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Chapter 247: The 'Heart' of the Lost (Part 2)

As Archimedes spat out snake-like letters from his mouth and made an annoying hissing sound, some weird buzzing sounds appeared in the ears of "Future".

Immediately afterwards, the buzzing sound began to repeat, become diverse, and become more and more complex. After a period of severe dizziness, religious music played in ancient times when worshiping the lord and gods actually appeared in his ears.

In line with the rhythmic and soothing rhythm brought by the music, one of the "concrete" sequence cores whose surface totem shines with green light jumped to the top of the head of "Future", desperately moving towards "Future".

Shake off any remaining lint.

These fluffs are very light, like the falling snowflakes from the open, quiet, lonely and holy realm of Crusted North, hovering softly in the air.

But when the "future" thoughts briefly and uncontrollably fell into the "snowflake" state of appreciating "beautiful", these fluffs stood up in the air one after another, replicating and becoming extremely hard, like countless silver sewing needles.

Like, falling towards the "future" body.

Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Even though the dark magic power surged throughout his body almost at the same second to resist and evade, "Future"'s body was still injured by some fluff, and a few fluff even missed his eyeballs.

A few of them left some horrifying scratches on his face.

Fortunately, Fluffy's attack only lasted this round. "Future" caught the gap between the "concrete" sequence core lingering in the air, and slammed his fist on the mark containing the power of darkness on his forehead. He hesitated slightly,

He recited the incantation to pray to the "Lord of the Night" to activate the "Burning Black Vision" and said:

"O God of Order of Darkness, please grant the gospel of salvation to your most loyal believers."

"Please give me the most ancient and pure power of darkness, and please give me the ability to see the danger behind the darkness."

"I am willing to burn part of my life and future to resist all dangers that destroy the fire of resurrection."

After 0.5 seconds, "Future"'s eyes instantly turned into the familiar pure black existence, his hair turned into pure black color, and his arms were unexpectedly covered with a layer of dark energy like a gauze, and he was stunned.

For 0.5 seconds, "Future" instantly realized that this was the "Lord of the Night" answering its prayer.

It was different from the last time he activated "Black Sight" in Hermosk. This time, not only his right eye, but also the colors he observed in his left eye were reversed.

The pure black world instantly turned into a temple as holy, wonderful and warm as the realm of the gods. The cliff turned into a high platform for the gods to stand and call out to the Creator. The dark clouds turned into white clouds.

The golden sun is like a father in the sky, exuding a gentle, stern, yet extremely admirable and yearning radiance.

If "Future" is not a lost person and does not have excellent mental control, he will definitely kneel on one knee, raise his right fist high, and keep shouting the two supreme words of praise "Father" and "Loyalty".

Under the eye-catching brilliance, "Future" slowly stood upright, staring high and high at the "concrete" sequence core above his head that was already crowned with an angel-like sacred halo.

The endless ocean in the distance turned into a blue existence, with sparkling waves and golden brilliance. The transparent water splashing along with the ocean current actually revealed a moist, refreshing and sweet smell, tall and tall around it.

Among the oak trees, it makes people feel extremely relaxed and happy.

"Is this contrast... real?" "Future" subconsciously murmured to himself, not daring to raise his head too much and look at the already half-monster Archimedes, even though she might be in the "Black Sight"

Under the influence, she has already transformed into a gentle goddess.

"The 'heart' is the universe, and the universe is the 'heart'. Any demigod with the blessing of the gods and the supreme 'heart' permitted by the Creator can break through the absolute constraints of matter, or spy on or create your own world.

"Achaimedea said, her voice seemed to be cast in a holy and ethereal tone under the influence of "Burning Black Sight".

"So, is darkness real, or is light real? For a lost person like me who has never seen real light, I am willing to believe in light, but I also know that darkness will last forever." "Future" sighed.

Taking a breath, his right hand gathered all the dark magic power in his body, forming a trident that looked normal despite its abnormal holiness.

This trident is not a conventional weapon that the "future" can condense with the power of dark magic, but if you look closely, you will find that its material is pure steel with a mechanical brilliance, and the entire shape reveals a strong Kru

The style of the royal family.

The handle of the trident is engraved with patterns of sunflowers and sunflowers, while the body of the trident is slightly artistically processed. From a distance, it looks like a double-headed eagle standing upside down on the top of the long handle, and its "

There is still bright red liquid dripping downwards at the "claw" position, which is incompatible with the holy place "created" by "Burning Black Vision".

"However, in the 'Zhongji Realm', people with 'divine nature' can freely choose what they see, hear and think. If you think the world is bright, the world will follow your heart and move toward the sun.

If you want to be with the darkness, the world will gradually die in the darkness." Archimedes' voice came again.

"It's not like that..." "Future" whispered, clenching his teeth, holding the "Trident" in his right hand tighter, still trembling slightly:

"That's not the case. If the world is my heart and my heart is the world, how could human beings have experienced the five-hundred-year-long Wasteland Era? Human consciousness always exists based on existence, and everything is everything, including the Creator.

Internally, it relies on one of the most basic existences to survive to this day."

"Interesting." Archimedes stretched out his right hand covered with sharp nails, indicating to "Future" to continue speaking, even though "Future" could not see this action.

"You have given me a new 'heart', and I should use it to understand the deeper 'principles' of the universe, to understand the true meaning of human existence, the true meaning of the existence of the Creator, and the human race.

The ultimate source and destination of suffering." "Future" lowered his head and said firmly:

"This 'middle realm of silence' is neither real nor false, neither a dream nor reality. It is actually telling me my choice."

"Future" said, while walking on the white stairs towards where Archimedea was standing just now, he continued:

"'Heart' can be used to make people indulge in it, unable to extricate themselves in false illusions, and ultimately lead to a dead end and hell in the sensory pleasure of images, sounds, tastes, feelings and sounds. Of course, 'Heart' can also be used to make people

Understand the way forward, be firm in your goals and ideals, and keep walking for a grand and lofty goal until death.

"I don't deny that 'illusion' will allow people to spend this life happily, experience happiness they have never had before in fantasy and delusion, and get some temporary harmful satisfaction. But the people of Zhini used practical actions thirty years ago

It proves that building an illusory 'paradise' of happiness is completely unfeasible.

"Because of existence, people can feel reality. There is nothing in the world that can make people feel more real than existence. My 'heart' is not the universe. Only by truly breaking through the shackles of gravity and breaking through the shackles of the planet can I

Truly feel the mystery and greatness of the universe.

"Similarly, my broken, small 'heart' cannot hold something as heavy and majestic as the universe. Even if I create the so-called 'universe' in illusion, it is just a fleeting bubble.

That’s it. Once my power is exhausted, the physical existence and the illusory ‘universe’ will collapse in an instant and cease to exist.”

After "Future" finished speaking, he breathed a long sigh of relief. He seemed to have gained a more profound understanding of some of the ideas that had been lingering in his heart for a long time. A more transparent spiritual power began to quietly form in his brain, and quickly

Spreading throughout the body, negative emotions such as "giving up", "despair", "worry", "fantasy" and "delusion" begin to gradually disappear.

Soon, "Future" suddenly opened his eyes glowing red, grabbed the blood-stained "Trident" in his right hand, and threw it at the "concrete" sequence core that symbolized "wisdom."




The sound of breaking glass reached his and Archimedes' ears. What surprised the god who was the incarnation of the creator's consciousness was that the "concrete" sequence core that could originally pose a threat to life in the "future"

, now as fragile as glass, the "Trident" simply relied on its own gravity to pass through its seemingly indestructible body, instantly turning it into a pile of worthless fragments.

"This is... my choice." "Future" raised his head, showing a determined expression, and looked at Achametea, who still maintained the monster posture, and the surrounding environment that quickly changed from the sacred realm back to the dark realm.


He said as he approached Achimedea along the floating road she walked just now:

"At any time, I will not be swayed by hallucinations and illusions. Among the choices given to me by the 'Realm of Silence', I can only choose reality instead of the seemingly more beautiful illusions. Human beings are unwilling to admit defeat.

As for the race, although they have experienced failure again and again, there will always be another group of people who stand up, eliminate the mistakes of their predecessors, and move toward the truly correct path through constant trial and error.

"The nights in this world are indeed too long, but you and I both understand that the fire of civilization's renaissance is igniting an eternal flame in people like Dak who are determined and unremittingly moving forward. So, there is no need to question my '

My heart is broken, Lord Achmedea, I am willing to break through the wind wall at the cost of my life, find Pramini, find the Echoer, and find the Universal Energy Evolution Platform hidden in it.

"Perhaps now, this is no longer your request to me as a god, but my prayer to you as a 'human being'."

As soon as "Future" finished speaking, the remaining six "concrete" sequence cores suspended around his body exploded and shattered like glass, and all the residue fell like a shower toward the depths of the dark ocean. Even in the dark

, in the dim field, golden sparks emitted that made people feel endless surprise.

"In this way, 'Future', you not only passed my trial and obtained a brand new 'heart' of the lost, but also got the opportunity to escape from here. For thousands of years, you have entered the 'middle silence'

People with 'divine nature' in the domain either returned to the underworld, or were immersed in the world of illusion and perished, and you chose 'reality', which means that you passed the test of the Creator." Achaimedea said.

As she stood, her body changed from a monster form made up of terrifying machines and beasts, back to a young goddess with a strong cultural style of the central empire. She stood in front of the "future", showed a pleased smile and said:

"I believe that you will carry this 'heart' all the way, for the continuation of the fireworks of civilization, for justice and light to be able to cut through the dark, long night sky, I also firmly believe that even if there is something hidden behind the 'wind wall',

Even if you fail, you can persist to the other side of success.

"So, please remember, there is a saying in the "Epic of the Future" created by Adali Sage accepting the instructions of the Creator: The dark red agitation is not a declaration of sin, and the light points of the stars guide the blazing hope. Ancient

The blood blends into the radiance of divinity, and Beidou's sacrifice condenses the ripples of the remaining flames.

"Go to the 'Wind Wall'. 'Future', 'Echoer' and 'Plamini' are waking up. This poor show about 'Universe' is about to usher in its final curtain call."

After Achimedea finished speaking, her girl-like body began to fade quickly and quickly disappeared in front of the "future".

"Future" was just about to reach out and try to grab Achaimedea's body, but found that under his feet there was only a pool of dehumanized bones and flesh, as well as the pungent and disgusting blood and putrid smell.

, and unbearable severe hunger.

Immediately afterwards, this deep, dark, and dim realm began to collapse, and all objects shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere and deep darkness began to break free from the constraints of gravity and began to fly in all directions uncontrollably, making people feel uneasy.

The smell of sea water finally filled his nostrils, and the desolate boulders stained with sticky black stains slammed towards his body...

"Ah, no!"

"Future" suddenly woke up from the "Middle Silence Realm". He looked around and found that he was lying on a white hotel bed, surrounded by simple furnishings commonly used in classic federal hotels, including glass tables.

, a wardrobe, a desk, and an old mahogany chair are neatly placed in the room.

The gas lamp connected by a winding metal on the opposite wall and the simple lantern placed on the desk are emitting a dim but reassuring dim light.

At this moment, a rapid knock on the door came to his ears.

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong."

This chapter has been completed!
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