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Chapter 45: Pious Prayer (Part 2)

February 3rd, 557th year of the New Lunar Calendar.

Crusted Federation, Binglin Province, Northern Mamous District, the wilderness dirt road in the eastern part of Xinfeng Town.

"The gods who belong to the flames, and...the power of the flames..." Duck, who was sitting in the back seat of the "Rock Brand" military mechanical chariot, repeated the words in his mouth doubtfully. The psychedelic feeling brought by the dream did not dissipated in his body and spirit.

He still felt that everything in front of him had an indescribable feeling, as if he was wrapped in silk produced by the Fire Empire, and as if his spirit was covered with a hallucinogenic fog, which made him instinctively raise his scar-covered right hand. He waved sluggishly in an attempt to disperse them.

Until, the bright golden light belonging to the morning sun outside the window spilled from the transparent lathe into the back seat, shining directly on his face, covering his gray eyes. Under the warm atmosphere brought by the light, he finally got rid of the feeling of danger. Panting heavily, he woke up.

"Are you dreaming again?" Wofya asked briefly, without any deviation in the movements of his hands. He is a [soldier] who has served the Federation for many years and has experienced hundreds of battles. His ability to control military vehicles can be said to be beyond "skilled". "This title.

"It's a dream...it's a dream..." Duck replied hastily.

Then, he picked up a green military kettle from the side and drank the clean water in it. Then he sat down and wiped the sweat from his forehead to calm down his anxiety, anxiety and panic.

"These dreams are becoming more and more clear, and they are conveying more and more information to me. Moreover, it seems that after 'Thunder Page' performed a divination on me and confirmed that I can have the professional identity of [Chaos Inducer], It's hard for me to forget even a single detail of them.

"Just now, I dreamed of that terrible...evil god again."

"Hahaha, Evil God, you still choose to use the title I told you." Wulfya's throat sounded as "hearty" as a rock knocking, trying to further ease the tension in Dark's heart.

This kind of people do not empathize with their companions when they encounter difficulties, but instead use direct laughter to help ease their mood. Perhaps the Crusaders are the only ones in the entire continent.

"Yes." Dak nodded and said, "The day before yesterday, didn't you say that you would send a message to the newly transferred commander of the New Wind and White Strategy Group? He said that she was mentioned in the private closed-door meeting between the Federal Council and the Order Committee. Order Yes...Order, could it be said that they are not only eyeing the 'Pramini' and the 'Evolution Stage', but also the evil power of the 'Echoers'?

"If you really have contact with the evil god, or use her strength to do something, once you lose control, it will not be as simple as encountering a few 'alien heartless people'. This is like playing with fire, or the kind of playing in water A flame that cannot be extinguished."

"I remember the Khitanris people said a proverb: 'Fooling with flames, playing with fire, will definitely backfire and burn you.' The Federal Council is becoming more and more unreliable. They are running all the way on the wrong road, but they listen to Don't let in any different sounds." Wulfya angrily slammed the steering wheel and accidentally pressed the horn button, causing the entire mechanical chariot to emit a harsh, huge, and mentally disturbing whistle.

Fortunately, the chariot is currently traveling through the wilderness land that has not yet thawed. It is difficult to see any human or lost settlements for dozens of kilometers around, let alone "unintentional people".

This noise only scared away a few Crusted nightingales that had just woken up from hibernation, causing them to flee in panic and fly farther away, closer to the forest, closer to the sun.

After being angry alone for about half a minute, Wofya breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily:

"The day before yesterday, the Federal Council executed two high-level officials who opposed Vasily. They believed that since there was information proving that the old empire had personally sealed up the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform' and the laboratory that was highly related to it, that was enough to show that it was dangerous.

"The federation should use more resources to ensure human survival, develop production, combat the 'wave of careless people' and develop medical technology. In this way, on the basis of gradually restoring the population, accumulating supplies, and developing technology, we can gradually reverse the situation

The battlefield situation in various places gradually eliminated or expelled the "unintentional people", achieving a reversal of the entire war situation and the revival of civilization.

"This is a foreseeable path to victory. In just five hundred years, mankind will be able to completely solve the New Dollar crisis and usher in a new era."

"But have you ever thought about it, Wovya, that human life is limited, and it will not exceed 85 years at most after the New Year." Duck asked a key question.

"Then let's complete it from generation to generation," Wulfya said disapprovingly:

"As long as humanity is not completely wiped out, there is hope."

"But some people can't wait for such a long time. Let me put it bluntly, Chief Executive Vasily can still be in charge of this land for 30 years at most. Many people say that he is comparable to the great 'Northern Ice Bearer-

''The founder of the Crusad nation'' One of the five greatest warriors of mankind '' A noble man close to demigods '' The guardian of ice and snow '' The gazer of the Far East '' The follower of the polygods '' Sword and horse

His Majesty Yinolos, the spokesperson of the great Crusted Empire and the founder of the great Crusted Empire, is officially called 'Krusid I'." Dark pretended to recite a long list of titles affectionately, and in exchange

But it was Wovya's ridicule.

"Since he is comparable to so many people, it is really difficult to do it while he is alive."

"It's not 'so many people'!" Dak emphasized, "It's one, a great person."

"Of course I know." Wulfya smiled and said:

"Isn't he the 'Great Emperor' who led our ancestors to fight against the dragons, expelled them from Crusted's vast territory, overthrew the old kingdom, and established the new empire? Just use the popular title. This is a bit of history.

It’s not worth being forgotten by us Crusaders.”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "So, I speculate from a psychological perspective that Vasily is definitely not satisfied with being a 'limited pioneer', or Yin Fan 22

As a king who pushed the empire to its peak like this, he hopes to be the new founder. During the thirty years he has been in charge of the federation, he can expel the "unintentional people", conquer the "lost ones", rebuild the federal [order], and then completely decipher the old

The empire's technology is rapidly entering a new era of civilization." Dark deduced:

"Therefore, his pace will definitely be even greater. In this way, the risk is completely out of his consideration. In fact, alas... Humanity has been suffering in the Wasteland Era for too long. If there is a little bit of light,

, anyone will give it a try.”

"He's not trying." Wulfya said angrily:

"It is said that once the operation of the 'Universal Energy Evolution Platform' is out of control and the sun's energy is tilted directly down, it will cause fires throughout the territory, and even completely melt the ice, causing permanent geographical changes. In that case, who knows what will happen again?

How many people died.

"Master Vasily is now close to the point of madness. The two people executed yesterday were my old leader Nikolay Ross, current member of the Federal Council and director of the material group; and the other was Anton Yin.

Wan, leader of the newly established 'New and Old Technology Research Group' and director of the Urban Happiness Group.

"They don't know anything about the current strength of the Federation. They know it very well. Except for the financial situation, which is slightly worse, they have compiled and submitted statistics on the Federation's population, materials, production, resource reserves, etc.

"Actually, this is a huge gamble, but now it seems that Lord Vasily is determined to have his own way. Duck, you know history very well, and you should know that this kind of emperor who cannot listen to objections and insists on joining a gamble will be in trouble in the future.

What was the fate of the old empire in history?"

"Death, humiliation, tragic death." Dak commented directly, "But what we can do is to find 'Pramini' earlier than the Federation and use her power to prevent the 'Evolution Platform' from starting this blatant

There is nothing we can do except in a hostile way."

"So... By the way, Dark, what did the evil god [Echoer] you dreamed about just now tell you?" Wulfya brought the topic back to the beginning and said, his face was very solemn,

Even from across the seat, Duck could feel it.

"He said he felt that my power was awakening." He replied:

"If status and strength are not equal, he will have a condescending feeling that is hard to get rid of. But now, it seems that the two of us can start to communicate on an equal footing.

"He said that he seemed to have seen his old friend 'Machine Spirit' coming in and out of this indifferent 'grey dream' recently, but he only stayed for a few minutes. He should have entered accidentally while dreaming. They did not communicate.

But this made him conclude that the 'Machine Spirit' should also be looking for him."

"Then...did the 'Echoer' mention any information about the 'Mechanical Spirit'?" Wulfya asked.

"It is said that it is a mechanical body that was taken care of by the 'Lord of Machinery'. Later, it received the guidance of the 'Daughter of Machinery', gained a [personality], and became a human. It may be traveling somewhere near us now. By the way,

When the 'Daughter of the Tools' was mentioned, the 'Echoer' was very happy, showing an annoying pride. She said that the 'Daughter of the Toons' was her defeated general and the first god she killed.


"It is indeed the evil god..." Wulfya sighed:

"Any other information?"

"She said that her 'red magic source power' has become restless recently, which is an ominous sign. Either someone covets his power and takes certain actions, or he is about to awaken in the form of a 'beast'


"She said that if the wind wall surrounding his area does not recede and the god behind 'Plamini' does not awaken, and he forcibly escapes from there, he will completely mutate and go down a dangerous and unknown path.

"She felt that the restless emotions in her body began to spread, and the 'sorrow' began to gather rapidly. The time left for us will not be too generous."

"Time...?" Wulfya whispered:

"Forget it, let's consider the matter at hand first. Duck, it's half a day's drive to Xinfeng Town. You and I don't have to hide our names. The new commander is an old friend of mine and he will protect us."

"Wovya." Dak smiled.

"What's wrong?"

"You have such a wide network of contacts, which is a bit unusual."

After teasing, Duck leaned back on his seat, opened the car window, and breathed in the fresh air that brought chill and warmth as the ice and snow began to melt.

He saw that the brilliance of the morning light had completely turned into incandescent light shining on the wasteland. The sun was sparing no effort to do the same thing for thousands of years - giving the continent energy and hope while dispelling the clear chill.

As the chariot continued to move forward, the black spots covering the ice and snow gradually increased. Scattered trees began to appear at the end of the vision of the vast plain. The rolling hills had emerged, broken, collapsed, ruined, and covered with unknown plants.

The fragments of the relics also began to become clearer after the fog receded.

This chapter has been completed!
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