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Chapter 99 Golden Cone (10) (Continue 2 in 1)

Dangshan Mountain is not just a mountain, but a mountainous area composed of seven or eight hills including Mangshan Mountain and Dangshan Mountain. The specific name of Mangshan Mountain and whether Dangshan Mountain is called Mangdang Mountain is basically determined by the local administrative division.

Now under the rule of the Wei Dynasty, the county located to the north of Dangshan Mountain at the junction of the three counties is called Dangshan County, and naturally it is called Dangshan Mountain.

The area of ​​Dangshan Mountain is not large, but it is more advantageous in that it has many hills. The heights rise one after another, and they are connected together. There is even a plain valley bottom with clear east-west flow in the middle. The height is not very high, but both Mangdang Mountains have cliffs of 100 meters, and

Most of the mountains have extremely deep caves, which are easy to defend but difficult to attack.

What's even better is that this is the Central Plains, at the rough dividing point between the East Border and the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. The nearby Pengcheng County is where the Xuzhou General Administration Department is based... On the vast plains, the water network is smooth, the roads are developed, and the small hills are usually...

It is rare to see that such a place suddenly appeared. It is naturally a natural place for countless heroes who have lost their place to go.

Not to mention, around Mangdang Mountain, there is also Yutou Mountain that can be seen in the distance during the day, and there is Jishan Mountain in the distance that is also within the scope of two days' walking. Everyone echoes each other and has some opinions.

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"It's a good place to fight guerrillas."

That afternoon, before arriving at the valley on a bad horse, Zhang Xing looked left and right on the horse. Before he could get off the horse, he turned back, smiled at Qin Bao, and said something incomprehensible.

Let's say that Zhang Xing was planning to take Qin Bao with him from the beginning... After all, before Qin Erlang became a public servant, he was also a good man in Dengzhou County in the East. He came from a family of officials in the Eastern Qi Dynasty and had entered a martial arts school in the county. He should know how.

He should be able to understand everything, and it would be really easy to integrate with him. And according to the intelligence, except for the two leaders here in Dangshan, who have access to the second line of Ren and Du, which is obviously superior, the rest are basically all capable of perfecting the right line, and at this stage

, martial arts itself is very useful, but Zhang Xing only knows a few military skills and has no confidence in his martial arts at all, but Qin Bao is recognized by everyone as a good player...

Of course, Qian Tang is also recognized as a good player, and Hu Yan is more reliable, but who makes Qin Bao the only one willing to follow him without saying a word?

The two found two bad horses, changed into old coarse cloth clothes, and wore a samurai crown. They only wore half-old turbans. Only the cowhide boots and cowhide belt were of great use, so they had to find someone in the team to replace them with some worn ones.

, and then Qin Bao also changed to a big iron gun. Although Zhang Xing also wanted to change his saber, he did not know other weapons. Fortunately, his embroidered knife sheath was gone long ago, so he boldly put it on his shoulder.

Turning back to the front, putting aside Zhang Xing's strange words, the two of them just stopped their horses for a moment, and then drove their horses into the smooth flat land in the mountains... Unexpectedly, although there were many living people in this valley bottom, they did not imagine it.

There is no liveliness in the place, and there is no quaint atmosphere. Most people are lying there to bask in the sun, and they are basically like beggars.

The two of them walked around and found a small market. However, the market here was not comparable to the bustling metasequoia forest, but even to ordinary small towns. Moreover, in the afternoon, there was almost no movement, which was difficult to find.

Imagine that there are tens of thousands of people living on both sides of this valley.

Zhang Xing led the horse and carefully avoided the few teenagers with straw signs in front of the market. Then he quickly noticed a shop at Qin Bao's signal... It was an almost empty shop, and the door board was early. Nothing, except for a stained bunting hanging outside. Inside, three or five people, in the middle of winter, were warming themselves next to a stove.

Seeing this appearance, Zhang Xing winked at Qin Bao, who immediately led his horse to the store and asked: "Does the store... have anything to eat?"

He heard the accent was Zhou Zheng, and he was from the east side of the road nearby. Among the several men, one man who was obviously fat and unfit for the time replied without raising his head:

"There are no vegetables, no rice or noodles, just some offal meat and a few fish... If you want it, for a price of one penny or two hundred penny, I will make it for you together. It will be enough for you two to fill your stomach, and it will also be good. Let these idle people have some soup."

"What an expensive price." Qin Bao was speechless for a moment.

"This place is priced at this price." The fat man continued to warm himself by the fire, and finally looked back. When his eyes swept over the two people and two horses who came in, his tone became more or less kind. "There are seven or eight villages in the mountain, each village They are all crowded with people, and they all have food that they have not yet eaten. People are plundering bark, weeds, and reeds... I only have this little inventory. If I can't sell it at a good price, I won't be able to survive for another year! If you want , I will stick some grass roots and boil them in boiling water in the back pot, and feed them to your horses."

"In that case, the price is not bad." Zhang Xing also came in at this time, but asked seriously, "Is your offal meat clean?"

"What's your accent? How did you come here?" The fat man frowned slightly when he heard Zhang Xing speak. "Why do you think my meat is unclean? It was boiled in the stove, how can it be unclean?"

"I'm from the North." Zhang Xing responded simply. "I served as a soldier. I escaped back during the Second Conquest of Dongyi and stayed at Xu Dalang's Village in Caozhou for a long time... As for me asking you if you are clean, I'm not saying This is because when I was young, I saw a shady shop in the North that sold human flesh directly on a snowy day, so I started to be careful from that point on."

The fat man was stunned for a while and shook his head repeatedly: "We here are not as evil as you in the north...just a little haggis, beef offal, and a little pork."

"Did the cows be killed too?" Zhang Xing was really surprised.

"I want to keep it, but I can't hold it in." The fat man sighed. "Don't ask around anymore... I see that you are the sons of a practicing family, you are young and strong, and you have horses... I will give you two cents of silver and eat. After you have a good meal, I will take you into the cave to meet Mr. Wang’s family. There is no problem in joining the gang."

Qin and Zhang looked at each other and then simply sat down.

Now that he was sitting down, Qin Bao took out the money, but he was not in a hurry to give it. Instead, he said sternly: "Your store is still wrong... If you are doing business, that's fine, but if you are a guide, and a good guy comes to join the business, you won't give it." What's the rule for entertaining people but asking for money to clear the way? My brother is quite famous in Xudalang Village, and I am also a generally recognized hero in Dengzhou. How come I have to suffer this injustice here?"

"Two good men are naturally good men." The fat man stood up. When he saw the money, his eyes stopped running away. When he heard the words, he was helpless. "But there is really no shortage of manpower now... I just feel like there are too many manpower."

"Come on." Zhang Xing sneered. "There are too many women and children who have no strength. There are too many idle men who have never seen weapons and can only bask in the sun. Are there too many good men like us?"

"What do you two want to say?" The fat man became anxious for a moment. "Do you want to have a meal and an introduction?"

"I can eat, I need an introduction, and I can give you money." Zhang Xing thought for a moment and answered slowly, "But you have to introduce me to the right person."

"You should have told me earlier." The fat man became relieved instantly. "In addition to the head Wang in the cave, I also have a brother from the same family in front of Boss Zhou. It is also feasible."

"Boss Zhou is too tall. He is said to be a master of elixir condensation and a god-like figure. We can't reach him." Zhang Xing blurted out.

"The boss of Yutoushan Tower..."

"The boss is also tall."

"Then let me put it this way." The fat man rubbed his hands and said with a joking smile. "Of these thirteen sworn bosses, there are eight sitting in the Mangdang Mountains on both sides. Except for one named Zhao, I am really honest.

If you can't climb up, if you can give me three pieces of silver, you can take it to the door. If you give me five pieces of silver, I promise to wait until I can talk to the boss..."

"Are you so powerful?" Zhang Xing responded in surprise.

"What do you want, good man?" The man smiled bitterly again. "No one in the cave on this mountain can chase the cook out. What's more, he is a long-time cook who has been on this mountain for three or four years."

Zhang Xing has nothing to say... He has a big head and a thick neck. He is not the boss but a cook. Besides, the shop is still open.

"What do you mean by five coins?" Qin Bao continued to take out the coins from his arms. "Except for the two bosses Zhou and Lou, which boss is the weakest and which boss is the strongest? Which one is the richest and which is the poorest?

?Which family has more and which family has less? Tell them clearly one by one and let us brothers choose."

The fat man pondered for a moment and then answered seriously: "I, Fan Laoliu, know the route for you two. You need to pay extra for this...one tael of silver."

"Why?" Qin Bao became more and more puzzled. "This kind of thing must be known to tens of thousands of people in Mangdang Mountain, right? Why did it suddenly reach this price?"

"Besides, it's so unethical for you to add money little by little!" Zhang Xing was also a little impatient. "Are you kidding us?"

"What both of you said makes sense, but I am definitely not playing tricks on these two heroes. You get what you pay for." The fat cook who called himself Fan Laoliu laughed. "I can just tell you one thing. I can directly explain it to you."

The two heroes were led to Boss Zhang of the Immortal Cave... He is the weakest in power and the worst in cultivation. Whether it's a fight or using him to swallow the big head, it's convenient for you... One tael of silver, isn't it worth it?"

Zhang Xing was stunned for a moment, then looked at the people in front of the stove, and was surprised for a moment: "Is it so direct?"

"What do these two good men think of Mangdang Mountain?" The Fat Chef ignored him at all and just sighed. "If you ask me, good men had a lot before, but they are nothing after two hungry meals. You just came here and you think you have everything.


"Didn't they say there was big business coming from the Huanshui River?" Qin Bao quickly interrupted the other party and asked.

"No one said that there is no big business on the Huanshui River." Chef Fan continued to sneer. "If there was not a large amount of food and goods coming soon, and everyone wanted to make a big profit, who would come here? But they made a fortune and robbed

Without food, how can the court tolerate Mangdang Mountain? At that time, people will be divided into different categories according to their own ambitions. Those of you who have the ability will have already taken away the treasure and ran away, and those of us who have no ability will suffer... If we have enough money

Sorry, I want to run away now. Besides, do you think there was no disbandment here before, and there was no shortage of good guys like you two?"

Zhang Xing was completely speechless.

After a moment, as Zhang and Qin looked at each other, Qin Bao finally took out another tael of silver and slapped it on the case with Zhang Xing's nod, and Zhang Xing also spoke:

"You have to eat, and all the bosses and all the forces have to listen... We have the final say as to which house we go to! The first three coins are the deposit, and the next one or two coins will be with you after I meet the boss... And if you dare to play tricks

Boss, I want to be a cook today, and I will chop up your whole body carefully and put it into the pot!"

Chef Fan was overjoyed and without saying a word, he directly took the three coins and went back.

After a while, he took out two more dried pickled fish with four slices, and a basket of offal meat came out, and he called the men to get out of the way.

Several men stood up in fear, looking at the food in the fat cook's hand, he reluctantly squatted down on both sides, and watched each other start to wash the pot... But at this moment, a man suddenly stepped forward and snatched a piece of pickled fish from the basket, flying like a fly.

He ran away, leading several other men to catch up with him.

Zhang Xing and Qin Bao glanced at each other. Although they were obviously a little surprised, there was nothing puzzling about them.

When Chef Fan saw the two of them sitting firmly, he just cleared the stove and sighed: "These people owe it to these two wealthy heroes... The hero who joined the army in the North even glanced at these people.

, now you know why I don’t shy away from it, right? After this year’s chaos, too many people gathered on Mangdang Mountain. It was fine before winter, and they could still gather together to do some scattered robbery, and they could also dig.

Picking up wild fruits from the grass; when winter comes, people are getting worse day by day, and they are really divided into different levels... Those with cultivation will rely more on their cultivation to not regard the people below as human beings; and ordinary idle people like this

, I really just want to survive every day with a little food... In order to get some food, I fight every day. Fortunately, food comes from the Huanshui River in front."

Zhang Xing and Qin Bao just looked at each other without saying a word, not knowing what they were thinking.

After a while, a pot of fish soup and offal soup was served. The two of them were really hungry, so they hurriedly came to eat without saying anything...The cook Fan was also shameless, and he actually sat down after helping to feed the horse.

Come down and fish it out with chopsticks.

While chatting while fishing, he actually understood the basics of several bosses on the mountain. He was indeed a cook with many years of experience.

According to what this guy said, there are thirteen people, eight on the mountain, four at the bottom, and one from the Jishan Xu family... Among them, the boss Zhou who occupies the main peak of Dangshan Mountain is obviously the top one. The other seven or eight bosses at the mountain and down the mountain are following him now, willing to

Listen to his orders; then there is also the boss of Louhuanlou on Mangshan Mountain. He is not low in cultivation and has many good skills, but he does not form gangs and just follows the trend, but everyone really does not dare to underestimate him; and finally there are a few new bosses.

, unable to occupy the top of the mountain, we could only build a hasty cabinet on Yutou Mountain over there, but Yutou Mountain is far away, and the mountain is not dangerous. Now we are often assigned by Boss Zhou to do hard and tiring work.

However, what the cook knew only about the area around Mangdang Mountain, Yutou Mountain and Jishan Mountain were just mentioned.

Zhang Xing and Qin Bao slowly listened to this man's words and understood the inside story of Mangdang Mountain. With just a pair of eyes, they made some plans in their minds. They had already discussed the general route when they came.

But after eating and before leaving, Zhang Xing couldn't help but think of a person who impressed him deeply: "When I was bumping around in the East, I had a casual friendship with him, named Zhao Pozhen.

You have a new leader here, is he the same person?"

"How to describe it?" Chef Fan was not surprised at all after hearing this.

"This man has seen a lot and is older. He looks more like a hard worker than a domestic practitioner." Zhang Xingyi said.

"That's him." Chef Fan nodded immediately. "With that description, everyone didn't recognize him at first. It's just that he had some strength in his words and said some big words. Boss Lou took notice of him and said some nice words.

, is included in the group."

At this point, Chef Fan also became awe-inspiring: "There are some things that I should just take the money for. I shouldn't say more, but you must be careful and try not to make trouble with old friends based on your skills... I got angry with the next one.

It's okay to be the fake boss, but if they really get linked up and offend Boss Zhou and Boss Lou, they will be looking for trouble."

Zhang Xing kept nodding his head: "Among the young men selling themselves in front of the market, there are a few little girls. Go and fetch them."


"Anyway, there is nothing left in your shop. Let them come in and drink soup." Zhang Xing said calmly. "We will sit and watch them finish the soup, then go up the mountain and into the cave to find Zhang Xing in the fairy cave you mentioned."

Boss...I, Zhang Laosan, will go and meet this brother of ours."

Qin Bao glanced at Zhang Xing and remained silent out of habit.

But Chef Fan stood up and slightly cupped his hands: "Your Excellency is very considerate. I thank Mr. Zhang for this pot of soup on behalf of those girls!"

PS: Continuing to wish everyone a happy new year in advance... Good night everyone.

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