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Chapter 296: Wind and Rain (6)

"Where is Yu Changji?" Just when Sima Deke was embarrassed, Cao Che, who realized something, suddenly asked.

"It has been killed, and the owl's head will be shown to the public." Sima Jinda stepped forward with his sword in hand and announced in a loud voice.

"Where is King Qi?" Cao Che asked again.

"Prince Qi's family was executed last night." Sima Jinda still kept saying.

Cao Che was startled and silent for a moment, but he still didn't give up: "Where is Duke Niu?"

"Duke Niu wanted to save him, but he was blocked by the palace and chamberlains in Cangcheng. I just met him and made an agreement... Everyone from top to bottom hates you deeply. Why do you do this?

At this point, do you still have hope for others?" Sima Huada took a step forward and faced him with dignity.

As he spoke, Yi Zhengciyan actually drew his sword and pointed it at the opponent. Seeing this, Sima Jinda quickly drew his sword. The rest of Linghu Xing, Zhao Xingmi and others followed suit. Finally, they saw that most of the people in the front circle had drawn their swords.

, Smadek could only draw his sword.

"What crime am I, Cao Che, guilty of?" When Cao Che saw everyone in the front row drawing their swords, he was finally frightened again, but he gritted his teeth and asked.

There was suddenly silence in the Xiangxiang Hall, where hundreds of people were packed, and even Sima Huada was stunned.

After a while, Zhao Xingmi suddenly stepped forward, inserted the knife on the case, then pointed at the other person and scolded him so hard that the veins on his forehead throbbed:

"In the years since your Majesty has been in power, you have been constantly fighting abroad and being arrogant and licentious at home. Because of your personal thoughts, you have ruined the elites of the entire army time and time again, causing millions and tens of millions of men to die on the roadside. When the men died, the women, the old and the weak supported them.

Unable to stop it, millions and tens of millions filled the ditches and fields again. Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants all had no place to stand. Thieves swarmed up and quickly defeated half of the Eastern Qi Dynasty. The Wu tribe invaded the Wei River, and the Bai family

They rebelled against Xiangfan in Jin, the Xiao family rebelled against Hunan in Jiangxi, and the emperor's uncle was thrown to death in the eastern capital... Do you know that as early as before the Three Expeditions, the world called you a "hairy man"?! That's it!

, I came to a quiet corner of the eastern capital, and I still work full-time to flatter you, pretending to be wrong and refusing to remonstrate, how can I have the shame to say that I am guilty?!!!"

"I am indeed sorry for the people of the world, but I have always treated you favorably, right?" Cao Che thought for a moment and slowly shook his head and asked.

"Does the preferential treatment mean that we will be detained in Jiangdu for many years without being allowed to go home? Or that once we are found guilty, we will be killed immediately without mercy?" Yuan Lizheng asked coldly.

"It's not just Jiangdu. You have been tyrannical since you came to the throne. The princes, nobles, generals and ministers will be reprimanded and executed if you are not satisfied... I ask you, where are your brothers and sisters? Even if they are cousins, which one can enjoy peace now?

Wealth? Where were the prime ministers and the pillars of the country when he ascended the throne? Where are they now?" Sima Huada held up his sword and sneered. "Moreover, when did you punish someone for a crime that didn't implicate the entire clan? When did you vent your anger without over-involving the whole family?"

Having said this, Sima Huada turned back to look at the rest of the people: "Everyone, this man must be kept, but half of the military power and responsibility will be returned to his hands. All of us will die! Our family, children, disciples, and old officials will also die.


This sentence hit the mark, and everyone nodded, even holding their blades and shouting forward.

Unexpectedly, it was Sima Huada who stopped these people: "If his name is not justified, he must be punished by someone from Zhongshushe, and then record it in a book."

As he said this, he gestured to Feng Chang, who was sitting in the corner of the palace door.

The latter came forward tremblingly, took out the confession written last night, and was about to read it out.

When Cao Che heard Sima Huada's words before, he knew it was unreasonable, but when he saw Feng Chang coming over, he still couldn't help frowning: "Feng Sheren, aren't you a scholar? Don't you scholars all say that you should establish discipline and treat the king like heaven?

, can only heaven and man be in harmony? Isn’t the emperor’s prestige built up by the help of you scholars who suppress the practitioners? Why do you want to do such a thing?"

Feng Chang blushed and turned to look at Sima Huada: "Mr. Sima, I have already written the document, so it is better not to read it... The main reason is that the crime of a cowardly king has been revealed to the world, and what I wrote is too long... Something will happen if it is too late."

Sima Huada, who was promoted from General Sima to Ming Gong and then Sima Gong, also laughed when he heard this: "That's right, it won't be difficult to seal the family. You go and post the documents, then ask the queen for the queen's seal, and tell Xu Hong

Let’s write a succession edict together..."

"To whom?" Sima Deke immediately became nervous.

People around me were also nervous.

"King Zhao...Isn't King Zhao still there?" Sima Huada answered calmly. "It's really not possible. Just anyone named Cao will do. Didn't he give birth to two more in the past two years? Anyway, let the sergeants below have it."

A buffer."

Everyone was relieved and had no objections.

At this time, everyone looked at Cao Che on the throne, but almost all of them froze.

"I'll come!" After a moment of silence, Sima Jinda took the initiative and stepped forward with his weapon in hand.

"I can do that too." One person took the initiative to step forward, but he actually looked down on the other party's Linghu Xing when he just went to pick up Sima Huada.

Zhang Qianda was inexplicably panicked when he saw this, and took the initiative to step forward: "Killing him is like killing a dog, why should you care?"

With that said, the three people looked past the others in the complex gazes of Zhao Xingmi and others, and then surrounded the throne with their white blades, their true energy condensed, and the three people also exchanged glances with each other before taking action.

At this time, unexpectedly, Cao Che stopped worrying. He was silent for a moment and said: "The emperor has his own way to die. I cannot be injured by random blades, nor can I bleed to the ground..."

"This is simple." Sima Huada simply interrupted the other party. "Use Bai Ling."

"Can't we use poisonous wine?" Cao Che continued to bargain. "I see the imperial doctor is here."

Sima Jinda and others turned to look at Sima Huada.

How come the latter didn't know the pros and cons, so he waved his hand and urged: "Don't fall for his delaying tactics. Do you really think he is showing his true feelings?! Do it quickly!"

Zhao Xingmi came to his senses and finally moved forward desperately. His knife was stuck on the case, and since he was unwilling to take action directly, he simply used his Qi to catch the opponent's hand and pinned it on the case. Linghu was next to him.

When Xing saw it, he imitated him and immediately grabbed Cao Che's other hand.

Being pulled by people on both sides, with a wide field of vision, Cao Che glanced at the people present, and his heart moved: "Three horses eating Cao! It's actually here!"

Before he could say these words, Zhang Qianda recently stabbed him without any hesitation.

Unexpectedly, I don’t know if he thought of the old dream of the three-horse trough. When Cao Che was about to live and die, he tried to mobilize a stream of true energy. Zhang Qianda was the only one who did not control the true energy. With one blow, he only entered the

The skin and flesh on the opponent's chest.

However, at the same time, Sima Jinda saw the opportunity quickly, abandoned his knife and pulled out the golden awl tied to his ankle, and then just inserted it into the opponent's neck, easily inserting half of the golden awl.

And with just such a thrust, the true energy below suddenly shrank, and the white blade in Zhang Qianda's hand pierced the opponent's chest.

Then, one person drew his sword, another stabbed, and the two let go. Blood spurted out from Cao Che's chest and neck, which shocked the entire throne, the imperial cabinet, and the four people who took action were all covered in blood.

That's not all.

Cao Che's heart and neck were broken open, and the pain was unbearable. But don't forget that he once reached the realm of a master by virtue of his position as emperor. At this time, under the severe injury, his body's instincts kicked in, and there was actually a stream of true energy in his Dantian.

He used his body's instinct to protect his wounds. Unfortunately, even if he had been neglecting his cultivation for all these years and torturing the world like this, it was impossible for him to really have any deep earth energy to protect him... As a result, his true energy was intermittently protecting him.

, he himself suffered from the pain of blood splattering and wound disintegration over and over again, so much so that he repeatedly struggled to move in the throne room, with blood splattering everywhere. He tried to shout several times, but he didn't know how many broken bones in his neck.

The tube, choked with blood, couldn't howl at all.

When people around him saw it, no one came forward to help him. They just dodged and escaped, but he was still covered in blood.

Finally, after struggling for a quarter of an hour, he gradually lost his strength and could only lie down on the throne. He struggled to take a few breaths, but he was still choked by his own blood. After coughing hard this time, he became silent again.

Killing someone and making it look like this made everyone a little upset.

But it's just irritating. After all, everyone has experienced it on the battlefield, and few people think this has any meaning.

Not to mention, after a while, Fu Baolang Niu Fangsheng and Zhongshusheren Feng Chang came back together, bringing "the Queen's decree".

The two people came in and saw the blood stains on the ground and the motionless man lying in a pool of blood on the throne. They were shocked and didn't speak for a while.

"Are you inviting King Zhao to ascend the throne?" Sima Huada couldn't help but became impatient when he saw this, and directly stepped forward to ask with his sword in hand.

"Yes." Perhaps it was because the prime minister's children had more experience, Niu Fangsheng was the first to come to his senses. "It is to establish King Zhao... Where is King Zhao?"

"The King of Zhao is somewhere else in the palace. We are just a group of generals. How can we establish the King of Zhao?" Sima Huada asked in return, spreading his hands.

Now Feng Chang was prepared. He quickly took out the "will" that Niu Fangsheng had prepared and didn't know existed. Then he read loudly:

"There is a decree, Zhu Guo, Rui Guo Gong leads Yiwei General Sima Huada to join Zhu Guo, as Zuopushe; Huben General Sima Deke joins Zhu Guo, Xiao Guo Gong, both as Zuopushe; prepare yourself

Sima Jinda, the chief military officer of the government, serves as his right servant...he is in charge of state affairs, determines rewards and punishments, establishes a new king, and discusses matters related to returning to the eastern capital."

The purpose is concise and to the point, in the name of recognizing that the three leaders of the rebel group are in control of everything.

However, Sima Deke was still a little nervous before and after the regicide. After hearing this, he completely relaxed and took the initiative to offer his hand to Sima Huada.

Sima Huada nodded, just returned the salute, and then looked around: "First send someone to ask Duke Niu and tell him that the palace and the chamberlain will be handed over to him. Today, the Queen will also ask him to protect you. I will not interfere with everything."

Inside, but the emperor..."

Having said this, Sima Zuopushe finally remembered something serious: "I know that King Zhao is in the palace. Where exactly is he placed?"

The others didn't know, so they looked around, and finally saw Zhang Qianda, who then went to see Yuan Lizheng.

Yuan Li was confused and quickly replied: "Last night the crowd was so excited that the king of Zhao was regarded as an accomplice who was spying on the palace and was thrown into the stable. Let's go quickly."

Although they knew he was just a puppet, he was still needed temporarily to appease the sergeants below and facilitate rewards and punishments. Therefore, the backbones of the Forbidden Army did not dare to neglect, and they surrounded the three Forbidden Army leaders with the surname Sima and headed for the stables on the side of the palace city.


As for Cao Che's body, it was actually thrown into the Chengxiang Hall.

When everyone arrived at the stable, they saw King Zhao tied up and thrown into a pile of horse dung. His face was wet with tears all night. There were several corpses next to him. They couldn't help but be shocked. Several sergeants hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and the three

Sima Pushe was right here in the manger, and he bowed down to the frightened King Zhao in the horse dung pile and said long live him.

King Zhao wanted to say something more, but his words were hoarse and no one listened.

In fact, after a large number of backbones of the imperial army bowed down, Sima Huada quickly stood up, turned around and said: "Everyone, the new king has been established, and it is time to reward him. However, I think that the morale of the army is now turbulent. At this time, you and the old troops will be separated."

If you open it, it will easily lead to trouble, so the military officers who came today should not move, and the generals who did not come should not touch them. Some of the heroes last night only filled the vacancies... Please don't think that my rewards and punishments are unfair."

When the officers heard this, they were excited and praised him one after another.

But Sima Huada simply pointed to a few people: "General Youweiwei has been vacant, Yingyanglang General Zhao Xingmi has outstanding merits and can fill it; General Zhang Qianda should fill Hengjun's position and become Zuoxiao Cavalry General; Yuan

Li Zheng is a member of the Huben Army. I ask Duke Xiao to make the decision. There is also General Linghu Xing. There really is no general position left, but I am going back to the Eastern Capital. I ask you to come and protect Zhao... to protect His Majesty, and then form an army alone.

General of Fulongwei."

Everyone praised it one after another.

Sima Deke hastily promoted Yuan Lizheng to be the right-wing general of Huben, and was in charge of Jinwu's right guard. Then Sima Huada proposed to let Niu Fangsheng, who was born in Zhongshushe, and Feng Chang temporarily assist the three servants in managing the affairs of the Nanya government.

, and everything was smooth sailing.

Immediately, Linghu Xing led his own troops and took the new emperor to another palace to place him. San Sima took the lead, and everyone was talking. When they came back to the Chengxiang Hall, they started talking about how to deal with it.

Before they arrived, several generals, including Zhang Shi'an, Li Anyuan, Zhang Jin, Cui Hongsheng, and He Xi, who had not come last night, arrived one after another, but they were all in perfect harmony.

Besides, the reason why they are so harmonious is because the entire Forbidden Army system knows that there are Lai Zhan'er and Yu Jie Luo outside, who can talk about how many people there are, especially Lai Zhan'er and his Jiangdu soldiers, who are just pissing off the Forbidden Army. Less than a tiger's cub.

Even if they are dissatisfied or have other ideas, they should also express their opinions to the outside world.

Not to mention, everyone has to go back to Dongdu!

In harmony, everyone returned to the outside of the Xiangxiang Hall. Suddenly, they heard someone in the hall crying wildly, and the crying was so sincere and heart-breaking.

For a moment, everyone was a little embarrassed, many even bowed their heads in sadness, but everyone stopped moving forward.

"Let's change places." Someone suggested.

The rest of the people were relieved, so they gathered around the three servants and shot off to another hall.

When I got here, I talked for a long time, looked at the sun shining brightly outside, and then, as agreed, hurriedly went everywhere to comfort the sergeants, announce the return to Dongdu, and prepare for Jiangdu soldiers, etc., while Sima Deke went to inspect In the palace city, Sima Huada stayed in the palace and took charge of the affairs.

Everyone came out, and Sima Huada came to see him off. His younger brother Sima Jinda was at the end and took the opportunity to whisper: "The one who just cried in the palace was the big roc... Do you want to kill it?"

"Don't kill first, but keep an eye on it." Sima Huada put his hands behind his hands and smiled, his expression unchanged. "Now is the time to employ people. We need such good hands to deal with those who come to Zhan'er... and we must also give them to him. Time, gather together those who are dissatisfied with us, and those who still have feelings for that stupid king, so that we can catch them all...otherwise, how can we achieve great things?"

Sima Lao Qi understood clearly and added: "That Zuo Pushe should also pay attention."

Sima Huada, who was also Zuopushe, simply waved his hand.

So, Sima Jinda bid farewell to his brother and left the palace on his own to appease his subordinates... Then he came to the street outside the palace gate. Hearing the cheers in the street, his heart moved slightly, and then he suddenly raised his head.

Without him, the wind was strong one day and two nights, and it stopped at some point.

Is Sima really favored by the Supreme Being?

This chapter has been completed!
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