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Two hundred and fortieth chapters walk (12)

 As an earthy yellow stream of light suddenly rolled through the already silent camp like a tornado, Qu Tuda, who was about to rest, was frightened for a moment, and almost instinctively wanted to fly into the air to deal with the enemy.

However, due to the qualities he had developed in the military camp for many years, he still suppressed this impulse, picked up his side armor, hid in the side tent, and asked his personal guards to help put it on... After all, practitioners are also human beings, and the Dantian is really

Qi is limited, and many masters have died after running out of Qi. Back then, one of the ancestors of the Xie family, who was astonishingly talented, fought all the way from the Yangtze River to the bank of the river, and even broke through the great master in battle, but still exhausted his Qi and blood and died on the battlefield.

...In comparison, a layer of iron armor itself is a body-protecting Qi that does not require much consumption of Qi. An iron spear is comparable to a piece of Zhen Qi transformed into shape, and is even more effective.

It was this act that saved Qutuda.

This is not to say that his armored spear had any immediate effect, but that just by piercing the armor, he successfully avoided the army's trap - in fact, when the Dongdu Pioneer General had just finished donning

At that time, when the camp outside was also in chaos, suddenly, there was a huge pressure of true energy coming from the other side of the river out of thin air. Its force was as big as some huge wave rising from the sky and hitting us head on at night.

The man staggered out of the tent, and when he looked in the dark night, he saw a huge purple curtain with a dim light, and dozens of stars attached to it. It turned over from the river, and he didn't know where it was. Someone had just crashed into the lake.

The alarm drove away the fish, and now the big net follows closely behind!

If he had been the first to face the enemy and was entangled by others, and the purple curtain rushed towards him, his life or death would have been uncertain.

However, at this time, Qu Tuda was not only afraid of the aftermath of the disaster, but also clearly felt that he was overwhelmed by the collapse of the mountain ahead.

This is the effect of a night raid.

The generals were unable to effectively convey orders and organize defenses. Ordinary soldiers lost their vision and were completely unable to realize the number of incoming troops in the dark... More importantly, Qu Tuda knew exactly where the opponent's hard power lay. As a general, he

From the perspective of combat power, it is vulnerable. Let alone trying to organize a defense, if it just shows up, it will probably be quickly targeted and eradicated.

In the dark night, the only thing he could do was to keep silent, hide in the messy tent, and watch his troops be dispersed from the camp that was not strong in the first place.

A quarter of an hour later, reinforcements arrived as promised. Dozens of streams of light, mainly gold and light gold, mixed with red and cyan, flew from the main camp of the Taiyuan Army in the southwest like a rainbow bridge.

This scene not only made Qu Tuda feel relieved, but also made him a little frustrated... After all, although the reinforcements came very quickly, due to the rapid surprise attack and heavy investment, the less than 2,000 people in his unit were probably frightened and fled.

Half of it.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that General Qutu waited for a moment before taking to the air, and before reinforcements arrived, he showed up and started fighting with the opponent.

As soon as they fought, he clearly recognized one of his opponents - the yellow wind monster Wu Jingfeng!

After a moment, the reinforcements arrived, and Qu Tuda couldn't help but feel refreshed, because he was keenly aware that the reinforcements had spent a lot of money, and almost all of the nearly twenty people who came were masters of elixir condensation or above, which was in sharp contrast.

What's strange is that although the thieves are the attackers, only seven or eight of the twenty or thirty so-called masters who came are facing up. The rest are more like appendages attached to the giant purple screen. They can only stand in front of them.

Under the protection of the giant screen, one can fight with the masters of the Taiyuan Army, and all the movements that look like leaping with vitality seem to be more like being passively transferred by the giant screen.

In other words, there is a significant difference in the number of Dan Condensing masters in the army's raiding force compared to the Taiyuan Army. In terms of overall strength, the Taiyuan Army has the upper hand.


"Is this the Purple Flag Heavenly King Xiong Bonan?" Liu Yangji, as the leader of the team, naturally asked his old acquaintance Qu Tuda immediately when he saw such a huge scene.

"Of course it is!" Qu Tuda was very nervous, but he instantly provided a warning. "General Liu, not only Xiong Bonan is powerful, but Wu Jingfeng and Xu Shiren are also extraordinary masters. Why don't we all form a tight formation and work together to drive them away?"

, with such a clear confrontation, it is also possible to calm down the morale of the army at night!"

Before Liu Yangji agreed, Bai Liben had already led several people to fight against him, fighting with Wu Jingfeng, Xu Shiren and others.

Only when the purple curtain rolled up did Bai Liben and others immediately fall into a clear disadvantage.

Liu Yangji looked ahead, thought for a moment, and immediately made a decision: "What the British want to do is to test the combat strength of both sides as much as possible. It doesn't matter what method is used... It's okay to have a random fight. If it's not appropriate, we can just do it again."


After saying that, Wu jumped up high and got directly involved in the battle group.

Qutuda sighed, understanding in his heart... On the one hand, this man relied on his strong strength, but on the other hand, he was obviously unwilling to care about his subordinate Dongdu Vanguard Force. He didn't know whether he simply looked down on him or just ignored him.

What other thoughts are there?

But wanting to think about it, Qutuda had no choice but to join the battle group.

In this way, tonight's army raid completely fell into a chaotic battle due to the arrival of Taiyuan reinforcements, and both sides soon realized that the battle seemed chaotic, but in fact it fell into some strange dynamic balance.

The problem lies with Xiong Bonan.

To settle the accounts, according to the so-called Trinity Advanced Algorithm, the Taiyuan Army is superior no matter what, and according to experience, the number of Qi Jing masters who helped me must die to be worthy of today's battle, but the reality is that,

I don’t know if it was the purple-faced king or the purple-flag king’s giant screen that easily offset everything.

The two sides were coming and going, and the streams of light were intersecting. Together with the giant purple screen, from a distance, it was like a giant flag floating in the air and a huge ball of light constantly intersecting.

And after fighting until midnight, many people wrapped in the giant curtain took the initiative to retreat and walked north along the river. The Taiyuan Army masters who had already seemed a little tired and panicked in the previous battle did not pursue...including that one.

As the giant screen slowly crossed the river, some people impulsively wanted to strike again, but because the others had no intention of helping, they did not successfully activate it. Instead, they sat back and watched the opponent cross the river, calmly dispersing the purple screen and disappearing.

In the army camp.

In this way, the Taiyuan army returned to the camp.

At this time, the British Duke had already rested, and everyone could only return to the camp under the arrangement of several generals. It was not until the next morning, when the drums were beaten in the camp and the generals gathered in the camp, and everyone who had a hurried breakfast arrived at the building that was being established.

In the Chinese army's tent behind the rammed earth general platform, I met the British Duke and made a report.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the report, Bai Hengqiu was not angry but happy:


Many people were surprised, but no one would refute it out of curiosity. They just stared seriously at this master who had temporarily mastered the 12 counties in the Jin Dynasty... or more.

Sure enough, Bai Hengqiu continued to explain without any haste:

"Actually, even if we have experienced this kind of large-scale war twice, we are all blind and trying to grasp the elephant, and we cannot be completely sure... Such as last night's battle, this kind of one grandmaster, several people formed elixirs, and dozens of people condensed elixirs in front of them.

There is no way to refer to the scene of chaotic fighting, even if there is precedent. Before the fight, who can say that this is the situation?

"And now it seems that the wonderful thing about last night's battle is that after the grandmaster manifested the visualization object, the effect was so great, whether it was attack or defense, that it could not be offset by three Chengdan...

Is that true? This is just like once a person condenses the elixir and has the body-protecting energy and the power to leap, although in name he is only the top three of the magical scriptures, he can move around like the wind and is well-prepared, so he can easily cut them off one by one. "

Everyone said yes, and Li Ding and some others already knew what Bai Hengqiu meant.

"Then let me ask, who can be my target in the battle tomorrow?" Bai Hengqiu looked around, twirling his beard and laughing on the spot. The laughter shook the entire camp. "Xiong Bonan?!"

The people around him were all awe-inspiring, and even those who had a little thought had to be convinced after thinking about it.

And Bai Hengqiu was not a wanton and arrogant person. After saying these words, he became awe-inspiring: "Okay, this matter is over. Let us now discuss the matter of sending out a large number of troops tomorrow!"

On the contrary, the generals were stunned, obviously not expecting the other party to be so straightforward.

Soon, Sun Shunde, who had regained his composure, also came to ask directly: "Don't you have to wait for Duke Duan? He will be there at noon. General Qutu is also packing up the camp and gathering the remaining soldiers across the river."

"That's not necessary." Bai Hengqiu pressed his hands on the gum and said calmly. "Because in this battle, I have never thought of using Dongdu soldiers. As long as they hold down the other side of the river to prevent reinforcements or the enemy from breaking through...

So, when Mr. Duan comes at noon, I will go find him and give him a special message."

Everyone understood and nodded.

Not only that, the British Duke looked at Li Ding, who was the first on his left: "Master Li, in tomorrow's battle, you will lead the Wu'an Hongshan soldiers as the rear army, and watch me defeat the thieves."

At this time, even though Li Ding had already known that the other party had already made up his mind, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "It all depends on Duke Bai's orders."

Let's say that last night's battle between Qingzhangshui and Hedong was actually a draw between the Gang and the Taiyuan Army. Only the vanguard of Qutuda's tribe suffered... In fact, the army wanted to use this battle to boost the somewhat stubborn morale.

, and the Taiyuan Army just wanted to test the strength of the army, so the battle itself was insignificant in terms of the overall situation.

However, the significance of individual military battles is not only to serve the overall military situation, but also has political significance in itself.

That night, there were countless streams of light and purple flags like clouds, which could be seen everywhere. How could the surrounding people not know that there was a big conflict? The Grandmaster's action was already the limit of the previous Hebei war.

Moreover, this was actually the first large-scale battle since the gang made a large-scale march to seize Liyangcang last year. After the Taiyuan Army rushed in, such a battle happened almost that night, which shows the strong will of both sides to fight, and

A state of mutual determination.

Therefore, on the third day of February, the two armies were in full swing and making various plans to prepare for the decisive battle tomorrow. With the arrival of 30,000 Dongdu troops, it became clear that something had gone terribly wrong here in Qinghe County.

"Uncle finally met me." At noon, Cui Suchen and Cui Erlang walked into the back hall of the Cui family's small house in Qinghe, Wucheng County, and couldn't help but smile when they looked at the people on the throne.

"I was busy the past two days and didn't have time to see Erlang." Cui Tuan, the leader of the Cui clan in Qinghe, also had a smile on his face, and there was nothing strange about him. "What does Erlang want from me?"

"What have uncle been busy with these past two days?" Cui Erlang didn't sit down and just asked with his hands in hand.

"I am preparing to raise troops and change banners to seize Wucheng, echoing my old friend the British Duke, so as to return Hebei to the imperial rule." Cui Tuang did not hide anything.

"I didn't know that my uncle was so loyal to the Wei Dynasty." Cui Suchen couldn't help laughing.

"Da Wei and I only have grievances, no kindness, so how can we be loyal?" Cui Suan also smiled. "Sit down, let us talk slowly."

Only then did Cui Suchen take his seat.

Cui Tuan also became serious and told the information: "The British Duke and Li Ding arrived yesterday, with 40,000 to 50,000 people, of which 30,000 were Taiyuan elites; Duke Duan should also have arrived at this time, and there are many soldiers and horses in the Eastern Capital.

You should know better than me... In the first half of last night, the thieves made a surprise attack with all their main force. Xiong Bonan led the team, but they were still easily blocked by some masters of the Taiyuan Army... Erlang, the thieves' benefit of the world is good,'

It may or may not make sense to depose those who are good at benefiting the world, but Zhang Xing doesn't have the chance to verify it, so our choice is logical. It's rare that the British Duke gives you a chance. You can stay and hide it.

That’s it.”

"Winning or losing can only be determined on the battlefield. All predictions and calculations are nonsense." Cui Suchen responded calmly.

"But predictions and calculations are the basis for betting." Cui Suan replied patiently. "If you don't bet on something with a high chance of winning, how can you bet on something with a small chance of winning?"

"But the odds of victory are also divided into big calculations and small calculations." Cui Suchen did not hesitate. "Small calculations are just like my uncle, staring at a battlefield to measure the strength of the troops, the level of practitioners, the sharpness of the weapons, and the big calculations.

, it depends on the people's hearts, institutions, laws, morals, population, geography...Looking at it in turn, the army has six victories, and Taiyuan East has six defeats!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Cui Tuan laughed angrily. "Six wins and six defeats... Isn't it just a release of grain that bought some people's hearts? But Erlang, let me ask you, can you be bought by that little grain?

What power does a person have to influence the outcome? Not to mention, this incident has further exposed one of Zhang San’s weaknesses, that is, he is not manipulative enough!”

"What should I say?" Cui Suchen, who had already thought of his rebuttal, was suddenly stunned.

"Think about it, what would happen if he waited for half a year, until Hebei was starved and people would die without food, before he tried this strategy?" Cui Tang sneered. "The whole of Hebei will be bought by him by then.

Well, we can only accept it because of our family's position, not to mention that the British Duke had already lost his patience and entered the country! It's nothing like what he did last year. At that time, everyone had three months of food at home, and the invitation to buy was not popular.

It’s only half as expensive!”

Cui Suchen was silent for a moment and reminded seriously: "Uncle, this is the morality I want to say... Do you think Chief Zhang doesn't understand this principle? He doesn't understand, Chen Bin doesn't understand, or Xu Shiying doesn't understand?"

Cui Tang was startled for a moment, then suppressed his smile: "That's okay, there are always some people who recognize this as you do."

"As for talking about the human heart and power, please forgive me." Cui Erlang stopped the topic upon seeing this and returned to the beginning. "Power is provided by people. As long as you master the human heart, you can completely cultivate new power..."

"Does that little kid of his want to give orders to build a foundation?" Cui Tang visibly slowed down and seemed to want to say something after hearing this, but he just smiled.

"Yes." Cui Suchen said firmly.

"That's alright." Cui Tuan sighed. "Even if you went to Hongshan and debated the right way, it's just people's hearts. How can the system be good or bad? It's all the foundation of the three provinces and six departments of the Wei Dynasty.


"Although the level of governance is the same, here we respect the rights and responsibilities of the leader and the big leader, so that these people can take responsibility and do things when necessary. But in the British government, one person is the leader and the rest are servants!" Cui Suchen said sincerely

Lai said. "To be specific, Duke Bai is counting on the strong wind and rain to hit Chief Zhang, so that the rest of the troops will not dare not to follow up, and the gang will not dare not to repeat... I think the former has some calculations."

, but the latter is extremely difficult! I can’t think of any big leader who would surrender, even if the chief is surrounded.”

"If that's the case, I won't ask about laws, population, and geography." Cui Suan shook his head and said. "I don't believe they won't rebel, let alone what effect Zhang San's bizarre systems can have... Besides, what do you think?

After all, I just want to say that even if the thieves are defeated, as long as Zhang Xing can escape, they can make a comeback and sweep Hebei, right?"

"Yes." Cui Erlang asked immediately. "Isn't it?"

Cui Tang sneered, his attitude obvious.

Seeing this situation, Cui Suchen sincerely reminded: "Uncle, you are the clan leader of Xiaofang, and actually the clan leader of the entire Qinghe Cui clan. You must consider the Qinghe Cui clan. The clan is based in Hebei. How can you easily gain power because of some people?"

And what about going against the strongest force in the local area? Not to mention the possibility of Chief Zhang making a comeback, even if he took ten thousand steps back, Chief Zhang was defeated and died, but Mr. Bai turned around and went to Kansai. Aren't you afraid of revenge?

How can you, a literary cultivator who hasn't left home for many years, really be able to protect you?"

Cui Tang was silent for a while.

"Besides, there is another critical point." Cui Suchen finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around to get some tea from the cupboard next to him, and drank half a bowl. "Uncle, you just said you were going to change your army, right?"


"But have you ever thought about it, uncle, that Wucheng is not only the ancestral home of the Cui family, but also the hometown of Dou Lide and the gang leaders?" Cui Erlang said sincerely. "The gang in Gaojibo, the city

Most of the field soldiers here are natives of the country, and they are connected to each other. They are even related to the Cui family... Since ancient times, the family has never heard of having to fight with the locals... I just want to ask my uncle one thing

, if the two sides raise an army today and the blood flows out like rivers in this hometown of Wucheng, will it be worth it or not in terms of the gains and losses of the family for hundreds or thousands of years?"

"Erlang's words make sense." After Cui Suan heard this, he slowly nodded in agreement. "So what can I do?"

"Of course it's time to stop. Don't raise troops and change banners." Cui Suchen said hurriedly.

Cui Tuan slowly shook his head: "Erlang, I know all the truths you said, but the problem is that I still think that the British Duke has a better chance of winning this battle. And if we break the contract at this time, once the front is defeated, the distance between here and

The battlefield is only a few dozen miles away, so what if our Cui clan is destroyed easily? Compared with this, the problems you mentioned are not problems at all..."

At this point, he was sitting in the main seat, and his words gradually became slow and firm: "Erlang, in troubled times, the survival of a big family like ours is difficult at every step, how can it be so appropriate? I can only choose a wider one.

Let's go on the right path! Let me tell you clearly that I am extremely disgusted with those who "depose those who are good at benefiting the world", but my actions this time are absolutely not mixed with any personal thoughts. They are all for the survival of the family... I am public and selfless.

!So, I still hope you stay, and I also want you to persuade those people to surrender for me, so as not to cause rebellion in the countryside."

When Cui Erlang heard this, he knew that he could not be persuaded, but he also sighed in the seat: "If this is the case, I also have a word...Uncle, you only have publicity and selflessness in your eyes, but I only have selfishness and selflessness...

I don't really care about my family now, I just want to follow Chief Zhang and fulfill my life's ambition!"

"Do you think he will succeed in the end?" Cui Tuan frowned. "Even if he survives this time and controls Hebei, he may not be the opponent of Duke Bai who will take Guanxi and then turn around in the future, right?"

"That's not what I meant." Cui Suchen sighed again. "If that's the case, wouldn't it be considered that I have both public and private considerations? Uncle, like you, I also feel that Guan Long may be the proud one in the end. I don't need to tell you the truth about the balance of power.

You have told me everything; and I also feel that the backbone leaders of the gang are mixed; I also feel that Chief Zhang’s behavior is a bit childish; I feel that Li Shu is dissatisfied... Even aside from trying to persuade you just now, I also thought that I saw

The chief is surrounded and defeated, there will be chaos around him, and there will be people who betray him...but I will still follow him!"

"Why?" Cui Tang was completely puzzled.

Cui Suchen did not answer, but asked another question: "Uncle, do you know when I made up my mind to follow Chief Zhang?"

Cui Tan slowly shook his head.

"It was the last time I was here, specifically on the corridor outside, where I read an article by Zhang Xing..." Cui Suchen pointed outside with his finger.

"An article..." Cui Suan sneered.

"One article is enough, because it can tell a lot of things." Cui Suchen suddenly raised his voice. "The article is the person. It can be seen from the way the article is written that he is a person who respects the law. Judging from the content, it is even more

It shows that he is someone who wants to use grammarians and officials to rule the world! Later, when I followed him and saw his daily life, I realized that he was the noblest of all the heroes I have seen in my life. Among the heroes, he was the one who least used his personal power to dominate.

, the one who has the best desire for personal control, the one who respects the rules, systems, organizations, and laws the most...Uncle, you should know where my selfishness lies. For this reason, it is only possible that he will win the world.

, I will follow him to the end! If I die on the road, I will die on the road! Because only by following him can I have any hope of seeing the world that I want to see most in my life! Just a little bit is enough!"

Having said this, Cui Suchen suddenly stood up, put away his previous high-pitched tone, and came to worship in the hall: "If my uncle's plan has been decided, please let me go! In this way, my uncle will be punished by the law in the future, and I won't be there either.

Inherit the Qinghe Cui family?"

Cui Tuan tilted his head slightly and stared at the other party, but finally smiled and waved his hand: "Go, but go to the other side of the river... Even if you want to follow him, don't die in vain, just wait for the news outside, over there

The war cannot be solved by your Wenxiu Ningdan alone."

Cui Erlang still handed over his hand: "If so, let me ask one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Uncle is raising an army, is there any help?" Cui Suchen answered seriously. "With all due respect, although uncle is a master, there are some things that cannot be accomplished by one person."

"Of course, and there is no cover. It will be launched today. Shi Huaiming promised me! He will pretend to be reinforcements and come to Wucheng from east to west to take over the city." Cui Tuan answered simply. "And if it is Shi Huaiming

Fame can't make anything happen. According to the words of the British Duke, there are still some famous generals in the eastern capital who will directly attack Qinghe City in the west and then come to help me... Don't have any hope. It's just an empty city with only soldiers stationed there.

It is the foundation of our Cui family, and with foreign aid and local soldiers and horse guards defecting, we will definitely not be able to defeat it."

Cui Suchen was startled for a moment, then nodded: "Shi Huaiming originally surrendered, but he surrendered too easily. He is a native of Qinghe, and it is normal for him to be trapped by his uncle... But with all due respect, this person is not capable enough, and

We are all from our hometown and it is very easy to leak out. Therefore, with the help of him, the leader of the gang, we may indeed be able to finally capture Wucheng, but he alone is not enough to do it without a loss of blood. He may even wait until Dongdu troops arrive, causing more trouble.

Big damage."

"Then there's nothing we can do about it. I'll just let your chief Zhang take legal action from me in the future." Cui Suan shook his head and said, "It's really helpless... you should leave quickly!"

"In that case, let me take them away!" Cui Suchen suddenly said seriously.

Cui Tang was startled: "What do you mean?"

"Uncle, I am the person in charge of Xingtai's documents. Uncle has not directly started an uprising, so I will tell them that this is Xingtai's military order, and then I will personally lead the remaining soldiers in the city across the river to join Dou Lide and his men.

, they will definitely not doubt..." Cui Erlang responded slowly. "If this happens, I will not only save the defenders of the two cities, but also prevent the family from losing its reputation, and help my uncle succeed, why not do it?

If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter if my uncle raises another army when the time comes."

Cui Tang was not a fool, nor was he suspicious. He thought for a few breaths before nodding directly: "That's it!"

Cui Erlang handed him over and walked out.

And when he walked to the corridor outside the door, he saw Cui Twenty-sixth Lang who had led him here before, but his heart moved slightly: "Twenty-sixth Lang, your previous Twenty-seventh Lang got the news, and you will come back soon."


"Yes." Cui Yuchen, who had obviously listened to all the conversations outside the hall, answered carefully.

"Then you come with me." Cui Suchen sighed. "It's better to pretend to be more like you."

Cui Yuchen did not answer, but after a while, he heard that there was no unnecessary sound in the hall. When Cui Suchen walked away directly, he gritted his teeth and turned around to follow.

Not to mention Cui Erlang's impulse, just that Cui Erlang went to see the garrison defending the city... Facts have proved that his strategy was completely effective. The Wucheng garrison only had three villages, with 1,500 people, and the three

The village chief heard the words and saw him. He heard that he was going after Dou Lide. Although he hesitated, he still obeyed the order. That afternoon he left the city lightly and followed Cui Erlang, Cui Erlang and others to cross Qingzhang in the south.

Water, followed the official road to the east to chase Dou Lide.

In the evening of the same day, they arrived at Liting City. Cui Suchen was relieved, but he went straight to the city wall and called the local garrison and the several commanders of the field army who had just arrived, not only to make an explanation, but also to find out the news.

"Captain Huang, right?" Cui Erlang saw a village chief salute and introduce him. As soon as Cui Erlang opened his mouth, he suddenly stopped and stared at the person behind him. "Aren't you Han Erlang? You are the defender of Licheng.

?We met once at Cao Fujun’s place.”

It turned out that Cui Suchen, as the person in charge of the surrender of the Qinghe garrison, still remembered a lot of information from that day.

The former deputy captain and current deputy commander Han Erlang slightly cupped his hands and said in a low voice: "Yes."

Cui Suchen nodded when he saw this, but he had no time to say more. He just went to several village chiefs and asked: "Where are Chief Dou and the others?"

Several village chiefs looked at each other, among them Chief Huang was obviously the leader, and immediately reported: "Reporting to Branch Manager Cui, Manager Dou and the others did not enter the city along the way. Yesterday they arrived at the junction of Qinghe River in the plain fifty miles south, and stopped.


Cui Suchen left early that night. He only knew some general plans before, but he didn't know that Dou Lide and the others did not go directly to Jiangling according to the original plan, so he had no doubts at all, but felt relieved: "That's good! I have to go back to the chief.

I won’t pursue you anymore. You will stay in the city for the time being and ask for military orders from Chief Dou or Deputy Commander Chen... Before that, there are six villages, headed by Chief Huang."

Huang Tunzhang was well-informed, and while agreeing, he couldn't help but look back at Han Erlang... I don't know where, maybe it was because of Han Erlang's face, but he knew his own affairs, and something was really going to happen.

, we must also rely on Han Erlang.

On the other side, Cui Suchen went straight down to the city after his explanation, then took four horses and headed west along the way they came with Cui Ershiliu Lang.

How fast are two people riding four?

Before the second watch, they came to a semi-permanent pontoon bridge where they had crossed the river from Wucheng.

At this time, Cui Erliulang finally said something while panting: "Brother..."

"Call me to take charge!" Cui Suchen, who immediately stood in front of the pontoon, recalled coldly.

Cui Yuchen was shocked and immediately realized: "Second...isn't the person in charge going back to Wucheng?"

"We are going to see Chief Zhang." Cui Suchen's expression remained unchanged and he responded slowly. "I came to Wucheng this time on orders to investigate the movements of my uncle. I just responded to the situation. Although things are not as expected now, they are still considered.

I have done my best to end it, and now I naturally have to go back to resume my life...and you are at home on vacation, so it is time to go back and serve your duties!"

Cui Yuchen shook his head repeatedly: "Didn't my uncle say that? What's the use of going to a place like that? Being in charge means being loyal, so why not stay outside the battlefield and observe the situation? It's obvious that a fierce battle is coming over there!"

"I'm observing the situation now and then take action." Cui Erlang said in a serious tone. "A fierce battle is about to take place. How can we not win without us two literary cultivators?! How can we not go?! After crossing the river, we are not allowed to approach Wucheng.

Immediately said, follow me to see Chief Zhang!"

After saying that, he ignored the clan brothers behind him, got off his horse, led the two horses onto the pontoon, and headed to the other side of the river.

At the fourth watch, Cui Erlang and Cui Erlang entered the gang camp from the north and the rear and met Zhang Xing.

At this time, the camp was filled with smoke.

ps: Thank you Mr. Baicai for joining me... My lumbar spine hurts so much that I can’t stand up.

This chapter has been completed!
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