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Chapter 45 Echoer

Echoes of the Wasteland Echoes Chapter 45 Echoes "That's it... just push the door and go in... okay?"

Wright looked at the dark and empty space inside the huge dark red door and the dim candlelight looming inside and asked.

"This is a communication space provided by the gods for those who enter the gray dream. It represents a small test."

The red-faced man said, dragging a red "tail" from the intersection of Wright's neck and shoulders, and flew to Wright.

"A test? A small test?" Wright thought in a low voice.

"A test of everyone's inner fear. You know, Wright, fear often comes from fear itself, rather than any external force. Darkness sometimes represents tranquility, blood red is sometimes a symbol of strength, and even souls sometimes communicate

The medium. Not to mention those monsters." The red face added.

"Is it only the inside that is scary, not everything outside? Got it." Wright said.

He took a long breath, trying his best to relieve the discomfort caused by his pounding heart.

Immediately afterwards, he looked up at the palace, which was made up of various towering buildings, as well as the huge door with mottled red skin.

You shouldn't be afraid, right? The darkness in the palace is just an appearance. What you will see after you truly overcome your fear is probably not this.

After making up his mind, Wright did not flinch. Instead, he stretched out his inexplicably white right hand and used all the weak muscles in his body to push open the dark red door and walked into the dark realm behind the door.

Sound? Mist?

After entering the dark realm, Wright felt an earthquake-like dizziness and the surrounding space was rapidly distorted.

Then, he heard various sounds filling his ears.

There are women's pleading voices, men's low and desperate cries, children's immature cries, people murmuring to themselves as if they have gone crazy, and there are also conversations that resemble the movement of mechanical gears and the uniform tone emitted by robots in the previous world.

Some of those sounds were in the Zine Empire language he was familiar with, and some were similar to the common language of the Western Continent, but most of them were a language used for divination that he had never heard before but was inexplicably familiar.

It seems to be a language called "Central Continental".

Immediately afterwards, all the sounds around him seemed to have been forced to press the stop button on the tape recorder, and everything in front of him quickly switched to a white, thick fog that made people feel hopeless.

"A heavy feeling, a feeling of despair, and an inexplicable sense of loss and pain. These do not seem to be my emotions. In addition, do I need to take the initiative to peel away this layer of fog?" Wright


"No need. You are an upper-level professional. No matter whether you initiated this gray dream or not, you are half of the leadership among the participants. Other interveners need to take the initiative to see you. They must also be forming spirits at this moment.

, you just need to wait here quietly." The red face explained.

The current situation is like, I created a VR group chat and then hung up here waiting for other "players" to connect?

Sure enough, this world is very mysterious and interesting.

Wright admired in his heart.


After standing upright in the mist for almost two or three minutes, Wright heard the sound of a biting wind, like the howling of a blizzard in winter, mixed with a bit of the atmosphere belonging to the extremely cold realm of the north.

"Oow! Oow! Oow!"

Wright heard three wolf howls in the fog, which were mixed with sadness and some indescribable pain.

Then, the fog receded around him like a tide, and Wright appeared in a mysterious and unpredictable realm.

He glanced around unconsciously.

The place where he stood was like an altar, and someone had built a row of metal "railings" around it. Outside was a field of darkness and thick fog.

It seems that this construction method is to prevent participants from falling into it.

Wright turned his perspective back to the front. The color of the altar floor was a mixture of pure blue and gold, like a sunset shining on the sea.

But the outermost layer of the altar at the foot is covered with a layer of irises outlined with black lines, in the middle is a double-headed eagle pattern drawn with countless lines, and in the middle is a huge six-pointed star pattern.

After Wright unconsciously took two steps forward, he saw the space in front of him distort at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, two shadows penetrated from the distortion and quickly became clear.

Before Wright could ask anything, one of them spoke first:

"Have I entered the gray dream? It's really interesting. May I ask, are you an upper-level professional?"

The man's voice seemed green and immature, like a boy with a pinched voice.

Wright raised his head and looked carefully. The person in front of him in the gray dream was not a human being, but a nearly two-meter-tall robot.

The silver-white shell shows the beauty of strength. The place where the red and white paint interweaves reveals the carved metal connection. His petite head is not proportional to the broad silver-white palms, but fortunately, there is a little light in the round eyes.

The blue light softens all these weird splicings.

"Well, I am an upper-level professional." Wright nodded slightly, his tone sure and a little mysterious.

The attitude of the robot was very respectful, perhaps a middle-level or lower-level professional. The "person" who entered the gray dream seemed to change his appearance according to certain settings.

The robot definitely has no intelligence, and it is impossible for it to become a spirit and enter the gray dream!

Then, the change in appearance will inevitably not reveal the real name, and the same goes for myself.

The common man is not guilty, but the treasure is his fault! The demonstration of strength is sometimes not a thing that is beneficial to oneself, especially when one is in a potentially weak situation.

While Wright was thinking, the robot stepped forward with its heavy and wide red feet in front of him, took a half step forward, held its left chest with its right hand, bowed to Wright at an angle of 45 degrees, and said respectfully:

"Excuse me, your Excellency, the upper-class professional, would you mind taking off your black cloak and letting me see your 'self'?"

Black cloak?

Wright was startled and subconsciously looked at his body.

He is still wearing the old silver-white Socra Guards shirt, gray-black tactical trousers, and the "Long Sword and Hammer" medal made of metal on the chest.

Presumably, his face is still oval-shaped, with black pupils and black hair.

So, in the gray dream, what I showed to the outside world was the image of a mysterious man wearing a black cloak?

This is in line with me, after all, time travel itself is mysterious and unpredictable.

After lowering his head and thinking for a few seconds, Wright deliberately asked in an extremely heavy voice:

"What do you think? Should I show you?"

To the robot, his voice seemed to come from an area filled with red and hot lava, and seemed to be mixed with a little solemnity and solemnity belonging to the sequential gods, which made the robot shudder.

"Sorry, upper-level professional, I'm sorry for raising such a stupid question. I am the first interventionist to enter the Gray Dream, and my code name is 'Mechanical Spirit'. I hope to discuss two issues with you.

As a high-level professional, I hope you can give me some tips."

The robot said respectfully, lowered its metal head that was extremely inconsistent with the broad hand again, slightly closed its eyes that glowed with light blue, and bowed.

"Mechanical spirit, the soul of the machine? Interesting code name. In this case, do I have to get a code name that suits my identity?" Wright nodded slightly, looking up at the blue sky with a faint mist, and flashed through his mind quickly.

a name.

It was an ancient book he had read in his memory, a prophetic book called "The Ancient World of All Things".

Its volumes mention different prophecies about humans, dragons, alien beasts and monsters. Since it was a product of the New Era, it did not include the Unintentional and the Lost.

Under the crazy running of thoughts and memories, a very powerful name flashed in Wright's mind.

In line with his identity and expectations for the future!

"Wasteland Echoer, you can call me 'Echoer'."

"Dragon Words Twelve: The calling voice of the dragon clan echoes around the world. This is the place where new life and souls are born. The dragon clan volume of "All Things in the Ancient World", as expected, the upper-level professionals are all knowledgeable people." "Mechanical Spirit" Ninja

He couldn't help but praise.

Upon hearing the compliment, Wright was neither modest nor accepted it directly. He just nodded lightly, enjoying this wonderful feeling.

"Then, Mr. Echoer, can I ask you a little question first?" "Mechanical Spirit" asked in a flattering and pleading tone.

"Yes, if I can answer it." Wright responded calmly.

Although his voice was not loud, it seemed extremely heavy in the scene where the altar and the mist intersected, as if a hammer was swinging downward in the center of the altar, causing ripples in the surrounding air.

"I got a method of making a coat of arms from a false god. It is said that after it is made, it can be used to find the god with the confused song, and the [Order] I have always wanted to pursue. But I

I encountered some problems in the later stages of cooking, and I hope to get tips from upper-level professionals." "Mechanical Spirit" said.

"Looking for the gods who sing in confusion? And the [Order]?" Wright repeated doubtfully.

He suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if a cold dagger was pressed tightly against him, making him unable to move.

[Order], if there is really some connection between myself and the "Mechanical Spirit", doesn't the so-called [Order] refer to me?

It seems that Natasha must have revealed something to General George before the emergency, or even more extreme, he must have revealed something to the Church of the Lost in advance.

The robot named "Mechanical Spirit" in front of me is probably related to General George or the Church of the Lost.

That being said, I can't reveal too much information.

Yes, information. This time Gray Dream's exchange is mainly about obtaining information. If you can maintain your mysterious persona as much as possible, I believe that after multiple contacts, it will definitely be beneficial to you.

"I want to hear first about the difficulties you encountered in making heraldry. As for the confused singing god you mentioned, I have heard that it should be the sequential god called the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element'. However,

Let’s not mention his related information for now. I want to talk to you about the coat of arms first.” Wright half-ordered in a tone that left no room for doubt.

"Okay, sir." "Zhu Yuan" nodded and said respectfully:

"I bought the materials for making the coat of arms at my current station and started brewing them. By the way, those materials are the tentacles of the deep-sea octopus, the heart of the twisted tree, the blood of the lost, and the burning liquid of the Heartless. I used

The copper hexagonal utensil used to make the coat of arms was shipped by sea from the Eastern Flame Federation, and was called the 'Top of Flame'. At the beginning, I poured some water into it, and then

The materials were taken out in a certain proportion and heated at the bottom with an alcohol block. But a mistake was made. After being used once, the coat of arms made of those materials turned into a burnt pile and lost its original value.

In other words, it is a disposable item."

"Have you tried anything else? For example, adding some base, no, adding some milky white potion?"

Based on the description of "Mechanical Spirit", Wright unconsciously thought of the scene where he was making hot pot in the three-story hut half a month ago, and said subconsciously.

"Are you saying that you want to integrate them into the realm of scarlet and white, wipe away the fog and peer into eternity?" "Mechanical Spirit" asked tentatively.

This chapter has been completed!
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