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Chapter 72 Natashas Diary (Part 2)

"January 4th: George found me again. He said that the ceremony to purify the city every forty years will come. By then, the power of the Goddess of Light and the Lord of Darkness will gather over the city. The dome will dissipate for this purpose.

, but it will not attract a 'virus'. Divine power will emerge from the waterways to wash away the dirt in the city. It is a fixed ritual that has never been interrupted since the beginning of the New Year. Every time there will be a poetic name, this time

It's called the 'Blood Night Ritual'.

Taken from "The Light of Nabsk" by the Old Crusad poet Gurji: The blood-red moon hangs high among the stars, and the world at night is looking forward to the arrival of dawn."

"January 5th: Today, Mr. George came to the small shop selling kerosene lamps in Storm District C-404 again. He knew that this is the residence of our Tenyin Sect. He knew very well that the Tenyin Sect was a branch of the Hope Church.

.Although the Pope of Hope has never led us, Yato's brother, the compatriot who is running for the leadership of the Chekavsk Industrial Party, the patriarch of the sect and the purple cardinal of the church, is our nominal leader and manager.

George mentioned that the proposal he submitted to the Socra Committee to admit the lost and those with supernatural powers among humans to peacefully coexist in Socra was rejected. He seemed very sad. He seemed to be crying, muttering about how he wanted to use the Dark Night.

The Lord's relic gained extraordinary power, and he summoned the gods through rituals to protect Sukra. For this purpose, he even sacrificed one of his sons!"

"George... Sugra seems to be an idealist, but he fell into madness. If he continues to indulge in the power of sequential monsters and magic, he will one day do crazy things." Luo Nie shook his head, thinking to himself.


"January 6th: How long will it take for the Wasteland Era to end! Children such as Sai and Rosen who were abandoned by the orphanage because of the bill will one day be independent. In fact, only me and Yato are left in the Tenin sect to do something.

, those children will grow up one day. As half-lost people, are they considered as human beings with supernatural powers and serve the empire? Or will they become lost people and return to the Church of Hope to become enemies of mankind?

But they must have feelings after living with humans for so many years. Although I also taught them to use magic source power to form spirits and obtain sequence cores through magic source potions and some oracles, their power cannot even be seen from a distance.

Even the long silver-white mechanical arms cannot compete. Machinery and steam will eventually rule the world, and 'love' is always cheap in the wasteland. My lover Yato has seduced several unintentional people to slaughter the imperial army that is hostile to us.

Hopefully he won't die in the battle."

"It's a pity that Sai told me that he knew that Yato died in the battle of the empire to regain Kefu and sacrificed himself to the 'Fire of Heaven's Punishment'. War is cruel, and it has always been like this. If I can get the daughter of Tool Yuan

If I can obtain the Wisdom Sequence Core under the guidance of the Master and become a real human being, I should have the power to end the wasteland world." Luo Nie whispered sadly.

His eyes actually felt like they wanted to burst into tears!

Is it an illusion?

Luo Nie shook her head, and after dispelling the distracting thoughts in her mind, she continued to turn over the yellowed notebook pages with her white fingers under the bright light of the gas lamp.

"January 7th. Mr. George said that he finally didn't have to worry about it anymore. Although the previous ceremony of sacrificing his biological son to the Lord of the Dark Night failed. Holly Clete, the prime minister of the empire and the consul of Sugra, is also the current Sugra.

The supreme leader of the Guerra Council told him that he could use the power of the gods to create a dream called 'L'lyeh' through the Blood Night Ritual.

Envelope Socra with magic power and extraordinary power, freeze or imprison all human beings, and fall into eternal sleep. In this way, everyone in the collective dream will enter happiness as if they are in a 'paradise', and it will be eternal happiness.


But to achieve this goal, we need to find the silent highland god ‘Daughter of Tool Yuan’, and use her power to start the Blood Night Ritual.

In addition, the power of the wolves and dragons is also needed, but Holly said that they have interpreted the prophecy part of the Chooser's diary and that they have the power of these two legendary creature races.

Building a 'paradise in dreams' has become one of his life goals, and external publicity is also in his name. But this may be at the cost of the lives of all Socrates. Isn't this too cruel?"

"January 8. George said that the action was approved by the high-level discussions of Sugla. He contacted Yato, they reached an agreement, and asked me to participate together. Otherwise, the Sugla Disposal Office will execute all the half-lost children. For the sake of the children,

I might be selfish."

"January 9th. George said that their [Scholar] Peter had deciphered more of the Chooser's diary, and that there were still some fragments of pages that the Church of Hope had no control over. The Chooser's guidance mentioned that a process was carried out in the Lost Swamp called '

The mechanical chanting ceremony will attract the divine messenger, which is the key to communicating with the 'Daughter of the Mechanical Element'. He found the container suitable for the divine messenger to come, the 'Lost-03' detection team. Especially the one named Wright Sugra


"Wright Sugra, it seems that Natasha has known about this for a long time. The false god also reminded me that the so-called rare [Order] Wright is also the key to finding the daughter of Tool Yuan. No, it must be.

I may need to go to Silent Heights to find that old friend from the Hope Church and ask him to conduct another divination to calculate whether I can meet Wright." Luo Nie secretly made up his mind.

"January 13th. There has been no further recording for a few days. Yes, the ceremony is over. The ceremony in the Lost Swamp may have failed. The divine messenger did not appear and the Fire Emblem was damaged. Mr. George showed great pain.


"It seems that Natasha went to the Lost Swamp for a few days when she didn't write a diary. Alas, the false god mentioned Natasha's name to me many times. Unfortunately, we have never met. I didn't expect that I would be reading it here now.

Reading her diary, it's really ironic." Luo Nie said with a wry smile.

This chapter is not over, please click the next page to continue reading! "January 18th. Returned to Socra. Yato was not sure whether Wright was possessed by the angel, so he wanted to test it. He erased that period of time of Wright

Memories, and I hope that the diary content interpreted by the church is that the ritual must be effective, and the divine envoy summoned is born with an upper-level profession. Wright, the captain of the outer zone legion, has not been exposed to magic power and extraordinary power, and he is not even a mid-level profession."

"February 11th. Nothing important happened some time ago, so I simply didn't write a diary. Yatuo told me today that there is latest progress in Holly's interpretation of the diary. The daughter of the god Ji Yuan in the Silent Highlands, looking for her can be found through'

"The Lost Song' and three coats of arms, including the previous 'Fire Emblem'. The other two have already been searched for based on the prophecy."

"On February 12th, Yato actually asked Say to sneak into Wright's house and put questions about order and postcards with information about our residence. This is a behavior that only thieves would do. I hope Say will not be a bad example. However,

Being a bad person may not mean anything in the wasteland world."

"February 18th. I have been interpreting the Decider's diary recently, but there has been no progress. I saw Wright today, and I'm sure his soul must have been replaced! He passed the test of the Order Card! He is [The Orderer]

】! And I felt the power called 'red magic source power' in his body!"

"On February 19th, Yato told me that he couldn't wait any longer. Before Sai sneaked into Wright's house, he bribed the leader of the escort team, De, and asked him to fabricate a mission to inspect the waterway and create an environment where he and Wright could be alone.

Wright's consciousness was really replaced by an angel, but the angel didn't seem very smart.

Yatuo told me the day before yesterday that he hoped that the church's interpretation of the diary had made the latest progress, and that opening the Mechanical Goddess' miracle field would require the help of the red magic source power. George didn't know if he knew this, and I didn't want to tell him. In short,

, George seemed to be keeping Wright under house arrest.

Yato seemed to have activated part of the power of the red magic source through guidance, and saw him killing Druid with his own hands for the sake of order. He thought this was enough, and he tested Wright's [Orderer] profession through my sequence card. Now

As long as Wright is forced to leave the Human Empire and join the Church of Hope through some means, we will also need the power of God to guide us."

"February 20th. I feel like I often fall into madness, unconsciously.@y&@#^&@#.

I don't know what I'm writing. I communicated with the false god prompted by the Chooser's diary. He told me that a cyborg human named Ronai, a powerful product created by the Lord of Machines, also visited her. Maybe she also visited her.

You can become friends with him, or you may be led into the abyss by him.

However, Mr. George's attitude has always been very cold these days. He was restless at first and almost crazy now. Those children are very cute. Among them, Sai and Rosen even went to work in some shops to support the survival of other children.

I have asked Yato to send a group of children to Sunida Town in advance yesterday, hoping that the church stronghold in Silent Heights can accept them.

If I die and Yato is also killed in the war, the church doesn’t know if it will give up on them..."

Luo Nie's reading of Natasha's diary came to an abrupt end. Apart from a few drops of blood that smelled like the scent of the lost, there were still some messy lines on the yellowed paper.

Combined with the blood on the outer skin, Luo Nie guessed that maybe Natasha fell into madness later, or maybe an accident occurred while recording the diary. In short, after being forced to participate in the search for the "Daughter of the Mechanical Element" and the "Blood Ritual"

After the incident, everything began to develop in a tragic direction.

After closing Natasha's blood-stained red leather notebook, Luo Nie sighed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he returned the notebook to Rosen, stood up, closed his sapphire eyes tightly, placed a cross on his chest, clasped his hands together, and prayed to the Lord:

"May all deaths be meaningful, and may Natasha's soul rest in peace. May I be able to follow the instructions of the false god and the stone tablet to find the daughter of the Mechanical Element, and the [Order] named Wright Sugra. Before becoming a true

After humans, explore the secrets of the Lord of Machines and other gods, and put an end to this evil wasteland era."

Just as Rosen, Sai and several semi-lost children were praying with Luonie, there was a crisp but urgent knock on the green-painted iron door.

"Perhaps it's Uncle Hit. I heard that in order to find the real cause of the death of his friend De, he resigned from the Socratic Army and joined the Explorers Association. He doesn't want to blame Wright, but he also wants to go to the Silent Highlands to explore the 'mechanism'

The secret of the God who is the daughter of Yuan. If it is really him, brother Luonie, we should not talk about anything about De, he will be very angry."

Rosen covered his mouth with his hands and whispered.

Along with the sound of the door lock opening, the sound of heavy footsteps and a burst of hearty laughter came.

The burly man, as tall as a brown bear, appeared in front of Luo Nie.

At this time, although he was dressed the same as when he was at the Sunida Telegraph Station, with a brown mask on the military green uniform, he still had the "Sugra A-01" rifle in his hand.

But on his chest he wore a large badge engraved with "Sun Scarlet Star".

That's the badge of the Sunida Explorers Association!

***The author has something to say***

It may be available on the shelves next Friday, but my original intention of writing a 300,000-word free chapter for readers remains unchanged.

This chapter has been completed!
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