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Chapter 100: Get ready to declare war

In the history that was changed before, Shen Shi saw the remains of the city falling from the sky. Presumably, in that history, he should have asked Sebas to help mankind, so that in just two years, he could

Successfully build a space city on the planet fortress.

Unfortunately, the defeat of mankind and the failure of the planetary fortress made this so-called "space war refuge city" meaningless.

However, the current Shen Shi would naturally not say this.

He also knows very well how much convenience it can provide during the economic transformation with such a powerful intelligent AI that can quickly process vast amounts of information. What's more, as long as the planet fortress is not lost again, these space cities will still be in the war.

strategic position.

Therefore, Shen Shi thought for a while and said: "There is no need to let the spacecraft AI take over. I will provide you with a supercomputer with an AI system. It can easily support global information management and even assist construction and development."

, planning, and even managing a large number of networked machines, it is more powerful than Skynet in the movie, and this kind of AI has limited self-awareness. There is no need to worry about the so-called omnic crisis. It should be able to play a role in human development.

It has a great effect.”

Central AI like this exists in many interstellar civilizations, and the technology and applications are very mature.

Just like Shen Shi said before.

Intelligent AI is too fragile in the field of original energy. The prerequisite for an omnic crisis is that a certain intelligent AI's self-understanding transcends race. This situation does exist in the universe, but it is a miracle. It does not occur in a conventional sense.

The probability is almost zero, so there is no need to worry too much.

Todd is good at everything and even has some surprises.

"Would this consume too much of sir's resources?"

"No, humans today can't use very good ones. The price is very cheap. If we develop in the future, we can just upgrade." Shen Shi said the truth.

"In this case, we will have confidence in the next project." Todd smiled, his voice sounded very tired today.

"The next project?" Shen Shi thought in his mind, and combined with his previous words, he seemed to have guessed something.

"Yes." Todd said in a deep voice, "The name of the project is 'Comprehensive War Preparation'. Once it is finalized, we will send you a copy of the specific content. As one of the human federal senators,

You have the right to know."

"Comprehensively prepare for war?" Shen Shi's eyes brightened, "Are you ready to announce the upcoming war crisis? Can you ensure that there will be no disorder?"

"If it is disclosed directly at the beginning, it will definitely cause people's panic and cause chaos in some places. But now a lot of preparations have been made, such as the emergence of your company, and the space base under construction. At least we have already

It can let people know that we are not defenseless." Todd explained, "And the current economic situation has caused a certain degree of chaos. When the chaos reaches a certain level, the crisis of open interstellar war will be a breakthrough.

And Houli, the opportunity for comprehensive transformation, the most important thing is - this moment will come sooner or later, as long as we are prepared, the sooner it is made public, the better it will be to prepare for war."

"Since you have made such a judgment, I leave it to you." Shen Shi said.

In this regard, the top human beings are obviously more experienced than him.

It was originally their suggestion not to publicize the crisis of alien invasion for the time being.

not to mention--

In fact, Shen Shi had already predicted that the top brass of the Human Federation, or the top brass of all mankind who knew about it, were brewing a huge plan, which would bring about an earth-shaking reform to the entire human society, and even the entire human civilization.

Shaping the important position of the human federation is also part of it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the face of such a cruel and dark interstellar world, the original order of mankind is no longer suitable for the upcoming starry sky era. In order to better concentrate on dealing with the interstellar crisis, they must first put the internal order of human civilization in order.

Only in this way can we fully prepare for war.

Shen Shi didn't say anything else afterwards.

The phone hangs up.

On the other side, Todd looked at the circle of people around him and said with a smile, "Did you all hear it?"

The people here are all high-authority liaisons of the Human Federation.

Contacting Shen Shi is a very serious matter. A casual phone call or a walk-in like at the beginning is unlikely to happen now.

"I really don't know what kind of information Mr. Shen still holds in his hands." Willard said with emotion.

First it was a planet fortress, then it was said that some battleships could be rented, then it was a production line for various high-tech products, then it was a learning device, and now there is this kind of super computer and powerful artificial intelligence.

Shen Shi can always surprise them.

By now, they have all guessed that Shen Shi most likely holds an interstellar transmission network that can quickly obtain alien high-tech devices.

Moreover, the technology of this transmission network is far more advanced than that of the War fleet.

Otherwise, it would not have taken three years for the Wo fleet to arrive.

They speculated that this was probably the powerful technology of the Xinghai Corporation, and Mr. Shen's status in that interstellar society might not be that simple.

But no matter what, the stronger Shen Shi's background is, the more beneficial it is to them and mankind, so naturally no one will explore too much.

"Hurry up and bring this news back." Todd rubbed his sore eyes and raised his voice, "Everyone, the next thing is the most important. You can't relax. Everything is for the future of mankind!


"For the future of mankind!" The rest of the people, including Willard, seemed very motivated!

Unbeknownst to Shen Shi, many things have changed. With the development of human civilization to this day, there is no shortage of real wisdom, and under the huge pressure from the outside, this part of wisdom is constantly being displayed.

As for Shen Shi, after hanging up the phone, he simply sent a message to Gongchu.

Since I got Gongchu's subordinate, there is no need to go to the trading market to trade these gadgets, which are not expensive in the future world. Gongchu can handle them all by himself.

In fact, the current trading market is also deserted, with a large number of shops temporarily closed, and everyone is looking for ways to escape in their own way.

Fortunately, there is still Gongchu.

Just the next day, a supercomputer was delivered with Shen Shi as the default owner of the highest authority, along with a large number of learning devices.

The previous learning device has been used by the first batch of soldiers, made some adjustments, and started mass production directly in the future world.

Shen Shi has realized its role and importance.

Not only can it be used to train interstellar soldiers, but it can also be used to train scientists, and even all other talents that human civilization is in urgent need of.

In this era of rapid change every moment, a large amount of old knowledge and abilities have been eliminated, and countless people are worried about this. If under normal circumstances, they want to learn new knowledge and new abilities,

It takes a lot of time.

But this kind of learning device can speed up this process.

Although it is a bit painful to use, there will be no growth without dedication.

Shen Shi decided to hand over most of the learning devices to the federal army, giving priority to the training of interstellar troops. Some of them were handed over to the federal scientific research team to train scientific and technical personnel, and the rest was given to Wen Hezhi to train other various fields.

Talents needed by human society and civilization.

The addition of this batch of learning devices seems to have further boosted the confidence of the top management of the Human Federation to implement the "New World Project".

And when Shen Shi read the specific content of the entire project, he had to sigh that if it were really realized, it would be the largest, most exciting, most majestic, but also the most just order change in the history of mankind.

While he continued to study and train, he was also paying attention to the outside world.

The time has arrived, June 18, 2023.

This was the thirty-eighth day after Shen Shi obtained Shi Ling, and the twenty-second day that Xinghai Company officially appeared in front of the world.

Human society has undergone tremendous changes in these twenty days.

While people are facing unemployment crises, bankruptcy crises, and confusion about their future careers and lives, they are also looking forward to the civilianization of various alien high technologies. In particular, most countries around the world have opened green channels for serious illnesses.

Every day, countless terminally ill patients receive effective treatment, creating miracles in the face of inevitable death.

Expectation and confusion, hope and loss, gain and failure

This is an unprecedented time.

A time of both excitement and chaos.

However, most ordinary people still maintain their daily lives after all.

Until this day.

When people turn on the TV and the Internet, the first thing they see is the blockbuster news pinned to the top.

[Representatives from 198 countries in the Human Federation passed the Global Economic Transformation Supreme Act. From now on, the world will officially enter a state of comprehensive economic transformation! 】

Economic Transformation!

The first reaction of everyone who saw this report was that it is finally here!

Even ordinary people have been prepared for this moment.

After all, technology changes life, and technology creates benefits, and the emergence of Xinghai Company is equivalent to destroying the old economy of this world one after another. It not only changes everything, but also changes the entire world.

The economic order is completely disrupted.

However, when people began to really pay attention to the state of this economic transformation, they suddenly discovered that this transformation was not just about the economy, it was countless times more ferocious than people expected!

According to the content of the bill, under such a regulatory state, the Human Federation will first close all stock markets!

No matter whether it is a company or an individual, don't even think about trading in any stock market.

This is only the first step!

Immediately afterwards, the unified electronic currency of the human federation is launched!

Yes, currency unification!

Just these two points are no longer an economic storm, but a tsunami that is enough to submerge the entire economic field!

But what’s even more amazing is yet to come.

The Human Federation will uniformly carry out mandatory elimination, transformation, and upgrading of old industries, and conduct unified job arrangements for employees in all related industries. The first one to bear the burden is the energy industry!

Yes, all oil mines in the world must be transformed and rectified!

The same is true for wind power generation, thermal power generation and other industries.

And the reason is also made very clear.

Xinghai Company has come up with nuclear fusion technology that can be quickly put into practical applications! It has also come up with high-energy battery technology that is far more efficient than traditional fuel engines!

“Oh my god——!”

Most people who see these contents probably only have this kind of shock in their minds.

Each provision in this bill, taken individually, was enough to cause violent shocks in the past world, and even directly trigger wars.

But now, he mentioned them all in one go.

But the biggest problem is not one breath.

But it lies in the interests it affects!

In the past, some small interests were enough to trigger fierce confrontations and even wars, let alone such huge interests now!

From wealthy individuals, financial groups, and countries to ordinary people, almost everyone’s interests will be affected by this bill!

In the short time since the bill was enacted, the Internet has completely exploded.

"I just discovered that the stock market is really completely closed, and the efficiency is too fast! Half of my net worth is in it!"

"The company I work for has received a notice from my superiors to suspend operations and prepare for transformation!"

"This is definitely something I have prepared for! As soon as I arrived at the construction site, I was informed that work would be suspended and all workers would have to participate in training! Then they would go to work in a new place!"

"Good guy, I call you good guy. I just completed my thesis defense and got all my academic qualifications! I was informed that I don't need to find a job, but can directly choose a new field to participate in training? I don't want to be a translator, I'm going to take the civil service exam.


"It's too fast! Didn't you notice? The bill was just passed, and the instructions were handed down immediately, and even text messages were sent directly to the mobile phone!"

"You're taking such big steps all of a sudden, aren't you afraid of breaking your balls?"

"Brothers, have you downloaded that personal APP for economic transformation? That star actually wants me to go back to school. It's been ten years since I graduated!"

"The stars are so cute!"

"Xingling, my wife! She is addicted to chatting and can't help herself."


Some people are right, this is indeed something that has been prepared for.

Long before everything started, comprehensive calculations had been carried out through the central AI named "Star Spirit" provided by Shen Shi, including the currency exchange of each country, the transformation plan of each industry, and even

For each individual's future career and asset replacement, everyone can check the impact on themselves through the official website of the Human Federation, as well as targeted suggestions, and even have the option of participating in training and assigning work.

If you don’t understand something, you can also ask the stars directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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