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Chapter 251 Promotion! Stage 5: Pain (Part 1)

Luo Nie looked at the slowly rotating box on the mechanical round table and could no longer suppress the surprise and excitement in her heart.

His eyes were emitting an increasingly rich blue light. After staring blankly for a while, he pursed his lips and asked in a trembling voice:

"Is your mechanical core stored here?"

"Of course." "Daughter of Mechanical Yuan" admitted, folded her mechanical wings, and slowly landed from mid-air to the ground.

"You have fully recited our 'promise' and are qualified to open it. Of course, before you are officially given a [personality], I want to know one thing."

"What?" Luo Nie asked, his hand trying to grab the box hovering in mid-air.

"The consequence of betraying a promise." The voice of "Daughter of the Mechanical Element" suddenly became extremely cold, as if she was walking from the vast ice field of Crusted.

"What will be the outcome? Death?" Luo Nie guessed, feeling a sense of fear in his heart.

"Not only that, death is a kind of happy relief for many 'people'. If you violate the 'promise of the mechanical body', you will retain a complete consciousness similar to humans, but your body will gradually turn into an uncontrollable waste."

The scraps of scrap metal were finally thrown into a corner where no one cares about them, and endured the cruelest punishment in the world - loneliness."

"At that time, you will clearly see the growth of plants, sunrise and sunset, but as long as someone looks at you, they will automatically ignore your existence. Your life will be extended endlessly by the Lord of Machinery, and you will have

Human beings have five senses, but they are unable to move or communicate, day after day, year after year, until the world is destroyed. This is 'loneliness', which is a more unforgettable punishment than torture and death.


"The Girl of Mechanical Element" said, walked closer to Luo Nie, held up his chin with her fingers, and asked in a warning tone:

"do you understand?"

"Understood...I understand." Luo Nie nodded desperately, fearing that the god in front of him would punish him with the terrible "loneliness" in advance.

"That's good, Luo Nie, now you can touch my core. Remember, don't use any magic power, and don't treat yourself as a mechanical body anymore. Focus on your mentality, follow its guidance, and feel human emotions.

The excitement it brings to you." "The Girl of Mechanical Yuan" suddenly lowered her voice and warned Luo Nie.

After nodding in agreement, Luo Nie quickly stepped forward, panting heavily, his hands trembling as he picked up the box and looked at it.

This box has an alloy-like color, and appears silvery when illuminated by bright light. The surface is very flat and smooth, without too many modifications, except for a lightly engraved gear pattern in the middle.

After more than a hundred years, he is finally about to obtain [personality], be given the "wisdom" sequence core, and become a true human being.

From now on, his broken body will no longer be made of rigid machinery, but of bones, muscles and real skin.

This will be a process from a "dead thing" to a "living thing", a true evolution that the magic source power and "virus" cannot give him.

The flowing blood will replace engine oil, and the dynamic thinking will replace fixed programs. He can learn more advanced magic power, learn more complex knowledge, and explore more profound fields.

In the future, his level of thinking will no longer be limited to steam and machinery, but will include history, philosophy, mysticism, literature and other more majestic fields. He will no longer be limited to this small mechanical body.

You will gain thinking that leads to more mysterious and extraordinary realms.

After the flame of "wisdom" is ignited, he can also use it to obtain "inspiration", "pain", "hope", "fight", "abandonment" and "confusion" sequence cores, become a demigod, and finally move towards his own temple of gods.

More importantly, his living habits and activities will be the same as humans, and he will be a compatriot of the same race as humans. In this way, he can be "really" accepted by them.

He longs to be recognized and accepted by the humans he lives with. To humans, he will no longer be an "alien", but a true human being who understands the light of "wisdom"!

Thinking of this, Luo Nie couldn't wait to open the box.

To his slight disappointment, the box containing the divine mechanical core did not emit any dazzling light or make people's eyes brighter.

After opening it normally, there was just an old-fashioned bronze pocket watch lying quietly inside.

Looking inside through the cracked glass cover, the pointer inside seemed to have stopped moving. Luo Nie was a little surprised for a moment, wondering whether this piece of machinery, which might be the mechanical core of the "Daughter of Mechanical Yuan", could run.

Fortunately, he did not doubt the authenticity of the things, nor did he wonder whether the gods were deceiving him.

He just held the pocket watch in confusion, not knowing how to start it.

"The Girl of Tool Yuan" saw his thoughts at a glance, walked closer to him, and asked with a slight smile:

"Don't you think it's familiar?"

"Familiar?" Luo Nie stared at the pocket watch for a few seconds, feeling a sense of déjà vu, but the feeling was hazy, and he wasn't sure if it was some unrealistic imagination.

"You must have seen it in your dreams." "The Girl of Mechanical Yuan" said in a soft, ethereal tone:

"A few months ago, after being awakened by human rituals, I asked the Lord of Machines for guidance. He asked me to pay attention to the movements of two people and when to actually contact them to convey some information."

"Those two people, one of them is you, and the other is the apostle of the 'Lord of the Dark Night' and the 'Goddess of Light'. Later, the apostle's soul was annihilated by the power of the 'dark night' that resonated with the ritual, and was replaced by another

He was replaced by a young man from another plane. Without further instructions from the Lord of Machinery, I had no choice but to follow the predetermined plan and convey some information to you and him."

"I am bound in the divine realm and cannot escape, so I have to rely on dreams. If you recall carefully, you must have seen my core in the dream, which is this pocket watch. If I remember correctly, the pointer at that time was minutes. By the way

Luo Nie, do you know what this means?" "The Girl of Tool Yuan" asked.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The countdown to war...?" Luo Nie guessed.

"That's half right. One of the messages I want to convey is that the war in the 'Silent Highlands' is about to begin. And the other is that the land under your feet, the time when the order of the Zine Empire that you and I live in collapses. Mechanical

The Lord has revealed to me that the 'Unintentional Man' virus is a test for mankind. Now, it is far from the time for mankind to reorganize order. Any attempt to forcibly build order will fail. At what time, they will again

Send someone to take action, personally deliver the 'punishment' and destroy the order. In addition, it is the countdown to his coming to my divine domain." There was a rare hint of true feminine tenderness in the voice of "The Girl of Tool Yuan".

"Who is he?" Luo Nie asked curiously.

"That apostle, no, he is the young man who replaced the apostle. Listen, he is knocking on the door angrily. Luonie, you should have met him many times. In the future, you will have a journey towards God.

A fate that is unforgettable and unforgettable, but not now. Okay, open the pocket watch, get your [personality], and then go out and leave here. If you are here, I will be at ease in the battle with him."

"Daughter of Mechanical Element" switched back to the cold voice and ordered.

Nodding in confusion, Luo Nie immediately pressed the button with surging anticipation and opened the pocket watch with a "bang".

Sure enough, the pointers above are no longer divided. Now the three pointers are pointing to the top, engraved with the position of the ancient Zine Empire number "12". In other words, it is now 12 o'clock, the war has begun, and order has collapsed.

The time of the coming of the apostles.

Eliminating too many distracting thoughts that did not belong to him, Luo Nian held the pocket watch in both hands, knelt down on his knees devoutly, suppressed the magic power in his body, and put the pocket watch close to his heart in a state that was as similar to a human being as possible, and used "heart"

"Feel the power of the divine core.

As the rich green light poured out from the pocket watch one after another like a silk gauze and penetrated into Luo Nie's seven orifices, he felt as if he had drank ice-cold spring water.

Then a hot, lava-like warmth gathered in the heart and flowed throughout the body.

He felt the surging energy in the mechanical core of "Daughter of Mechanical Yuan", and his magic power involuntarily resonated with it, and began to follow its footsteps to rebuild Luo Nie's body.

In an instant, his already very sophisticated body became even more delicate and complex.

His body began to become hot, and countless steaming white vapors emerged. This was the process of transforming the mechanical body into the human body.

The nearly endless energy of the "God Core" continues to stimulate the mechanical materials that make up Luo Nie's body. Relying on the magic source power and more mysterious and extraordinary power, it is completely embedded in it, and then forcibly changes the structure of atoms and the arrangement and combination of molecules.

After experiencing the pain caused by the brief instability, Luo Nie was pleasantly surprised to find that the "skin" that was originally camouflaged on the surface of his mechanical body fell off in large chunks, and the steel inside moved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Muscles that become bones.

Countless motor oil and energy instantly turned into blood flowing in the blood vessels. This change started from the chest closest to the pocket watch and ended with the head and limbs.

For a moment, Luo Nie turned into a mutilated human being with no skin and only a layer of red muscles covering his body, with sticky blood overflowing from his body.

He stood up slowly, enduring the stinging pain from all parts of his body, and asked with a "mouth" that had no lips and only two rows of teeth that opened and closed:

"It's not over yet, right?"

"Of course, you are not fully human now. You look more terrifying than a monster. Your friends will definitely pull out their guns and kill you when they see you. If you want to get the skin, you have to experience it again.

It is a human emotion. Otherwise, you are still an incomplete 'human being'." "The Girl of Mechanical Element" instructed.

Then, Luo Nie endured the pain forcefully and put the pocket watch on her chest again, where she could clearly see the muscles beating hard at the heart.

This time, the energy in the mechanical core changed into a different form, diffusing out like visible gas. Under unconscious breathing, it penetrated Luo Nie's nasal cavity and entered his brain.

For a moment, he first felt extremely happy, as if "remembering happy things", and burst into crazy laughter involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, he felt unusually angry, as if someone had betrayed him. He gritted his teeth and roared like a beast in his throat.

Then, he felt sadness, and he thought of death. The strong sadness invaded his spirit, making him unable to close it, and embedded in his eyes, and crystal tears flowed from his extremely bulging eyeballs.

What follows is the ultimate fear that penetrates deep into the soul. This is different from the involuntary panic under the pressure of the gods after entering the realm of the gods. It is real, as if you are staring into the abyss, and the monster covered with tentacles has already appeared behind you.

Such "fear".

Human fear is only born from fear itself. Fear and fear will be occupied by fear, but this strong emotion that originates is deeply rooted in the bone marrow and cannot be forgotten.

Breathing heavily, Luo Nie tried to adapt to these unprecedented emotions. When he was a mechanical body, his feelings had never been as sharp as they are now.

Only now, after becoming a human, did he truly realize the pain caused by this "identity".

Fortunately, these emotions did not last long. After a few minutes, the mixture of the energy from the mechanical core and the magic power in his body condensed to the heart again, and a layer of white, elastic skin began to grow. After a few seconds,

The feces covers the whole body.

The painful feeling gradually disappeared as the energy power dissipated. After feeling better, Luo Nie carefully put the dirt-stained pocket watch back into the box and placed it again on the mechanical round table.

He wiped the sweat that had seeped out from his forehead for the first time, feeling that his thinking was exceptionally clear and flexible, and looked at his fair and tender body, which was slightly plump but without any polish or modification.

Now, he has acquired [personality], obtained the "wisdom" sequence core, and has become a real human being!

"Luo Nie, you have been in the human world for a hundred years. I think you have to study human ethics seriously after you go out. At least you have a bit of shame. Look, how inappropriate is it for you to be naked?

"The daughter of Tool Yuan said with a sense of shyness.

Then, under the sound of mechanical operation, her right arm turned into a huge mechanical hand cannon, shooting bright purple light towards Luonie's body.

A few seconds later, when he looked again, Luo Nie had returned to the clothes he wore before entering the hall of gods.

"This is the exclusive 'state reversal' ability of the mechanical body. Now, as a human, you are more complete. Luo Nie, remember, your journey will not end here, let alone be dull. The human body will be more complete."

It is easy to guide you to find the light in the ice and snow. Now, it is time for you to leave, and the one who knocks on the door is about to come in."

After saying that, the "Daughter of Tool Yuan" took advantage of his unpreparedness and pushed Luo Nie into the "door" that contained bright brilliance.

Just as Luo Nie's body disappeared, a fierce impact came from the area directly in front of the "Daughter of Tool Yuan".

Immediately afterwards, a human with red eyes, holding a "Crazy Bear" pistol, and six crocodile-like mechanical tentacles exposed behind him, was making a beast-like roar and walked quickly towards her from the gap in the "Cosmic Stars"


"I think it's you. The young man who replaced the apostle came here. Do you want to obtain the 'Pain' sequence core and advance to the sequence level? Or do you want to rob me of this mechanical core that contains endless energy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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