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Chapter 92 The 'Sorrow' of Green Realm (Part 2)

"Can I...can I trust you? A man with a face like an abstract painting by Ptoia...Putoa Federation painter Bigak? Like...and a twisted ancient god or dark demon from the deep sea Like making a deal?" Luo Nie glanced at Atwood with disdain from the corner of his eye.

"You've fallen into a situation of making a deal with the devil. Do you, a kid, still have any choice?" Atwood teased in a weird tone.

He stretched out his broad palm and pointed at the chainsaw that had been broken, but there were still some dark red blood drops on the sharp gear, as shown.

"I only need a promise from you, even if it is an illusory promise. I have also heard the legend of the 'Replacement Eye'. All humans who are forced or unconsciously replaced by it can only become a humanoid monster. Without wisdom, We can only imitate the behavior of the deceased until his dying wish is fulfilled or his life ends." Luo Nie's voice was still a little hoarse, but she spoke much faster.

"Indeed. That's what the Lost boys who know about this said." Atwood nodded in a rare way.

"You also mentioned just now that the 'Replacement Eye' requires the heartfelt consent of the person being replaced, so that it can be integrated or collaborate to exert its maximum power. I really did not expect that the product of the Lord of Machinery in the Second Era was actually I fell into your hands. Is it really a coincidence? Or is it a red thread drawn by the goddess of fate?" Luo said with a helpless smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you understand?" Atwood supported his body with one hand and jumped to sit on the steel-colored, scratched metal table in front of Luo Nie. He said:

"In this case, I don't need to explain a lot of things to you. Although people in our outer area have a different salary than Socrates, they can't receive an education like theirs. Boy, I'm not asking for your opinion now. I'm just informing you, or giving you an order."

"Let those children go. They are of no value to you. I heard that when the Sukra Guards offered a bounty to the Lost... there was a rule that people who did not possess the abilities of the Lost could not receive the bounty. Those children These children are indeed the product of the combination of lost people and humans, but they are semi-lost people. I hope you can let the children go." Luo Jie said worriedly in her heart.

After all, he had promised Sai and Rosen respectively when they were in Sugra and Sunida, to lead them to the Silent Highlands and find the headquarters of the Church of Hope to send these children safely.

But Hitt's series of misjudgments in the past two days caused them to fall into a battle where they were ambushed by the "Socra Special Operations Team", a team led by Atwood, the disgusting and ugly-looking [Hunter] with superpowers.

It's not like Luo Nie never thought about using firearms to fight back, but he couldn't penetrate the armor of the enemy's pickup truck.

Hit also tried to counterattack with limited howitzers, but unfortunately he ran out of ammunition.

Of course, Luonie and Sai naturally also tried to use the magic source power to form spirits to counterattack. Luonie's "Light of Mechanical Spirit" was naturally blocked by the "Demon Demon" machine that now seemed to be portable, and could not be used at all.

It seems that the "Demon Annihilation" type of machinery is not only a blow to the lost, but also a devastating blow to people with powers who can normally use the power of magic, or humans who are collectively referred to as extraordinary people.

"Let the child go? I'm very curious about your reason." Atwood said with interest as he stared at Luo Nie's body, which was not too large, especially the fair part of the face and upper body.

"Love and adventure... these are two prologue cards." Luo Nie said with emotion.

"What? Sequencing cards? What is that? Those things made by boring magicians? When it comes to cards, we usually play Gwent or poker. The Socratic Committee will arrest most of the time.

The prisoners are printed on it, and we know their appearance very well after slapping them. We can get money through this! This kind of thing is meaningful." Atwood said with a trace of disdain on his "abstract" face.


"I've heard of that kind of card before. It's just some nonsensical paintings with some specious poetic descriptions. If those so-called writers and writers can save the world with descriptions, why do they need the army?

What do you want us to do? What do you want the Zine Empire to do? Are you right? Boy."

"It is a guide. Even though you say you don't believe in literature and description, what are the gods? Occult science, right? Those children you want to use to sacrifice to the gods are also far-fetched." Luo Nie said stubbornly.


Atwood became a little angry. He once again supported the long metal table with his hands and jumped up. With the sound of high leather boots colliding with the ground, he took out a large pistol from a pure black leather holster in his pocket.


Immediately afterwards, he cocked the pistol and pressed it against Luo Nie's forehead.

"Do you want to die? Haven't you heard that belief in gods will give people the courage to live. If you dare to question my belief, you are against me and an enemy worthy of being executed directly. Do you understand?"

Atwood scolded fiercely.

"The Lord of Machines is also my belief. And he gave me instructions in the dream when he created me a hundred years ago. He hopes that I will become a human being, as long as the event of the machine gaining intelligence and transforming into a real human being succeeds and allows the person

As the sleeping Creator knows, mankind can truly move forward from the age of steam. Steam is not the only one, so I want to truly become a human being." Luo Nie roared, taking the opportunity to express the emotions that had been dormant in his heart for more than a hundred years.

"Go on!" Atwood ordered. He became very interested in the young man in front of him who exuded a mechanical aura and claimed to be "the creation of the Lord of Machinery".

But the pistol in his hand, which glowed silvery white under the light and was more than thirty centimeters long, still did not move away at all.

"Becoming a human requires constant contact with humans, understanding you, integrating with you, and even having the same lifestyle. I have learned about love and kindness, fighting and hope, and protection. As long as I come into contact with the mechanical element who is also a god

If I become a daughter, I can obtain the 'wisdom' sequence core and become a real human being. I want to become a human being! So, I have to try to protect those children." Luo Nie roared with a little cry.

"Do you think being a human is such a wonderful thing?" Atwood laughed like a beast and said:

"This 'Menghu K01' pistol was produced by the Zinetsk factory thirty years ago. It is extremely powerful. It can penetrate the heart of an unintentional person without using any magic power or other powers, and it can also penetrate the heart of an unintentional person.

A big hole, or even a big hole. They have some repair ability, but if their body is broken and can be repaired, then they are not unintentional people. We generally call them aliens, or simply lost ones, right?"

Atwood removed the pistol from Luo Nie's head, played with it in his hand and said:

"It has contaminated the lives of countless unintentional people, including the Lost. In fact, more of them are humans. Humans are a race that is used to killing each other. Even I sometimes envy those Lost. The war has started since we were born.

Do you know what will become of real human beings who have never stopped living under war for a long time?"

"I have heard about it, but I don't know much about it. I...have lived in the capital city of Sugra for a long time." Luo Nie said truthfully.

"You will go crazy, you will go mad, you will be driven crazy by the bright red blood and the dark environment. Power is always relative, there is no absolute. Even a brave [Fighter] with thirty years of experience will

They will be killed by their own snipers because of a misjudgment. Even those lost ones who can turn into lizards, crocodiles, or even cockroaches can only withstand two mortar shells? Even 155mm howitzers

Just one shot will turn into a ball of ash. So, what's so good about being human?" Atwood asked in a teasing tone.

"Love, I can feel that the love in human cities is gradually dispelling the 'sadness' that permeates this wasteland continent. As long as the gods give me guidance and truly become a human being, I can find a way to end the wasteland world."

Luo Nie said with a look called "firmness" in his eyes.

"In that case..." Atwood glanced at Luo Nie with interest, put the "Menghu K01" pistol back into the holster on his waist, and said:

"Then you really have to learn the two emotions besides the human emotions you just mentioned. It just so happens that today's conditions are just enough for you to take tutoring. You are just like those naive students in the old Crusted Empire's Ross University.

.You were fooled by the protection of the dome, and you have never seen the real world."

Immediately afterwards, he pushed open the iron door in the narrow room and shouted in a mellow voice:

"Red Hair, Blue Hair, come in. Take this boy to the big room in the middle, and ask the Lost Boys to bring the five children who are not specifically wanted by the committee. Don't ask why!"

"Okay, Chief!"

"Okay, Chief!"

The answer, which belonged to a young man but had a hint of an experienced [warrior], echoed in the slightly empty "Wells Path" underground passage.

After issuing the order, Atwood turned his head and glanced at Luo Nie, and continued:

"You still need to learn greed and cruelty!"

He was forcibly grabbed by two young men who were about 1.7 meters tall and wore worn-out armors on their upper bodies that exposed part of their arms and only protected key parts and joints. They walked along the long and narrow corridor full of darkness and the smell of rotting bodies for almost two seconds.

After ten minutes, Luo Nie finally arrived at an empty room that was the size of a normal factory building.

He looked around, except for the four support pillars that were painted with white paint but had been splashed with black and red substances, there was a cylindrical cabin in the middle, which seemed to be an incubator for experiments, and was also connected to some wires.

and metal parts.

Not long after, Ronie was forcibly tied to a wooden chair by a young man called "Blue Hair", and Atwood also walked through another taller metal door, followed by

Several gentleman-looking "human beings" in black suits were holding down two or three semi-lost children of the Tein sect each.

"Are you tied up?" Atwood looked towards the "human" and semi-lost children behind him.

"No problem, leader. But do you feel free to put them here? Although they are semi-lost people, they still have some simple magic power. We can protect your safety." said one of the leading lost people.

"I am a [Hunter], a man who is one step away from becoming a [Slayer]. Can I still be harmed by these children? But the mechanical boy who poses the greatest threat to me is guarded by Blue Hair and Red Hair, so nothing can happen.

Chaos. I think you two, it’s time to carry out your mission now!” Atwood’s tone was leadership-like, stern and decisive.

"Yes, leader."

After forcing the five children onto a cold cement floor in front of Luo Nie, Atwood did not forget to kick them one by one, making the five children face Luo Nie in a kneeling position.

The "tapping" sound of leather boots rang in front of Luo Nie for a minute or two before Luo Nie looked up.

Atwood has put on a mask to cover his "abstract" face.

Indeed, as a leader or leader, even if he does not have a normal handsome face, he must try his best to hide the shortcomings of his appearance, and even turn them into advantages from another aspect.

His mask was made of pure copper. In addition to the "double-headed eagle" pattern that belonged to the Sucra and Zhene Empires was engraved on the top, there seemed to be a coat of arms inlaid in the center of his forehead.

The middle and lower part of the mask shows the combination of the devil "Satan" and the tentacle monster, with the tentacles carved on the beard.

"Boy, your name is Luo Nie, right? Although the traitor Hit has already told him all the information he knows. After all, he is a traitor, and his survival instinct makes him like a dog. But I appreciate you very much, but your love

'It's not appropriate in the wasteland. In fact, you should know one thing." Atwood adjusted his mask, took out the "Menghu K01" pistol, and pressed it against the hand of the semi-lost child on the far right.

Said the forehead.

"Don't hurt him, I promise. If you don't hurt these children and let them go, I am willing to accept the 'Replacement Eye' and merge with it. I am willing to become your core fighting force. As long as I can still maintain

Just human emotions." Luo Nie shouted anxiously.

"No human being in this wasteland world can become strong without experiencing pain. Experiencing pain is a must for human beings. No matter what era, most humans will experience pain. I forgot to tell you, in fact, there is no need for magic

With source potion, mid-level professionals can also be promoted to upper-level professions. [Hunters], like cats, will be subject to the attributes of the forest god 'Wells'. Especially the semi-miraculous temple above my head, it really has the ability to teach us

The ability to grant blessings. But she needs sacrifices. No more, no less, exactly three lost ones. So..."

Atwood loaded the chamber of the "Menghu K01" pistol, and once again glanced at the semi-lost child whose hands were bound by ropes and had a cotton object stuffed into his mouth, with provocative and expectant eyes.

He gave Luo a pinch.

"I promised you, even if you are a demon, you will show some sincerity at the beginning!" Luo Nie struggled hard, resisting the burning sensation in his throat, and shouted at Atwood


As expected, he was firmly held down by Lan Mao behind him, and he could only look helplessly at the situation in front of him that was filled with a strong aura of "sadness".

"The devil is also interested in profit. Luonie, as humans, we all have original sin. But we must carry it with us until we have cruelty, the existence that allows us to survive in the world. You have to learn."

After speaking, Atwood put the pistol against the forehead of the semi-lost child on the far right who could be regarded as a young man, and added:

"Sacrifice to the gods is actually the same for both living and dead animals. They do not need souls."


The sound of bullets instantly echoed in the empty hall.

The dark red liquid with a strange smell splashed on Luo Nie's face, and he seemed to see a flower blooming rapidly.

There is also a body that gradually falls into silence and a soul that ascends to the "heaven" mentioned by the bishop.


Luonie Green Forest Chapter High Energy.

This chapter has been completed!
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