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The forty-third chapter Guanshan trip (1)

Amid the croaking of frogs, the sun rises.

"We have something to talk about at the beginning." Zhang Xing looked at the Jing'an Tai Jishuitan frog who jumped into the main room without fear of anyone, picked up the hot porridge bowl, and suddenly spoke inexplicably. "Fen Niang, at your age, you should also

You are sensible. Judging from how you cried yesterday, you must be sensible...I said hello directly, you know that your father will definitely die, right?"

Qin Bao, who was across the table, was surprised for a moment and wanted to put down his bowl of porridge and say something.

Unexpectedly, Fen Niang, who was wearing an apron, simply said: "I know."

"And to be fair to you, the superiors and those noble people may not really care, and may even mean to show their respect. But if someone really takes it seriously and exposes it, then you will definitely die." Zhang Xing was holding the porridge.

, continued to speak coldly. "Not only will you die by then, but Qin Bao and I won't be able to escape either... You also know this truth, right?"

"I know." Fenniang grabbed her apron, still doing so simply.

"Then let's make a three-part agreement." Zhang Xing nodded in response with a cold tone. "First, don't show your face without permission; second, if you meet someone, you have no choice but to just say that they are Qin Erlang's distant cousin. The Central Plains has been hit by a disaster.

The house is in ruins, and I'm looking for Erlang to find a way out; thirdly, you'd better change your clothes, pull up your hair, or even think of a new name... okay?"

"The new name is easy, you can call it whatever you want." Fen Niang thought for a moment, but still showed no hesitation. "But if I don't show up, how can I buy rice, noodles and firewood? The firewood is all wet and the noodles are moldy.

Even the stables in the backyard were flooded."

"Qin Bao and I are here to buy." Zhang Xing said, looking at Qin Bao with a serious tone. "Qin Erlang, you will move here today... From now on, you will live in the east courtyard, I will live in the west courtyard, and she will live in the backyard as a part-time caregiver.

Horses, the kitchen in the main room is shared...you will move it later. After moving and repairing the stables, I will go shopping on the cross street."

Qin Bao nodded in a panic. In the rhythm of the two people, he was obviously not in tune.

"So what is my name?" Fenniang turned and left, then looked back at the threshold and asked.

"Call me Liniang." Zhang Xing glanced at the "The Legend of the Heroine Li Yue" that he had placed in the main room before, and chose a tacky name almost perfunctorily.

"Can't you call me Yueniang?" Fenniang followed the other person's gaze and glanced at the book, making a proactive effort for herself. "I heard a lecturer talk about "The Story of Li Yue" on Fangli Cross Street."

"Then let's call her Yueniang." Zhang Xing didn't bother to think about it at all.

In this way, it was not until noon that Zhang Xingcai and Qin Bao settled a mess at home, then mounted their official horses and slowly and leisurely went to the main station of Jing'an, which was only a sky street and a pool of water away from Chengfufang.


Entering Taichung, the place is still chaotic. Yesterday's casualties in Zhengpingfang, the major case of the Minister of Punishment being beheaded in the street, and the chaotic organizational situation where many people are still staying in various neighborhoods in Nancheng all make the island look chaotic and chaotic.

Out of order.

Zhang Xing, Qin Bao and others searched for a long time before slowly gathering with Qian Tang, Li Qingchen and others, but Bai Yousi was still missing.

However, in the afternoon, as the news of Zhong Cheng's return from Nanya came, the order on the island gradually stabilized.

Then, amidst the croaking of frogs in the surrounding pools, Zhu Shou and Hei Shou emerged from the black tower one after another and conveyed orders one after another. As these orders were conveyed, things in the entire Eastern Capital City seemed to be in turmoil.

Develop towards a gentle state:

All buildings in Nancheng were evacuated on the spot and the search was stopped;

Zhengpingfang took great measures to deal with the aftermath;

Discussion of the assassination case was strictly prohibited, and the relevant criminals were imprisoned under the Black Tower.

Of course, there is a more humane order. Starting from the next day, each regular group and patrol group will be divided into three teams. They will take turns to perform duty and rest until an emergency occurs. Otherwise, it will continue until the next day.

Summer season.

After hearing this order, Zhang Xing already understood that Zhang Wenda's death should have quickly prompted the decision-making at the highest level. As for whether the decision-making was slow or urgent, strict or loose, it is not necessarily easy to say... but after all, there is no need to game and pull.

Let these little pawns go to waste.

"Did you go to see your landlord yesterday?"

Arrangements were made from above. As the person in charge, Bai Yousi naturally had to make arrangements and comfort the patrolmen who had gone through what happened yesterday. But when it was Zhang Xing's turn, she first mentioned what happened after yesterday's separation.

Of course, it's not that surprising.

"Yes." Zhang Xing nodded and asked sincerely. "You didn't cause any trouble for the inspection, did you?"

"No." Bai Yousi slowly shook his head. "People who are merciless will be really looked down upon by others... Besides, Chai Changjian was in front of Chai Changjian during the conversation yesterday. With him as guarantee, no one could say anything."

"Have you talked to the patrol inspector?" Zhang Xing was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Bai Yousi nodded and said casually. "Chai Changjian is an old man from Zhu Shou. He is usually gentle. He is trusted by Zhongcheng and has a lot of support for young people. Everyone respects him."

"Last time, he worked hard to investigate the case and vindicated my injustice." Zhang Xing naturally nodded repeatedly, but suddenly asked, "Inspection inspector, do you want me to go and thank you?"

Bai Yousi was startled for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and glanced at the other person: "Are you going to find Chai Changjian to express your gratitude?"

"Yes." Zhang Xing looked calm. "Is there anything wrong?"

"No." Bai Yousi glanced at the other person, shook his head and laughed. "There's nothing inappropriate about this."

"Then I dare to ask the inspector, Chai Changjian, what are his hobbies?" Zhang Xing didn't have time to ask.

"He likes..." Bai Yousi began to think hesitantly amid the sound of frogs croaking all over the island. "He likes books, gold and stones."

"Books and stones are quite expensive, aren't they?"


"Can you lend me some money for inspection?" Zhang Xing became more sincere.

"Zhang Xing, what's going on with you?" Bai Yousi finally didn't bother to cover it up. "Did yesterday's incident actually make you want to change your family? Is it because I can't protect you? Or am I scared to death?

Are you going to look for firewood and take care of yourself in old age? If it's the latter, just say so and I'll make the arrangements for you."

For a time, not only Bai Yousi, but also other patrol riders in the group came to see it.

"Inspection inspection is overthinking." Zhang Xing handed over his hands and spoke calmly. "This is not the first time I have seen such a situation, so there is no need to be bold... On the contrary, yesterday was a stormy meeting, and the big shots came and went. Now,

The clouds have dispersed and the wind has cleared. I also want to imitate the frog in the pond and achieve something."

"and you……"

"I want to ask Chai Changjian about the rules and regulations of Jing'an Taiwan, how to get promoted and how to operate the official career economy." Zhang Xing simply answered. "It was so clear yesterday that he is not even an official, he is not an individual.

, what are you talking about doing? The reason why I thought of taking the Chai Chang inspection route is that I know that the inspection team is free and easy. If I ask the inspection officer, I am afraid that I will end up in a bad situation... Inspection inspection, how can I not leave the inspection team?

, then achieve the white ribbon?"

"You think too much, and you don't care about official career and economics." Bai Yousi looked at the other person up and down, and his tone was weird. "Jing'an Terrace is full of practitioners, and there are strict rules... Unless you have special honors and become a clerk in the Black Tower.

, this has just been rejected... Otherwise, you must have the sixth main meridian opened, and you have to go on an external tour, and your daily merits are enough to convince people's hearts, then you can add a white ribbon. Have you already opened the sixth main meridian?


Zhang Xing was silent for a moment, and then he spoke: "It's still a little short of time. When will we go on an overseas tour?"

Bai Yousi was surprised.

PS: Thank you to the new leader, classmate Lai Zhongtian, who has lost half of his life. May everyone continue to have a happy New Year.

This chapter has been completed!
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