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Chapter 210: Deep Sorrow (78): Ivans Last Conspiracy (Part 1)

"Okay, okay, no problem." A smile appeared on Marco's face. He excitedly unfolded the pile of documents, sorted them briefly, and pushed a bunch of very old and tainted information to "

Future" said:

"According to my judgment, the paper for these materials should have been produced between the end of the reign of Ivan XXII and before Lelya I ascended the throne of emperor. The old empire began to develop long-term preservation of documents since Charles XII.

According to records, the technology had already matured before Ivan 22 was buried in the 'Brudging Relics'."

"Technology of document preservation? Why have I never heard of it? However, it is strange to say that the moment I touched these papers, I did feel the subtle fluctuations of magic source power." "Future" rubbed the papers and asked curiously.

"As we all know, the raw material for producing paper is wood. The more precious the paper, the more precious the wood used and the higher the price. But after all, it is paper, not bronze, and not pottery. Not to mention buried underground, even if it is

When exposed to the air, it will corrode quickly without leaving a trace." Marco explained:

"However, if we follow the example of the ancestors of Khitanris and record data on sheepskins or bamboo slips, it will consume more storage space. Several scientific research teams funded by Ivan XXII have indeed tried to use so-called 'chips'

', a technology that stores large amounts of information and translates it through electronic or digital technology to achieve large-scale storage of information.

"But unfortunately, they failed. Even in a few hundred years, this kind of technology may not be applicable. So, they finally used special paper."

"Could it be that magic is added to the raw material of paper?" "Future" teased.

He didn't expect that Marco nodded in approval and said:

"That's true. Since the magic power comes from the vast nature, even if the paper is forced to 'see the light of day' one day, it will always remain clear under the influence of the subtle magic power around it. More importantly, in this way,

, you can use the power of magic to encrypt most of the information in the paper and transmit a lot of secret content."

"Interesting, what did these people from the old empire add to the paper materials? I am really curious. I can feel the magic power in my body resonate slightly with them, and some of them are even sucked into it.

Of course, this is very subtle and will not have any impact on me." "Future" said, putting the paper back on the table and breaking away from the contact.

"It's ore." Marco replied:

"It is a kind of ore used by magicians to store magic power. Some magicians in the second era, either because of their extraordinary talents or the need to fight, often pour the surplus magic power in their bodies into it.

Prepare for emergencies. In the past, this type of ore had many names and they were not uniform. Ivan XXII gave it a new name and used his power to include it in the ranks of sequential monsters.

"It is, MB-100: Proglomila's Stone, which is also called the 'energy storage mine' by some official data. By sorting out these old and new materials, I made a preliminary summary."

"I would like to hear the details." "Future" said, staring directly at Marco, and the micro-expression on his face conveyed a strong sense of expectation.

"Okay." Marco said, taking out a notebook with complicated and weird patterns and words from his arms, and said:

"In order to prevent the destruction of the Krusted Empire, Ivan XXII once designed a cruel mission called the 'New Construction Plan'. They will use the 'Ivanov virus' that can harden the heart.

, to achieve the task of rebuilding the world after the destruction of mankind.”

"Wait a minute, Marco. Are you going to say later that this plan is essentially the 'New Dollar Crisis' we are experiencing now, and that the Ivanov virus is the 'Heartless Virus' that infects our lost people?

"Future" interrupted Marco and said.

"How did you..." A hint of surprise flashed in Marco's eyes. He swallowed, pushed up the reading glasses he had just put on, trying to hide his embarrassment and said:

"I understand. It seems that the fact that you successfully entered the 'Bitter Relics' and came out unscathed is true. I always thought it was a rumor used by the 'Chaos Group' to boost morale. Unexpectedly, he

it is true……"

"It's not entirely true. At least, I'm not unscathed." "Future" rolled up the sleeves on both arms and showed them in front of Marco.

Marco looked carefully. Not to mention that these two arms were slightly different from human ones, they were at least very different. One was controlled by a complex mechanical structure, and the surface was covered with a lot of special leather. It tried to imitate human beings with its rough technology.

How your skin feels.

The other one is a completely "alienated" arm that is like a vine wrapped around it, with some parts covered with fish scale-like material.

In front of Marco, who was a little surprised, "Future" crossed his hands on his chest and said:

"What Thalia and those of you who fought with me saw just now was my 'alienated' right arm. It was formed during my battle with 'Ivan XXII'."

Deep Ruins confiscated my left arm and gave me a right arm whose merits cannot be evaluated, but in exchange, it raised my rank and told me about the wasteland world through the mouth of Ivan XXII.

The secret of formation.

"Indeed, this great king tried to eliminate most of the human race through the 'Heartless Man Virus', evolve a small number of humans, and rebuild a greater country on the ruins a thousand years later. He did wake up, but this evil spirit

His behavior could not be tolerated, so he fell into hell together with the more than two hundred elites who slept with him."

"This is indeed embarrassing." Marco sighed and said:

"Originally, I thought I was the first person to know the truth about the world. You have to know that it is not easy to analyze these materials. They not only contain ancient Kruse German, but also many contents written in minority languages ​​​​under the control of the old empire.

There is even Chinese language that even philosophers cannot understand, but you are immersed in it, see the person involved with your own eyes, and learn the precious truth.

"I think this is the so-called gap between people caused by fate. However, since you already know these backgrounds, you must also know that the 'Evolution Platform' plan was set by Ivan XXII for Marco

'Sweet Trap' right?"

"That's right, so I don't support this plan, and I also want to stop it. After all, Ivan XXII is dead. Once this plan is launched, after most of the federation has suffered a disaster, no one can really rebuild the Kremlin.

Rust." "Future" replied.

"In this case, I will go straight to the topic. In fact, Ivan XXII is not a truly magnanimous person. At the beginning of the establishment of the 'New Construction Plan', he jointly established a matching 'Destruction Plan'

'." Marco said.

"Destruction plan?" A chill could not help but rise behind "Future". He sat upright and asked:

"what is that?"

"Enough to destroy the entire Crusted plan." Marco explained:

"Once his 'New Construction Plan' is completely bankrupt and his body dies, it will be enough to prove that there is no need for the Crusaders to save him. Therefore, he has already been buried under several abandoned experimental sites and ruins in the extreme cold zone.

Bombs are buried. These bombs are divided into 'main control' and 'affiliation'. There seems to be some kind of media connecting them. Once the 'main control' explodes first, the 'affiliation' will explode together in a short period of time.


"Most of these 'affiliated' bombs are buried close to volcanoes and magma. If they explode collectively, the power they release will be enough to stimulate the energy belonging to this planet deep in the continent."

"What consequences will that have?" "Future" leaned forward and approached Marco and asked.

"I predict that by then, both dormant and dead volcanoes will be rejuvenated, and some geologically weak areas will directly crack, allowing magma to erupt from the gaps. By then, the glaciers in Crusted will

Melting, wherever the lava passes, all vegetation turns to dust, houses collapse, animals die, and even gods cannot save lives immediately," Marco explained.

"So, what exactly are the 'Master Control' and 'Associate' bombs that can cause such power? Moreover, if it is to cause a disaster, the number of bombs will definitely not be small. If calculated based on the hundreds of years of storage, those bombs

Will the bomb still have its original power?" "Future" asks several key questions.

Turning the pages of his notebook back, Marco explained:

"It's the 'Fire of Heaven's Punishment', the man-made 'Fire of Heaven's Punishment' that Ivan 22 most admires. They are completely made of technology, and the power of one is enough to destroy a city. Judging from the data, 'Master Control

'It should be a 'long-lasting type'. As long as it is not subject to huge external pressure, its power can be guaranteed even if it is stored for tens of thousands of years.

"The 'Episode' is called 'Emperor Crusted' and is of the 'violent type'. The power of one of its bombs is a hundred times that of the ordinary 'Fire of Punishment'. Such power is enough to free these bombs from the constraints of quantity.

Even if there is only one at each key point, it is enough to achieve the effect."

"So, what conditions need to be met to activate the 'master control' bomb? I think that only by understanding this can we know how to avoid disaster." Future analyzed rationally.

"One is the death of Ivan XXII. Part of the energy in the 'Bitter Relics' is supplied by the area where Ivan XXII sleeps. There is an energy source connected to an alien plane.

Channel, after his death, the channel will be closed, and the energy in the 'Suffering Deep Ruins' will be cut off, and it will continue to send continuous signals to the north, approximately where the 'Wind Wall' is located. Obtaining the corresponding 'Master Control' bomb will

Started asking for energy from surrounding energy storage facilities, which triggered the 'red slump.'" Marco explained:

"However, if you want to truly activate the 'Master Control', you still need to summon a sequential monster, which is 'MB-999: Laughing Nightmare Angel'. Rumor has it that when the true master is disappointed with humans, he will send down the Angel of Angels.

But for human beings who have no divinity, even beautiful music will turn into crazy laughter in our ears."

This chapter has been completed!
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