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Chapter 17 The seeds of distortion (Part 1)

After finishing the conversation with "Thunder Page", Dak put the "Chaos" card into his inner pocket with a relaxed expression, walked out of the "Hot Pot" restaurant, and took a long stretch.

Under the sky of dark clouds that turned from bright to dark, Duck walked to the corner of the street and saw Wofya, who had been waiting for a long time.

"How's it going? Did that woman from 'Thunder Page' give you the answer you wanted?" Wofya smoked the "Mixed Night Scent Plant" cigarette in his hand, blew out a nearly complete smoke ring, and leaned against the cold cyan

On the masonry wall, he looked up at the increasingly cloudy sky and asked in a relaxed tone.

"Have you communicated with her about me?" Dak did not answer directly, but leaned next to Wofya and asked with a relieved smile.

"Of course, as a member of the Guard, I have the obligation to discover hidden dangers that threaten the Federation in advance and nip them in the bud." Wulfya replied solemnly.

"Am I... a hidden danger? Haha, it's interesting, but it is true that after experiencing the years of 'losing my heart', I am indeed closer to a lost person than a person with super powers." Dak laughed at himself.

After thinking for a few seconds, he stood up against the wall, stood opposite Wulfya, and continued to ask:

"But, Wovya, where should we go next? Christmas is only three days away, and the holiday will last until two weeks after the holiday, which is about the 21st, right?"

"Well, yes, this vacation has been a long one." Wofya nodded, took the last puff of the cigarette, threw it on the side of the road, stepped on it hard, and made it blend into the mud perfectly.


"It's strange to say that there has been a lot less news about the invasion of the 'Unintentional Wave' in the past two days. "Cruzder Federal Newspaper", "Capital Military News" and "Zhenzhi News" did not have much page coverage. According to federal laws,

In the event of the 'unintentional man' intrusion, all newspapers must publish an announcement from the Federal Council on a prominent page, detailing the time, location, quantity and other specific information. Now, it is as if the 'unintentional man' is also going to celebrate Christmas."

"Christmas?" Duck said thoughtfully:

"Perhaps there are people who really want to celebrate the festival, so we can temporarily 'let them go'."

"Oh? Who could it be?" Wulfya glanced at Duck with interest and asked.

"The lost one, haha." Dak smiled bitterly and said:

"The appearance of 'unintentional people' in groups is often due to the control of the Lost behind them. Although federal officials have always believed that the organized group of Lost with their own civilization fell thirty years ago, in fact

, they are all like wolves, hiding in dark corners that we cannot see. Just like seeds, when the spring that belongs to them comes and the rain and dew moisten them, their strength will quickly "take root and sprout" and grow into towering trees.


"By the way, Wulfya, the result of the card divination performed by Ms. Thunder Page for me was 'Chaos', and I have already opened the iron door and chosen the magical world. I and [God of Love]

】The boy Natasha met was different, and the two of us made completely different choices when facing the same problem."

Duck murmured to himself as he walked towards the outside of the street and towards the military control area:

"Will I have a fate with the young man with the 'red magic power'? It seems that I have to ask the old man in the duty room for help when I have time to find an empty house to make a coat of arms. If it is the [Order] in the dream

, the owner of the red magic source power, the self-proclaimed 'Echoer' is indeed very close to 'Plamini', if I can recall more details in the dream."

"It seems that we have to go to the north, to the ice and snow and the eternal white area at the end of the world."

"This kid finally has a direction. Perhaps this is enough to suppress the 'virus' deep in his spirit." Wofya smiled knowingly.

Then, he took out another cigarette from his coat pocket, lit it, and followed it calmly.

Crusted Federation, Binglin City, Binglin District, "Scream of Steel Flame" Palace, and the Federation "Chief Executive's Office".

The originally brilliant golden sky outside the window gradually began to become gloomy and depressing as the bells of St. Ivan Cathedral rang not far behind the palace building.

Fortunately, Christmas, a traditional important holiday for the Orthodox bishops, is coming soon. The city after dark is not synonymous with loneliness, sadness, horror, coldness and danger, but the roar of gongs and drums, the blast of firecrackers, the red flags waving, and the sea of ​​people. The rehearsal is still going on.

It has not stopped, and the residents of the capital have been tortured by the "Careless Man" virus for many years. After the old administrator Viking was assassinated, the new administrator relaxed many restrictions, allowing the entire city's residents to finally feel the festive atmosphere again.

The stars hang high in the eternal and unchanging universe, and the dotted lights are brilliant in every corner of the city. It seems that for the first time after five hundred years, the people of Crusted have begun to forget the disaster that turned civilization into dust.

After all, no one knows exactly how it was born, and no one can predict how it will die.

Five hundred years of catastrophic destruction have made Crusted's history seem to be shrouded in a thick layer of fog, making it impossible for people to peek into its wonderful mysteries.

Due to the lack of a large amount of data and the inaccurate grasp of the dating method before the New Era, the existing historical data rarely labels the history of the Third Era and before with accurate years. In addition, the ruins in various parts of the Federation are not under the strong influence of magic.

Occupied by monsters with distorted source power and format, it was destroyed by war and tomb robbers, making it difficult for the Federation to dig out valuable items and documents.

In addition, before the Federation ended the Empire, it massacred the old royal family, old nobles, and various officials, military leaders, and scientists who supported the Empire in civil strife. In addition, several waves of "unintentional people" caused devastating damage. It is now difficult for the Federation to recover from fragmentation.

He tried to reproduce more of the old empire's technology from old documents and fragments of various books.

Looking at the last ray of light belonging to dusk, it was completely annihilated in the dark night. The lights lit up one after another, creating a colorful night scene in series.

The current Chief Executive of the Federation, Vasily Voliganov, put down the obsidian-like "Era" pen in his hand, closed the document he had just submitted for approval, and stood up while supporting the red solid wood desk with his hands covered with calluses and various scars.

Go to the window and look into the distance.

The office he is in was once the "Combat Command Office" used by Yin Fan 25 of the Crusted Empire to command military affairs across the empire. Due to confidentiality considerations, the overall space is not large, which is equivalent to that of a medium-sized house in the former empire.

's living room.

The former consul liked the style of the Krusted court, especially the elegant and luxurious style that came with the culture of the central empire. He always worked in the "Ape Domain Main Hall" where Yin Fan 22nd lived, and liked to wear red and gold trousers.

, a long-sleeved Cruzeid palace top with two rows of buttons and white silk trousers embroidered with gold thread.

In order to highlight his extraordinary achievements, he prefers to hang medals such as the "Crouse Medal of Heroes", "Federal Valor Medal", "Ice Melt Medal" and "Purple Flag Medal" on his jacket, which has little space.

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This self-centered and vanity-satisfying style was naturally not welcomed by Vasily. On the contrary, his "Chief Executive's Office" was famous for its simplicity, with simple wooden floors, pale yellow wallpaper, and a wooden table.

A row of bookshelves, a coffee table, a mirror, a few sofas, and a simple bathroom outside, that's all.

In addition, documents sent from various regions are stacked on the wooden table, and the "Cruzder Federation Map" and "Western Federation Situation Map" are hung on the wall. In the corner is an old map taken from the Strategic Regiment.

The weapons rack displays the specially-made weapons recently developed by the federal technology team to fight against "alien heartless people".

After closing his eyes for a few minutes to relax, Vasily, the 40-year-old chief executive, breathed a sigh of relief, walked towards the mirror, and simply arranged his appearance.

He doesn't like the exaggerated Cruzeid style, and prefers the deep black formal attire in the south that was developed from the "Victoria" era of the Ptoia Empire.

After smoothing out the folds of his coat and straightening his slightly crooked tie, Vasily picked up the plastic comb on the side and simply smoothed his shiny hair. Immediately, he looked at his appearance reflected in the mirror.

He is a native of Crusted. In his early years, he led the federal "Far Northeast Army Corps" to fight against the "Careless People" and the Lost in the wasteland near the end of the "Great Railway". He has a battlefield-experienced killing aura.


His face is broad and slightly rounded, with a high nose bridge, thick eyebrows, and wide-open eyes. His brown eyes reveal the domineering power of taking charge of everything. The background of his face is whiter, perhaps because he has not had sex for many years.

The reason for going to the battlefield in person, but even so, the various small scars on his face and the deep claw marks on his ears are enough to prove that he was an excellent [warrior] who went through life and death.

Even when staring at his own face, Vasily could actually feel a sense of domineering and majesty belonging to a leader from the bottom of his heart.

When the clock on the wall pointed to half past nine, Vasily turned on the simple electric light switch on the wall and shouted toward the door:

"Bring that man in."

"Yes." The boyish Cruz responded in German.

About fifteen minutes later, the door was opened by a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old. After a few brief conversations, under Vasily's instruction, two tall soldiers wearing dark blue uniforms of the Capital Guard and fully armed pressed down on a young man.

A shorter man wearing a pure black cloak and a "double-headed eagle" mask walked into the office.

"Leave him here while you leave." Vasily ordered in a short sentence.

"But Chief Executive, he is a dangerous person. Being alone with you will be risky. We need to ensure your safety. Should we let these two escort [soldiers] stay as temporary security personnel?"

He suggested in a sincere tone.

"It's not necessary." Vasily's tone was very low and decisive.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the corner of his mouth, glanced at the relatively "thin" man in black cloak, and said disdainfully:

"When I killed the 'Alien Heartless Man', he was probably still a nobody. I have been educating you that the potential of human beings is comparable to that of gods. Even if they do not have extraordinary power, the 'Lost One' will eventually be our defeat.


This chapter has been completed!
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