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Chapter Ten: Power Over All

Ever since, an hour later, Shen Shi looked at the numbers in his bank card in a daze.

324806456 yuan!

A total of 320 million!

Although he knew that it would be easy for him to make money now, even Shen Shi did not expect that it would be so easy!

Most of this hour is spent on transfers from the payer.

For the rest, he only needed to give commands to the artificial intelligence and it was solved directly, easily and without any difficulty.

"So, I will become a billionaire now?" Shen Shi muttered to himself.

However, he found that he was not as excited as he imagined.

Because compared to more magical "superpowers", compared to the trading market, compared to space battleships, it seems that having so much money is nothing.

The young man who was still struggling with a life-long goal of millions the day before had already realized that "money is just a number". He himself did not know how to deal with this change.


He can now go shopping happily!

"Buy the most expensive luxury car! Buy the most expensive watch! Buy the most expensive clothes! It doesn't matter if people say you are suddenly rich! I am suddenly rich!" Shen Shi hummed as he changed into the clothes he wrote and directed.

minor tune.

He even has the feeling of Spider-Man who has been possessed by venom and turned black, as if the whole world is playing a DJ, and he walks like he is dancing.

Don't care about other people's opinions, don't care about anyone's opinions.

On this planet, your own will is the most powerful force!

He took a taxi and drove directly towards the Rolls-Royce Experience Center in Haicheng. After sitting in the car, Shen Shi suddenly became quiet. He didn't even pay attention to the driver's teasing words.

He just sinks half of his consciousness into his personal space, and the other half of his consciousness looks at the traffic coming and going outside the window, and the gold coins turned into deformed substances keep rolling between his fingers.

He is remembering the mood of this moment in his own way.

This state lasted until I stood in front of the experience hall.

The reason why he came here as the first stop was because it was not his first time here.

I saw it once when I passed by.

Whether it was the exquisite decoration or the vehicles seen through the glass, they all gave him a yearning mixed with depression at that time.

Yearning for the luxury of another world, I am also depressed about my own ordinaryness.

but now.

Wearing a T-shirt that cost several hundred yuan, he held his head high, pushed open the closed single door, and walked in. Before the salesperson approached, he pointed at a black-painted Volkswagen in the lobby.

Slyth Phantom.

"I want this car, full payment, and drive away immediately."

The salesperson who was about to come over was stunned for a moment.

Even his expression has changed.

Shen Shi didn't know what she was thinking, maybe she was doubting whether she had the strength.

But, it doesn't matter.

He doesn't need to care about what the other person thinks, or the so-called car buying process.

All he needs to know is that he has taken a liking to this car and wants to drive away right away. It's that simple!

"Sir, thank you for your love and support for us." The salesperson finally walked up to Shen Shi and looked at him cautiously, "But our exterior paint and interior can be customized, and you can also have many others.

Choose, do you need..."

"No, I'm in a hurry." Shen Shi had already taken out his bank card, "I just asked if I could withdraw it. If so, I'll pay."

The expression of this salesperson with exquisite makeup changed once again.

Especially when she looked at this bank card that was no different from her own bank card.

But then she saw Shen Shi's expression.

Calm, confident, and indifferent.

Either he is crazy or he is really rich!

"If you are sure, of course there is no problem!" The salesman was excited and welcomed Shen Shi into the VIP room.

The next step is to sign the contract, pay, and go through the formalities.

When Shen Shizhen transferred 10.2 million from that ordinary card, not to mention the salesperson in front of him, the entire staff in the experience center became a little commotion.

Normally, people of ordinary means pretend to want to buy, come over to ask questions, and even get in the car to experience it, but this is the first time for a situation like this!

Rich people are really getting better and better at playing!

Wearing clothes that cost hundreds of dollars and buying a car that costs tens of millions, you don’t even need customization services or a car delivery ceremony. It’s just like buying a toy that costs a few dollars!

But now Shen Shi doesn't care what other people think.

His eyes were only on his own car.

To be honest, the black exterior paint is not his favorite. It is too calm. He prefers blue.

But so what?

Shen Shi knew very well that he was just venting now.

Vent the ordinary of the past while experiencing the extraordinary of today more deeply.

This growth and change is undoubtedly rapid.

When he sat on the leather seat, touched the exquisite steering wheel, and looked up at the roof, he could say in an indifferent tone: "This is what others call the starry sky roof, the ultimate luxury? It's not that good-looking."


The salesman standing outside the car laughed and didn't dare to say anything.

"How long will it take for the procedures to be completed?" Shen Shi asked.

"Two hours at most." the salesman said quickly.

"Then get me a temporary card first, fill up the gas, and I'll go out for a walk. It'll be no problem." Shen Shi looked at her.

After only hesitating for a moment, the salesman nodded repeatedly.

There are many kinds of power of a person.

When Shen Shi has demonstrated one of them, many troublesome things will become less troublesome.

Next, he was like a sudden rich man.

Driving a luxury car worth tens of millions and going on a shopping spree.

Designer sunglasses, designer suits, luxury watches, high-end computers...

One afternoon passed, the newly purchased luxury car was filled with stuff, and Shen Shi had a brand new look from top to bottom.

Most people who meet him will be involuntarily attracted by his "temperament". Men will envy him, women will yearn for him, and the service staff will be respectful and polite...

He was sitting alone in a western restaurant, enjoying steak and red wine, feeling the faint glances of the people around him.

Maybe she was looking at his brand-name clothes and watch, or maybe she was looking at his rude way of eating without any regard for etiquette.

But still the same sentence.

Shen Shi, who possesses power, does not need to care about other people's eyes.

"No wonder they say it's difficult to go from extravagance to frugality." Shen Shi looked at the red wine in the glass, swallowed it in one gulp like a drink, and wiped his mouth, "You can buy whatever you want, and you can have whatever you want. This kind of

It’s so pleasant, it seems like the whole world has turned into paradise, but it’s a pity that this kind of good life only lasts for three years.”

This chapter has been completed!
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