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Chapter 262: Petrified Monster (Part 1)

At the same time, the outside of the "wind wall".

The brief twilight moment of golden light and red sun came to an abrupt end when a gap appeared in the wind wall.

What replaced it was the high concentration of "abandoned chain of the old time" and the "energy particles" that spread wildly outwards from the "wind wall", causing everyone present to stagnate for a few seconds. After waking up, everyone felt a simultaneous feeling.

A hazy feeling almost like being in a dream.

After about three to five minutes, Sofia, Ross, Stanislav and other people who were familiar with the magic source power and those with supernatural powers first came to their senses and began to wake up the nearby Federation [Fighters] one after another.

It seemed that he had anticipated this unexpected situation. After being woken up, Yaroslav did not appear very panicked. Instead, he picked up the walkie-talkie again according to the predetermined rhythm. After the noise inside eased slightly, he continued to command:

"Continue bombarding and don't stop. The gap in the 'wind wall' is not very obvious now and can be easily re-closed by the surrounding energy."

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep..." After a very puzzling noise mixed with a slight smile, the voice of the federal [soldier] responsible for commanding the artillery came from the intercom:

"I obey, Commander-in-Chief. However..."

"But what? But what?" Yaroslav asked loudly, with an ominous premonition rising in his heart.

"Red... has appeared, red has appeared! Commander-in-Chief, there is also... a monster, a... snake-haired... monster... monster..."

Although the walkie-talkie was still working, the voices belonging to the Federation [soldiers] inside stopped abruptly. Even the sounds of surrounding artillery shells and firearms disappeared simultaneously. Everything seemed to cease to exist in an instant, like a quilt.

Video tape with pause button pressed.

After four or five seconds, just when Yaroslav thought the walkie-talkie was damaged, a faint electrical noise barely emitted from it.

"Commander-in-Chief, the 'red stagnation' is getting more and more serious. Do we still have to go out?" Stanislav rushed into the temporary command center from the outside and said in a particularly anxious tone.

Sofia keenly discovered that the special mask worn by Stanislav had already been rendered dark red by the surrounding environment. It was dripping with blood that was unknown from Stanislav's face or was contaminated by it.

An external liquid with mutated power.

Moreover, his combat uniform was also covered with a layer of red "dye" that exuded a faint brilliance. Even the "cyber auxiliary power unit" made of precious special metal was covered with a layer of rust, and even some parts of it were covered with rust.

Already cracked, curled, broken and falling apart.

"Captain Stanislav, have you... experienced a battle just now?" Sofia asked the key question first.

But Stanislav didn't seem to notice the strangeness in his appearance. Instead, he took off his special mask and answered in an extremely relaxed tone:

"No, the series of bombardments just now went very smoothly, and the 'Hongdang' also appeared, and the gap in the 'Wind Wall'... We have been attacking. It is estimated that in another half an hour, it will be completely unable to heal. Oh, Sophia

Secretary, you are talking about the previous battle, it was indeed thrilling, but it ended long ago."

Sofia did feel that there was a strange force that could not be explained in words lingering around Stanislav's body, but due to Yaroslav's gesture, she had to swallow her words temporarily.

"Take us out and go to the artillery emplacement. There seems to be a problem there. The current situation may have some unexpected situations." Yaroslav ordered.

Soon, Yaroslav and Sofia were riding the "Krusted" mechanical chariot again, following the combat convoy in front, passing by a place that was already in a mess, covered with scattered, fragmented limbs, red liquid and gray-black powder.

γ point, heading towards the "artillery placement point" closest to the "wind wall".

On the way, Sophia looked up at the sky, suppressing the surging feeling of magic power in her body. She found that the whole world had completely dimmed, with deep red clouds covering the pure red sun that seemed to exude endless brilliance.

The roaring sound of artillery fire still did not stop, mixed with the sound of whizzing bullets and the sad cries of the federal [soldiers] before they died.

At the same moment, the shrill cries of birds and the ferocious roars of wild beasts were heard in the sky, with thunder and lightning interspersed from time to time. The sound of thunder served as the most powerful accompaniment to this "song" of war.

As the "red wave" deepened, red light began to flash frequently in the sky. If it were not a seasoned [soldier] who had been on the battlefield for a long time, he would have gone crazy on the spot, or ended his life with a bullet.

The closer the convoy got to the "wind wall", the darker the color of the "wind wall" became. When the convoy finally stopped at the edge of the "artillery placement point", the "wind wall" had already turned into a blue color mixed with ghostly purple.


Looking from a distance, Sophia observed that the huge gap caused by the artillery bombardment was like a huge eye observing the entire world, spanning the center of the entire battlefield in three dimensions. In addition to the strong sulfur and the smell of smoke and dust in the air,

In addition, there is also a strong rancid smell.

After confirming that the location was temporarily safe, Yaroslav and his party got off the car on a high slope several hundred meters away from the wind wall and walked into the temporary forward camp built with tents. Soon, the [Soldier] affiliated with the Federal Council Xiang Ya

Roslav and others sent a pair of "special strange goggles" produced by "Krusted Special Materials Factory". After wearing them, they walked forward for about two hundred meters and finally saw the dangerous situation.

"Federal [Warrior]".

These federal [soldiers] were turned into stones by the extraordinary power, and the artillery used to bombard the "Wind Wall", the ones closest to the battlefield, had long been changed from steel to "scaled artillery models" made of salt.

Although the Federation [Warrior] turned into stone still maintains its original appearance and final movements, its body no longer belongs to human beings. The human body is not a rock-like existence. No matter how twisted it is, it should retain the most basic traces.


Even the "Heartless" who are enemies and the Lost who still retain some consciousness will always have a part of humanity.

Human beings exist based on their human parts, and monsters thrive on their weird parts. But when a Ship of Theseus completely loses its original parts, its existence will disappear and become a new and unknown substance.

These human bodies turned into stone still retain the movements and postures before they were petrified. Yaroslav speculated that they were suddenly petrified without preparation.

Because, there is no fear or panic on the faces of these [soldiers], but they still maintain a roaring posture with their mouths wide open, as if they are conveying urgent orders.

In addition to running, their movements were also manipulating weapons, and without exception, their bodies were all facing the direction of the gap in the "wind wall", and it seemed that the energy that turned them to stone was coming from there.

Soon, countless high-pitched, passionate, bright, and harsh sounds came from the direction of the "Wind Wall", which immediately caused the terrible memories of long ago to flood into the minds of those present. After a brief trance, Yaroslav stood in Sta

Under the protection of Nislav and his team members, they briefly took refuge in a "battle command post" built in advance with special steel plates.

But as soon as he entered the door, Yaroslav discovered the federal [soldier] who had just spoken to him. No surprise, he also turned into stone, but still maintained the attitude of holding the phone and reporting to their commander-in-chief.

It's just that his body was facing away from the "Wind Wall". It seemed that his subordinate glanced back inadvertently when reporting to him and was petrified on the spot.

Seeing this, Yaroslav glanced at the "Wind Wall" angrily, then stepped forward to pick up the black microphone that had been hanging to the ground and put it back in its place.

Then, he shook off the mixture of snow and dust from his shoulders, walked to the middle of the room filled with tiny red particles, sat down on a blood-stained chair, took a deep breath, and asked:

"Where did the energy that caused the petrification of the federal [soldiers] come from? Have you investigated? Are there anyone alive at the scene? Bring one in, I want to question him."

"It is said that a rare monster appeared behind the 'Wind Wall'. It briefly appeared for a while after the first round of shelling, and now it is hidden in the wind. As for the survivors, there is one person who was at point γ just now

I caught him when he was about to run away, and he is now outside the door." Stanislav replied.

"Bring it in." Yaroslav expressed his anger in the briefest order.

"Bring in!" Stanislav ordered.

Soon, two tall members of the "Northern Bear Charge" were lifted in with the help of Oaks and were thrown heavily in front of Yaroslav.

Looking down, Yaroslav could still see the embarrassment of this federal [soldier] despite being separated by a pair of goggles.

Even if this federal [soldier] cannot be called naked, at least he is in rags. There are many cracks in the white battle uniform that look like being slashed by swords. As long as you pull it a few more times, the uniform can be done.

Cloth strips and mops.

His hair stood on end, as if struck by lightning, and he fell in front of Yaroslav. His eyes were bloodshot and lifeless, just staring blankly at the bird above him that glowed with dim light in the red world.

Light bulb.

His face was covered with dirty blood, and blood was flowing slightly everywhere on his body, including the corners of his mouth. If you look closely, one of his fingers seemed to have been broken, and the broken area was slightly grayish-white, very close.

The essential color of rock.

This chapter has been completed!
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