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Chapter 51 Nightmare Card: Prayer

"Is this a sequence card? Is there anything special about it? Or is this just a receipt for receiving... uh... exchange items? Or... options?" Duck asked with a puzzled face.

"Hahaha..." "Future" said with a rare laugh:

"I would rather it be a piece of waste paper. Unfortunately, it is not an option that is used to deceive people by the group of bankers or investors in Putua. It is also a real sequential monster.

It's just C-level, 'No. 1306' belonging to the B sequence, named 'Magic Card: Prayer'.

"I haven't found its use from too much information yet, but it is said that it was made by a dragon who had traveled to the old empire. According to the prophecy: 'Collect twelve cards imprinted with the power of the dark night.

Burned by the dragon's flames, you will see the gods at night and day.'

"Of course, it may not have much extraordinary power on the surface, but there are many collectors at the top of the federation who are willing to pay high prices to buy it."

"So, can we understand that this single sequence card is equivalent to filling in a high-priced check? If so, Wofya, I think we can agree to him. After all, for the time being, the 'future' is not an enemy.

"Dak took the "Magic Card: Prayer" and turned to look at Wofya.

"Of course." Wofya affirmed:

"We are going north soon, and we must prepare a wave of supplies. We are short of money. As long as the price is right, I think it will not be difficult to find a buyer."

"But Wulfya." Dak stared at the sequence card in his hand and said:

"Last time 'Thunder Page' helped me divine, I only saw the 'Chaos' card, this picture of 'Prayer'... It seems to be a completely different style than 'Chaos'


As he spoke, Dak placed the card with "Prayer" printed on it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully.

Suddenly, the confusion, distortion, and confusion left in the ceremony quickly disappeared. Under the influence of the card containing the power of the Creator, his breathing also quickly and steadily, and the complex negative emotions in his brain were suppressed to a certain extent.

, even the small whistle that had been lingering in my ears during the battle just now fell silent.

The two sides of this prologue card still have a dark style, and there are still countless tentacles spreading outward around the wide-open green eyeballs on the back.

The expression conveyed by the eyeballs seemed to be overlooking the mortal world from a high place, and when he took it closer, he seemed to be looking up at the universe. When Duck turned the sequence card over to the front, he felt that his heart was still, staring at the picture, he felt an unprecedented sense of tranquility and holiness.


"Prayer" is a pure existence second only to "love" in the order of kindness, and the corresponding upper-level profession is prayer. In historical records, most of these professions are women, and they need to keep half a clean eye at all times.


They usually need to convey the prayers of specific humans to gods to obtain enlightenment or guidance. Unlike communication with evil gods, even if they have not been their believers, praying people can still find ways to get help from "good" gods.

Therefore, their rank promotion will be faster and easier. In the first and second eras, they were usually regarded as "saints" or "sons of god" who communicated with God.

Shaking his head and throwing away the information about "Prayers" that he had read in his mind, Dak looked at the picture. The top of the card was still the information of the entire card, "6: Prayer", and the lower part was its Chinese spelling.

, is "ktr", and further down is a small painting with light as the keynote.

The sacred sun is hidden in a world full of brilliance. From top to bottom, from left to right, the world is enveloped in a dreamlike incandescence. In the center of the picture, there is a "grass crown" on his head and a white robe.

"Saint" was kneeling on her knees, clasping her hands together, lowering her head and praying devoutly to a vaguely visible god in the distance.

Behind her is a long sword stained with blood, a broken shield, an upside-down skull and a withered tree trunk. At the edge of the picture is half of the god's hand, which is wearing a dark half-finger cuff, and the gems inlaid on the cuffs exude a deep feeling.

of purple light.

"The holy man seems to be praying to the God of Darkness. The message conveyed by the card is really ironic." Dark cursed and put the card into his inner pocket.

"So, in the 'future', are there any special requirements for picking up the 'Heart of Eternal Cold'? In other words, will there be any mechanisms or magic restrictions?" Dak finally confirmed.

"No." "Future" replied firmly:

"The ceremony just now has destroyed the magic circle attached to it. Moreover, now we need to pick it up vertically. As long as we don't walk around, it is impossible to touch the old empire's organs. However, the person who needs to pick up must keep water or dark magic at all times.

The output of source power, otherwise permanent physical damage will be caused by the ice."

"That's easy, Duck, follow me down!" Wulfya said, picked up Duck and jumped straight into the pit.

With the little magic power remaining in his body surging, Dak discovered that after picking up the "Heart of Eternal Cold", apart from his hands feeling a little cold, there was no other discomfort.

Immediately afterwards, with a deep roar from Wulfya, he suddenly jumped up with all his strength, holding Dak in his arms and jumped out of the pit again. Under the instructions of "Future", Dak made a fist-sized

, the "Eternal Cold Heart", which is like an ordinary gem, is stuffed into the abdomen of the "Fusion Alien Body".

"In this way, my purpose here has been achieved. Dak, Wofya, the fate of ice and fire is far from over. We will meet again soon." "Future" said with a calm tone.

The sad young voice said, manipulating the face of the "Fusion Alien" beast and forcing out a friendly smile.

Then, he turned around and trotted away before disappearing among the seemingly endless abandoned buildings ahead.

"Let's go, Duck. At least we haven't spent too much time here today. We can rest for a few days after arriving in Xinfeng Town. I don't think this cold weather can last long. Soon, the early spring sun will

We have to melt the ice and snow in most places in the Federation. When the re-melting period is over, it will be troublesome to travel again." Wofya said, sighing softly, picking up the "Violet" rocket launcher, and pulling Dak towards the dilapidated "Beidou District"

"Walk outside.

The winter sun had already hung directly above the world. After half a day of fighting, Duck felt sore all over and extremely tired.

The depletion of magic power between battles and rituals gave him a headache. After thinking for a while, leaning on the back seat of the "Rock Brand" chariot, he chose to open the military backpack and find the "Federal No. 1 Military Factory"

The "Military Map of Binglin Province" produced has this vast blank area circled with a red pencil, and the word "Beidou" is marked in Kruse German on the side.

After doing all this, he suddenly felt extremely relaxed, and under the attack of sleepiness, he gradually fell asleep.

The warm radiance brought by the incandescent sun outside the car window shone on Duck's arms. What he didn't know was that a trace of the power of the "Eternal Cold Heart" had penetrated into his body just now.

Under the brief collision of the two forces of ice and sun, a small piece of pale blue, regular, simple drawing full of geometric beauty was formed on his arm.

Its content is roughly a burning torch, but the top is not a flame, but an eyeball with ripples.

Crusted Federation, Iceland Province, Northern Mamous District, east of Xinfeng Town, Wendevoir Village.

"Feng Kuang", who was holding a tea cup, was looking unfocused at the Western continental fireplace with scattered sparks. It wasn't until he felt a burning pain in his hand that he let go in panic, knocking over the cup and spilling the tea on the floor.

"The culture of Khitanris places special emphasis on inner training. This kind of training is not as simple as being strong, but a kind of calmness in the face of danger. Obviously, 'Wind Mine', you lack this now."

"New God" took away the porcelain teapot with oriental charm and put it aside.

At the same time, the magic source power surging within the body emitted a stream of faint blue flames, which quickly swept across the table and floor like a snake, and then merged with the tea, boiled, and disappeared together.

"Wind Mine", who is also in charge, is not interested in the old leader's tricks of using magic power. Instead, he asked himself:

"Don't be surprised when everything changes, and your mind will be as calm as water?"

"Yes, but not enough." "New God" said with half certainty and half denial:

"Not getting angry when encountering danger, and staying rational and clear-headed at all times are the basis. What is more important is to have the ability to choose the right path in danger, and to have confidence in the future situation."

"Confidence? Maybe this is what I lack." "Wind Mine" sighed and said:

"The apparent confidence can deceive my subordinates, allies, and even enemies, but it cannot deceive myself. I really don't know whether we can find the evil god 'Echoer' or contact the people behind 'Plamini'


"I am not sure whether we should continue to maintain this dangerous cooperation with the Federal Council. Although there is no evidence that Vasily directly or indirectly ordered the killings of 'Yin Ming' and 'Ruwen', I have a hunch that if we continue

If I take the same train with the committee, I will be the next one to die."

"Actually." "New God" said in a gentle tone, while continuing to pour water into "Wind Mine"'s tea cup, "Cooperation does not mean loyalty. We are not subordinates of the committee, so there is no need to put ourselves in the position every time.

Put in a dangerous situation.”

"In the final analysis, cooperation is for profit. So, for 'Feng Mine', please recall, what was the original purpose of 'Yin Min'?"

Accompanied by the clear sound of water flowing, "Wind Mine" thought for a moment and replied:

"Let the Federation accept the lost members of our Order and legitimize the gray organizations.

"Yes, the purpose of 'Yinmin' is more to practice the concept of 'all races coexist harmoniously and eliminate differences and discrimination.' However, from the beginning of cooperation until now, the Federal Council has not given us the intention to formally recognize it.

Maybe, I should pay more attention to ourselves."

"Selfish, sometimes, is not actually a derogatory term, but an act of self-preservation." "New God" put down the teapot and nodded.

"So, we should strive for our own interests while maintaining cooperation with them, rather than returning to a state of complete hostility. I should no longer expect to eliminate or transform humans, nor should I expect the committee to keep its promises."

After a few seconds of silence, "Feng Mine" said firmly:

"I should find the gods behind the evil gods 'Echoer' and 'Plamini', and rely on them to advance to our rank. Absolute power can bring absolute right to speak."

"Yes." The "New God" showed a pleased smile on his face, "You know, in the wasteland world, the ending of idealists is often tragic, and 'Yin Ming' is an example."

After speaking, he slowly walked to the window and opened the simple curtains.

"Wind Mine" stood up and looked out curiously.

The outside world has long since turned from a long, terrifying night to day. Under the sunlight is a patch of trees that are sprouting new buds. The bright and clear forest has long abandoned the chill of winter. The snow is slowly melting, releasing wisps of white mist.

Amidst the mist and vapor, there were several owls standing on the branches, but their eyes were closed at the moment, sleeping soundly under the warm sun.

This chapter has been completed!
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