han of Licheng?" Zhang Xing continued to ask.


"Which county is Magistrate Wang the magistrate of?"

"Licheng County."

"Did you withdraw together?" Chen Bin interrupted in surprise.


"When did you withdraw?"

"Last night."

"That's right...how many people were originally in Licheng, and how many were evacuated to the city?"

"Originally three thousand, now two thousand."

"This Han Erlang is quite capable!" Xie Minghe also sighed.

"Han Erlang has always been capable of withdrawing troops. When Zhang Jin scaled in front of Douzigang, it was he who led a group of us to escape from the fire." Zhang Laowu answered honestly, as if to Han

Erlang was convinced.

"It's interesting. A person with ten people is called a hero, a person with a hundred people is called a hero, a person with a thousand people is called a Jun, and a person with ten thousand people is called a Ying... This Han Erlang has always been heard to be serious about his duties, but I didn't expect that it was Qinghe who turned out to be Qinghe at the critical moment.

There are very few people here who can do anything, and they are just like talented people." Zhang Xing couldn't help but sigh.

At this point, he paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and then smiled again: "Okay, go back and tell Han Erlang that what he said makes sense. They are all civilians recruited temporarily. There is no need to care about it. Our army is indeed

He talks about benevolence and righteousness, and he also used my article to explain it, so it’s accurate... Except for Cao Shancheng, no matter who else is, as long as he puts down his weapons, just like you, Captain Zhang, did when he left the city.

I won't stop anyone who abandons his armor and goes straight back to his hometown; even locals in the city and officials in the county will be given preferential treatment as long as they keep the supplies in the treasury and put away the ordnance...but there are restrictions.

It will be before sunset today, because I will enter the city at sunset, and those who still hold weapons will still have to engage in military law."

When Zhang Laowu knew that the matter was done, he wanted to kneel down and kowtow a few times, but he was stopped by Jia Runshi and others who knew Zhang Xing's temper and pushed him out.

Several leaders around were speechless. As Zhang Xing said, in the current situation, the further results will definitely be in Liaocheng. Qinghe itself just needs to fight quickly. There is no need to commit more crimes. There is only one Cao Shancheng in front of him.


On the other side, Zhang Laowu returned to the city and described it in detail. The two county magistrates were surprised and surprised to see Han Erlang. They also felt a little strange - to them, Han Erlang was a rough and honest man.

They had always looked down upon them, but the people they feared and admired, whether it was Cao Shancheng or Zhang Xing, who was obviously a level above Cao Shancheng, actually said that Deputy Commander Han was a talented person.

It is also difficult for them to understand and a little frightening.

Enlightenment at an early age, building a foundation at a young age, with a superior family background, and hard work in the officialdom, claiming that one day he can be in the palace, but unexpectedly, in troubled times, he is not as good as a country man who can run away and plead for mercy?

Of course, the thought only passed by in a flash, and the two of them knew that the opportunity had arrived. Magistrate Zhao hurried away, while Magistrate Wang handed them over before leaving.

However, the two smart men did not leave in a hurry. Instead, they went back to prepare themselves and then waited quietly.

Sure enough, after more than half an hour, when the afternoon sun was dazzling, under the auspices of Han Erlang, the soldiers in white clothes began to leave in order from the west gate and the north gate far away from the main camp. They just left in groups of fifty people.

, and seeing the first few groups of county soldiers gradually walking away under the surveillance of the army, the two county magistrates could no longer hold back, and after discussing with each other, they went to the west and the north, each with their families and only some water on their backs.

Then, like these county soldiers, they walked out of the city.

A few well-dressed women and children covered in pot ash obviously attracted the army's attention, but that was all, and the latter actually allowed these people without armor to leave.

It seems that the gang's emphasis on military discipline is actually true.

Of course, I have to say that the two county magistrates are really smart people.

If you leave early, even if Zhang Dalongtou has no intention of breaking the contract, he may be intercepted by the army due to the difficulty in conveying orders; if you are a little greedy, bring more wealth and power, or hide weapons privately, you may be attracted to unwarranted people.

Trouble; if you observe for a long time and leave too late, you will face risks in the other direction.

Sure enough, as more and more troops abandoned their weapons and left freely, the city finally couldn't hold back anymore. The county soldiers abandoned their weapons at will and rushed to leave through the two gates. The streets were full of discarded armor and weapons.

Ordnance, the county officials and the county soldiers who had lost their ability to speak cursed loudly, but no one paid attention to them. Han Erlang himself gradually lost control of the situation.

At this time, realizing that he could no longer hide the movement, he no longer expected any order. Instead, he abandoned his subordinates and went to Cao Shancheng's residence alone, where he sat on the threshold of the courtyard in front of the hall and waited.

It was only a quarter of an hour later that Cao Shancheng noticed something was wrong, and then he stumbled out, smelling of alcohol, with a ferocious look on his face, holding a crumpled notice in his hand, but he pushed it away and immediately faced him.

Han Erlang jumped up to the roof next to him with the notice in his hand. He only looked around and then came down again to ask condescendingly:

"Did those two bastards Wang Zhao surrender in Kaicheng? Or did they just run away in Kaicheng?"

Lieutenant Han did not hide anything, he just raised his head from below and answered seriously: "It's not the two county princes, it's me. It's the prince who entrusted the city to me. I made the decision and asked for words from the army, so that the county soldiers abandoned their weapons and returned."

I went home, and the two county princes also wanted to go home, so I took the opportunity to let them go."

Cao Shancheng was stunned, and then walked a few steps on the roof, holding his abdomen. The glowing energy appeared scattered around, swinging away the tiles, and then suddenly stopped at the edge of the roof, sat down directly and asked coldly:

"So, you surrendered too?"

"No." Han Erlang met the other party's eyes and replied calmly. "I am here to pay for Mr. Fu's life that day! But Mr. Fu did something wrong, so I made corrections for Mr. Fu."

"What did I do wrong?" Perhaps because of the drink, something was obviously wrong with Cao Shancheng. Not only did he look ferocious, but his eyes were bloodshot. As he waved the notice in his hand, his body became even more uncoordinated. "The thief wrote an article.

, you will believe it.”

"Reporting to the Lord, I don't understand anything else, but what 'Ren' said in the notice is absolutely right. I felt from the beginning that the county soldier

They are all civilians who were temporarily recruited. They should be allowed to go home." Han Erlang said seriously. "I didn't have this idea because the notice said so."

"You also think I'm unkind?" Cao Shancheng was obviously angry. "You still want to teach me how to do things?"

"I don't want Mr. Fu to be infamous at this time..." Han Erlang is still serious. "As of now, both of us are already dead. I am an ordinary person from a rural background. If I die, I will die."

Yes, but what about Mr. Fu, do you really want to refuse to repent?"

"What should I repent for?" Cao Shancheng, who was sitting on the edge of the roof, was full of surprise. He didn't know whether he was really confused or was deliberately showing off.

"Then let me tell the truth." Han Erlang stood in the yard, raised his head and looked at him. He still had the same serious tone. "I can't understand the notice in the hands of Mr. Fu at all. Even the two words...

All the county princes said that the notice was not very well written, but the three of us knew in our hearts that some of the words in the notice made sense... because we all knew that the governor was too strict in his work.

They were all too harsh on superiors and subordinates, on others and themselves, on thieves, on officials and on the people, so much so that everyone in the county, including officials and people, hated Fu Jun! It was just that they were afraid of Fu Jun and did not dare to do anything to Fu Jun.

Just say it in front of you! Just like during the Three Expeditions back then, everyone in the world hated the saint, and no one dared to say it! But now, due to the great kindness of Lord Fu, I must say this, and I must

Try your best to turn things over for the Lord! It’s one thing that can be done, instead of following the Lord’s wishes and boasting about what a loyal minister the Lord is! Being a loyal minister to that saint will only be a joke!”

When Cao Shancheng was halfway through listening, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he felt like he was struck by lightning. When he heard the last word, he simply lost his composure and fell off the roof. Han Erlang stepped forward to catch him.

But after landing, the Qinghe County Lord did not have the manners of a county leader, nor did he have the behavioral abilities that a master of condensation should have. Instead, he fell down and sat there. After a long time, he held his abdomen and said:

"Yes, you are to me what I am to a saint, but I am really not as good as you."

When Han Erlang heard this, his nose felt sore, and he tried his best to persuade: "Why is the Lord still thinking about saints at this time? Is he worth half of it? Even if the Lord is so honest, he will still be implicated in the end.

If your reputation is ruined, I will write an article to scold you, so that everyone in the world will say that you are a tyrant's minion."

Cao Shancheng looked at the other party and did not reply. Instead, after thinking for a moment, he suddenly held the notice in his hand and smiled: "Han Erlang, do you have a loyal confidant? Just like you do to me, and I do to the saints and the court? If so,

Have you left the city yet?"

Han Erlang was puzzled for a moment.

"Call them here. My family is in Qinghe City. I have some things to entrust to them. I must find them before they leave the city and bring them over." Cao Shancheng said seriously. "The manpower must be sufficient, and they must be trustworthy."

Han Erlang woke up and quickly got up and left, looking for someone in a hurry.

When Cao Shancheng saw people leaving, he looked around the old house where no one was left. Holding his belly and exhaling his true energy, he stumbled back into the hall. On the table in the hall, there was a pot of strong wine and a person.

Empty paper packet of medicinal powder.

Mr. Cao Fu ignored these and sat back in his seat, smoothing the notice in his hand next to the wine bottle, read it again, then raised his head and sighed.

Moreover, according to Cao Shancheng's previous temperament, how could he die easily? Especially when Xie Minghe entered the city for the second time, he had already seen Zhang Xing's article, which made him feel resentful.

As for this packet of medicine, it is not a suicide medicine, but a medicine that forcibly stimulates and destroys the Dantian.

After all, it is easy to say that it is easy to say that the broken dantian changes violently, but in fact it is very rare. This is not only because of human survival instincts and unwillingness to die unless it is absolutely necessary, but more importantly, broken dantian also requires specific conditions. Generally,

Basically, it is necessary to empty the sea of ​​true energy, and then forcibly circulate the true energy to trigger the self-destruction of the Dantian, and this process is very painful.

Therefore, he chose to use specific medicine mixed with strong alcohol to stimulate it.

Unexpectedly, the original plan of going to Zhang Xing with all his strength and full of anger, smashing the notice in his face, and then dying in the enemy camp like a loyal minister and general, was not at all the best on a normal day.

He lost his footing in front of the serious Han Erlang

The way the other party expressed his loyalty to him was indeed better than the way he expressed his loyalty to the saint and the court - this alone was enough to make him feel ashamed, and also allowed him to find a little extra value in death.

"When one is born in this world, one must die unless the dragon ascends to the throne. When a person dies and turns into ashes, there are still differences in severity. Some are heavier than Hongshan, and some are lighter than feathers, such as the Cao family's traitors who helped Wei to do harm.

, trapped in the frozen city, he also got what he wanted...Cao Shancheng seems to have a little talent and a little personal virtue. Because of his talent, he can rule a county and make Qinghe peaceful for a while. His virtue

You can keep your integrity and be honest and don't bribe.

Therefore, at a rough glance, he looks like a heroic figure, and looks like a hero, but upon closer inspection, it is indeed lamentable, even laughable."

When Cao Shancheng thought of this, he laughed on the spot regardless of the severe pain in his pubic area, then raised the pot to drink and laughed wildly again.

"You can't be inferior to that saint!"

After laughing, with this thought in mind, Cao Shancheng leaned over and took out a straight knife that had been prepared from the foot of the table. He turned around and stabbed his Dantian with all his strength. After stirring again and again, his true energy burst and blood gushed out. He died.

on the spot.

He died at the age of forty-one.

Moments after the death, Han Erlang rushed here with Zhang Laowu and other companions who may have been together when he fled from the Three Expeditions. Then he was stunned, then lost his mind, and actually wanted to touch the knife.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Laowu and others noticed the situation and hurriedly swarmed up and hugged each other forcefully. Captain Zhang got away first and then trembled next to him to give instructions. He ordered everyone to take off Han Erlang's clothes and armor, and everyone raised his

Drag him out of the city and return to his hometown together.

Han Erlang's body was stiff. He neither spoke nor resisted. He just stared at the body lying on the table.

Captain Zhang looked on at the side in confusion, and almost cried because of his anxiety: "Why is Erlang so crazy? The world is so chaotic. If you die for him, what will you do to us? Who will us fools run away with in the future?"


Han Erlang didn't say a word, he just stared at the corpse until he was dragged out by more than a dozen people, and then he was almost carried out of the yard and fled outside in a hurry.

At this time, the whole city was almost empty. Seeing that the opportunity was not to be missed, the army had already sent troops and horses into the city from the south and east. Han Erlang and his party struggled to get out of the west gate and went all the way to the outside of the city gate.

The inspector glanced curiously, and after a pause, the deputy captain who was being held high suddenly ejaculated and cried out.

By the way, Han Erlang didn't know that Cao Shancheng, who had been the tyrant of Qinghe for two years, gathered up his courage and benevolence before he died. He specially called his brother over and committed suicide in time, so that he could save his life.

Take your own life.

As for now, Han Erlang just wants to live honestly until the moment when the saint dies, and then ask everyone present whether the saint ever showed any repentance before his death?

If not, can we say that Cao Fujun is stronger than the saint? The next day, at dawn, the two county magistrates fled to Qingping together. How had they ever relied on their own strength so much? So whether it was their family members or themselves, they had already

Unable to walk, they had no choice but to identify themselves and go to the Qingping County Government Office for help.

When the Qingping County Magistrate heard that the two colleagues had arrived, he was frightened by the situation ahead and hurriedly entertained them and made inquiries.

But just after a few words were said here, the army leader Wang Shuyong's troops had already arrived at the city. They entered the city almost unscathed and captured the three county magistrates together, preparing to hand them over to the rear for disposal.

This chapter has been completed!
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