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Chapter 223: Deep Suffering (91) Cause and Effect of 'Monster'


The blazing fireball first broke through the shield constructed by the Lord of Dark Night by condensing the purple electric current from the dark night demon power, and the white drill-like tentacles pierced into his chest.

The collision between the power of dark night and the power of fire ignited explosive flames that spread violently outward, and then formed an unpleasant, choking smoke mixed with the smell of blood and rushed around.

When all the smoke fell to the ground and the flames dissipated, Dak and Wulfya discovered that the drill-like tentacles had separated from the Night Lord's thin body, and the body that was swaying in place and standing unsteadily had its chest

A huge bloody hole has been penetrated.

The blood-stained bones, the beating heart, the contracted lungs, the bright red muscles, and the bright red liquid gurgling out like a stream formed a picture on the young body of the Lord of the Night that the federal medical scholars loved.

Internal anatomy of the human body.

However, this picture is mysterious and scary enough for ordinary people, but for the [soldiers] of the Federation, it is an adventure experience that they will vividly describe after dinner.

As the blood continued to escape from the Lord of the Night's body, a "Broken Moon" badge made of ancient steel detached from his chest and fell to the ground, making a crisp and very pleasant metallic sound.

"Lord of the Night, right? He's so fragile and pitiful." The voice of a boy who was more immature but more determined than the Lord of the Night came from the right side of his body.

Dak and Wulfya also turned their heads to look, and saw a familiar face wearing a thick military cotton coat and a warm rabbit-eared military cotton hat appearing in front of them.

"It's 'Future', the leader of 'Order Society', 'Future'." Dak recognized "Future" at a glance.

After all, the iconic mark of dark power on his forehead can resonate slightly with the magic power in Dak's body. Moreover, among the humans and lost people he knows, there is no second person with such characteristics.

However, the current "Future" seems to be taller and slightly stronger than the two times in "Beidou District" and "Kushen Ruins", but his right arm has become an alienated state. It must have been in "Kushen Ruins"

There must be some evil power in it.

Moreover, at this moment, "Future" is wearing a wristband with the icon of "Wildness Tourist Group" written in Krusted's text on his arm, and two huge, hard, drill-like tentacles extend from near his tailbone.

, happened to not damage the heavy cotton clothes.

"Yes, I am the 'future'. The world of darkness is filled with darkness, the sound of the wasteland is overwhelming, the intersection of light and darkness is first seen, and the curtain of the future is dawning. I am the new 'lost one' who is favored by the ancient and dark forces.

'Future'. Of course, I also allow you two to call my name, Constantinian."

"Future" smiled and said hello to Dak, then turned around, walked to the Lord of the Night, stepped on his head, and mocked:

"So what about gods? They are just superpowers that are slightly stronger than humans. If you really had the power to destroy the world, the Wasteland Era would not have appeared, and the Wasteland World would not have been born. It was you.

Only when Ivan 22 chooses to turn a blind eye when he makes an act that defies heaven, will the Creator punish him."

"Do you think...what you understand is the truth?" The Lord of the Night sneered. He did not resist the "future". Instead, he supported the ground with both hands and retorted, ignoring the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth:

"What do you think the Creator is? Is it a mortal thing that you can describe with half the human knowledge? Or are these just clichés passed down by the older generation, just common words you use to temporarily act as a victor?

It’s just a sarcastic statement.”

"I know that you are the master of all darkness. Countless people from Crusted and Zine believe in you, regard you as their savior, and call your name all day long. But I do not choose to continue to believe in you, even if you put yourself

"The position is placed on the highest plane that surpasses all gods. After all, I have already felt the light and heat calling to me." "Future" increased the strength on his feet, trying to further lower the head of the Lord of the Night, so that his

The posture is more humble.

"You are wrong." The Lord of Dark Night suppressed the trembling of his body and argued:

"When the Creator was born, there was no light in the dark universe. Even if there was, it was just the sparks and light spots left after the violent explosion. Human beings are always stupid, and the lost are no better. You are always just

If you can see a little information in front of you, you will make a very bold and extremely stupid judgment.

"If I only control Daniel's body to create chaos and don't show up, how can humans recognize me and know this information? I appear here in this posture because of my power.

, it is also the fate appointed by the Creator and the cause and effect of all things in the world.

"It's like my appearance as a legendary 'monster' in this Khitan Ris wind ruins is my destiny and cause and effect. And you will also face the supreme destiny of being swallowed by darkness and ridiculed by you.

The fate of being swallowed up by things and destroyed.”

The Lord of Darkness's last words were very urgent, but revealed a clear viciousness.

Soon, "Future" felt that the strength of the Lord of Dark Night's head had increased a lot, and he could no longer suppress his head. He was forced to pull out his legs, and took a few steps back in a defensive posture, looking at the swaying, slow

Standing up, the Lord of Darkness began to condense bright purple arcs around his body.

As the surrounding environment became much darker, "Future" discovered that rich dark magic power was constantly forming around it, and flowing into the body of the Lord of the Night like a whirlpool. Countless white maggot-like powers seemed to be carried by himself

Glowing threads began to form in his body, and sprang out along his eyes, nostrils, mouth, ear holes and throat, gathering together like a conscious collective near the wounded chest.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! They first weaved a simple net over the holes on the Lord of Dark Night's chest and back, and soon formed a layer of seemingly

Soft, but actually hard "fabric skin".

Immediately afterwards, they began to consume themselves to fill the hole where the heart was. In less than half a minute, they turned into internal organs, bones, tissues and skin, completely making up for the damage caused by "Future"'s sneak attack.

"How is that possible! Even gods can't fill the trauma in such a short period of time. It's too scary... you..." "Future" exclaimed.

Soon, he felt as if a heavy lead had been stuffed into his throat, and his hands and feet seemed to be bound by heavy steel chains. He could neither make any sound nor move his body at all, "Future"

He could only stare at the "monster" young Lord of Darkness in front of him with horrified eyes. His throat squirmed and he made a grunting sound that seemed to be human but not yet human.

"Blasphemy will inevitably be counterattacked by reason." The Lord of Dark Night raised the corners of his mouth, pinched the chin of "Future" with a victor's attitude, but turned his head 270 degrees, tilted his head and looked towards

Dark and Wulfya asked:

"Do you also want to blaspheme?"

"If a god himself only tortures mortals for his own selfish desires or to show off his force, then he has reason to be blasphemed by anyone." Dark said viciously:

"You, Lord of the Night, even if you don't fight the 'unintentional people' for the sake of mankind, you should not hunt innocent humans in the fog to satisfy your personal despicable desires. No one can withstand the test specially designed for him.

, you took advantage of Daniel's urgency to solve the problem and his worship of the forest god 'Wells', the guardian of the [Hunter], to seduce him. This in itself is blasphemy to other gods, and naturally also to

The blasphemy of the Creator.

"Since you have acted like a 'monster', you have abandoned your identity as a god, and your young body reflected in the continent will no longer receive any blessings from the Creator. And you

The power he showed just now is nothing more than excellent healing power and low-end puppet manipulation ability.

"Those superpowers who have experienced hundreds of battles can also achieve the same level as you. But they are pure human beings who fight for their own beliefs."

"Wonderful." The Lord of Dark Night clapped his hands and said:

"However, I still said what I said before. The appearance of the 'unintentional man' and my appearance are all caused by the cause and effect arranged by the Creator in advance. I can't touch anything and can only make decisions based on the judgment of cause and effect." The Lord of the Night

His eyes suddenly turned pure purple, he lowered his head and said:

"And the cause and effect that belongs to me and you is: to start a life-threatening battle in this dense forest filled with thick fog!"

As soon as the Lord of Darkness finished speaking, the lower part of his body began to extend outwards, expand and swell uncontrollably. Soon, half of his body became a product that could not be transformed by any creature in this three-dimensional world.

It is also an appearance that no one can strictly, vividly and vividly describe except those present.

His upper body was still that of a young man wearing a half-torn purple robe. Bright arcs of electricity shot out from his arms, and his eyes reflected a terrifying purple color.

As for the lower body, his torso and lower limbs were in an unimaginable deformed state that was not human. The robe on the lower body was torn due to the extension of the limbs, and was hit by an arc and burned on the spot.

His legs were swollen to the extreme. They were stronger and several times thicker than the Federation [soldiers] who over-exercised their legs, and were covered with a layer of crocodile-like skin, revealing a strength and terrifying beauty.

The feet are too wide, like a boat, with sharp and long nails, as sharp and powerful as a tiger, and covered with a layer of snake-like skin, as if they were a meaningless combination made by the Creator for fun.

But there is a circle of black fluff around his ankles as decoration.

However, whether it is crocodile skin or snake fur, they all have suckers and mouthparts of different sizes, and a large number of fine hairs are covered around them, like ribbons that are constantly swaying as a blower blows.

As if to humiliate the "future", and to demonstrate his own power, the Lord of the Night surged his own power, and actually grew three thick tails as thick as steel, reflecting the silvery white brilliance. Each tail

There are seven eyes arranged like the Big Dipper on it. Under these eyes, there are not fully developed holes for excreting waste.

As the Lord of the Night moved forward, a large amount of sickly dark yellow slurry exuding a foul smell was flowing outward from the tail and along the steel-like skin.

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