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Chapter 380

 Beginning in late September, the rain began to become denser, washing the whole world layer by layer with occasional intervals.

At this time, rumors gradually came out in Jiangling City, saying that the chief Zhang Xing and Zhang Sanlang seemed to be in a bad mood recently, or perhaps it was no longer a rumor, but a fact recognized by everyone.

To be honest, the impact of this incident is not very good. It is said that the middle and high-level people inside and outside Jianglingcang City and those participating in the military camp training are a little uneasy, especially in this autumn, when the outside world is turbulent and the so-called troubled autumn is nothing more than this.

On this day, five more battalions of preparatory generals completed their training. They stayed in Jiangling or returned to camp according to proportion. Taking this opportunity, the restaurants outside the city naturally became lively again.

"Why?" Zhai Qian was puzzled at a restaurant opposite Niu Ma Camp. "Isn't the situation great?"

"Are you angry that the military formation was not started?" Niu Da blurted out. "The third brother has always been unhappy with this."

"This is not necessary." Xu Shiren said helplessly. "This kind of thing will succeed or not. We do not have enough strength, and it is always right to prepare generals and officer training, and it will be done. Why should we be so discouraged about this?


"It's definitely not because of this. The chief won't keep fussing over such a foregone conclusion." Xu Shiying suddenly said. "It's definitely not something about Henan that you want to say but don't dare to say. Huaixi has made half of its progress.

Yingchuan, Jiyin Xingtai has an extra Liangjun, what does it mean? The land of one county is not enough to change the overall situation. Moreover, Jiyin is like this, and Xingyang cannot move further... The real future is still in Hebei.

...Didn’t the chief also formally issue a document asking Jiyin Xingtai to supervise Liangjun without hesitation at all?"

Most of the people present were generals from Henan, and they were relieved when they heard this.

After all, the conflict between Li Shu and Zhang Xing is always the most sensitive and inescapable issue for them. In the past, it goes without saying that the two were in opposition, but now that Zhang Xing has become the chief, the problem has not completely disappeared.

, this is because Chief Zhang chose Hebei strategically, and the eastern border, especially the three counties in the west of the eastern border, are the hometowns and rear areas of the main generals, and are still psychologically important. Moreover, the change of flag in Liang County is now important to them.

It's also very beneficial because it gives most of their hometowns a layer of protection.

If this causes related internal problems, that would be a headache.

"What's going on?" Zhai Qian asked seriously. "Xu Dalang, since you know more, just do it more simply."

"I think it has more to do with Cheng Dalang marrying Cui's daughter." Xu Shiying answered seriously.

"Isn't that true?" Wang Shuyong frowned slightly. "Third brother has never meant to interfere with the marriage of his subordinates. Wasn't it him who arranged your sister's marriage to King Xiongtian? Or is it that third brother disliked Cheng Dalang for beheading him first, or for marrying the Fang brothers?


"It should be because he hates the habit of climbing up to higher positions as soon as he gains power." Xu Shiying glanced at the other party and added a little.

"Isn't the chief also married to Bai's daughter?" Zhai Qian felt even more ridiculous when he heard this.

"So the chief didn't interfere, he was just angry." Xu Shiying replied casually. "In the final analysis, I feel that Cheng Dalang has been more private than public in recent years, and has many thoughts, but he has not focused on business. However, he is as slippery as a loach, and

It's not easy to get sick, even because of the cultivation and experience, the camp has really used three cents of its efforts, and it's not even easy to get demoted or transferred... And there must be worries that other people will be led by Cheng Dalang to mess around. After all,

Where is this? The real tough battle must be against Guanlong and the people from Jindi. I am obsessed with women and businessmen, how can I win? "

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and then felt relieved, and everyone spoke up, mocking Cheng Dalang for his lack of ambition.

However, Niu Da frowned slightly, and then asked again: "Don't you dislike the marriage between the Henan leader who leads the army and the Hebei family, and the big tail will not be lost?"

There was a sudden silence in the restaurant.

"There must be." Xu Shiying glanced at Niu Da and continued to speak easily. "If there are two or three more of these at once, the chief will definitely be angry... But anger is anger. In fact, according to the chief's habit, he will be angry.

Instead, this kind of thing goes beyond this level and only depends on the individual."

"What do you mean?" Niuda looked a little confused.

"That is to say... the so-called "big tail can't be eliminated" has never been the case. Since the establishment of the gang, we people have been the biggest trouble. And the reason why the chief has been able to turn the imaginary into reality step by step today, the so-called countermeasures, at least

It is a countermeasure to deal with people like us. It never means to attack a large area one by one." Xu Shiying spoke casually. "The three most common countermeasures...the first one is called killing people, which is to continuously expand the territory and expand the strength of the gang.

, attract new people to come in, and equally share the authority and importance of a single leader; the second is called establishing a system, which means speaking in terms of fairness, and then doing an above-board reorganization and establishing above-board rules for you to abide by.

Rules; the third one is for individuals...it depends on whether you are good or bad, either to win over you with kindness, or to suppress you with threats and punishments. In short, you are made to obey one by one. And what kind of gangs are not all human beings? As long as the leader

If the people are honest and obedient, everything will be solved."

Wang Shuyong, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have thought of something and suddenly laughed, but did not speak.

Niu Da, on the other hand, didn't care: "In this way, the third brother still cares most about Xu Dalang. It can be seen that Xu Dalang is the most powerful one among us."

Several people almost couldn't hold back their laughter, but Xu Shiying just snorted and said nothing.

Zhai Qian, on the other hand, came back and asked after a while: "If this is the case, do you want to give a little reminder to Cheng Dalang to take it easy?"

"Old Zhai wants to be a good person and do it on his own." Niu Da quickly shook his head. "Everyone has his own fate...and, if we follow Xu Dalang's words, the third brother is either scheming against the law or taking matters into his own hands. What should we remind you?

If he really failed, it was because of his own fault."

Several people nodded one after another.

"You can't say that." Zhai Qian said disapprovingly. "Who was as smart as Xu Dalang from the beginning? Even if he was as smart as Xu Dalang, wouldn't he also be blinded by private soldiers? These words are obvious from the chief.

It’s hard to say, then let’s tell Cheng Dalang, as a reminder, if he restrains himself a little, he may not end up like this in the future... Even Xu Dalang, now that things have happened, you should be less angry. You are so old, and you still need to be coaxed.

Isn’t it okay? People say that you used to speak beautifully but now you are reliable in your work. But isn’t it good that you can speak beautifully and be reliable in your work?”

Xu Shiying hesitated to speak. He never thought that he would be ridiculed by this rough man, and other people also nodded...as if everyone can be sarcastic? But you can't care about it...because he knows clearly,

My family's mentality has indeed been out of balance since coming to Hebei, and it has not been adjusted for a long time. It is no longer as good as the previous ones. In fact, it can be regarded as a different kind of self-destruction.

In this way, after talking for a while, Zhai Qianwu went down first and prepared to leave in the light rain, saying that he was going back to ask the clerk for help in writing a letter to Cheng Dalang.

The rest of the people looked at each other, but no one was willing to go with Zhai Qian to find Cheng Zhili.

However, when Zhai Qian walked downstairs, the people on the second floor could see clearly that a group of people suddenly came out of the cattle and horse camp opposite. The two sides bumped into each other, and it was Zhai Qian who took the initiative to say hello in the rain.

But it was Chief Zhang Xing, Dou Lide, Cao Xi and his wife, who seemed to have just returned from inspecting the Niu Ma Camp.

With their cultivation skills in mind, the leaders of both parties did not hold umbrellas and just talked in the drizzle. Then Zhai Qian pointed upstairs. The people upstairs were also embarrassed and wanted to go down together.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xing just held his hand from a distance and turned directly towards the city without looking back. On the contrary, Dou Lide looked this way repeatedly.

This made several people even more embarrassed - they said they were just and aboveboard and sent Niuda back to their base, but who among them didn't know the sensitivity of such a private gathering? Being bumped into today, Dou Lide and his gang must have thought too much, but it's okay, but

What if Chief Zhang remembers it and doesn't mention it at ordinary times, but if he has an attack one day and hangs out, whose fault will it be?

Not to mention the temporary embarrassment of these people, Zhang Xing hurried back to Jiangling City for a reason. These days, he has been heartbroken for this shabby gang.

Passing through the rain curtain and entering Cangcheng, the green bricks on the ground of Cangcheng have been washed away by the rain. Chief Zhang directly entered the largest public house, where Chen Bin, Cui Suchen, Xie Minghe, Ma Wei, and Yan Qing were present.

Waiting everywhere.

In addition to Dou Lide and Cao Xi who came with us, there were basically all the general managers who were in charge of daily general affairs.

"How do you say it?" Zhang Xing asked as soon as he entered the room.

"That's it, chief, we have a plan. We discussed it privately and found it feasible." Chen Bin, who was waiting for Zhang Xing, carefully looked at the chief in front of him, then glanced at the Dou Lide couple who followed, and then spoke slowly.

He said, "There seems to be some commotion within the gang at the moment. If this strategy can be implemented, it may be able to calm people's hearts in a short time... Moreover, it will be done sooner or later, and it is inevitable."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Xing was slightly surprised. "What do you mean there is some commotion within the gang?"

"It's just because of the external situation that everyone in the gang is a little uneasy." Xie Minghe was the first to answer. "There are wars on all sides, and those who are not fighting are also engaging in conspiracies and conspiracies, which has made everyone unable to sit still recently... sergeants, farmers, businessmen

We are worried that there will be a war. The officers and some leaders are agitating for a war. Some people take the opportunity to contact each other privately, either to get married or to reminisce about old times, as if they are preparing for something... Even you, the chief, have a straight face and are worried all day long.


Zhang Xing hesitated for a moment, but unexpectedly did not refute: "Then what is your plan?"

"We think we can add some official positions." Chen Bin took the words and answered them seriously.

Chief Zhang suddenly understood: "Create additional positions, promote and decentralize some people, and let them settle down?"

"That's the truth, but the key to this matter is whether the additional positions are reasonable or not..." Chen Bin continued. "Chief, don't you think Bohai County is too big?"

Zhang Xing became more and more confused.

There is nothing to say about this.

You must know that this world has entered a period of great chaos and division since the so-called former Tang Dynasty, due to land annexation, the merger of powerful powers, the monopoly of eunuchs and relatives, and the rampage of aristocratic families, which led to all-round collapse.

Big or small, Guo Zuo is long or short.

Among them, there may be overall systems, laws, civilization and inheritance lines, but the administrative division is undoubtedly a mess.

Even Dazhou and Dawei tried to correct it several times, but they never came back.

For example, at present, some governor-general prefectures are as large as Dengzhou, which are composed of three traditional medium-sized counties. For example, Youzhou is even more terrifying. Large counties such as Hejian and Bohai are also a bit scary. And some prefectures and counties, such as in

The ones on the north side of Yanshan Mountain and the south side of Dumo Desert are just too small.

There are four hundred states and counties in the world, and the Wei Dynasty occupies three hundred. This is not just a rumor, but it is indeed a phenomenon.

Back to the present, compared with the several counties in the east except Dengzhou, they are moderate in scale and have long historical origins. The current Bohai, Hejian, Xindu and other counties are actually facing the East after the elimination of the Eastern Qi.

The administrative boundaries of Qina are like "the fifty states of Dongyi", which are forcibly restored and combined, and do not match the actual situation.

"The main reason is that the Bohai Sea is too big." Cui Suchen rarely spoke. "Civil affairs documents and administrative regulations are often slow to respond. It is one level worse than several states and counties in the east. There is really no need to leave it so big."

Zhang Xing nodded, feeling relieved.

This is definitely not just a problem of Bohai itself being too big, but also a problem of the level of the prefect Zheng Ting. As the first batch of civil servants when the gang was established, the fact that this guy was squeezed to the end among all the people to serve as the prefect speaks for itself.

And Cui Suchen has always been unwilling to get involved in these things. Chen Bin can pull him out, which illustrates the problem even more.

"Then how should the Bohai Sea be divided? Does it have to be divided into two?" At this thought, Zhang Xing couldn't help but be curious.

"That's not the case." Chen Bin said seriously. "Our rough plan is to merge the counties south of the Majian River in the Bohai Sea with the northern part of Dengzhou, plus one county in Qi County... This place is actually the outlet of the big river.

Even in Haikou, most of the people here come from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and their cultural customs are similar, but there are few differences between the north and the south."

Zhang Xing nodded repeatedly, this is a very good plan, and the area is also suitable.

"Is this the only preparation?" Zhang Xing continued to ask. "Dividing a county can appease people's hearts."

"The other thing is that Cui is in charge. He said that he is in charge of confidential documents. In fact, he is in charge of multiple jobs. It's nothing more than the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Punishment. These two should always be separated, and the skills should be specialized.

We should recruit one person and leave it to others to take charge."

Zhang Xing nodded, having nothing to say.

In fact, nothing else matters. The so-called progress of the bureaucracy is nothing more than professionalization and official standardization. As long as it goes in this direction, there will be no problem. What's more, this is not considered a reform, because the Wei Dynasty

There are already the prototypes of three provinces and six divisions, and there is also an over-the-top attempt to move from the government army system to the recruitment system, and the gang itself followed this example at the beginning... It's just that the territory is small and military affairs are given priority, so there is no need to put some things out too early.

If I show it now, no one will find it strange.

"In terms of military, add a level of preparedness; for local administration, add a county; for Xingtai, add a civilian branch..." Zhang Xing calculated. "It's not impossible. It should calm the hearts of the people inside. In fact,

, I think there is no need to limit the division of responsibilities. As long as it is professional and useful, it can be set up. For example, one of our big problems is corvee labor, because we need to follow the army and civilians to maintain local water conservancy. This can also be set up independently.

...However, let’s not talk about this for the moment, do you have any candidates for the people’s department and the prefect?”

Dou Lide, who had been silent all this time, suddenly realized that this was the reason why these people carried out the sudden attack. The matter itself was fine, especially since Cui Suchen had given up one of the people in charge, which was even more remarkable.

But the problem is that these people, whether they are the initiators of the matter or the so-called insiders, can always get the follow-up and follow-up questions naturally.

This is the key.

But Dou Lide had no choice but to intervene, not only because Chen Bin launched a surprise attack, but also because he, Dou Lide, had no one on his side. There was no leader of this level and seniority in his small circle who could take over.

This is a conspiracy.

"If the people are in charge, there are quite a few county magistrates who have done a good job, or we can simply ask the other county magistrates if they are willing to come..." Chen Bin blurted out. "Including a few local magistrates who have returned home, also

It’s all okay.”

A person flashed in Zhang Xing's mind and he nodded immediately: "I asked one person first. If he doesn't agree, I will choose someone based on this idea... Where is the new county governor?"

"How is Cheng Dalang?" Chen Bin asked.

Zhang Xing immediately laughed out loud - these people saw that he looked bad these days, and then they probably guessed or asked about some possibility from Yan Qing, so they are waiting here.

Dou Lide was suddenly enlightened at this moment, but he also took a step forward and expressed his support: "I think Cheng Dalang is quite suitable. He is mature and good at civil and government affairs... but the chief feels that it is not good for him to serve as a county guard in my family.

, what if we let him exchange with Pingyuan or Jibei?"

Zhang Xing looked back at Dou Lide, who had just inspected the Niu Ma Camp with him. Due to the rain, livestock manure was lost there and the forage became damp. This kind of thing was reported. People like Chen Bin didn't understand its importance, but they basically didn't.

He will go to inspect it in person, but the Doulides can go to the dung pile with him to inspect it.

However, even such a hard-working person who dares to go to the bottom of the gang, even though he is the youngest member of the gang, also has his own selfish motives.

In fact, Dou Lide is almost the most selfish among these people, or the one who is least good at hiding it.

The reason why this guy was silent just now was because those two positions were out of his reach, and now he is talking because once Cheng Dalang takes office, Cheng Dalang's camp will be vacant, and there will be leaders who can be promoted to the top, and there will be people

If he can be promoted to leader and lead troops, his small team can have a bite here.

Who can hide this thought?

However, he was not prepared to have any rebellious mentality because of this, because these people were more or less working, and more or less they were doing business while thinking about their selfish interests. In contrast, Cheng Dalang's behavior made him, Chief Zhang, more and more dissatisfied.


Zhang Xing didn't believe that a sophisticated person like Cheng Zhili would not realize his dissatisfaction - he had previously encouraged everyone to congratulate him, and then when Cheng Zhili got married, he received neither gifts nor visits.

As a result, until now, we haven't seen any proactive statements from the other party.

We really need to give this guy, and also the whole gang, a clear warning.

"In principle, it's feasible." Zhang Xing nodded, and then looked at Dou Lide. "But you have to ask Cheng Dalang himself first."

Everyone was relieved, and maybe there was a feeling of "celebration" in their hearts, but it was hard to say.

After Zhang Xing agreed to this plan, he also returned to his office. First, he wrote a letter to the "qualified guardian Zhang Daxuan" who was far away in Jiyin, sincerely inviting him to serve as his people's supervisor. Then he hesitated and replied.

He wrote another rather unexpected letter, but it was actually written to Li Qingchen of Yecheng. It was a sincere letter of persuasion to surrender.

It didn't matter whether I wrote this letter or not, but considering that I asked Li Ding to relay the message to Qin Er before, and then asked Xie Minghe to relay the message to the fortune teller, I suddenly realized that Li Qingchen is now in Hebei.

The lone shadow disappeared.

Moreover, he is indeed employing people here, and he also believes that people like Li Twelve will be more useful once their brains are turned.

After writing the letter, Jia Runshi came in to arrange for someone to send it out. However, Chief Zhang looked at the drizzle outside the window and inexplicably thought of many old friends. He didn't know where the people he had experienced were in this troubled autumn.

Just as he was thinking about it, the autumn rain outside became heavier again, and the sound of rain suddenly woke him up.

Zhang Xing couldn't help but sigh and called a guard: "Go and invite Chief Dou and Chief Cao."

After a while, the Dou family and his wife, who were already in Cangcheng, arrived together.

"If it continues to rain, will there be floods?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

"It's hard to say." Dou Lide was a little uneasy, and then looked at his wife.

"There will always be waterlogging, but once the crops have been harvested, it doesn't matter... If you are worried about major floods, then only Qingzhangshui may cause trouble, and for Qingzhangshui, you have to look at the water level of Gaojibo." Cao Cao

Xi replied fluently. "That's the only place along the road without an embankment."

"Then I'll go there now!" Zhang Xing stood up. "I'm always uneasy if I don't understand this matter... You and your wife don't need to accompany me. I can just ask the locals when I get there."

Dou and Cao had nothing to say.

However, when the two of them followed Zhang Xing out, Dou Lide couldn't help but ask: "Chief, everyone says that the chief looks bad these days. Is it because he is worried about the rain?"

"After the drought, it rains again in autumn. How dare you neglect it?" Zhang Xing said helplessly. "However, there are too many things to worry about. If this matter can account for 30% to 50% of achievements, it is good."

As expected, Dou Lide felt disappointed.

Although he had long realized that benevolence and righteousness, which he was best at, often felt like he was inferior in front of the chief, but when he met him again, he still couldn't help but feel frustrated.

Without further ado, Zhang Xing set out that day with Jia Runshi and dozens of other riders. They rested in Changhe for a night, and were escorted by patrolmen the next day. They arrived at the farming site of Gaojibo before noon and saw the Gaojibo water as expected.

The weather has risen, and the mottled swamps we saw once in the summer have already become one.

However, the answer given by an old local farmer is somewhat reassuring - although the water has risen, it is far from causing floods, as long as the rain does not go crazy in the future.

This is mainly because the surrounding water conservancy ditches were cleaned in time to relieve drought in the summer, so they were properly dredged.

Zhang Xing felt relieved a little and was about to leave, but at this moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of him - it was not a chance encounter, but he heard that he was here. He just arrived and pursued him.

"King Xiongtian...why are you in such a hurry that you actually leave the king's ministers behind and turn back in a hurry?" Zhang Xing couldn't help but be surprised.

"I got the news from about seven or eight days ago. The Wu clan invaded in large numbers. There were nearly 300,000 troops in the central and eastern parts of the country. Eight out of ten of Chen Ling's men surrendered and were heading towards Guanzhong." The person who came was exactly that.

I went to Daijun before, to Xiong Bonan of Hengshan Mountain. "It's a very important matter. I came back directly from Daijun... I don't know if Cao Lin will be dispatched this time."

In the drizzle, the surrounding attendants and patrolmen were already frightened. Even Dou Xiaoniang, who has always been fearless, was obviously a little uneasy.

But Chief Zhang Xingzhang actually remained calm: "I have to come... To be honest, I came too late, which shows that they still haven't figured things out internally."

Seeing the other party's reaction, Xiong Bonan felt that he was making a fuss.

"By the way, there are many mountainous areas in Hengshan and Daijun. Where do you come from? Can you see how many flash floods there are?" Zhang Xing asked seriously.

"Yes..." Xiong Bonan thought for a while and realized there was quite a lot. "There is obviously more rain in autumn, and because of the drought, the rivers are not clean and the ditches are blocked, so there are particularly many flash floods, and some towns are flooded.

Breaking news."

Zhang Xing finally changed his expression. The thing he was more worried about had happened - the natural disaster had already happened, but the efforts to maintain water conservancy had made it less obvious in his own territory. The impact of natural disasters was actually no less than that of military disasters. If

The combination of the two, plus this year's poor harvest, is likely to trigger a real overall collapse.

In this case, the so-called "Hebei order" that he worked so hard to maintain is likely to be in vain.

Of course, that is to think about the worst, and think about the best. As the only company that still persists in cleaning and maintaining water conservancy in troubled times, as long as it is determined, it seems that it will have some advantages.

No matter what, Chief Zhang was confused for a moment.


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