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Chapter 35 Return (1)

Chapter 495 Return (1)

In the hot summer, outside Jinao City, the capital of Jeju, an important town in the south of Dongyi, in the middle of a large, but slightly chaotic and noisy camp, Bai Yousi returned to his wooden house with the letter he had just received, and then he

I sat down in front of the window and opened the latest letter from Zhang Xing with some anticipation.

“My wife thinks about her true love so much that she sees words like her face.

Before I follow up on my last letter, I have to tell you something else: Li Twelve Lang Qingchen is dead."

Putting aside the beginning that he was somewhat accustomed to, Bai Yousi was stunned after reading only one sentence, and hesitated for a moment before reading further.

"He had been injured for a long time, and it seemed that he relied on Cao Lin to induce the energy of the east capital to be slightly relieved, which is slightly similar to Qin Bao's injury mentioned in the previous letter. Therefore, after Cao Lin died and Qin Bao survived, Li Qingchen became seriously ill.

I don’t know whether it was because of leaving Dongdu during this battle. I asked him to help negotiate peace with Sima Zheng. When we met, I found that he was very angry, so I went to ask the leader of Qianjin who was in Huaibei. As a result, he died on the spot after admonishing Sima Zheng.

, no time for treatment.

Although this matter is a pity, after looking at the situation, it seems that he had already realized it, promoted peace talks, and died without regrets."

When Bai Yousi saw this, he sighed deeply, rarely showing a bit of sadness.

Moreover, since both the young and old Lin Duzhi of Wenwenfang in the Eastern Capital City died on the road, she knew that not one of her own swords could protect everyone in this troubled world. Later, after traveling around the world, she saw

After realizing the greatness and chaos of the world, he would choose to hide his sword temporarily and seek the sword to cut the world.

Logically speaking, she had already realized it since then.

But after all, they had known each other since they were young and had followed him for many years, so how could they not care? The only comfort was what Sanlang said in his letter, saying that Li Twelve Lang died without regrets.

"There is also the matter of peace negotiation. Thanks to Li Twelve Lang's efforts, the peace negotiation has been completed and the war has ended. We have captured some divisions of the Forbidden Army and are preparing to evacuate the Forbidden Army that has fought more with us and looted more places.

After killing them, they released them one by one, abandoned Hanoi, and recognized Huaiyang as the eastern capital in exchange for a three-year no-war, trade and material exchange agreement.

The army has begun to disband. The high-intensity fighting that lasted for seven or eight months has left the army exhausted and suffered heavy casualties. If it were not for a replenishment in the middle, all the progress in army construction would have been wasted. Therefore, the gang does not plan to make any weapons this year to consolidate the army.

The army rested and reorganized, and mainly took over the territory north of the Huaihe River. It also harassed Xue Changxiong without attacking, and responded with diplomacy, bribery, alienation, and harassment.

We will talk about the specific matters later, but Li Silang is as annoying as ever.

First of all, he still looked down upon my eleven kills and thought I was not strong enough. He even thought that all the prisoners of the Imperial Guard could be killed, and a few brave and elite soldiers from the eastern capital could be killed three by one to intimidate the Forbidden Army so that they would not dare to attack again in the future.

In the battle with us, Sima Zheng had no choice but to suffer a heavy loss even after he retreated. I just pretended to be confused and passed away.

Secondly, we mentioned that the troops have different combat strengths and should be properly integrated. Xu Dalang and I came up with an idea, which is to equip all infantry with a bow and three arrows, or if they are strong enough, they can bring two throwing spears.

, shoot it out, and then throw it out. I asked Li Si how it was, and Li Si actually said: "This method is excellent. It is something that a countryman like Xu Dalang can think of. It is also suitable for most battalion leaders, but it is not suitable for my troops."

Serious and elite.'"

Even though she was still a little sad just now, Bai Yousi couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a bitter smile or some kind of narrow-minded expression. She could imagine that the tone in which Li Ding said this made Zhang Xing and Zhang Xing very angry.

If you smoke, your mouth will definitely come back with a sarcastic look.

"In my previous letter, you asked me, firstly, how to win the hearts of the people? Secondly, how to organize the people so that they can take action... In my opinion, these two things are actually the same thing, that is how

Let people follow you... and follow you willingly."

Bai Yousi's expression became serious, and his eyes lingered on the words "Follow you" for a moment.

“To achieve this, there are only a few general points:

First, figure out what these people think and what you think; second, set appropriate goals based on what these people think and your own ideas; third, select some people to build a suitable organization with a suitable system;

Fourth, use this organization to execute your orders, convey your intentions, collect and control available resources (including human, material, time and direction), and then act toward your goals.

But these are too general discussions, and I can't come to you to clarify the situation on your side. I can only remind you of some key points.

The first step in establishing an organization is to select people, but the selection of people must be based on local conditions and cannot be limited by their origins, including when clarifying everyone's ideas... This limitation by origins does not only mean breaking through boundaries and covering a large area.

Open up the scope of selection and inquiry, and more importantly, avoid stereotypes.

Among Guan Long's nobles, there are geniuses like you, Sima Zheng, and Li Ding, and there are also trash like the Dou family's children. Even in the Sima family, the positions of the four key figures, Sima Changying, Sima Zheng, Sima Huada, and Sima Jinda

, abilities and conduct are also completely different.

Similarly, in the early days of the gang, the foundation of the gang was the strong and powerful Jishui. These people had a lot in common and had similar stances. However, as the gang's territory expanded and the gang grew, these people got rid of the gangsterism at the beginning.

After the confrontation between civil and military forces, Xu Shiying's genius, Wang Shuyong's pure forge ahead, Shan Tonghai's stubbornness and perseverance, and Niu Da's composure and ability were each revealed.

Therefore, it is important to treat everyone as a person, and only when summarizing can you summarize them.

In addition, if you are alone in Dongyi and need to temporarily establish an organization, you need to rely on tradition in the structure and foundation, or respect tradition, so that as many people as possible can quickly accept it...for example, religion,

Government, gangs, etc.; at the same time, at the top, you should be as concise, direct and firm as possible, so as to ensure that decisions are made quickly and decisively, and that you move resolutely towards your goals.

Also, be sure to remain soft on the outside and firm on the inside in terms of discipline and policy, and even be lenient on the outside and taboo on the new recruits... Allow those who follow you to have emergency and temporary expediency, and treat those who are willing to obey you.

Newcomers are generous and frank, but they must always remain vigilant and suspicious in their hearts. They must also quickly and decisively suppress people and groups that affect your true goals... This is not normal in normal times and will accumulate into big problems, but for you

In the current special circumstances, this is a helpless move.

Because your situation is too dangerous.

Of course, there is also the old topic. We have talked about it many times. I think that once you make a decision, you should speak out your thoughts frankly. What is just is just, what is bright is bright, and ordinary people insist on peace and harmony.

Expressing these will generate power, not to mention your cultivation and leadership status.

Finally, there is another point, that is, never imagine any political activities as beautiful. Real politics are cumbersome - they are pragmatic formalism, meetings like debate competitions, tireless explanations and explanations, and repetitions.

work forms and personnel activities.

Once you get tired of it, you will become like Li Shu or even Cao Che. They took the trouble at first, but finally gave up because of anxiety and ambition, and finally became what they are now."

Bai Yousi read these paragraphs several times and thought about them for a long time before continuing to read.

"Now that the business is done, let's talk about the casual things we talked about before. Did you ask me and the Wang mirror man to talk about the matter of attaining the supreme title? Of course I have said this, but in my opinion, there is obviously some falsehood in his words.

.That is to say, he does not tell lies, but some key information is missing and obscured.

What he means is that there is no problem in attaining the throne and the road is open. It seems to imply that no matter who it is, as long as he defeats Dongyi, completely unifies the world, and is the first person to achieve this, he can attain the throne.

Become a Supreme. This statement is actually in line with most people’s guesses, but after thinking about it, I always feel that it is a bit false.

We must know that the great cause of unifying the world actually started with Emperor Bai. After he left the Han River and entered the Central Plains that day, he became almost unstoppable. The achievement of unification was also close at hand. However, because of his great achievements, he only surrendered to the Wu clan and defeated the monsters at that time.

After becoming a powerful nation, wouldn't it seem hasty to quickly leave because of the human race's achievements in achieving hegemony?

There were rumors at that time that the Qing Emperor was afraid that the White Emperor would continue to defeat Dongyi, so he took the initiative to descend to earth, became a general under the White Emperor, and quickly defeated the monster country. It was said to be a mythical story, but it is interesting after all.

Later, after the world was broken for hundreds of years, the ancestor emperor's eastward expedition was blocked by Li Yue and Qian Yi, who threw a knife and died, which greatly promoted the unification of the world. At that time, there were rumors that Bai Emperor helped the ancestor emperor and Qing Qing

The emperor and the Red Emperor empress helped Li, and the money was almost the truth.

Later, after the "death" of the ancestor emperor, the generals fought for succession, and the four emperors once again made bets. The Tang Emperor started in Kansai and gradually annexed all areas within a few generations. In the early stage, only Nanling and Dongyi were left, and in the middle stage, the northern land was lost.

, and then crossed to the south, but in the end they built states and counties and eliminated most of the countries within the world... This was another huge contribution to the unification of the world, so the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was said to have turned into a dragon and went to Bai Diye.

So now, whether I or anyone else has crossed this line and truly unified the entire world, can I really achieve the throne?

I don't think so.

Regarding the matter of attaining the supreme status, I actually have a bold conjecture, that is, the matter of attaining the throne requires both name and reality.

Take the White Emperor, for example, who is nominally the human race's dominator, but how can the achievement of the human race's domination be achieved by him alone? As early as the Black Emperor's time, hundreds of races have been transformed, and three races have established themselves. Therefore, the human race's domination is only his.

In fact, the person's achievements are scattered in unifying the world, establishing systems, revising laws, advancing forging technology, etc.

Similarly, Black Emperor’s mission to slay demons and monsters is good in both name and reality, but it also has the “real” meaning of the rise of human race, military development, and expansion of religion.

The Red Emperor Empress moved mountains and cultivated fields in both name and reality. She also segregated the demon clan, developed court art, and expanded the "reality" of religion.

As for the Qing Emperor, I think it's the other way around. Everyone thinks that he is the name and reality of education, but I think he should be the "reality" of education, expelling wild dragons as his "name", so he is chasing away wild dragons.

Those dragons suddenly ascended to the throne.

If it is true as I think, it means that "reality" comes from different sources, but it requires the accumulation of real achievements, and "name" is a specific thing formed by the development of heaven, earth, and people, and it has been there for a long time.

Just touch it first.

In other words, "reality" is like a full reservoir of water, and "name" is like a way to open one's mind. When "name" and "reality" are combined, it can pour out straight into the sea.

So now comes the question. They told me that the latest 'name' is to unify the world, but if I really want something, what is my 'reality'? If I don't get the 'reality' but take the 'name'

, and what will be the result? What about the other way around?”

Bai Yousi thought for a moment, and he had both enlightenment and doubt... What he realized was that Saburo's guess was really enlightening; what he doubted was, if so, as asked in the letter, what was Saburo's true identity?

Where is her Bai Sanniang's?

Looking at the letter again, there was not a single word at the end... This was not an omission, but an omission. Bai Yousi also knew what was omitted. They had discussed the return for a long time in the letter.

problem, but now the return itself is the biggest problem, not to mention that the Red Emperor Empress has not shown her hand yet, she does not even know where the other party wants her to go.

That's right, Zhang Xing and Bai Yousi have been discussing for a long time, and they both believe that just by looking at the wind, they know that at least the real dragon, more like the Supreme One, took action personally, and judging from the strange attitude of the Dongyi people, this time targeting Bai Yousi

Yousi's action should not be led by the master of Dongyi, Qingdi Ye, but more like the work of Qingdi Ye's ancient ally, the Red Emperor Empress.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yousi himself did not say whether he would return or where he was going, and Zhang Xing repeatedly repeated in the letter that he hoped that the other party would return as soon as possible, which seemed aggressive.

A clear and unmistakable expression of attitude is enough - in the first letter, Zhang Xing clearly wrote that he hoped Bai Yousi would come back to help him with his sword.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Yousi lowered his head and looked at something on his waist.

However, after taking a deep breath, she hesitated for a moment, but never picked up the thing. Instead, after pausing for a moment, she walked out of the simple wooden house and came outside.

Outside is an overly huge camp. Under the summer sunshine, there are men and women, old and young, but the proportion of young and strong is still relatively large. This is because Bai Yousi himself brought 10,000 Dengzhou troops.

and the accompanying fleet members are all young and strong. In addition, a considerable number of the people who returned from the Dongyi Governor were prisoners from the previous three expeditions, especially Xuzhou, which came from the waterway but was abandoned in the latest expedition.

Military prisoners.

The rest are people who came to Dongyi to seek refuge from Dengzhou and other places and some slaves from other sources.

Bai Yousili watched the camp for a while, pondered for a moment, glanced at the sea in the distance, and then asked Wang Zhen, Cheng Mingqi, Ma Ping'er, Yan Qing and others to be called over, and then...well, according to the

According to the tradition of the gang, a meeting was held.

Establishing an organization sounds lofty, but in fact, for Bai Yousi, who was born in a noble family in Guanlong, worked in Jingantai, and joined a gang, even if he does not have this concept or even visualizes a certain person, it is still possible.

He will always imitate specific things based on his own experience, not to mention that this time he has an established army.

However, before this letter, she did neglect one thing, or made a big mistake, that is, she simply regarded the captives, fugitives, and slaves she asked for as protected persons. At most, she would let Wang Zhen

Gathering some of the relatively strong soldiers who surrendered as escorts, they forgot that they could select and appoint people with other functions from these people, and expand the so-called organization within them.

Of course, there is also a lack of communication with these people.

Among the leaders who followed, Qian Tangren was in Jin'ao City, and the rest below Wang Zhen, Cheng Mingqi, Ma Ping'er, Tang Bairen, Yan Qing, and Wang Fubei were all there... Bai Yousi spoke out his thoughts.

It is necessary for everyone to have a clear division of labor. Wang Zhen and Wang Fubei are responsible for the armed protection, Cheng Mingqi is responsible for the prisoners in the camp, Ma Ping'er is responsible for the fugitives and slaves, and Tang Bairen is responsible for the overall planning and use of the camp as well as material management. He just returned not long ago and has not arrived at the scene.

Qian Tang is still responsible for negotiation and liaison with the Dongyi people.

As for Yan Qing.

Bai Yousi glanced at Yan Qing, his eyes a little strange, because this Dongdu confidant who was specially sent by Zhang Xing to deliver the first letter was actually in charge of personnel in the gang before.

This hesitation made Yan Qing panic: "Manager Bai, what should I do?"

"You need to do personnel work and build a branch of the gang." Bai Yousi blurted out. "There are tens of thousands of captives and fugitives who have become slaves, and there is still a steady stream. If we only rely on us to supervise outside

I'm afraid it won't work, not to mention that we have to set off and the road will be even more chaotic, so we have to build a small gang among these people... we have to select people from among them to use and take care of ourselves."

Yan Qing was just stunned and nodded immediately.

Wang Zhen opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"The rest of the people too, Wang Zhen, Cheng Mingqi, Ma Ping'er, you all have to send people down to ask our own people if they want to go home and if they are willing to help the captives and fugitives? Ask those captives and fugitives

Do you want to go home?" Bai Yousi continued.

"I'll definitely get them back." Wang Zhen was a little impatient. "Who wants to be a slave anymore?"

Bai Yousi glanced at the former member of Fulongwei, who immediately calmed his expression and became silent.

"We need to make it clear to them that the territory of Dengzhou and Xuzhou is now stable, and that the gangs will be granted land. We also need to find out whether there are any gangs among these people, and whether they have any True Fire Cult or other beliefs?" Bai Yousi continued.

He ordered, "We also need to find out whether there are still prisoners who have a heart for the Wei Dynasty and want to be loyal and righteous people and go back to serve as officials? Is there anyone who still has any concerns about Dongyi, such as the separation of his wife and parents?"

At this point, everyone became more or less solemn.

"In a word." Bai Yousi looked at these people and said quietly. "We have to figure out everything and everyone, so that we can ensure that nothing goes wrong when we hit the road."

This time Wang Zhen didn't make any mistakes, he just nodded.

In fact, Wang Zhen, the monkey, was much more honest when facing Bai Yousi or Sima Zheng than when facing Zhang Xing.

However, that day he actually abandoned the first two and walked with Zhang.

It's also interesting.

Things were assigned and everyone went about their business. Bai You thought for a moment and decided to follow Zhang Xing's example. He set up a table in front of the wooden house where he lived, spread out his pen and paper, then hesitated for a moment and put the original paper on the table.

The long sword on the corner of the table was lying across the table, and he just sat down peacefully, waiting for the disturbance.

Don't tell me that you didn't conduct a detailed investigation before and just thought that these prisoners and fugitives were heartless dummies, but this time you asked and there were clues.

Everything Bai Yousi mentioned before was correct, and he encountered them all.

Among these people, there are actually more than a dozen gangs and sects, and most of them are a combination of gangs and sects. They believe in all kinds of things. Three radiances and four emperors are the norm. Fenshanjun and Bihaijun can understand it, but

Those who believe in Lord Tunfeng or Lord Huyun... are not unacceptable. After all, there are people from the North and Jiangdong among the prisoners.

However, it is a little confusing to believe that Mai Tiegang, who died during the First Expedition, was the reincarnation of a god and believed that he had long legs and could run home.

They also believed in Emperor Cao Che of the Wei Dynasty and believed that Cao Che was really the supreme one on land and could come to save them... I can only say that he was truly a loyal and righteous man.

Of course, after so many organizations have emerged, the people who help can understand. After all, these people are all Central Plains people who have just arrived in Dongyi less than ten years ago. They are considered outsiders. Their living habits and everything are wrong, but they are

And they generally fall to the level of companions and slaves. At this time, some civil organizations are needed to help each other, at least to comfort each other.

Then the gangs and religions in the military and civilians naturally expanded rapidly.

Since there are people who believe in Cao Che, it goes without saying that there must be those who are afraid and disgusted by "thieves". There are also many people who have separated their families. Some even become slaves in the homes of Dongyi nobles and live a decent life without thinking about it.

However, he was driven away by the Grand Governor's words, and he shed tears almost every day... Before, everyone thought this man was excited because he was going home.

In short, things were confusing, and Bai Yousi really gained some knowledge, but he patiently followed Zhang Xing's reminder to deal with it. First, he made a distinction between the larger gangs and those with serious beliefs... who believed in the Trinity Orthodox Church.

The maximum authority was given to the independent and mutually supportive gangs, and the leaders and backbones received better treatment and corresponding management powers, and were required to assume management responsibilities and propaganda and agitation tasks; those who believed in the true dragon and a single Supreme Being were given

Recognized, with the right to speak and treatment, but not absorbed into the jurisdictional system to gain power; small strange beliefs, beliefs with obvious ideological conflicts...such as Shin Cao Che's, were expelled from the camp; and some notorious gangs

He and others were handed over to Wang Zhen and stabbed one by one, and executed decisively.

There are some exceptions, those who have specific beliefs, such as those who believe in the Mountain Lord and the Lord of the Sea. Because these two are on the border, and the two have always been somewhat active beyond common sense, they are forced to do so.

To be on guard, but you can’t cut it out all at once, you can only draw a line in your mind and be vigilant.

As for the True Fire Cult and those who believe in the Qing Emperor, although these two are more worthy of vigilance, because it may be these two who have reduced everyone to this, but there is really no way, there are too many people, who can let them be the serious supreme beings?

Woolen cloth?

I can only pretend not to know.

Finally, he did not forget to negotiate with Li Ziqi, asking for money, food, medicine, firewood, family reunion, and even armor, bows and arrows, swords and guns.

These things, coupled with the commotion caused by the existence of the camp itself, Li Ziqi was one of the first and second generation. He just had to go out to fish for whales in his huge ship, but he still endured it. The money, food and medicine could not be divided, but the firewood could be divided.

It is possible to fight by yourself and reunite the flesh and blood, but there is absolutely no armor, no bow and arrows.

Finally, after a round of discussion and repeated visits within three to five days, Qian Tang came to see him and Bai Yousi came to see him. Finally, he was allowed to bring 10,000 old and worn-out spears for these people to use for self-defense, and then three days later

He also allowed three thousand soft bows and thirty thousand arrows to be allocated.

Li Ziqi was born with two heads and two heads. At the same time, Bai Yousi wished he could give birth to the three heads and six arms in Zhang Xing's private stories.

It turned out that as she gradually took control of the camp, not in depth, but in a semi-deep way, she controlled the surrendered soldiers and escapees in the camp, and she had already stimulated a certain "vitality" in the camp.

All of a sudden, those who came to her to solve the case found out that she was the direct daughter of the Bai family and the wife of the leader of the gang wanted to join them. The gangs in the camp were from opposite geographical backgrounds, those who were short of specific supplies, and those who suggested moving the toilets, all kinds of things appeared at once.


It's as if these demands didn't exist in the first place.

Bai Yousi had no choice but to ask Cheng Mingqi to organize a simple military law department to handle the dispute. At the same time, he made it clear in public that it was useless to ask Tian to ask for help. If she wanted to be an official, she had to do something. She could also afford the political commitment, but

I'm going to find Yan Qing and follow the rules.

However, even so, these people still came in droves, and just distributing people and things to the leaders was enough for her to drink a pot of sour plum soup, let alone a large number of overall events that only she could decide.

So I still have to sit there and listen to things.

Moreover, she insisted on having a meeting every morning and evening, going to the city to meet Li Ziqi, observing the surrounding terrain and fleet, and patrolling the camp for an hour.

To be honest, it was really boring and boring, and it really made her want to pull out her sword, fly to the sky, and roar away.

Correspondingly, this summer, Zhang Xing's life has become easier. At least he can really drink iced sour plum soup, and can even provide iced service to the entire public housing staff in Jiyin City.

The reason why we stopped here in Jiyin instead of going directly north is that on the one hand, the current main work is to complete the peace negotiation, disbandment and reorganization of the troops, as well as personnel arrangements in the south; on the other hand, because the current actual threat to the gang is only one Xue Changxiong.

"Why don't you go north when the threat is Xue Changxiong?" In front of the third room of the Zuogong Room of Jiyincheng County, Wang Wulang, who had just arrived, was sitting on a bench, holding a cup of sour plum soup that Chief Zhang had just chilled.


In the long courtyard at the entrance of the public house, there are many benches lined up along the public house. Because it has passed the busiest stage, many free leaders are sitting here, talking and laughing, drinking sour plum soup... As for why they are here

We drink sour soup here... of course because Chief Zhang is here so it can be chilled easily.

Otherwise? What else could it be?

At this time, everyone was holding soup to see Wang Wulang and Chief Zhang talking about something, waiting for Chief Zhang to explain.

"Because Xue Changxiong's strength is limited." Zhang Xing, who was sitting behind the table in front of the door, answered seriously. "After we entered Hebei, we fought with him twice. The first battle was to attack, the second battle was to defend...the attack was to take advantage of the situation.

Be prepared, but the problem has been explained, and Shou seems to be passively fighting, but in fact it is Xue Changxiong's last chance to integrate the so-called official power of the Wei Dynasty in Hebei. Since he failed, he will never be able to... This is what he later

It was because he was half-hearted when he was with Bai Hengqiu, because he knew that from then on he could only stay humble and be a coward, so he was unwilling to do so."

Wang Shuyong looked as if he was suddenly enlightened.

"Actually, it's not necessarily that he himself has realized it. It was the fact that Bai Hengqiu forced him to go there that made him realize this." Li Ding suddenly interrupted. "That's why he got emotional at the right time... In other words, people

In the game, no one can recognize themselves. Someone has to remind them that this matter was supposed to be done by the helper, but it was done by Bai Hengqiu. Therefore, all the resentment was directed towards Bai Hengqiu, but was given to the helper.


"Yes, yes, what Li Longtou said makes sense." Zhang Xing nodded quickly. "Who doesn't have a temper? In short, Xue Changxiong now has some strength but not much, a little ambition but can't display it, and some resentment but can't harden up.

At this time, if we take a tough stance and gather heavy troops to press back to Hebei, then he will become tough and confront us... But if we ignore him and continue to use the dozen or so battalions in Hebei to deal with him, he will

Will he persevere? Doesn’t he know that he defeated the imperial army here, captured the Queen Mother and the Emperor, killed Sima Huada and Sima Deke, and negotiated peace with the Eastern Capital Army? "

"I understand." Wang Shuyong finally came to his senses. "He will be suspicious. He knows that there are heavy troops behind us. As long as we can't get a big deal, he will be afraid and cower... This is what the art of war says, show strength when you are weak.

When you are strong, show weakness."

"That's exactly what I mean." Zhang Xing continued. "However, we will not leave him alone. This time we are back from rest. After next year's spring plowing, we will annex Hebei on a large scale. Xue Changxiong in Hejian will be destroyed.

Zhou Luoshu will also be destroyed, and even the Eight Lords and Seven Guards of the North will be destroyed. They will be pushed to the Black Water and Beihai in one breath, and then they will turn around and fight Bai and Sima decisively..."

Wang Wulang's blood boiled when he heard this, and he almost asked for a fight. The leaders of the surrounding gangs were also fascinated. Even Du Pozhen, who was sitting on a bench against the wall, was thinking thoughtfully with a cup of iced sour plum soup. At this time, the public room was separated by a wall.

There was a sudden noise in the corridor of the front hall of the county mansion, and several people immediately shut up.

After a moment, Dou Xiaoniang came over with a dozen soldiers escorting one person, and everyone present became even more solemn.

Without him, the person who came here was regarded as the highest-level prisoner in this battle. He Xi, the former Wei Zuohouwei general, was also Li Ding and Xu Shiren's old superior... At this time, the army had been disbanded from the confrontation front in accordance with the secret agreement, and more than half of the troops had been transferred, and the prisoners were also there.

After killing some of them, I released a lot of them, but I kept this one until now. The intention is self-evident.

After meeting, Xiong Bonan and Li Ding originally wanted to get up, but when they saw Zhang Xing sitting still, they had no choice but to sit back.

"General He, please sit down." Zhang Xing pointed at a stool that was placed opposite the table.

Sure enough, they were bandits. They clearly wanted to recruit him but they didn't even know the etiquette. He Xi secretly complained in his heart, but after a quick glance, he found that almost everyone was only sitting on a bench. Even Zhang Xing had a bench under his butt.

Finally, I had no choice but to sit down.

Zhang Xing nodded, spread out the pen and paper, covered the letters on the table, and then came to pick up a pen and ask: "General He, I want to ask you a few questions... What do you think of the Wei Dynasty?"

He Xi was a little confused. Not only He Xi, but everyone around him was also a little confused.

"Let's put the question another way. You have been an official since you grew up, and have been in the Wei Dynasty court all the time. You have been serving as Minister of the Ministry of Industry and General Zuo Houwei. Let me ask you, do you think the Wei Dynasty court is black or white? The world is

Is it good or bad under the rule of the Wei Dynasty?" Zhang Xing continued to ask.

In He Xi's view, Zhang Xing definitely wanted a specific answer, but he was resistant and didn't want to reply like this. Moreover, it was really difficult for him to really answer this question seriously, having experienced a lot.


As a result, the person not only did not answer, but instead asked: "Chief Zhang also served as a black ribbon in the Eastern Capital and served as a Fulong Guard. Do you think the Wei Dynasty is black or white, and the world is good or bad?"

"It's black and bad." Zhang Xing blurted out while raising his hand to record. "Otherwise, why would I be like this?"

"Since Chief Zhang knows the answer, why do you have to ask me?" He Xi asked jokingly.

"Because I am a person who was born as a vanguard in the North, and at the highest level I am just a Fulongwei black ribbon. I only look at things from the bottom up. Just one three conquests that destroyed millions of households is enough for me to risk my life.

...So I can't help but wonder, how does a person like General He, who has touched the threshold of Guanlong's noble family as soon as he entered the official position, and later became increasingly sophisticated, view the court and the world?" Zhang Xing replied seriously.

"I..." He Xi couldn't get angry at this time, but he thought for a moment and gave a sincere reply. "The imperial court can be regarded as changing from white to black... It's not just that, it should be from white to black and then to white again."

It turns dark again. Both emperors were wise and powerful in their early years, but they became cruel within a few years, which can be seen from the projects... As for the people of the world, it seems that ever since the first emperor was brutal in his later years, things have never been easy."

Zhang Xing nodded and took notes.

Seeing this, He Xi quickly added: "I'm not saying that the Wei Dynasty was too bad. In fact, the late emperor... I mean the founding emperor actually did a lot of things. Compared with many previous emperors from the north, south, east and west, he

It's already the best... Otherwise, he wouldn't have become the greatest achievement, and all the previous emperors would have died miserably."

"I understand what you mean." Zhang Xing nodded and continued to ask. "Hundreds of years before the Wei Dynasty, the world was in ruins, but the late emperor was a decent person. However, you were among them and saw with your own eyes the changes of the late emperor in his later years.

He was cruel and cruel, saw Cao Che obsessed with his achievements, and saw the court changing from black to white, and in the end he was hopeless. Have you ever thought about how to deal with this changing court? Have you ever thought about how to deal with this world for hundreds of years?

Common people who have always had a hard time?"

"What have you thought about? What have you not thought about?" He Xifu became wary again.

"If you have thought about it, you have to ask what you think. If you have not thought about it, you have to ask what you are thinking about?" Zhang Xing explained seriously. "I have to know whether General He is on the same journey as us, right?"

Finally admitted it!

He Xi sneered in his heart, but also became honest: "I have thought about it, but in the end I felt that I couldn't do it, so I just focused on being an official... Anyway, I am just a craftsman. I just don't harm others."

"Okay." Zhang Xing nodded. "The last question, if you have a way to make the imperial court white and make it less difficult for the people in the world, would you do it?"

He Xi was silent for a moment, and slowly answered under the gaze of many leaders around him: "I know what Chief Zhang wants to say to me, and I also know what Chief Zhang means, but people in the world, whether they have ambitions or not, whether they are talented or not,

When asked, who can say that they won’t do it? Of course I am willing to do it.

"It's just that, Chief Zhang, after replying to this question, I still want to say that your assumption is too frivolous. In fact, personally, if I want the world to change from black to white, and if I want the world to change for the better,

Even if I try my best, I'm afraid I won't be able to shake the slightest bit... If we say that we can gather everyone to build a slightly whiter court and then change the world for the better, it's just a dream, because people are not wood, and earth and stone can be piled up at will. When there are more people,

It's chaos. If one person becomes bad, the others will rush to become bad. They are afraid that they will suffer a loss. When the time comes, they will all be internally consumed. How many of them will remember their original ambition?

"Even if we take a step back, we still need to get together to make the world a better place. How can we win against others who just want to win regardless?"

"General He's words are beyond my expectation." Zhang Xing put down his pen and replied sincerely. "But in that case, why not stay and take a look? It's hard to say what will happen in the future, but we helped him at the beginning.

I really want to make this world a better place, but it doesn’t seem to be what you said today.”

"What can I do if I stay here?" He Xi was noncommittal about the other party's self-importance and just sneered and asked back.

"Rather, what can General He do if he goes to the Eastern Capital?" Zhang Xing smiled and said. "Should we put up the big golden pillar again? If General He stays, I have a few important things to entrust to General He...

For example, no one has managed the Jindi River for many years. I don’t know how to repair it? There has been no systematic water conservancy project in the Huaibei water system. Can it be done? Should Zhang River and Jishui be dredged? The same is true for official roads. We actually set up

We set up a department to deal with these, but they just recruited a few people at random, and we really didn’t dare to start a big project. In addition, we set up a Mongolian Foundation Department to prepare all children to be forced to start a Mongolian Foundation, but after that, we didn’t care about it.

? So we also need to build a school..."

Having said this, Zhang Xing looked at Xiong Bonan: "King of Heaven, do you still remember what we said yesterday?"

"Of course." Xiong Bonan seemed a little lost in thought, and paused for a moment before replying. "The Zhongsi Academy requires the descendants of the dead brothers to attend the academy together with the children of the leaders. After they come out, they will join the army with good cultivation.

Good document writing."

"We need to build a school." Zhang Xing looked at He Xi who was in a daze and said seriously. "Not only is there a Zhongsi School, there is also a university. Every county must build a middle school, and the county must also build a small school.

That’s the first thing to do…can General Ho help?”

Why do you want to speak but stop?

At this time, Li Ding suddenly stood up, stepped forward and held the other person with both hands to help him up, and said sincerely: "He Gong! There is no other way. The boys want to do things, but they are unable to do it. I really rely on you to help...


Zhang Xing also stood up and held up his palms beside him: "Everyone in the world says that with help, you can become a powerful tiger, but if you ask me, if General He comes, he will be like a tiger with wings, faintly like a dragon... If you want to, first

Is it like a dragon?"

He Xi still remained silent, but everyone knew that this guy was really moved, so under Xiong Bonan and Du Po Formation, countless leaders stood up to agree, praising this and that, and then took the opportunity to protect General Li Ding.

People pushed him out.

After they left, Du Pozhen came back first, smiling with his hands behind his back: "What position and status are you going to give him, Chief?"

"Boss, I want to go to the Ministry of Water Resources and Roads and be the deputy in charge." Zhang Xing told him frankly.

"Isn't it a little too small?" Du Pozhen was obviously shocked. "It's always okay to have a big boss and a serious manager..."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Zhang Xing sighed helplessly. "If this person could lead the troops to surrender before the war, he would naturally have this treatment; if only a few years earlier, our gang would have come here before they had crossed the river to Hebei.

, this is the same treatment for coming here alone; and if he had joined the uprising with us back then, he would have been alone, and he might have been pushed to become the chief..."

"The helper family has achieved great success." Du Pozhen thought for a moment after hearing this and sighed.

"Indeed, it is no longer time for those who came today to have a share. In the future, they must be institutionalized and cultivated on a large scale." Zhang Xing nodded slightly. "Such a surrender, unless it is particularly critical, can only

It can be dealt with like this."

"That's why you asked those questions?" Du Pozhen said seriously.

"Yes." Zhang Xing nodded, walked to the table, picked up the sour plum soup, put it down again, and then looked at Du Pozhen. "Lao Du, don't worry... I remember the love between Mangdang Mountain back then, this

I also remember the sentiments that came to my aid the first time. I can tolerate even Xue Changxiong, no matter how rare it is. How can I not tolerate you? Let me tell you, as long as you can ask the few things I just asked in your heart, you will be fine.

Even if you live in the far corners of the world, you are still a brother! What’s more, you just want to go to Huainan to fight for the situation?"

Du Pozhen immediately became solemn: "I will never forget that I am a sheep thief in this life! I will never forget that I stole the sheep because I couldn't eat! Brother Zhang San, I will make an oath to you here, unless

It’s a natural disaster and we can’t eat together. Otherwise, no matter how incompetent I am, I won’t let the children in my area starve!”

The other leaders who were still laughing were obviously caught off guard by the two men's showdown.

Let's say that Du Pozhen wanted to go to Huainan so much before. Of course, it was out of personal political ambition that he never jumped out of the pattern of a farmer-bandit leader. And to be fair, if evaluated from the pattern of half farmer and half bandit,

He actually performed extremely well.

As for the doubts of Fu Boshi and others, and the confidence of Du Po Zhen, apart from the matter itself, it has something to do with the history of this world.

For example, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was only an important minister under the ancestral emperor. The ancestral emperor failed to accomplish his great cause, and then his subordinates fought against each other. The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty became a very serious situation... This created a sense of historical similarity, which made people in the situation feel uncomfortable.

People feel able to repeat certain things.

Even in the world where Zhang Xinglai came from, there were similar things, like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

However, Zhang Xing disagreed.

"If you want to go to Huainan to fight for destiny, then go ahead... I have kept you here until now, really for no reason. Once you come, the other ministries and commissions in the gang are really exhausted, and your Huaixi soldiers are needed to take advantage of the local territory.

I'll end it first; secondly, I have to decide who will go to Xuzhou to serve as your queen." Zhang Xing continued to speak, and suddenly looked at Wang Shuyong. "Wu Lang, are you going to fight in the north, or are you going to Xuzhou to help?

What’s behind Du Longtou Cuisine?”

"Of course I want to be a pioneer in the north." Wang Shuyong, who had talked with Xiong Bonan before, immediately answered.

"Well, you come to the north to command the troops and let Niu Da go to Xuzhou to clean up the place." Zhang Xing blurted out.

Wang Shuyong nodded again.

Another big event happened so easily, but not many people knew about Zhang Xing and Xiong Bonan's previous efforts.

While the other leaders were still thinking wildly, Li Ding and Xiong Bonan had already turned back.

Zhang Xing couldn't help but smile and asked: "How? Is he convinced?"

"Fortunately, I have another big help in the gang." Xiong Bonan spread his hands and smiled. "But it seems that I was confused by your question, and I still have some random thoughts in my mind."

"Isn't everything in the world like this?" Li Ding sighed a little. "It sounds simple, but in fact, how many people know what they are thinking about?"

At this point, Li Si seemed to have thought of something, and then suddenly asked: "Where is your compass?"

"Sent to Sisi." Zhang Xing had already sat back down.

Others didn't know the whole story, but Li Si was already sweating profusely: "You are so brave!"

"It's not that you're brave, but that you're more trustworthy than Sisi." Zhang Xing had a good time.

The summer was turbulent, and Bai Yousi suddenly received an invitation from Li Ziqi from Qian Tang in the city. In the original words of the great master, "The person who will accept you is here"!

He seemed to feel relieved, but asked that only Bai Yousi be allowed to see him.

Bai Yousi did not dare to neglect, and immediately turned into a stream of light and flew into Jin'ao City.

However, even Bai Yousi couldn't help but be stunned after entering the lobby and seeing the people waiting inside. He was stunned for a moment before speaking:

"Why did King Qi do this?"

A person waiting in the back hall of the Governor's Mansion raised his head and saw Bai Yousi. His pale face was obviously stunned, but after being stunned, he felt that it was indeed the case: "Is it actually Bai Sanniang?"

It turned out that this person was actually Cao Ming, the King of Qi who disappeared during the Jiangdu Incident.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign country, the two of them were surprised and relaxed a little.

After a pause, Bai Yousi asked again: "Everyone said that King Qi, you were killed by the Sima family in Jiangdu. How did you end up here?"

"He died and was rescued." Cao Ming said seriously. "Then he was sent here via the southern waterway."

Bai Yousi sighed quietly: "Who saved you, and who sent you?"

Just as Cao Ming was about to speak, unexpectedly, Grand Master Li Ziqi standing next to him suddenly interrupted: "You two, please allow me to step aside for a moment..."

After saying that, he was actually ready to leave directly, but he didn't want to hear the whole story clearly.

"No need." Bai Yousi called to the other party in turn. "There is no reason for a guest to drive away the host. If King Qi is the rightful owner, I will go to the camp to talk with King Qi."

Li Ziqi hesitated for a moment, but had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to nod.

Cao Ming did not refute, lowered his head and left with the other party. He walked out of the back hall and turned to the front. He met Qian Tang who was chasing after him again. The latter was dumbfounded when he saw Cao Ming here, but followed Bai Yousi.

With a look in his eyes, he immediately lowered his head and said nothing.

The two parties left and went outside the city, but did not return to the camp. They only went to a rocky beach facing the sea facing the camp.

"It was the True Fire Cult who saved me." The two parties came to a large rock. As soon as they stood still, Cao Ming put aside his hands and spoke directly. "They also asked me to come here..."

"The old leader of the True Fire Sect is preparing to build a new tower in Huaibei, and the new leader is trying to capture Jiangdu. Who can save you?" Bai Yousi was still puzzled.

"None of them." Cao Ming was a little short of breath. "They are a group of female crowns from the True Fire Sect. You know, the ones outside Jiangdu City who raise children and worship the True Fire."

Bai Yousi was suddenly stunned and continued to sigh: "So, it was really the Supreme Being from the south who did what happened here?"

"Probably so." Cao Ming nodded. "My injuries would have been difficult even for the Qianjin Cult Leader to treat in person. But now that I can be like a normal person, it must be because of the Supreme Lord's mercy... Not to mention, the female crowns behind me will explain.

There are many things that are beyond their control."

"What does He want?" Bai Yousi continued to ask.

"I want you to take these people with me to Demon Island, and then start a business overseas." Cao Ming said calmly. "Imitate the story of Qian Yi and Li Yue."

There is actually a male partner!

To be honest, this was worse than Bai Yousi thought, but unexpectedly, she was not angry and just asked: "Qian Yi, what will happen to Li Yue?"

"He...they asked me to tell you something." Cao Ming sighed. "They said that you are not Bai Hengqiu's biological daughter. You are the direct descendant of the True Fire Sect. He chose this time from the beginning.

A man of destiny in troubled times.”

Bai Yousi was indeed shocked, because she knew that the other party would not lie easily about this kind of thing... There was no need to lie to her.

Moreover, this also explains some things.

"Furthermore, after Bai Hengqiu accidentally met you, he seemed to have noticed your extraordinary nature. He only sent you to the Trinity Orthodox Church for instruction, but did not teach you about culture, Taoism, military strategy, and familiarity with political strategies. This was his intention to waste you.

"Cao Ming continued to recount. "In addition, when you first returned to Xidu, he also tried to marry you to me in order to kill two birds with one stone, but my father was alerted and failed...I

The father is worried that if I have the support of the Bai family, I will suppress him in turn."

Bai Yousi paused for a long time before coming back to his senses, and then asked, "What next?"

"What then?" Cao Ming was puzzled.

"Is that all there is?" Bai Yousi asked seriously.

"Aren't these enough?" Cao Ming asked. "After all, it is the will of the Supreme Being."

"I'm not talking about Supreme, I'm just talking about you. What about you?" Bai Yousi continued to ask seriously. "Do you have anything to say?"

"What can I say?" Cao Ming smiled bitterly. "The only thing that can be discussed is that in order to fight against Dongyi, I almost gave up my cultivation to attract the real dragon, but now I have to rely on Dongyi and stand side by side with the Dongyi people...

…it’s ridiculous.”

"I'm asking, don't you want to know where your son, King Zhao, is? Don't you want to know where your mother is?" Bai Yousi turned his head slightly and asked. "You are so willing to go to some demon island for what money?"

Yi...are you Qian Yi or Li Yue?"

Cao Ming couldn't help but be stunned: "My mother and son are still alive?"

Bai Yousi finally laughed: "I thought His Highness, King Qi, only had wills in his eyes... He did not dare to disobey the will of the Supreme Being on land, and he did not dare to disobey the will of the Supreme Being in heaven."

Cao Ming was about to speak but stopped.

Bai Yousi suppressed his smile and told him seriously: "King Qi, King Zhao was elected as the new emperor, and then the imperial army returned north and was defeated by our gang. Your mother and your son are now settled in Hebei.

Days...are you going to turn your back on them?"

Even with the setting sun shining down, Cao Ming's face looked paler: "I...but Bai Sanniang, how could the Supreme Lord disobey me?"

"This matter is not about what kind of thing it is, but first we have to ask whether we can disobey it or should we disobey it?" Bai Yousi said while holding a long sword. "King Qi, do you think the Supreme Being can disobey it? Should he disobey it?"


Cao Ming remained silent.

"I think it's okay, because as long as it's necessary, it's okay." Bai Yousi said seriously. "Do you think this should be violated?"

"How can you say 'should'?" Cao Ming tried his best to respond. "The will of God is dark, and only the Supreme One understands it. You mock me for being afraid of the will, but the Supreme Being in heaven and the Supreme Being on land are not the same thing. The true Supreme One acts in accordance with God's will.


"You also said that God's will is dark, so the Supreme One's actions are in accordance with God's will?" Bai Yousi asked back. "If that's the case, how did the Supreme Ones fight that day?"


"His Royal Highness King Qi, do you know what I am visualizing?" Bai Yousi interrupted.

"I don't know." Cao Ming was obviously confused by the other party's change of topic.

"I was visualizing a person, it was my husband Zhang Xing and Zhang Sanlang." Bai Yousi said calmly. "And when I saw how bold he was in his actions, I was also curious. But then I saw more, and I became more aware of what I was visualizing."

Dao, but he is aware of it... He is such a person. If God's will is clear, he will go with it. But if God's will is unclear, he actually dares to be arrogant and determine God's will based on human heart!"

At this point, Bai Yousixu raised the hilt of his sword and pointed upward to the sky, and reiterated: "The same thing applies to this matter. If God's will is like this, let God speak for himself. If God doesn't say it, it's up to people to decide whether it should be done or not.

Come and decide.”

Cao Ming was completely stunned.

The sky was still cloudless, and the surrounding waves were as usual.

After a while, Bai Yousifu turned around again and looked at the camp illuminated by the setting sun. Then he held his long sword and continued to speak: "There are tens of thousands of people in this camp, and more than 10,000 of them are still...

My original subordinates, they were in constant trouble and had different ideas, but after much deliberation, most of them always wanted to go home...and I also promised them that I would send them home no matter what.


"And I also want to go home."

When Cao Ming heard this, he finally knew that the other party had made up his mind, but he had no choice but to say, "It's the right thing to do, so what? That's the Supreme!"

"That's another thing."

As he spoke, Bai Yousi held the sword in one hand, then took out the object from his waist, which was the compass, and put it in his palm, and without hesitation he said a very strange sentence:

"The Supreme Lord is as urgent as the law!"


This chapter has been completed!
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