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Chapter 43 Return (9)

Chapter 503 Return (9)

In Dengzhou City, the autumn air is crisp and clear.

Hundreds of young knights were still on tall horses, clad in red and colorful clothes, but all of them had pale faces. They stood obediently on both sides of the road, looking at row after row of serious sergeants wearing iron robes and robes.

Wearing a black smock, Liuhe boots, and carrying a long iron spear, he walked into Dengzhou City in a very neat manner.

That look was almost the same as what I heard back in my hometown about the gang that He Ge had when he raided Dengzhou.

However, these frightened young knights must have never imagined that the soldiers at the head of this battalion they saw were the same group that was swept away a few years ago... This battalion was under Gao Shitong, basically

The Hebei rebels who occupied Dengzhou that day were selected.

Immediately after, came the battalions of Fan Bao, Jia Wugen and others, all of whom had descended on the same day, but they were closer and faster; at the same time, the two cavalry battalions of Cao Chen and Liu Heifu had also arrived, but they came from Dengzhou.

The city outside the city passes through the city, and goes directly to the old Dengzhou camp further east... As for the remaining camps, it is estimated that it will take two or three days.

Of course, it was enough to shock everyone inside and outside Dengzhou.

What these people, or everyone in Dengzhou except Cheng Dalang, didn't know was that before these troops arrived, the purple-faced king Xiong Bonan and several King Kong who had not yet arrived had already entered the city early in the morning.

At that time, I was doing some calculations with Chief Zhang in the back hall of the General Manager's Mansion.

Also sitting there were Cheng Zhili, the acting general manager here in Dengzhou, Fang Jingbo, the clerical manager who was transferred to Bai Yousi when Bai Yousi was there, as well as Bai Jingang, Pang Jingang and others... Ma Wei was not here, he had gone to the police station early.

The Dengzhou camp in the east was doing general planning.

However, Qin Bao has not yet been formally appointed and has no right to speak, but he has been sent to stand guard in front of the door.

Anyway...yes, they have another meeting, and it's not too annoying.

"There is a big problem in Dengzhou." As soon as Xiong Bonan said it, Cheng Dalang was on pins and needles. "I left one day earlier than the chief, and it was only two days before I arrived at the boundary of Dengzhou, but Shou King Kong, Dwarf King Kong, and Gao King Kong came.

Morning, let them speak."

Cheng Dalang, who was sitting next to Zhang Xing, immediately glanced at the new bald heads, and then couldn't help but look at the two bald heads who had arrived with Zhang Xing earlier, and then thought of the man who showed his prowess on the battlefield in Hebei and was a member of the gang.

The other bald man, whose status was not even weaker than his own, and who was expected to arrive in two or three days, couldn't help but feel even more confused. Not to mention anything else, it was just that Bai Jingang, who arrived first, obviously had a problem with his family. From the first moment he saw him, his nose

It's not the nose, the eyes, or the eyes.

I don’t know where I offended these Vajras?

The spy assassination of Zheng Erlang was purely an accident, okay? It must have nothing to do with it.

While thinking wildly, before any of the named King Kongs opened their mouths, the White King Kong actually urged them: "Speak quickly."

Gao Jingang and others naturally knew each other's temper, but they did not rush. They just sat there and reported: "There are many things, but they can be roughly divided into two categories. One is that many relatives and old friends of gang leaders are engaged in various businesses in Dengzhou.

Compared to other places, there are too many. It’s okay to say that 40% of the industrial and commercial properties in Dengzhou are occupied by the homes of gang leaders and helmsmen on the first floor..."

Cheng Dalang hesitated to speak, but Fang Jingbo showed no reaction.

"The other is that this year, especially the round of land transfer after autumn, has been too disorderly and can even be called indulgent." Ai Jingang also continued to report. "To be specific, as long as the households returning from Dengzhou ask for their own

The so-called ancestral property of the state will be unconditionally transferred to the place of origin, and then awarded according to the original land location...and those who ask for more than the rationed land, generally speaking, as long as the corresponding children join the army, General Manager Cheng will give it to them.

He will be appointed, and then he will be supplemented by the local government according to the sergeant grade subsidy."

"One more thing." Shou Jingang added that as the leader of the army, he came here lightly. "Actually, it is the same thing as granting fields, but it is worth talking about separately. I have seen it with my own eyes. Many of them have just returned.

In this situation, everyone is still a slave, with no intention of releasing them... Among the people who came back together, some people lent usurious loans to others, but here in Dengzhou, they turned a deaf ear. "

Originally, Cheng Dalang had always wanted to take the initiative to defend himself, but now that he had spoken, he was at ease, while Fang Jingbo remained calm.

"Is there any more?" Zhang Xing did not look at the two parties involved, but continued to ask.

"There are too many specific cases, but the things here in Dengzhou cannot be separated from these two categories." Xiong Bonan concluded with a frown, and at the same time glanced at Cheng Dalang.

"Mr. Cheng, is that true?" Zhang Xing finally turned to look at Cheng Dalang.

Cheng Zhili stood up. Looking at his expression and movements, you could tell that this guy was not too panicked: "Reporting to Chief, I dare not say that these words are false..."

"Chief." Hearing the other party's admission, Bai Jingang suddenly stood up and stood side by side with Cheng Dalang, and then raised his hands to Zhang Xing. "Chief, do you still remember what we said when we first met? Let me tell you, people like Cheng Zhili are fake.

A hero, a fake hero, if this person is kept in such an important position in the gang, it is a sign of the collapse of the gang's foundation, and he will be the one who ruins the world's vitality in the future."

Cheng Dalang, who was calm at first, was stunned.

He was really stunned, because he didn't understand why the other party said that, let alone the truth of what he said. What made him even more incomprehensible was that from Chief Zhang Xing to King Xiong Bonan to several other leaders,

None of them showed any signs of surprise, as if they had expected it.

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through the mind of this meticulous gang leader, but he still couldn't figure it out... If it was because Qin Er arrived or Bai Sanniang was about to come back, Zhang Xing wanted to kill the donkey, but yesterday was such a good opportunity

, wouldn’t it be enough to just use Zheng Er’s trouble to capture him? Why bother to have another attack now?

Wait for the troops to enter the city today?

No, no matter how clueless he is, Cheng Dalang has been hanging out with Chief Zhang for almost five years. How can he not know this person's temperament? If he really wanted to take advantage of him, he would have done it long ago, and he would definitely disclose the reason.

He is fair and aboveboard and will never be so secretive or procrastinating.

So what's going on with this white diamond?

Thinking of this, he was really confused and could only go to see Zhang Xing for help.

Zhang Xing was calm and said with a smile: "Don't be uneasy, Cheng Dalang. The white-headed leader came from the south of the Yangtze River and saw with his own eyes that the southern rebels were corrupt and fighting each other. The main reason for this was to form cliques for personal gain... So for this kind of

The matter is extremely sensitive and is not directed at you."

Cheng Dalang seemed to have gotten the answer, but he was still uneasy, so he handed over to Zhang Xing again: "Chief, do you think that I am forming a clique for personal gain?"

"It depends on whether what the King of Heaven and others said today is true, and how you calculate the pros and cons." Zhang Xing's expression did not change.

"Replying to the chief, I just said that these things do exist, but I don't think they are cliques or selfish interests." Cheng Dalang quickly explained. "For example, the first thing, no matter who comes to buy the property, I will be the agent."

General manager, what’s the reason for not allowing people to buy real estate? As for why the families of these leaders buy more real estate in Dengzhou than in other places, the reason is very simple. There were no people in Dengzhou for several years before, but it was mines, seaports, fields, and pastures.

, there is no shortage of mountains and forests... when industries are vacated, they naturally flock to them."

"It makes sense." Zhang Xing nodded. "This is the truth."

Xiong Bonan also nodded, then turned to explain to Bai Jingang himself.

It turns out that this is a problem left over from history. Dengzhou has always been the starting base of the Three Expeditions and was managed in a militarized manner. It was also the first important town to be captured when the rebels rose up. At that time, there were dozens of rebels in Henan, Hebei and even Jianghuai.

The main force of the Wei Dynasty did not give in much, and the scale was even greater than that of the main force of the Wei Dynasty during the Three Expeditions, and the whole area of ​​Dengzhou was turned into a wasteland.

Everyone who could run ran away, and those who couldn't were also held hostage. Even a local snake with Cheng Dalang's strength couldn't stand it. The tragedy of the situation at that time was evident.

Then these rebels separatized towns and counties in Dengzhou, almost dividing Dengzhou. So much so that after the gang defeated Zhang Xuguo and moved further east, the biggest gain was the rebels themselves, which was why Zhang Xing decided to cross Hebei at that time.

One of the reasons.

After the gang moved north, because Hebei was empty and most of the Dengzhou rebels were from Hebei, most of the rebels were moved back to Hebei, where they were either reorganized into battalions or taken to farmland.

Ever since, from then on, Dengzhou has been in the strange state that Cheng Dalang said. The so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse. It has all kinds of resources and facilities, and there are many cities, but there is no one... When there is trouble

, the scholars and common people ran to Dongyi, and naturally it was difficult to come back; the landlords and wealthy businessmen ran to Xuzhou, and they could not come back because of the military confrontation at that time.

Under such circumstances, Dengzhou does seem to be a good place to buy property.

But Bai Jingang still didn't fully agree: "If that's the case, why don't ordinary businessmen and rich people come, but only the gang leaders and relatives of the helmsman come?"

At this time, Cheng Dalang only thought that he had regained his footing, and he was angry, so he directly responded with a cold face: "Of course it's because only the family members of the gang members have confidence in the gang. Ordinary wealthy people have no confidence in the gang.

Given the current situation, who would dare to arrange assets out of their home county?"

"Then why didn't many leaders come here in person when General Manager Bai was in office, but only you came in droves when General Manager Cheng was in office?" Bai Jingang was also unafraid and turned directly to face the other party, even raising his voice.

"Then I, Old Cheng, have to tell the truth." Cheng Dalang turned away, as if calming down, and just stood here with his hands crossed and sighed. "Even the relatives of the leader of the gang, before last year, they all treated the gang.

Not much hope."

Bai Jingang choked on the spot.

The expressions of Xiong Bonan and others did not change, but it was because their faces had always been ugly before.

Zhang Xing actually smiled: "That makes sense."

"But it's still wrong." Bai Jingang said with renewed energy. "The truth of this matter is reasonable, but after seeing it, how could the ordinary people not suspect that the members of our gang took the opportunity to invade the place? And Cheng Zhili, as a general manager of the state

The acting general manager of the gang allows such suspicious things to happen, which will not only ruin the reputation of the gang, but also let the gang members loose their mouths and let the gang members follow suit and fall to their own depravity!"

Zhang Xing nodded: "That makes sense."

Cheng Dalang felt chilled and startled in his heart - Ganqing really got into trouble because of this kind of thing, but what kind of thing is it? It has only been half a year since he returned to Dengzhou, how did it become like this? Li Shu's departure and the arrival of the palace had such a big impact


Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Xing seemed to have seen through Cheng Dalang's thoughts and asked directly: "Cheng Dalang, do you think it's only been half a year since you returned to Dengzhou, why is this happening in the gang? Is this kind of thing a big deal?"

Cheng Dalang, who knew the other party's temper, could only nod.

"Then let me be fair." Zhang Xing sighed, still sitting there. "Just referring to this first thing, you have not violated the law in any way. If you use this as a punishment, no one will accept it, even me.

I don’t think so, so I won’t punish you, or even make any accusations or arguments about this matter with you.”

Cheng Dalang felt relieved, but he still felt confused - do you care or not?

"I don't accept it!" At this moment, Bai Jingang next to him shouted loudly without hesitation, slightly losing his composure.

The back hall of the Dengzhou Governor's Mansion was silent for a moment, and it was clear that Bai Jingang suddenly lost his temper and confronted Chief Zhang, which seemed to be humiliating himself, but for some reason, it was Cheng Zhili who was the most panicked.

Zhang Xing didn't panic at all, and just went to see Bai Jingang again: "Leader Bai, I know that you have great ambitions, you are frightened when you hear good things, and you are angry when you hear evil, but we are now in charge of eight or nine Xingtai and dozens of counties.

, with a population of tens of millions, we cannot do things based on our likes and dislikes without regard to laws and regulations, otherwise it will only be in vain and cause chaos..."

"Then just sit back and watch this kind of thing happen?" Bai Jingang's anger continued unabated.

"Of course not." Zhang Xing further explained. "What I mean is that everything must be resolved from the institutional level... Just like this time, if something like this happened, it cannot be considered to be Cheng Dalang's responsibility, because he did not violate the law.

Laws and gang regulations, and in this case, even if Cheng Dalang does not do this, similar things will happen in the future, I am afraid that other people will do it... Therefore, we have to do two things. First, we cannot use this

One thing to determine Cheng Dalang's guilt; second, think of a way to establish new gang rules so that this kind of thing can be prevented in the future."

Bai Jingang stood there, breathing heavily, as if he had been convinced, but also as if he was still not angry.

At this time, Gao Jingang calmly reminded: "Old Bai, what the chief said makes sense. If you deal with people according to their temperament, it will be successful, and you will also break the "Law" and the gang rules, which will make more people

People think that laws and gang rules are not worth mentioning, and the harm will be even greater when the time comes."

"If you say it like this, it seems that I don't know the importance." After hearing this, Bai Jingang immediately let out a breath. "But how should we establish the new gang rules? The leader's family members are not allowed to do business and buy real estate?"

"Of course not." Zhang Xing immediately corrected seriously. "Not to mention that we don't have the ability to restrain them. Even if we do, we can't restrain them in the long run, let alone restrain them. Because human nature is profit-seeking, and we can control them for a while, but not for a lifetime.

I'm afraid it will come back after taking care of it. Even our gang uses profit to ally with others... Baitou, let me seriously warn you that everything in the world is people-oriented, and as humans, there are good and bad things.

, there are those who are loyal, filial and benevolent, and there are those who are cunning and despicable, there are those who seek public benefit and there are those who seek private gain. This is nature. You can neither simply classify people, nor can you expect to find any way to turn everyone into what you want.

Looks like, if you insist on doing that, you will only destroy yourself."

Zhang Xingyu spoke solemnly, and people around him were embarrassed to speak. However, Bai Jingang thought for a moment and gave a not unexpected reply: "I don't believe Chief Zhang's assertion. I came out of Baidi Temple just to bring peace to the world."

Everyone is clean, but the chief is the chief after all, and I am willing to obey for the time being. But when the conference is held at the end of the year, I will propose to the conference that the leader's family members are not allowed to do business, but I don't know what the chief will do.

What kind of case can be proposed to deal with this kind of thing?”

"I think everyone above the leader level in the gang should report the assets of their workshops and shops, just like property is filed, and set up a special file to save it." Zhang Xing gave his own plan. "Every year, give it to all the leaders.

watch together."

"Is this enough?" Bai Jingang was obviously dissatisfied.

"I think it's already relatively good, and it can also act as a deterrent." Zhang Xing said seriously. "If someone's family assets have increased too much in a few years when he is in power, everyone can know it, and then his

Put away the power... That's it. After a few years, everyone will get used to it. You can also mention a new gang rule. Whose family and their relatives' assets have increased too much in a short period of time, and it is unclear.

Then he can be dismissed from his position. As for concealing the report, let alone, he can be dismissed directly."

Bai Jingang did not feel depressed this time, but nodded: "If we can move people and things up step by step, it's not impossible."

The others didn't say anything, but Cheng Dalang next to him felt relieved.

Without him, if this white diamond really hits his head and bleeds, the unlucky one will certainly be the bald one, but who will he be? When the time comes, he is either wrong or wrong, and the word selfishness cannot be avoided.

"What do you think about the first thing being so fussy about? Who has any different opinions?" Zhang Xing saw Bai Jingang relenting and immediately asked. Seeing that no one refuted it, he continued walking down. "What do you say about the land transfer?"


"If the first thing is to care about it like this, there is nothing to say about the land grant." Xiong Bonan sighed and continued. "Because Cheng Dalang is the acting general manager of Dengzhou, and he was ordered to conquer the four areas.

Those who form the garrison naturally have the right to recruit and appoint soldiers... This is also in line with the rules and laws, but it's just a bit worrying."

"It's not just that." At this moment, Fang Jingbo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly came out of the queue, and then saluted respectfully to the people around him. "It is actually my suggestion to return the household registration from Xuzhou to Dengzhou to the original place to grant farmland...

…The reason is that there are few people in Dengzhou and we want to attract these people to return home as much as possible.”

"That's it." Zhang Xing nodded in agreement.

"As for the third thing, it is true that we were unable to fulfill our responsibilities, but there are reasons for it." Fang Jingbo continued to explain. "At first, we were worried about the timing of fielding, because it is convenient to plant fields during the autumn harvest, so I thought about the autumn harvest.

Later, we implemented the policy of freeing slaves, but later in the fall, we found out that Manager Bai was going to come back with a hundred thousand people. These people were similar to slaves, so we wanted to wait for Manager Bai to come back and deal with them all."

Zhang Xing nodded: "It makes some sense."

"But there are still some things that cannot be defended. For example, they were too tolerant of the situation when Xuzhou returned. They were afraid that implementing some gang strategies in advance would scare them, and then they would not want to come back... And this is the selfishness of the local officials in Dengzhou.

"Fang Jingbo continued to explain.

"It's understandable." Zhang Xing continued to nod. "But it must be implemented immediately and cannot be delayed any longer."

"Yes." Fang Jingbo quickly responded.

Zhang Xing looked at Xiong Bonan again: "King of Heaven, I think the third thing is just a small problem. If you make a mistake, correct it, make up for it if you haven't done it, forgive if you are sentimental, and obey if you are justified. On the contrary, the second thing is the same as the first one.

A similar thing happens. It seems that there is no problem with the rules and regulations, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with me and I have to make some calculations..."

"That's the truth. If you don't care about these things, they will be nothing. But if you care about them, it won't be too painful." Xiong Bonan's face has always been ugly. "So, I also agree with the chief's intention.

This is a loophole in our own gang rules, and we have to fix it as soon as possible... And this second clause is much easier to fix. Starting from the army reorganization at the end of this year, the appointment of mid-level officers will come from the Ministry of Military Affairs."

"That's exactly what I mean." Zhang Xing nodded immediately and went to see Bai Jingang and others again. "Do you have any other objections?"

Bai Jingang and others looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

"Then let me say a few more words." Zhang Xing looked at Bai Jingang, obviously pointed. "Baili leader, there must be a problem in Dengzhou, especially those who are in charge of the government and the army think that the sky is high and the platform is far away.

You won't be able to escape if you ignore the laws and gang rules and act recklessly. However, everyone knows that Dengzhou's population is losing. It is an unreasonable disaster for Director Bai and more than 10,000 Dengzhou core forces to be blown away by the wind. At this time, we appointed Cheng Dalang to do it

The acting general manager of Dengzhou actually has some understanding of some situations. In other words, Cheng Dalang and the others were at fault, but at least 70% of this mistake should be borne by me, the person who made the appointment."

Bai Jingang's face relaxed a lot when he heard this, and he answered: "What the chief said before was already very good, but this is not appropriate."

That means that this reason is okay, but he is still not convinced by the previous reasons.

Seeing this, Xiong Bonan also hurriedly said: "This matter cannot be attributed only to Chief Zhang. The appointment of Cheng Dalang was proposed by Chief Zhang, but it was approved by everyone. If the people who agreed at that time did not know Dengzhou

In fact, it is considered a dereliction of duty."

After saying this, Cheng Dalang really felt relieved and finally passed the test.

Sure enough, Bai Jingang didn't hesitate anymore, and Zhang Xing continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

Xiong Bonan said nothing, bowed his head and said nothing, and the several Vajras who came with him also remained silent.

Bai Jingang was still familiar with several of his brothers. He had already sat back, but now he came again and asked, "Is there any bad news?"

Cheng Dalang was about to sit back, but when he heard this, he almost jumped up and turned back to ask: "If there is anything, please let the king of heaven explain it clearly. My shoulders are narrow and I cannot bear many sins!"

This is also a breathtaking one.

In desperation, Xiong Bonan sighed, and only spoke under Zhang Xing's gaze: "There is something, but it is not about Dengzhou. Several kings brought news from various places, and there were also sentry cavalry.

The news that has come is not a good thing... but the chief didn't bring any sentries or documents before he came, just because he didn't want to be distracted. I'm also worried that the situation in Luolongtan is complicated and may affect the chief's operations."

"Since it has been transmitted, there is no harm in telling it." Zhang Xing disagreed. "Anyway, there will still be two or three days before the troops and horses are ready."

Xiong Bonan turned back to look at the three accompanying King Kong. The three King Kong looked at each other, and then the short King Kong spoke first: "To be honest with you, chief, when I came, one of Wu Dalang's subordinates defected... This is the Wu family.

The one who escaped with Wu Dalang when his house was raided has a relatively high status, basically second only to Wu Erlang and Xu Kaidao. This time, Wu Dalang is going to carry the throne, and it is said that he is also planning to recommend him as the prefect..."

"Why did you run away?" Bai Jingang was obviously impatient.

"I heard that there are two reasons." Dwarf King Kong said seriously. "One is because of us..."


"It's our group of bald heads." Gao Jingang interjected. "When the Nanyang incident was defeated and Wu Dalang came to surrender, the senior brother was just a general under Wu Dalang. But now, several years have passed, and there is no more leader under Wu Dalang. On the contrary,

There were several leaders among the few bald heads among us, and he was not angry, thinking that we were lucky villains."

Bai Jingang was stunned.

Cheng Dalang wanted to laugh when he was around. Just like how Bai Jingang and the chief almost got into a fight today, if he is still lucky, who does he, Cheng Dalang, mean?

"The other one is about the promotion itself. It is said that he has always regarded himself as a famous Kansai clan. The reason why he cannot be the leader is because of being squeezed out by villains. But this time, although Wu Dalang has become a leader, his position should not be a big problem.

, but the appointment was delayed, and the platform was delayed, so he gradually became suspicious, and only said that the people from the East would never let Wu Dalang go to the platform, and finally ran away." Dwarf King Kong calmly told the matter.


But Zhang Xing just showed no expression: "What is there to care about? People like this have been inevitable since ancient times... If he is a grassroots officer and surrenders to the enemy because he is late in granting land, which delays the spring plowing of two acres of land, then we

You have to reflect on whether the rewards and punishments are not in place; but as a person who wants to be a prefect and be promoted to a leader, he can't even wait for a few months...he just left."

"Actually." Cheng Dalang laughed from the side. "You really can't blame anyone for this... Wu Dalang's cronies claim to be from the famous Guanlong clan. If they didn't leave before, it was nothing more than a grudge against the Cao family. Now the Sima family has

Now that the Bai family is in charge, they don’t want to stay outside... Isn’t it the same for Li Shu?"

"Li Shu went to Youzhou." Xiong Bonan suddenly said. "He was treated as a guest. Cui Tuan was also there, and it was said that Youzhou general Wei Wenda had reached the level of a master... This is another bad news. The sentry cavalry sent him there yesterday.


Everyone present was obviously taken aback and became much more serious.

"Wei Wenda and Wang Chenkuo were as famous as the Heavenly King back then, but now they have fallen behind the Heavenly King." Zhang Xing laughed instead.

"If you say that, it seems to be a good thing." Xiong Bonan was stunned and couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't help but sigh. "When you reach the Grandmaster, it's not about personal talent, but about career achievements and mindfulness.

I think... I was promoted by the brothers who helped me. Wei Wenda was integrated into Youzhou, and he became the veritable number one general in Youzhou. He only rose up now, and Wang Chenkuo doesn't know when."

Qin Bao, who stood at the door and watched the show for a long time, was slightly moved in his heart, but he cast a few glances at Cheng Dalang - if he had not left Dengzhou, what kind of "cultivation" would he have now?


However, according to Zhang Sange's unabashed expressions these days, it seemed like it was his fate to leave Dengzhou that day.

No, that means that the real destiny lies in meeting people together, not in where they go.

"Is there more?" The atmosphere in the room obviously relaxed a lot, and Zhang Xing continued to ask.

"In Guanxi, Bai Hengqiu should have won a big victory, but the specific situation is not yet known..."

"It would be weird if we can't win. I just don't know what the outcome will be. Is there anything else?"

"In Huainan, Alliance Leader Du was defeated north of Jiangdu just after crossing the Huaihe River..."

"It's interesting...anything else?"


"What's this?" After hearing this, Zhang Xing was disdainful. "It's all about raining and my mother is getting married, and it's nothing to worry about."

"The chief is willing to listen, so we just want to talk."

"If that's the case, it's nothing to worry about." Upon seeing this, Zhang Xing calmed down. "Here in Dengzhou, prepare the logistics support. On one side, there will be logistics for the soldiers and horses of each battalion that will arrive in a few days. On the other side, Bai will

The general manager's return may bring a large number of refugees and prisoners of war."

Cheng Dalang and Fang Jingbo quickly stood up again and saluted.

"As for the military." Zhang Xing went to see Xiong Bonan. "As I said, prepare with both hands...the main thing is to support you. You must be prepared to fight against the Dongyi people. You must also inform the commanders of each camp and instruct the practitioners in each camp.

, to make other preparations.”

Xiong Bonan also nodded: "As long as the chief understands, let's do the important things first...Compared with the previous ones, Manager Bai's place is the key right now."

As he spoke, he also stood up.

Just like that, everyone dispersed, including Zhang Xing who walked away with his hands behind his back with a dull face as always, but gave Qin Bao a nod on the way out.

Qin Bao knew what he meant, lowered his head and followed the others. As he watched Zhang Xing turn to his residence in the side courtyard, he suddenly said: "Brother Cheng, we haven't seen each other for many years, and we didn't talk together last night. Let's talk about our experiences in these years."


When Cheng Dalang heard this, he quickly turned around to meet him and pulled Qin Er's sleeves.

The people around him just pretended not to see him and went directly to join the troops entering the city.

After a moment, Qin Bao led Cheng Zhili to the backyard, but he still stood outside the door.

Although Cheng Zhili knew that Zhang Xing had something to tell him privately, when he entered the hospital and saw his face, his heart skipped a beat and he tensed up on the spot. Then he carefully raised his hands and saluted: "Chief."

"Cheng Dalang." Zhang Xing stood under the tree in the courtyard with his hands behind his hands. At this time, he faced this man with a dark face, as if the spring breeze he had when he said yesterday, "How can a big leader give others a reason to bow down" did not exist at all. "I

Ask you, you answer."

"Yes." Cheng Zhili was already nervous.

"The first thing is that the Dengzhou industry was seized by relatives of the gang. It may not have been your guidance, but according to your temperament, you should be happy to see it happen. In your heart, you regard this kind of thing as a conflict with the gang.

Is this a way for the leaders to make good friends?" Zhang Xing asked coldly.

Cheng Dalang lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then lowered his head even lower: "That's what you mean."

"The second thing is similar. In your heart, you just can't forget your battalion of cavalry. You still want to have an elite battalion that is completely controlled by you so that you can feel at ease. Internally, you still want to treat the territory and soldiers as private management, right?"

Zhang Xing continued to ask questions.

"Yes." Cheng Dalang lowered his head even further, but this time he answered faster.

"Cheng Dalang." Zhang Xing's tone relaxed. It's good to admit his fault. "I don't think it's treacherous for you to have such selfishness. I don't think other big bosses are cleaner than you. Besides, you are still a human being."

Those who are capable, capable of literature and martial arts, if you really want to care about these things, the gang will be disbanded long ago... But I still want to remind you of a key point, don't be jealous of Bai Jingang, can you do it?"

Cheng Dalang raised his head and responded seriously: "Of course!"

"It's good if you can." Zhang Xing scolded sternly. "But don't think that this is a matter of Cheng Dalang's measure... Rather, the white-headed man really has ambitions, and you, Cheng Zhili, must also know that.

The outside is the outside, and the inside is the inside. The outside seems useless, but in fact it is inseparable. If it is really torn apart, and only the inside is left, I am afraid it will not recover!"

"My subordinates know." Cheng Zhili even became a little solemn.

"You come with me when we send out troops this time." Zhang Xing sighed instead. "It doesn't matter anywhere else, except for the scene at Luolongtan. Sanniang is actually very dangerous. I didn't know it before, but here we are.

At the moment, there is no point in pretending... According to the level of general manager and commander-in-chief, your merits are actually not enough, and you did not do well in Dengzhou this time. If Sanniang comes back, you can be the deputy general manager or go to Daxingtai to get it.

The soldiers are okay, but I'm afraid that Sanniang won't be able to come back or is seriously injured, and I still need you to do it in Dengzhou, so you have to show some gestures to let the brothers in the gang like King Xiong know your ability and responsibility."

Cheng Zhili nodded quickly, but then he realized something in his heart - after seeing Chief Zhang these days, he always felt that he was much worse than in previous years. Now it seems that it is true that he is tired of things, but he is also worried about Bai Sanniang, and

My heart is always clear.

By the way, at this point, whether it was everyone getting together before or talking privately now, almost everyone thought that Bai Yousi's difficulties were only in Luolongtan, but they never thought that there must be others before Luolongtan.

It's hard enough.

The afternoon sun was still there, but the wind started blowing up on the Gobi Desert east of Luolong Beach. The wind was quite strong. Although it could not be called flying sand and rocks, it also picked up the dust in the stone crevices on the Gobi Desert and the catkins and fallen leaves along the riverside.

Made me sleepy.

This is very unusual, but Bai Yousi is used to it.

"Manager, is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Wang Zhen, who was also carrying a bundle of dry reeds, asked with a frown.

"It's a bad thing." Bai Yousi answered frankly. "If there is no wind, the sentries can see us, but it is easier for me to see them. To ensure that the news is not leaked, it will be difficult if the wind blows. What's more terrible is that

, it will be even more difficult for us to march...Of course, there are some advantages. If the wind is still blowing before the military camp, firstly, the surprise attack will be easier to succeed, and secondly, the fire will be more effective."

Wang Zhen nodded and hesitated: "Then why don't you take a moment, take a rest, and wait until the wind stops before leaving?"

Bai Yousi also hesitated for a moment, then shook his head firmly: "Changes will happen later! Who knows if Gao Qianqiu will notice? And it would be too pretentious to expect that the wind will stop after a while."

Wang Zhen nodded again, but still looked hesitant.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Bai Yousi urged.

"Manager." Wang Zhen said with a smile. "Based on the distance, if there is no wind, we will arrive in the evening. We have walked 70 to 80% of the distance now, right?"

"Of course."

"In other words, we have no retreat."


"Before setting off, you said, this is the same as the brave, and it is even more so now. But we encountered this wind and the march was tired. If we wait until dark and arrive and the other party finds out, will we be in danger?


"What do you want to say?"

"I don't mean to say anything, manager. I don't know if what I think is right or not. Please verify it. But since you said it like this, it means that I think it is right." Wang Zhen lowered his head and turned sideways to avoid the wind and sand, smiling.

He was still interested. "And since you have a good idea, please ask the steward to gather the mules and horses in the team and give them to me. I will lead five hundred people to rush over with reeds against the wind and sand... In this case, even the sentry riders will find out.

It doesn’t matter, it’s just the front and back legs. When we get there, we will set fire to them first to disturb them, and then the manager will kill them!"

"Okay!" After just a few breaths of thinking, Bai Yousi agreed to the other party's plan.

Wang Zhen had the words to speak, and without hesitation, he went to call his elite subordinates to collect the captured animals in the team, then hung the reeds, put the armor on them, and braved the wind and sand to advance down the river without hesitation.

The troops in the rear shouted, and the seven or eight thousand people cheered up again and continued to move forward.

Not to mention the rear, only the 500 cavalry led by Wang Zhen encountered several sentinel cavalry on the way. Wang Zhen jumped up and killed one, but the other cavalry ran very fast and escaped into the Gobi, and he was too lazy to catch up.

, instead urging his subordinates to move forward as fast as possible.

On the other side, Gao Qianqiu is hosting a banquet.

The banquet was not held because of the wind, but because the third envoy arrived... That's right, three people. The first one was His Highness Cao Ming, the former King of Wei Qi; the second one was the former Fuling Pass of Dongsheng Kingdom.

Lieutenant General Liu Yanshou; the third is Miao Hailang who just arrived by sea today.

Miao Langlang is from Donghai, that is, from Donghai County before the establishment of Xuzhou, the governor-general state.

He was the leader of a local smuggling gang with Dongyi people at the beginning, and then joined the Huaiyou League in this capacity; after the Three Expeditions, Sima Zheng occupied Xuzhou, and he nominally left the Huaiyou League and joined Xuzhou Xingtai, while also working with the gang.

, the Huaiyou League maintained contact; after Sima Zheng left, Xuzhou was occupied by the Huaiyou League, and he returned to the Huaiyou League and pushed the Huaiyou League to send troops to assist Zhang Xing; now that the main body of the Huaiyou League went south to Huainan, he was again

Zhang Xing left a special letter asking for assistance in the establishment of Xuzhou Xingtai. When Zhang Xing crossed the river to Yecheng, he received an order to come to Dongyi to inquire.

House slaves with three surnames may be like this, but in fact, they are just representatives of local maritime merchants who guard one-third of an acre of the East China Sea.

As for Miao Hailang's visit to Dongyi, he didn't have any important mission. The reason why Zhang Xing asked him to come was very simple - his communication with Bai Yousi suddenly broke off, and the messenger disappeared, and Miao Hailang was here with the Dongyi people.

If you are familiar with it, let him take a look at the situation.

However, due to the time difference, Miao Hailang arrived by sea, while Bai Yousi also arrived there.

Moreover, Miao Hailang came here on behalf of Chief Zhang, so naturally he should not be underestimated.

So, after the wind blew up, Vice Admiral Gao was worried about the situation and sent people to pick up the sentries. On the other hand, he held a banquet in the main hall of the permanent camp specifically in the name of welcoming Miao Hailang.

But to be honest, the atmosphere was not very good, especially after the three envoys faced each other.

The first one to attack was Cao Ming. After drinking for three rounds, he suddenly threw his wine glass to the ground and asked: "Deputy Marshal Gao, I sincerely ask you to get out of the way. It's fine if you don't agree. Why do you want to do it instead?"

Dragging me? Is there a plan? Are you going to take advantage of the division of Dragon Bone Mountain to attack Bai Sanniang, leaving me paralyzed?"

Gao Qianqiu was asked, but he was not embarrassed at all: "His Royal Highness, King Qi, has thought too much. If I send troops, won't you see it?"

"Then why did the second envoy arrive the day before yesterday and tell me today?" Cao Ming was angry and asked again, pointing at Liu Yanshou, who was a little cowed.

Gao Qianqiu sneered in his heart, but showed no sign of weakness: "Because I am about to find out the White Snake's intentions... Your Highness, King Qi, do you think that I have good intentions in hosting a banquet today? I already knew that you and General Liu were at odds with each other, and the other was at odds with me.

Just kidding, don’t you just want me to go to Longgu Mountain to attack White Snake? However, White Snake’s camp at the foot of Longgu Mountain is made of reeds, clearly luring me there. If you prove it today, how can I be fooled by you?!”

Cao Ming was stunned and couldn't help pointing at Liu Yanshou and getting angry: "If you didn't tell me today, I didn't even know he was the envoy... I ask you, how could I know that he surrendered at Fuling Pass when I came?"

Gao Qianqiu was stunned for a moment, and his heart skipped a beat, but he laughed again: "It's the White Lady who makes the decision. It's normal for the two of you to come here one after another without knowing about each other."

Having said that, Gao Qianqiu also wondered whether he was overthinking and missed a good opportunity. However, he immediately rejected this idea, because no matter what, there was a risk of falling into the trap.

After the first wave of sentries came back, the Reed Camp, which was not even muddy, underestimated him. Did he really think that he would fall into the trap rashly?

Just as he was thinking about it, Cao Ming over there had already had a complete attack: "If Vice Admiral Gao thinks this way, he is seriously bullying me. I will go back to Longgu Mountain now to make it clear to Bai Sanniang and let her get ready.

, send troops to attack!"

Gao Qianqiu pursed his lips, and four or five generals came out from below. Their body-protecting energy was green, but they were all typical masters of Dongyi generals.

Cao Ming was furious: "Deputy Commander Gao, what do you mean?"

"Let's wait until the wind stops before leaving!" Gao Qianqiu sighed.

"Deputy Marshal Gao." Miao Hailang couldn't sit still anymore. "So, you really intercepted the letter?"


"How can anyone intercept private messages between couples?" Miao Hailang was speechless. "Do you know the consequences of doing this? Are you really going to fall out with the whole gang?"

"I'm helpless too." Gao Qianqiu didn't seem to want to discuss this topic, so he looked around. Then he saw Liu Yanshou, who was silent and just looking out the door, and came to give him some advice. "General Liu, what are you looking at?"

Liu Yanshou hesitated for a moment, then asked seriously: "Deputy Commander Gao, have you ever heard that the wind follows red and the rain follows green?"

Miao Hailang was stunned and looked out the door thoughtfully: "You mean..."

Liu Yanshou did not dare to neglect, so he avoided the banquet and bowed his head: "Deputy Commander Gao, this is an opportunity. It is the Red Emperor Empress who is reminding you that it is the right time to attack at this time."

Deputy Commander Gao was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, Cao Ming, who was next to him, cursed: "Liu Yanshou, if you have surrendered, you should not change sides again. No matter where you go, who can trust you if you are a villain?"

Miao Hailang also sighed: "General Liu, if you surrender, you will surrender, and if you defect, you will defect, but you have to leave some leeway. How can you do this in vain and commit harm? No one dares to use you for such an act.


He seems to have rich experience.

Liu Yanshou just said nothing and went to see Gao Qianqiu.

Gao Qianqiu hesitated for a moment, then walked to the door of the brick-and-wood lobby with his hands behind his hands. He looked at the dim sky outside and observed carefully. People around him remained silent, and many generals also looked over.

But all I could see was that it was dim outside, the sky was full of flying dust, and the sun was not even visible. However, there was still a faint smell of swamp muddy water in the air, coupled with the wind howling like a drum, it seemed that there was some monster hiding in the sky.

As he was watching, suddenly, a flash of lightning lit up above the dim flying dust, followed by a continuous rumble, which came down from the distance.

Gao Qianqiu was relieved and turned around to smile: "Not to mention that the autumn heat has not yet subsided, there is a strong wind on the sea, and it is expected to rain. It is not a warning from the Supreme, but it is really a sign. You are so windy and thunderous,

The troops marched for hundreds of miles, fearing that they would be easily beaten back wherever they arrived."

The surrounding generals also agreed.

Even Cao Ming and Miao Hailang had serious expressions on their faces when they saw this wind and thunder breaking out, and Liu Yanshou was also a little helpless.

Because what the other person said makes so much sense.

You have all sorts of plans and considerations, but what will happen to this kind of weather?

How is it possible to send troops in this kind of weather?

"Hurry up!"

More than ten miles away, Wang Zhen was going crazy. "Once you've put on your armor, go forward quickly. Don't worry about the queue. Just put the reeds on your back and light a fire when you get there! Light a fire before it rains! Light a fire!"

The five hundred knights around him were all in panic.

Twenty miles further back, Bai Yousi, who was walking with a bundle of reeds on his back, looked at the flash of lightning in the sky. He also squinted slightly, but did not stop. He just looked at the troops beside him, and the entire army

But they are all speeding up significantly.

Obviously, these veterans have excellent discipline and are trustworthy, but precisely because of this, they are also aware of possible crises.

Another two-quarters of an hour later, a sentry rider galloped into the military camp from the Gobi Desert.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and it seemed that it was already evening. The sentry rider, who was a little dizzy due to the wind and sand, was brought to the lobby where the banquet was about to disperse.

"How do you say that?" Gao Qianqiu sat there and personally watched the sentry rider drink half a bottle of Northern honey wine and wipe his mouth before asking.

The sentry knight did not dare to neglect and quickly told his experience.

"So, instead of picking up the group of missing brothers sent out before, you encountered a small group of cavalry, were dispersed by them, and were driven into the desert?" Gao Qianqiu tried to summarize the other party's experience.

The sentry knight nodded hurriedly.

"How many cavalry are there in the small group?" Gao Qianqiu quickly asked again.

"Two or three hundred?" The sentry rider was a little confused. "I didn't dare to hide it from the deputy commander. The master noticed it when he was a little far away... But it was probably one or two teams."

"This is the reason why the sentry cavalry disappeared earlier." An officer reminded at the side. "The White Lady specially assigned a small group of cavalry to do sweeps along the river."

Gao Qianqiu nodded repeatedly, glanced at the three envoys who looked a little unhappy, and then ordered: "But we can't ignore it. Since it is only dozens of miles away, we will send a cavalry to go. General Xiao will go in person."

The officer who just reminded me didn't complain at all, he simply handed him over and left first.

At this time, Gao Qianqiu had no thoughts and came to see the three envoys: "You three should go and have a rest! There are many masters in my camp. It is best not to take action, especially His Highness King Qi. Don't think about your cultivation level."

, I summoned Fenshan Jun with the Jinglong Sword that day, and he was injured like that in Jiangdu. Even if he is cured, he is just an empty shell, why bother pretending?"

Cao Ming looked at the other party blankly, then walked away after a moment.

Immediately, Miao Hailang also stood up and left, followed by Liu Yanshou last.

The three of them almost walked back to various parts of the camp, and almost as soon as they entered the room, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting somewhere, and they were all shocked.

"Set fire!" On the north side of the camp, Wang Zhen, who had detoured around the Gobi to reach the upper wind here, was almost rolled into a clay figure by the sand and sweat. When he saw what his subordinates were doing, he was even more furious. "Don't be greedy for gains, gains are nothing.

Use? Before they can react, set fire! Set fire quickly!"

The five hundred cavalry did not dare to neglect, and one person found the fire, and the hundred people found the fire. Even though many people lost the fire, they quickly found others, and then went straight to light the reed bundles. Within a moment, the five hundred bundles of reeds were thrown into the camp.

Everywhere on the north side.

The fire started quickly due to the wind, and suddenly spread all over the camp, burning the reeds and weeds on the riverside next to the camp, making the top and bottom red.

The whole camp was so frightened that they were in panic.

Only Gao Qianqiu noticed the situation, remained calm, and directly ordered: "Let General Li lead people to tear down the south wall of the North Camp to prevent the fire from spreading; General Wang will lead his troops back to hunt and kill these hundreds of cavalry!"

While he was talking, he suddenly noticed that a ray of golden light and a ray of green light flew directly out of the camp, one to the east and one to the west, and then circled to the north. His heart moved slightly, and he ordered again: "Send someone to get Liu Yanshou!"

General Han went to help General Wang, and King Qi and that Miao Hailang went to help this cavalry!"

Everyone immediately followed the order.

After Gao Qianqiu finished speaking, he comforted his surroundings again: "It's just a small group of troops. They noticed the strong wind and wanted to use the fire to disturb us. Judging from the route, they were chasing the sentries. It was not planned. Just deal with it calmly.

No need to panic."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light appeared in the wind and sand from east to west, from far to near. Everyone could see clearly that it was a huge golden phoenix with its wings spread out, getting bigger and bigger in everyone's field of vision, heading straight towards

Come here.

Seeing this, all the generals changed their expressions. Even Gao Qianqiu was dumbfounded. How could he not know that he had been completely teased?

Any messengers or temptations are all fake and confuse his vision. The other party is trying to attack him from the beginning.

In various parts of the camp, the order that had been somewhat maintained collapsed again, and the chaos was obviously increased by three points.

When Bai Yousi arrived, he was faced with Xiao Bing and his subordinates who were originally going to intercept Wang Zhen, but he passed them first and threw a bundle of burning reeds from the air, and then turned around to fight Xiao Bing.

However, just a moment later, before the cavalry was captured, a man suddenly came out of the camp and shouted from a distance as a reminder: "Manager Bai, go to the camp quickly, they are going to demolish the south wall of the rear camp!"

It was actually Liu Yanshou.

And as soon as he said that, he actually got back into the camp and disappeared.

Bai Yousi was startled and did not dare to hesitate. He jumped straight up and rushed into the junction of the south side of the rear camp and the main camp.

"Everyone, go." Seeing this, Gao Qianqiu was so anxious that he immediately turned around and ordered. "Everyone, go and stop this white lady!"

After saying that, he stamped his feet again: "I'm going too, come with me!"

However, Gao Qianqiu personally led the elite battalion here, but found that he could not stop him at all. Bai Yousi was like a dragon and a fire, sweeping away the armies and running rampant, unable to hold her down... In this way, the struggle could not last more than two quarters of an hour.

Before it got dark, the fire took advantage of the wind and swept through the North Camp and swept into the Chinese Army Camp.

The fire is like a wall, and it takes advantage of the wind. How can it be defeated by manpower?

Even the master of condensing pills could only turn around and run away.

At the same time, in the dark night, another group of soldiers and horses came from Dongying and set fire to it. The fires continued, and the shouts of killing became more and more loud. There were also several light spots, surrounding them, breaking through the siege.


The two parties squeezed each other, but within a moment, the whole camp lost control. Twenty thousand people, plus more than ten thousand civilians, fled in confusion, trampling on each other, and could no longer be saved.

Ten miles away, on top of a dilapidated watchtower in Luolongtan, in the fishy wind, a slightly old hand trembled slightly, as if it wanted to lift it up, but was killed by a firmer and stronger hand.

Hold it firmly, and then slowly let it go.

Immediately, a voice slowly said: "Grand Governor, you are not the only one who bet on this bet. My confidants are also dead, and the king's confidants are also gone... And it was you who proposed the plan first.

, How can we regret it now? Isn't it you who used a hundred thousand people as bait to lure the Wei troops deep into the hinterland? Why did you lose your composure at this time? And did we deliberately indulge the White Snake? It was clearly someone else.

I sharpen my own sword and kill him here."

In response to this voice, there was a burst of silence, and the sound of the wind gradually became smaller.

After a long time, Li Ziqi, the governor of Dongyi, finally spoke, and his tone was inexplicably cold: "General Wang, please go back to the north camp to mobilize troops! My navy will also come by then. Whether this matter is successful or not, I will decide."

Keep these soldiers and horses! Although the blood of the soldiers of Dongsheng Kingdom was not in vain, it should be more worthy of it."

Wang Yuande nodded slightly and got off the watchtower.

At this time, the wind and sand gradually disappeared, one red and one white, and the outlines of the two moons gradually appeared. It didn't rain, but even the wind stopped.

Wang Yuande, who was about to set off, raised his head, only to find that Li Ziqi on the tower was also raising his head, looking at the moon and sighing, and the wrinkles on his face were clearly visible - but for some reason, he felt that everything in the world seemed to be there.

This old man is connected.

This chapter has been completed!
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