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Chapter 25 Crazy Fireworks

Wasteland Echoers Chapter 25 Crazy Fireworks

Looking at the heart that was still beating in his hand, Duck suddenly felt an inexplicable cold aura wrapped around his whole body.

He didn't want to become a "monster" again, and he didn't want to go back to the days of wandering aimlessly in the Federation.

Thinking of this, Dak's spirit cheered up a little.

Immediately afterwards, he threw away the filthy and gradually dying thing, and tentatively moved forward, approaching Ainorezhi's body.

His gray eyes did not avoid Ainorezhi's distorted face, as well as the two eyeballs attached to it that almost broke through the eye sockets, the mouth that was wide open as if it wanted to devour everything, and the nostrils and ears that were constantly leaking blood. Hole.

Duck stepped forward and touched the neck of the body with his fingers. Seeing that there was no beating pulse, he suddenly retreated in panic and collapsed on the cold cement floor at the door of the library.

The splattered blood and the escaped plant magic power emerged from the damaged parts of Ainorezhi's "Ink Star Armor" like electric sparks. After a while, they formed a deep blue flame, completely covering the body. A lifeless body.

This is a phenomenon that most users of magic source power will experience. The "spiritual energy of life" spills out before death. For Ainorezhi, he accepted a gift from the gods, and when he left, the "spiritual energy of life" would protect him for the last time. The dignity, with its damaged, flesh-moulded, and human-like body, disappeared in the flames, "returning" to the embrace of the gods.

Seeing Ainorezhi's body completely disappearing, Dak breathed a sigh of relief. After calming down slightly, he analyzed:

"If you want to...escape, you have to be quick. Since Ainorechi has the dual identity of the leader of the 'Order Society' and a federal official, his death will be discovered soon. At the latest after tonight's fireworks ceremony, he will His disappearance was noticed."

"According to what he said, I should have been targeted by the 'Order Society' and the Federation for a long time. Killing federal officials in the capital is an unforgivable felony. If I am caught, I will definitely be put in jail. Maybe it's the notorious one. Senar Prison may be an 'isolation prison' for the 'unintentional' and the lost. No, you will be tortured to death wherever you enter."

"Now I have to leave here, wipe off the blood on my body, leave the library pretending to be nonchalant, and then find Wolfya to see if there is a chance to escape the capital. Now, I still have a few hundred new rubles on me, so I can buy a mechanical war machine. Car, buy some weapons, and simply escape to the Extreme Cold Zone, to Demon Annihilation City in the northernmost part of the Federation."

"After all, all the information about 'Plamini' now points to that place, and the 'Echoer'... should also be in that area, escaping to the north. Yes, escaping to the north."

Dak's thoughts were extremely confused now. After all, this was the first of his kind that he had killed as a human after breaking away from his identity as a "different species monster".

The seeds of madness hidden in his blood seemed to have sprouted again quietly, and madness and abnormal thinking were slowly and uncontrollably eroding his most precious spiritual realm.

After stopping his messy thinking, Duck quickly ran out of the "District Reading Room". Fortunately, when he came in, Ainorezhi didn't know whether it was because of his excitement or something else, but he didn't have time to close the stone door and the steel door.

After running along the dim, flickering hollow metal plate for a long distance, Duck walked into the wide open elevator door. According to his memory, he reversed the action of Ainorezhi on the lever just now.

Finally, the elevator finally slowly ascended with a thick, dull metallic sound.

When he returned to the secret door of the "small conference room", Duck's spirit seemed to have reached its limit, and he collapsed on the cold tile floor.

It seemed that he didn't even notice that his face was smeared with his own tears and saliva, and even his walking posture looked a little sick. His mouth was uncontrollably open with a strange smile, and not only did his crazy breathing disappear,

Adding a touch of human flavor to him actually makes him seem to lose his natural characteristics as a human being.

After wiping the dirt on his face with his sleeve, Duck stumbled towards the only bathroom in the "small conference room". He turned on the faucet to wash his face and his hands. He didn't even dare to look up and look directly at the face of the "monster" who was getting closer to him.

After regaining consciousness, Duck looked at his watch. The time was already 9 pm. He looked out the window and saw that the entire city was enveloped in the bright lights of the festival. He turned his attention back to the library building, except for scattered lights on the ground floor.

Except for a little light, it seemed that the staff here had already left.

Along the cage-like elevator, Duck returned to the ground floor from the 13th floor. As he expected, except for the young man who was waiting at the front desk, there was no one here.

After walking out of the National Library as naturally as possible, Duck walked towards the streets of Invansk. The administrative district seemed particularly deserted during the festival, and even the trams had stopped running during this time.

According to an order issued by the federal administrator Vasily, the curfew in the entire Ice City was lifted for two weeks during the Christmas period, and security around the city was strengthened instead.

Duck stumbled along the cold, lonely streets of the borough, towards the Piazza Santo Puneni at the junction of the four arrondissements.

Although he had just experienced a nearly life-threatening battle, the magic power in his body had long been exhausted, and his physical strength and mental control were close to the limit.

But Duck's desire to watch the fireworks show became more and more intense. The cold winter wind mixed with the subtle smell of gunpowder passed through his body, making this obsession in his heart even stronger.

About forty-five minutes later, Duck felt that the lights in the surrounding streets were becoming more and more chaotic, and the sounds around him became extremely lively and chaotic.

Countless Christmas trees hung with metal toys, gems and small light bulbs "creeped" on both sides of the street like wolves devouring hearts in the long night. People walking around wearing traditional holiday dresses and heavy winter cotton coats were like streams.

He walked quickly towards the fireworks display area.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Santa Claus, who is led by an elk, is like a devil in purgatory that lures good people to fall. He is spreading poison like poison to the "innocent and cute" children with weird smiles on their lips.

sweets and gifts.

Continuing to sway forward, Duck found that his ears were constantly echoing with the sounds of men's curses, women's cries, children's shrill screams, and the laughter of "unintentional people" that turned into laughter.

A non-laughing "gurgling" whimpering sound.

For a moment, Dark seemed to be able to hear his own pounding heartbeat and the terrifying sound of blood continuously flowing through his body.

After walking to the edge of the square, Duck shook his head and looked towards the sky. The night looked like a distorted painting composed of various dark tones that was painted wantonly by an abstract painter, shrouding it like a giant black hand.

Binglin City.

The moon, which was so huge that he had never seen before, was not alone in the interlaced light of the patrolling searchlights, shedding a veil-like brilliance.

With his heart beating violently, Duck continued to move toward the center of the square. The Christmas cabin, which was more than two stories high and painted with a red shell, was already surrounded by all kinds of cheering people.

Slightly lowering his head and looking towards the center of the square, in the area surrounded by metal chains and pillars, in addition to heavily armed federal capital soldiers and escort members, there were also a huge number of fireworks waiting to be lit.

They are wrapped in a layer of red paper to bring out the festive atmosphere of the festival.

From the conversations between the soldiers and the crowd present, it was known that the speech of the federal administrator Vasily had already ended. He had already been escorted by bodyguards into St. Ivan's Cathedral. At this time, he should be watching a series of programs related to the orthodox bishop arranged by the bishop.

Singing, singing and drama performances.

Although with the "assistance" of the crowd around him, Duck, who was about to collapse mentally and physically, had no chance of falling, but looking around, Duck found that the faces of those celebrating the festival did not seem to be all manic.

Instead of joy, it was filled with epileptic smiles and demonic morbid expressions.

As the clear bell from the top floor of St. Ivan's Cathedral not far away came out melodiously, when it rang the tenth time, all the humans in the square almost simultaneously burst into disgusting and extremely manic shouts.

Whistles came one after another, and Duck discovered that the soldiers in the center of the square were all holding simple stick-shaped lighters. As the first bundle of fireworks was lit, countless light spots shot into the sky like flying insects, and then made a thunderous sound.

After the explosion that penetrated deep into the human soul, countless sparks spread outward, forming shocking scenes of fireworks explosions.

Raising his head and looking up, Duck was surprised to find that the first picture of fireworks blooming looked like a giant dragon hovering in the sky.

When the light dissipated and the images came together again, he seemed to see a tiger charging into the crowd again.

After blooming one after another, the pictures changed from the relatively easy-to-understand battleships, firearms, artillery, etc., to the human body cut along irregular shapes, the "exploding bodyless man" who lost his heart, and the human body with missing limbs.

The Lost One with an exposed heart, and the towering plants covered with twisted tentacles.

The fireworks continued to bloom, and Duck suddenly realized that there were almost no other sounds except the explosions.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to fight against the increasingly intense feeling of sleepiness and disorientation.

Then, he subconsciously looked around. Unexpectedly, the people who had been standing and cheering had already fallen to the ground, and an acid-like liquid with white smoke came out of their mouths and noses.

The strange sound of gurgling water came from people's bodies, and within a time visible to the naked eye, the limbs of the fallen person began to twitch uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies quickly shriveled up except for their heads, and various small, bright light spots protruded from the eye sockets of the people who had lost their eyeballs, gathered into the air, and unexpectedly formed a unique fist totem burning with flames.

A few minutes later, Dak, who had no time to escape, felt the water-based magic power in his body that was inexplicably filled began to surge uncontrollably. He felt that his body was light and airy, as if it was about to rise into the air like a human balloon.

Staring at the fireworks that were still blooming, Duck struggled to squeeze out a few words:

"Could it be that...this is...'fireworks of the old days'?"

As his consciousness drifted, Dark seemed to feel that he was at the moment when the Creator created the universe. Soon, the time belonging to the "Creator's Nightmare" began to flow faster, and Dark saw the "seven epochs" of the birth of the universe.

"The time of praise of fire", "the time of long glaciers", "the time of the sprouting of lava", "the time of finalization of the universe", "the time of reproduction of formation", "the time of the call of life" and "the time of graceful closure".

At the same time, the fireworks that seemed to bloom endlessly in the sky began to change into patterns corresponding to the "Era".

It seemed as if a moment had passed, as if an era had passed. When Duck felt that the sense of reality had generally replaced the sense of dream and hallucination, he looked around the square.

The human body that fell just now had long since disappeared, leaving behind a pool of thick dark red liquid. He crossed the metal chain and looked towards the center of the square. The soldiers who lit the fireworks before were no longer there, replaced by tall,

The monster's body is wrapped in uncoordinated brown muscles, its chin is covered with wriggling tentacle-like beards, its eyes emit a strange green light, and three tails with eyeballs extend from its back.

"Seeing" them, Dak didn't seem to be afraid, but felt extremely kind. However, the strong hunger brought by his growling stomach instantly took over his mind, and he subconsciously surged the magic source in his body.

He rushed behind a monster with his unique speed, pointed at its neck, and bit it hard!

This chapter has been completed!
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